Love and Karma

Love and Karma

We received a post from a reader showing appreciation for this group reaching a balance between hierarchical authority and democracy. Then he notes that the group is “imbued with the magnetism of Love that can hold it together in spite of the many controversies that will come and go in true occult and esoteric work.”

I appreciate this observation and an honored you see this as one of the top groups you have come across. But what particularly struck me was your observation of “the magnetism of Love.” In the years I have taught here you may have been the first (outside of myself) to make this observation.

In the course of these teachings there have been many a conflict and many complaints of a lack of love — that the quality of the people here is too low to accomplish anything of note. You are, of course, familiar with the principle of harmony through conflict — that this does not negate the second ray principle of love.

I have sought to assure the group a number of times in differing ways that the love of the soul is here and many of those that seem obnoxious are just sincerely proceeding along the path in their own way and time. I have stressed DK’s teaching of tolerance for other students even though they irritate our personalities.

This irritation runs through all groups and has to be neutralized before productive group work can be accomplished. But one of the effects of centering on irritation is that the general current of real love that does indeed circulate is often overlooked.

As you noted, the magnetism of love is here and does circulate, even though there is some resistance. I will also observe that this group has made considerable progress over the years.

The simple principle of seeing the glass as half full rather than the emptiness ever applies.

Karma & Effects

A reader asks this: “If we ‘cannot step into the same river twice’ because it is always flowing and thus the composition of said river changes from micro-second to micro-second, how can karma or sin stick to an individual who also is flowing from micro-second to micro-second?

JJ: Karma is not composed of the moving drops as in a stream but is the direction of the stream. If you alter its direction then it doesn’t matter how many times the original water changes, the direction will continue until another change occurs.

If you cut your finger off the effect will stay for many years until you die even though the elements that compose your body will change several times.

Jesus said: “Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.” Matt 5:26)

Even so, the last farthing of Karma must be paid before the pilgrim obtains liberation.

We know that if we cause money to be put in the bank we will have the effect of available money (good Karma). We also agree that if you cause a loan to be made at the bank that you will then owe some money (bad Karma).

To say that there is no bad Karma is to say that there are no negative effects. Therefore, if there were no such thing as bad (or negative) Karma is the same as saying that when you take out a loan from the bank that you will owe no debt. In this case if negative Karma is denied long enough you will awaken to reality when you watch the bill collectors haul your car off.

To say there is no bad Karma is the same as saying that when you drive over a cliff that only good things will happen. I think here we all will agree that when we create a cause in this life that an effect will follow.

Now perhaps some think that when we die all of our causes die with us and we carry no effects into the next life, but in principle a cause always is followed by an effect, and they are carried over into future lives.

A Letter

I’ve received some very heartfelt letters from readers over the years and have only shared a few. Here’s one I just received:

Hi, my name is Alex, and I am from Mexico. Let me tell you that the teachings in your books have astonished me, for I haven’t read such good material in a long time.

I went to this retreat (Ramtha) in Yelm, Washington, USA, and there they have what they called “The Quantum Cafe” where there are lots of interesting books. Well anyway, I bought some of Ramtha’s fireside series books, “The Red Lion,” “Brother of the Third Degree,” and also bought “The Immortal.” I still don’t know why I picked “The Immortal” — as it was a simple book with no flashy cover, and somehow the book called to me, so I bought it and brought it back from the retreat to Mexico.

I didn’t read it quite away, and let it gather dust, saving it for a later time. It probably would still be gathering dust if it wasn’t for my brother who wanted something to read, so I told him to grab any of the books that I brought back from the retreat.

 Well to my surprise, my brother was greatly fascinated with the book, so I asked him, what’s so special about the book? The only thing he told me was, “You have to read this!. “Okay, maybe later,” I told him.

It was one of those books that once you start you just can’t stop reading it. My brother even gave me money to purchase the other books from the Immortal series. So, we ordered them from Amazon.Com.

 I am now on the fourth book — “Eternal Words.”

 All of the books seem to have great knowledge from many philosophical currents, and from the looks of it you have read a lot of books. You can tell that by the different quotes in the book that it is not like other “New Age” books that don’t want you to think, and that somehow enlightenment will come all of the sudden.

 I don’t care if characters in the novel are real or fiction, the truly important thing is the message not the messenger.

 I just wanted to thank you for such good books that have helped me in my own evolution, and maybe you should make translations into other languages, I know it will make a great hit here on Mexico.

 I can’t hardly wait to get the other books of the Immortal series.


“In taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior.” — Sir Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626)

July 13, 2009

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