Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 8
Past Life Regression
JJ: Everybody ready? If you’re ready we’ll close our eyes. If you’re writing, put everything down on the floor so we can be perfectly still. Put your hands on your lap. First of all, you need to relax completely. Completely relax your body. Visualize a ray of light coming down from the sky and it’s alighting on your toes. Feel the toes of your right foot tingling with this light. It’s a very pleasant light. It’s tingling up your toes, your foot and now up your right leg, clear up to your knee and the rest of your leg until your entire right leg is completely relaxed. Now the beam of light is shining on your left foot and moving up your leg in the same way.
I’m going to count to three and your other leg will be completely relaxed. One, two, three. Both legs are completely relaxed as though they’re floating on nice warm water or air. Now your right arm, beginning at your fingers. The beam of hand is shining on your hand and up to your elbow and up the rest of your arm until your whole right arm is completely relaxed. The left arm now. The beam of light striking your fingers of your left hand, moving itself up the arm and completely relaxing it.
Both arms and both legs are now completely relaxed. Visualize the beam of light on your forehead and it’s moving down the rest of your body. All the muscles in your face are completely relaxing. Your chest, your neck, all the muscles are relaxing. Your tummy, your torso, all your body is completely relaxed. Both of your legs, your arms, your neck all the muscles are completely relaxed. You feel like you’re floating on a lake. Your head is above the water. The temperature is perfect. It feels like you could stay there all day. It feels really nice and comfortable.
You’re so comfortable that when you look down you see you’re actually floating on the air. You’re floating up like you’re weightless. It feels really, really good and very peaceful, so peaceful that you don’t have a care in the world and you’re just here relaxing. In this state of relaxation, you can see anything that you want. You can look into your past or into your future and see anything that is there to be seen. Now you see a cloud in the sky and you think, “Ahh, I’ll visit this cloud.” As you get up your body is weightless and you can will it to float. So, you will your body to float up to this cloud then you go through this cloud.
Somehow you know that on the other side of this cloud is your past. We’re going to count to ten and the cloud will dissipate. Right now in front of you, you see nothing but this cloud but the clouds are going to disperse. When they disperse you’re going to be back in the past, in the past life you will see as you saw then, you will feel as you felt then and you will know as you knew then. I’m going to count to ten and the clouds will disperse. One, two, three, they’re beginning to disperse and some details are beginning to emerge. Four, five, six, they’re beginning to disperse more. You’re beginning to see villages, countrysides, people. Seven, eight, nine, ten.
Now you see a view before you. You see a stairway of ten steps made of clouds. It’s going to take you into your past. We’re going to go down these ten steps. Step onto the first step, the second step. It’s kind of fun because they’re so squishy and light and you’re so light. The third step, fourth, fifth, sixth and your past life is coming into your view. Seven, eight, nine, ten. You are now back in your past. You know who you are. You know your name. You know someone who is a very good friend. You see him/her. Now reflect on this life. Think back to the beginning of this life and think back to the end and think of where you are now. You are going to a point in this life. You’ll actually be right there in your consciousness. You’ll be in your consciousness at this point in this life as if you’re really there. You won’t have to remember because everything will just be there. You will see as you saw then, hear as you heard then, feel as you felt then.
What are you feeling right now? Who are you? What is your name? Say that inside yourself. “My name is . . .” You know what your name is. Your name is coming to you. “My name is . . .” I’m going to ask you some questions about this life, and as I ask them you’ll have the answers come to you. You don’t have to think about how they come, they’ll just come. The first question is, “Who are you?” The second question is, “What time period does it seem like you’re in?” This time period is coming to you. Next question, “Which person in this life affected me more than anyone else? Someone I loved? Someone I hated?” Ask that question and reflect on it for a minute.
The next question is, “What did I learn in this life? What was the purpose of this life? Was it to learn love? Courage? A skill?” Speaking of skills, what was your profession? Were you a physician? A teacher? A shoemaker? What did you do and what did you take from this life into your current life? Think on this and the answer will come to you.
