Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 30
Principles of Health
JJ: This class is on healing. We’re going to go through some healing processes. Everybody needs to be healed of something; if nothing else, just receiving a good charge of energy so they feel better. It’s amazing how many people think that the things that happen to them seem to be for no reason at all. But there’s a reason behind everything.
If a person gets ill or has ill health of any kind, there’s always a cause, and it’s important to find out what that cause is. There are a number of ways to find out. But all distress, all pain, all sorrow is connected in some way to resistance to the soul. If the person were completely accepting of soul energy, he would have enough prana and soul energy flowing through him to the extent that he would always be in relatively good health. But what’s interesting is that even some of the greatest souls experienced some bad health.
Buddha had a period where he had some ill health for a while. There’s no record of Jesus having an illness; we don’t know on that. Somebody said to him one time, “Physician, heal thyself.” Maybe he had something wrong with him. Who knows? But even some of the greatest souls have experienced different problems, but that doesn’t mean that they had everything figured out in every single category. Even the greatest souls will have resistance and have to learn some type of lesson in some particular area.
Sometimes we go through processes where if we know something is right, we just quit paying attention to it and we have to be reminded at some time to get back on track. So sometimes we experience illnesses when we know better but we go ahead and do it anyway. For instance, a person may eat too many sweets, and he knows it’s wrong to eat too many sweets but, boy, they sure taste good at the time. So he eats too many sweets and winds up with diabetes, but he knew better. He needs to catch himself before the disease becomes irreversible. So sometimes a person does know but he needs to catch himself. He treats himself a little bit too much in the direction that may cause a problem of some kind.
Now, the various diseases are linked largely to a person’s point in evolution and also the places where you have energy blockages. You have the seven chakras, and when they all have the energy flowing without any hindrance you will have reasonably good vitality and health. But usually, the problem is centered around one or two — usually one — of the seven chakras. There are some diseases and problems that a person has to be fairly highly evolved to even experience. For instance, sinuses are connected with the third eye chakra, and most people who have sinus problems are fairly evolved people because it’s connected with a fairly evolved chakra.
Heart problems are connected with the heart chakra, and it’s usually a lesson or an impulse from the soul to develop a better understanding of spiritual love and a better sending and receiving of the spiritual love. Now, a person who is not fairly far along upon the path will maybe not have this lesson sent to him at all. He can have heart problems because of diet or maybe other problems, but normally in people with heart problems it’s a message from their soul to send and receive and understand what true spiritual love is.
So as you progress along, you will reach points where certain lessons need to be learned. What will happen as you progress along the path is that you’ll have diseases in a certain area and then you will finally cut down your resistance from the soul to these certain areas. Then a higher chakra will begin to open, and if you accept this energy from the heart chakra, you’ll maintain your health. But most people don’t. Most of us, when the new energies begin to open, we resist, because it’s in human nature to resist change. No matter where you are, high or low upon the path, we tend to resist change. It’s just a human trait that we all tend to have.
So, if we’re low upon the path and the lower energies begin to unfold, we will resist. If we’re high upon the path and the higher energies are coming forward, we will resist them, too, because human beings are resistant to change. If you don’t believe that, just go in to any church and disagree with the Sunday school teacher. Give him some piece of information you think is true that is beyond what he thinks and you will see how resistant they are to examining something that may change them. But we’re all resistant to change.
As a matter of fact, this is one of the main reason we die. It’s the reason death is the great healer. Because what happens is that we’re born as a little child and we’re all ready to accept and learn all kinds of things. But by the time our first Saturn cycle approaches between the ages of 28 and 29, we’ve gone through a cycle of learning. Then it’s time to enter a new cycle of learning. You will have not only new energies from the chakras but new astrological energies coming in to influence additional change and learning. The majority of people, even at the young age of 28/29, will resist the new cycle of learning from their soul. Then what happens is that they begin to crystallize.
Near the second Saturn cycle around the ages of 56 to 58 — at this point, when a new cycle comes in, about 90% resist the new cycle. Only about 10% continue to be open and not resisting. Now, this creates a different type of disease when the person resists these changes from these Saturn cycles. It causes what we call crystallization. Does anyone know what that term means?
Audience: “Set in their ways.”
JJ: Right. What happens when you crystallize? Water crystallizes when turned to ice and then if you hit it with a hammer it will shatter. You hit water with a hammer, it still stays water. It splashes around a little bit. But we’re like ice when we crystallize. When a person crystallizes, then when he encounters changes in his life he is very resistant to them. And if the force for change becomes too strong, he shatters. In other words, he becomes ill. He loses his vitality.
