22 Steps  within Steps

22 Steps  within Steps

In my last series of posts, I covered the four steps necessary to end the separation and fully awaken. These steps were taken from chapters six and seven.

However, there seems to be steps within the four categories for there are numerous additional hurdles, or steps, that must be taken to awaken. I thought it would be helpful to make a list.

In a nutshell, here are the four major steps

In the first step we become aware that there are indeed two thought systems and begin to understand them. During the second step we reject the thought system of the ego and embrace the one that is true. Then in the third step we accept the help of the Holy Spirit and become vigilant in following Him and the thought system He represents. Finally, the fourth step is taken by God who raises us unto Himself.

Here are other steps taught by the course that relate or fit in to the four general categories.

[1] The person begins to consider there is something better than what the world has to offer and begins to seek answers.

[2] He picks up elements of the Universal Course from various teachings, learns of the separation and gains a desire to return to his true home.

[3] He discovers that “The first step toward freedom involves a sorting out of the false from the true.” T-2.VIII.4 “Salvation is the recognition that the truth is true, and nothing else is true.” W-pI.152.3

[4] He questions many of the things that are supposed to be true or real. “Questioning illusions is the first step in undoing them.” T-3.III.2

[5] “Recognizing that your mind has been merely blank, rather than believing that it is filled with real ideas, is the first step to opening the way to vision.” W-pI.8.3

[6] We must remove ‘the blocks to the awareness of love’s presence, which is your natural inheritance. T-in.1

[7] We must learn to perceive correctly: “Right perception is necessary before God can communicate directly to His altars, which He established in His Sons.” T-3.III.5-6

[8] Correct communication must be reestablished for “The separation was not a loss of perfection, but a failure in communication.” T-6.IV.12 “Existence as well as being rest on communication.” T-4.VII.4

Of extreme importance is the removal of negative feelings that block the love of the Spirit. These steps are as follows:

[9] Forgiveness.  “To forgive is to overlook. Look, then, beyond error” T-9.IV.1 “in complete forgiveness, in which you recognize that there is nothing to forgive, you are absolved completely.”  T-15.VIII.1

[10] Judgment. The judgment of the ego is always wrong so we must rely on the Holy Spirit which “sorts out the true from the false in your mind, and teaches you to judge every thought you allow to enter it in the light of what God put there.” T-6.V.C.1

[11] Guilt. This must be eliminated For you must learn that guilt is always totally insane, and has no reason.” T-13.X.6

[12] Letting go of grievances “For every grievance is a block to sight, and as it lifts you see the Son of God where he has always been.” W-pI.78.3

[13] Overcoming fear. The separation was a “detour into fear.” T-2.I.1-2 This must be undone.

[14] Obtaining the peace of God. This is obtained when the negative feelings   are neutralized. “There is a sense of peace so deep that no dream in this world has ever brought even a dim imagining of what it is.” T-13.XI.3

[15] Understanding real love. “If you achieve the faintest glimmering of what love means today, you have advanced in distance without measure and in time beyond the count of years to your release.” W-pI.127.6-7

[16] Experiencing the holy instant. “In the holy instant, in which you see yourself as bright with freedom, you will remember God. For remembering Him is to remember freedom.” T-15.I.10

[17] The seeker is to realize that “I Am as God created me.” “This one thought would be enough to save you and the world, if you believed that it is true” W-pI.110.1

[18] Establishing the Holy Relationship.  “The holy relationship, a major step toward the perception of the real world.” T-17.V.2

[19] We must achieve right-mindedness:  Salvation is nothing more than “right-mindedness,” which is not the One-mindedness of the Holy Spirit, but which must be achieved before One-mindedness is restored.” T-4.II.10

[20] Discovering your true self: “There is another vision and another Voice in which your freedom lies, awaiting but your choice. And if you place your faith in Them, you will perceive another self in you. This other self sees miracles as natural.” T-21.V.3 Access to the real world is made “When you perceive yourself without deceit” T-11.VIII.15.

[21] Healing on all levels will occur: “If sickness is separation, the decision to heal and to be healed is the first step toward recognizing what you truly want.” T-11.II.1 “Healing is the way in which the separation is overcome.” T-8.IV.5.

[22] Seeing the real world. “When you perceive yourself without deceit, you will accept the real world in place of the false one you have made. And then your Father will lean down to you and take the last step for you, by raising you unto Himself.” T-11.VIII.15

Then the last major step will occur when God raises “you unto Himself.”

What do you think?  Did I leave anything out? Would you put the steps in a different sequence, or are there some steps that you do not consider steps?

It does seem to me that this is an important topic as the whole purpose of the course is to awaken us and take us home.

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