Now close your eyes again, within and without. You feel yourself being drawn up into this cloud again and you see before you another stairway of ten steps. We’re going to go down ten more steps and you’re going to go to another life, farther back in the past. By the time we hit the tenth step you will be back in another past life. As you’re stepping on the first step you feel yourself going backward in time. Second step, third. You look to the bottom of the steps and you see images beginning to emerge. Fourth step, fifth. You’re beginning to feel sensations from this past life. Sixth step, seventh, eighth, things are coming clearer. You’re beginning to realize who you are in this life. Nine, ten. You’re back in another past life. You’re there in consciousness. You see who you are. You know who you are. You can feel who you are. You know your name. I’m going to count to three and if your name has not yet come to you, it will come to you on the count of three. One, two, three. You know who you are. You know who is your best friend. Think on this.
Now you also know someone with whom you had a difficult time dealing with or working with. You know what you did for a living. Think on this. The time period is coming to you and you know your purpose in this life. I’m going to count to three and the purpose will come to you very clearly. One, two, closer, three. Your purpose of this life is coming to you. You know what your purpose was and you can see how this life affects your current life. You can see the connection.
Now I want you to take a minute and concentrate on this life. You can look at the end or any part of this life that you want to. You have the power to do that. You have power to go back to when you were a little child. You can go back there in your consciousness as though you’re really there. You can move ahead to the end of this life or the beginning. Take a minute of silence and go through this lifetime and visualize it. Some of you will be right there and can visualize it. Others may see it from a distance. Others will get impressions.
A period of silence passes.
You’re now back in the present. How many saw things pretty clearly back there? Raise your hands. How many received a name?
Audience: “Elizabeth.”
JJ: What time frame?
Audience: “1800s.”
JJ: Did you get details?
Audience: “I just saw myself in those big dresses and bonnets and I was baking bread.”
Another audience member: “Angelica was one of the names. The other was Lucille.”
JJ: Did you get any feelings about being there?
Audience member: “It was real dark, almost like a monastery type of place. In the other one I was a song and dance girl. (Laughter)”
JJ: Anyone else get impressions?
Audience member: “Yea, I was in the pyramids. I was down inside. People were working.”
JJ: Were you a priest?
Audience member: “Yea, I was wearing a robe and had a belt on and was just watching people work.”
JJ: How many details did you get? Was it an impression or did it seem like you were really there?
Audience member: “It was like an impression, like people were putting oil on the alter and there was writing on the wall but I couldn’t really see it though.”
JJ speaking to another member: What did you see?
Member: “I was a soldier. I was a man and this was a small town and I was looking at my big shoes and this was just like the 18th century.”
JJ: Did you see two lives or one?
Member: “Two. In the first I was a girl, about 15, with very white hair and I was staying in a cemetery close to the church.”
A different member: “I saw maybe the Holy Land or something there. All I knew was that I saw a noose and that I may have been hung. I went back to another life and I saw a fishing village and I wanted to get out of there and get to a big city.”
Another member: “I was a man. I was an artist. I worked with blueprints.”
JJ: How far back was it? Not too far?
Audience member: “I didn’t get a date. I saw lots of blueprints and lots of schematics. I was a long, long time ago. I saw a woman and I was a member of a committee.”
JJ: How clear was it?
Audience member: “Very clear.”
Another audience member: “I was some place in Egypt. I don’t know exactly where. I was in a building but it wasn’t a pyramid. It was something else. My name was Nikita and I was what was called Light Streamers. I helped direct lights for healing of people. Then I had another life in China and it was not a good life. My life lesson was one of obedience.”
JJ: How clearly did you see it?
Audience member: “Very clear. I mean it was vivid.”
JJ: What was your name?