So it’s important that we roll with the punches in life. And this is why we die; it’s because we become more and more resistant the older we get, except for the 10% that manage to go through the two Saturn cycles and still stay adaptable and flexible. When you hit around your fiftieth birthday, you need to be real careful about examining yourself with regard to being flexible. Continue to be flexible and adaptable so you can move into that 56-58 year time period with flexibility. If you move into that with flexibility, you can stay in relatively good health into your older age. Probably only about 10% of people do really stay in relatively good health in their older age. And a lot of these are people with that flexibility and adaptability.
So what happens is that we reach an older age and people begin to really crystallize, and so the soul says, “This person isn’t learning anymore, so it’s time to take him home and prepare him for a new cycle of learning.” So we die, we go through periods in the other worlds where we absorb what we’ve learned, and then we are reborn as a child in a new cycle without any memory of what crystallized us. So now we’re flexible again for at least one new Saturn cycle. But this is why the people who stay crystallized after the first Saturn cycle are the really orthodox people of the world. They make really good bureaucrats, good church members, good followers who just do what they’re told.
They stay in the same business, stay in the same employ throughout their entire life. Of course, if a person stays in the same employ, it doesn’t mean he’s crystallized, but this is a trait of those who do crystallize. They won’t make needed changes in their life when they are needed. So it’s important that we assume that adaptability.
To overcome death — to be a master of it — one of the most important ingredients is to obtain that flexibility where you roll with the punches, you remain open to the new energies that are coming in. That’s also important for healing, to remain open. To remain open is probably step number one. Remain open to the possibility that anything can happen when you’re experiencing healing energies. The second thing is to not have any ill feelings toward anyone in the room where you are experiencing the healing. Negativity can sometimes cancel out the positive energy of healing. So it’s important that you look on the soul of everybody that you’re in the presence of during any healing session.
Any questions before we begin?
Audience: “I have a question. You talked about how heart problems are connected with the soul and trying to learn a higher spiral of spiritual love or whatever. Is there any connection — modern science says that it’s genetic, it runs in families, that sort of thing. Is it a combination of things or…?”
JJ: Yeah, some of it is a combination. But see, if you incarnate in a body that they say, “Well, he’s inherited these problems because of genetics,” you’re drawn to that body because of different resistances that are already within yourself. So even though genetics is involved, you can counter-balance it by correcting some flaws that you inherited from a past life. Energy follows thought, and to incarnate in a body that’s going to give you problems means that you’re following your thought into that body because your thought is comfortable there. So by changing your thinking and by changing how you handle energies, even though you’re born in awkward circumstances, you can often create miraculous change in your state of health.
Now, the things that go wrong with you, of course — it’s not a simplistic black-and-white solution to any problem that a person might have. A person, for instance, could have problems with his diet. But even your diet is energy following thought. Why do you drink so many Cokes, for instance? It’s because your energy toward picking up that Coke and drinking it is following your thought. So even that is energy following thought.
So “energy follows thought” is a key principle behind health more than anyone realizes. By changing our thought, we can change our state of mind, we can change our health, we can change our diet, we can change our exercise, we can change how we look at life. Your attitude has a tremendous amount to do with your health. The thought has to be changed if you want to change everything else. Anything that is done can be undone. So, if you come into life handicapped by something from a previous life, that can be undone. Now if you come with a missing leg, well that obviously can’t be undone without a tremendous miracle, but whatever caused that missing leg, by changing your thought at least you can have a whole body in your next life.
By the way, I wasn’t born with a bad hand. I lost it in an explosion. For those of you who don’t know, I used to make rockets and when I was 13 I was making one and it blew up in my hand. I thought it was funny when elders from the church used to come visit me in the hospital. They always said the same thing to me; it kind of irritated me. They said, “Boy, I bet this teaches you not to make rockets, huh kid.” (chuckles)
And I said, “Well, obviously I can’t make rockets right now. I’ve got to wait till I get out of the hospital. Then I’ll make some more.” (chuckles)
You should have seen their faces. “What’s the matter with this stupid kid? He didn’t learn his lesson after all this?” And it’s true; I made a lot more rockets after I got out of the hospital than before I went to the hospital, except I was a lot more careful. (chuckles) And also I didn’t make my own rocket engines. I bought them from the Estes Company. Anybody see that movie October Sky? Those are the type of rockets I made after I got out of the hospital. These guys made the safe rockets. They were completely homemade before my accident. But even though the new ones were from the Estes Company, I still had to be a little careful.
Audience: “Why were you making rockets…. (Inaudible.). Just for fun, or…?”
JJ: It was fun. You know? Plus I was interested in being a rocket scientist someday. I never quite made it. I got sidetracked along the way to other interests.
A healthy body is the guest-chamber of the soul; a sick its prison. – Francis Bacon
Dec 26, 2009
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