Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 4
Experience For God
JJ: It’s an interesting thing to know that we are in the image of God so to understand God, we have to look at ourselves. We are in His image. We are reflections. In the beginning God said, ‘I want to have an experience so I’m going to reflect myself into an innumerable number of entities that can inhabit a universe and solve all of its problems and work through it until the end of the universe that I have in my vision.’
Audience: Inaudible.
JJ: Because there is no such thing as infinity. It’s unlimited.
Audience: “What do you mean by that?”
JJ: When God decides to create there is no limitation to how much He can do. There is no limitation to the number He can come up with. There is always an end. If you try to count the number of atoms in someone’s body you get up to the millions and billions and trillions. There is a tremendous number of atoms in your body but there is an end. You will eventually reach the total number. If you count the number of stars in our island universe called the Milky Way, you get up to over two hundred billion, but eventually you’ll get to the final and exact number. You’ll count the last star eventually. How many galaxies are there in this universe? In the known universe they figure there are between 100 and 200 billion galaxies and many more beyond our vision. There is a number though and there is an end to this universe. Is there another universe? Probably.
The Dark Brotherhood plays upon illusionary limitations. They say most of the people are going to go to hell, stay there forever and be limited forever. But if there is a beginning there will be an end. If there is any type of limitation placed on us after we die, we will eventually work through it because we are unlimited beings. We will work through anything that limits us. But the Dark Brothers work to instill in our minds that we’re limited forever. We can never be like Christ, we can never be like God, we can never be like Leonardo DaVinci or we can never be a master in anything. But we can be. We can be whatever we want because we have unlimited time to remove all limitations.
When you think that God represents the principle of being unlimited — it’s a liberating thing. It’s probably the ultimate salvation to learn to see yourself as an unlimited being.
Audience: “A Course in Miracles says something about God being incomplete.”
JJ: That’s a controversial thing. Garret just said that “A Course in Miracles” [ACIM] says that God is not complete without us. A lot of new age people teach the opposite in that we are complete in and of ourselves. We don’t need anything else. But we do, really. We all need each other and God needs each one of us. The universe is not complete if a particle is missing.
Part of our purpose as an extension of God is to have an experience with God. One of the objectives in the mind of God is to experience everything there is. In order to assist Him to experience everything there is we have billions of people on earth having all kinds of different experiences. You are having an experience unique and to yourself unlike any other person in the universe. Does that make sense to you? When you think of it no other person in the universe has had a life experience exactly like yours. What do you think? Has anyone had a life exactly like yours?
Audience: “No.”
JJ: Right. We’re all unique in that way and God is a composite of every life in the universe. Your job is to have a unique experience unlike any other life in the universe then He can tap into that experience and that is fruit unto Him. The masters have always spoken of us, as disciples, as being fruit. “By their fruits you shall know them.” Jesus always gave analogies of the fruit of the vine because you are a piece of fruit in a way. (chuckles) Each piece of fruit He tastes, tastes different than any other piece of fruit. Our job is to make our piece of fruit unique for God to taste and to make it taste good. But sometimes in order to appreciate good fruit you need to taste some bad fruit, or sour fruit or fruit that isn’t quite ripe. Some of us give God a bad taste in His mouth.
Audience: Laughter.
JJ: Even God needs to once in a while appreciate the good fruit.
What’s interesting about the religions of the world is that they are anti-experience. They say don’t do this and don’t do that. It’s always thou shalt not. In other words, just do the safe thing. They are against having experience. The old saying goes, “it’s better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all.” In other words, it’s better to go have an experience instead of having it all over with no experience one way or the other.
To have an experience is much more desirable than no experience even if it’s a negative experience. To have loved and lost, is a lot better than to not go through the emotions of what it feels like to really go through it. It’s better to go out there and have the experience for God, for yourself and for everyone you’re going to influence for many years. You’ll find if you read the biographies of many of the great people, they’ve had very colorful lives.
Churchill is one of my favorites. If you read about his life, he was just a guy aching for experience. Matter of fact, when he was young he wanted to go to war. He was aching to fight in a war but there was no war anywhere. There was peace all around. He finally found the Boar War which nobody has heard of. It was fought on some little island somewhere. He had to search out a war to fight. He wanted the experience so badly. That experience that he received trained him in such a way that when he was facing down Hitler he knew how to handle him because he had been through so many experiences that he could predict his next move.
There is nothing like experience to really learn, even if it’s a negative experience. It’s better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all. It’s better to taste what the world has to offer than to not taste it. Go take a few risks. How many people in your life advise you to avoid risks? When it comes to your kids you are really anti-risk. They really make us nervous. When I think of my kids doing what I did when I was young it really makes me nervous. But when I look at my own youth and all the times I came close to risking my life, it was worth it in a lot of ways for it produces good stories.
“Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work.” — H. L. Hunt
Aug 21, 2009
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