Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 23

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 23

JJ: The third concept is revelation. As we said, one leads to another. Meditation leads to contemplation; contemplation leads to revelation. Revelation is used in a lot of different ways. What does it mean if I say I got a revelation?

Audience: “Something has been revealed to you.”

JJ: Right. Something has been revealed to you that you didn’t really know before. If you get a revelation for the planet, it means you have something revealed to you that nobody knew. If you get a personal revelation, it means something is revealed to you that you personally didn’t know but maybe other people knew; but something just dawned on you that you didn’t know before.

So there are revelations where you may be just studying something and your mind puts things together and this produces a revelation for you. But is there a higher revelation than that — than just putting things together with your mind?

Audience: “Yeah, it’s through the Holy Spirit.”

JJ: Right. Through the Holy Spirit. Okay. What happens when you get a revelation through the Holy Spirit? Wayne?

Wayne: “Well, I was going to answer a question before you asked the second one, but revelation is just realization, where you understand the concept and the aspects about it that you are concerned with.”

JJ: Okay. Realization. That’s interesting. So Wayne says revelation is very similar to realization. It’s true; you may be contemplating a seed thought, an idea that has just been bothering you, it’s going over and over in your mind, and all of a sudden you realize something, and this is like a revelation.

Audience: “I was just thinking, the Holy Spirit, for one thing, reveals the mind of Christ. The Holy Spirit reveals the knowledge of all things. To be enlightened by the Holy Spirit is to have an understanding, not just to think. It’s coming from a source which is beyond you.”

JJ: Okay. One of the things I’ve taught about the Holy Spirit is that the language of the Holy Spirit is the language of principles. Now we’ve just been talking about a principle which is “energy follows thought.” That’s a principle. A principle is worth a thousand facts, because principles allow you to put together information in such a way that it paints a whole picture.

In other words, the difference between the principle is looking at a picture completely formed — and a picture is worth a thousand words — and then looking at a word describing the picture. The word describing a picture, like “beautiful,” is a piece of data, but there’s a thousand beautiful pictures. That doesn’t tell you much about the picture, just that it’s beautiful or it has red colors in it or red leaves. Well, what does that tell you? But when you see the picture, it’s worth a thousand words. When you see a principle, it’s worth a thousand pieces of data. And this is the language of the soul — it is the language of principles.

And so, to get revelation through the soul, a person must understand what a principle is. Otherwise, the only revelation he will get will be realization through putting 2 + 2 together through the power of the mind. Through the power of the mind, you can come up with some interesting conclusions and theories, but through the soul you can come up with packages — quantums — of information. Remember, physics talks about quantums of packages of power, so to speak.

So, a revelation through the soul is a quantum of spiritual knowledge, because the soul doesn’t deal much with facts. If you seek, through the soul, to know, say, for instance, a piece of data — like what the far side of the moon looks like, or whatever — you probably will never find out unless you learn the principle of astral travel and can travel there and look at it. But just asking through the soul what it would look like in some unknown place, or how many planets are circulating around Alpha Centauri or whatever, those are pieces of data. But to understand and seek a revelation through the soul, a person must understand the principle of principles itself.

Can anyone here give me another principle?

  Audience: “Justice. Truth.”

  Audience: “Those aren’t principles.”

  Lorraine: “How about, ‘As above, so below.’”

JJ: They’re related to a principle, but you have to find the principle that has something to do with truth. Okay, “as above, so below” — the Law of Correspondences. Lorraine just gave us a principle, and the principle is this: The Law of Correspondences — as above, so below — which means if we look at creation below, like in the atomic world, and then look at creation above, we’re going to see correspondences; in other words, similarities. So we look at an atom, and it’s composed of a nucleus, and it’s circled about by electrons, and it’s very much like a solar system, which has a nucleus which is the sun, circled about by planets. But the way, the Law of Correspondences works is, God, when he creates above, does not do things exactly the same. He operates on the lower principle and then alters it because he gets bored doing the same thing over and over, so he does it with a twist. Some early scientists looked at the atom and they thought, “Well, maybe it’s exactly like a solar system,” but then they discovered, “No, it’s like it but not exactly like it.” And that’s the way it is with the Law of Correspondences.

So, using the Law of Correspondences– for instance, earlier we were talking about corresponding water to the emotions. Well, there are differences between water and emotions, but there are similarities between water and emotions. There are differences between the air and mind, but there are similarities. And using the correspondences, you can come to many points of truth.

Yes, Lorraine?

Lorraine: “You know, I was just going to say, I was contemplating the other day that Dr. Emoto thing about messages in water, and in the movie ‘What the Bleep Do We Know?’ they said that our bodies are 90% water, and then I recognized that the earth is 75% water also. So I’m contemplating that in my mind and it suddenly occurred to me that, what if the water on our earth is part of a design. In other words, God knew that we were going to have emotions kind of bouncing around the atmosphere, so our planet has water on it to catch all the…”

JJ: Yeah, you said that earlier and I thought it was really good how it just struck me because it fits in the Law of Correspondences.

Lorraine: “That’s right. That’s what I thought, too. Our body, the body of the earth, holds emotions… (inaudible).”

JJ: So the Law of Correspondences is a principle. When we understand principles, then it makes it much easier to get divine revelation.

All great reforms require one to dare a lot to win a little. —William L. O’Neill

Nov 29, 2009

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