Audience member: “It wasn’t very clear but I did get a name of Lucy or something like Lucy. It was the 1800s.”
Another audience member: “In the first one I saw a washboard and I was washing clothes and I had this bandanna on my head and I was sort of heavy. I think it was in Ireland because I could see the green hills and way in the background a castle. When you said to look for a friend, I saw a short stocky man. My best friend I felt like was a little child and a dog. That’s it. I didn’t see anybody else. The second one was strange. I felt like I was a footman, a man for the king or the queen. When you said to see a friend, my friend was the other footman. I relished serving people or helping them without worrying about how much money I made. That was kind of like the theme for that life. I didn’t want to be like my father who took a great deal of pride in being respectable and presenting a great image. I wanted to be the opposite and care more about the people.”
Another audience member: “I got some impressions but they weren’t about the past. I got something of a futuristic impression but I don’t know what or when. I couldn’t get a time. I couldn’t get a name for it. I was looking at a hillside and it was real lush green with a nice blue sky. There was a highway running through it that was different from any highway I’d ever seen. It was shiny. It was a gray/silver/white and it was seamless. I was thinking about the purpose of this highway. It wasn’t to carry traffic but to direct traffic.”
JJ: Were there cars?
Audience member: “There were cars in the air that would key in on the highway and they’d follow the highway from the air. There was a cone of traffic over the highway. The highway was going through some green hillside stuff. It was a shiny ribbon, seamless, and I seemed to know that it didn’t have any dust or dirt on it. It was self-cleaning in all kinds of weather. There was a physical connection between the people and the vehicles and the highway that went through the hillside. It had nothing to do with a past life.”
JJ: We want to go into the future in another session, but you’re jumping ahead of us. (Laughter)
Member: “I had no idea.”
JJ: Did you have any idea of the time period?
Member: “No, I couldn’t get out of that scene. I was trying to figure out that dab-gone highway!”
JJ: It is an interesting concept.
Another audience member: “For a while I didn’t see anything but grit. I’d see straight lines and it wouldn’t let me see anything. I got an impression. It was around 1550. I’m a woman and I’m white with blond hair and a white dress on. I was a student and I saw a professor.”
JJ: What country were you in?
Audience member: “It was in Europe. When you asked if you were a student of what I thought, ‘I don’t know.’ Metaphysics? I don’t see anything around me, just me.”
Another audience member: “I didn’t get the date but it was somewhere between the 1600 and 1800s. I was a white woman named Isabelle. I think it was. I got the impression of London. I wasn’t sure what my purpose was or what I was doing. I may have been a barmaid. I had a distinct impression of being really pretty and not being taken seriously for my mind. It was very frustrating in that life. (Laughter) That part was very aggravating. In the other life I was on another planet somewhere. My name was Velcor and I was at a university doing something with crystals.”
JJ: Was that a Jane Fonda movie? (Laughter from audience.)
Audience member: “Yea! I was just like at some sort of university setting, studying. It definitely felt advanced as far as physics and some high energy sort of concepts.”
Another audience member: “My first past life regression brought me to the 16th century and I was in one of the Mediterranean villages. I was a small girl and I had playmates. It seemed like the second past life regression brought me to the year that Christ was teaching in one of the villages. I’d heard so much about him. I was in a community with a lot of people.”
JJ: You were there in the same time period as Christ?
Audience member: “We were small kids and we’d heard about him and because he was so popular we were attracted to him but we hadn’t really seen him face to face.”
JJ: You just heard about him?
Audience member: “Yes. In our community were a lot of kids and adults. It seems we are so much attracted to this popular guy in a nearby village who was speaking.”
Another audience member: “This wasn’t very clear. It was about the 4th century and I was a transcriber and had these big books but then I became an eccentric and a wild man and I lived out in the wilds with the animals and my hair was all a mess.”
“Educate and inform the whole mass of the people…. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.” — Thomas Jefferson
Sept 8, 2009
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