Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 14

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 14
The Great Sign

JJ: The main thing that Laura saw that I found interesting was the vehicles that went through air, similar to what Wayne saw, but she saw a view of the Earth from space that transposed the way Earth used to look to how it looked then and everything was changed. There was a similar amount of land mass and water but everything had shifted. There were new lands and other lands had been sunk.

JJ to an Audience Member: Are you ready to go into the future or back to the future from which you came? (laughter) Okay, close your eyes. You’re going to completely relax. Relax your whole body. You’re going into a very deep state of concentration. Visualize a light right here on your forehead, right where I’m touching. Concentrate on that. As you concentrate on that you can see anything you want to see. You can go anywhere you want to go; past, present or future. I’m going to count to ten as you concentrate on this spot and you’re going to go into the future, into a future life and time. In this future life and time you’ll be able to see everything from that point back to 2005. One. Two. Three. You’re moving forward. Four. Five. Six. More forward still. A future life is beginning to dawn upon you. You’re beginning to be there. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. You’re in a future life. You can see everything your future self can see. Who are you?

Audience member: “There is no shape nor form. I just see… [inaudible] it’s just like countless stars or galaxies. I don’t have any form. I don’t see any form around me.”

JJ: Concentrate on being wherever it is you are in your consciousness. I want you to tune your consciousness in on planet Earth in 2030 to 2040. Impressions are starting to come to you regarding this time period. When I count to three these impressions will be firmly formulated in your mind and consciousness. One. Two. Three. What are your impressions?

Audience member: “I see like white walkways, I see walkways, I see trees, I see hills. I really don’t see a lot of people.”

JJ: Has there been a disaster?

Audience member: “I’m in an area where there aren’t a lot of people but there is a white paved walkway that somebody built.”

JJ: Where is it?

Audience member: “Out west somewhere, maybe Idaho or maybe Utah.”

JJ: I’m going to count to three again and an impression will form about an Earth change. The next major Earth change that will occur will come into your mind. One. Two. Three.

Audience member: “2017. That’s all I got.”

JJ: Can you see what the change is?

Audience member: “I see a lot of water.”

JJ: Some type of flooding?

Audience member: “Yes.”

(Note: 2017 was a year of record breaking flooding and weather disasters causing $306 billion in damages in just the United States.)

JJ: Okay. Come back to the present. Did you get any impressions that you didn’t share and want to tell us.

Audience member: “No.”

JJ: I thought I’d use some of the psychic abilities some people have to see what we’d come up with here. We’ve had some interesting impressions but when we have these impressions come they don’t always agree 100%. A lot of times there is more agreement than appears because one person will get an impression on a certain area and the other person will get an impression on another area. The big question people have in this day and age, because of all the predictions, is, “What do we do to prepare? Do we need to prepare? Is there something really big coming?” For instance, has anyone heard of the predictions for 2012? A lot of people are expecting something big to happen then. Sharón gave an interesting answer on that.

Audience member: “As we’re talking about predictions… (inaudible) do you have any personal information?”

JJ: Yes, that’s a different story. If we have time near the end I’ll discuss that because it’ll take more than a few minutes to cover that. 2012, for instance, is a big one and a lot of people are almost banking on it to be true. Sharón gave an interesting answer that this is merely like the end of a cycle and the Aztecs were writing about cyclic time and didn’t mean it to be the end of the world. But if it is the end of the cycle, often the end of a cycle produces a point of tension which often does produce change. I believe the exact transition time between the Aquarian and Piscean Ages was when the first atomic bomb went off in 1945. I think that was the shifting of the ages right at that point.

The scripture says, the sign of the son of man in heaven with power and great glory that will eclipse all the stars and the moon and the sun. It’s interesting that the word “heaven” comes from the Greek word Uranos and another word derived from that is Uranium. It says that during the sign of the son of man the powers of heaven will be shaken. Then it says will all of the tribes mourn when they see the sign of the son of man in heaven.

You would think if there were a sign that Christ was coming not everybody would mourn. But it says everybody will mourn, all the nations, the tribes and the peoples of the Earth, the Bible says, will mourn when they see the sign. Well, you would think at least a handful of born-againers or somebody would be happy to see the sign that Christ is making his return, right? But what sign happened that caused everybody to mourn where the powers of Uranium were shaken? It says the powers of heaven and the word that comes from Uranos is Uranium. When the powers of Uranium were shaken it will produce a sign of the son of man coming in power and great glory that will eclipse all of the Lights of the Earth. Does that sound familiar?

Audience member: “Atomic bomb.”

JJ: Right. Why is the atomic bomb called the sign of the son of man? Somebody asked Jesus for a sign one time. He said he’d only give one sign and that was the sign of Jonah. He said the son of man will be in the Earth for three days and three nights then he predicted his resurrection. So he was placed in the tomb and the tomb broke forth and the eternal life was escaped. Now, what happens when the sign of the son of man is given in Uranium when heaven or Uranium is shaken until the tomb of matter, which is the Uranium atom, splits in two, just like the grave, the tomb that held Christ split in two.

The Uranium atom splits in two and a piece of pure spiritual energy escapes, pure energy, that produces the energy of the atomic bomb and it turns into two atoms but there is an escape of essence. Part of the matter is transmuted completely into pure energy and escapes. So the sign of the son of man is in Uranium because when the atom splits a portion of the eternal essence escapes and is free, just like when the tomb of Christ split open at His resurrection the eternal life of Christ emerged. The Uranium atom is a complete, perfect correspondence of the sign of the son of man.

What’s interesting is it says that this sign given in heaven or Uranium will make all of the people of the tribes and nations of the Earth mourn. When the atomic bomb went off at Hiroshima, what did everyone think? We thought, “Well we got the Japanese but we could be next.”

Audience member: “It could still happen.”

JJ: Yeah, it’s a miracle it hasn’t yet. So, when it happened there wasn’t a single person who was entirely comfortable with that event. Everybody on the Earth, every single person, was disturbed. We thought science could develop it more and more until all of us could be touched by it. We could destroy the Earth with this power so this sign of the son of man made everybody nervous, made everyone mourn. When you think on it, that’s the only sign that could make everybody on the planet nervous, no other sign could do this. It certainly couldn’t be a sign like the Christians believe of looking at the sky and seeing some angels show up or something like that heralding the coming of Christ. There would be at least there would be at least one person happy on the Earth. You would think millions of people would be happy. But the scripture says, “all the people will mourn when they see this sign.”

Audience member: “Which scripture are you referring to here?”

JJ: Matthew 24. It’s the whole chapter discussing it. I can’t remember the exact verse but it’s in Matthew 24 where he talks about the disciples asking about the coming of the end of the age.

Audience member: “So this sign actually became the realization of our — when we realized we were immortal? Our immortality?”

JJ: Yea, there is a positive and a negative side. Number one, it makes us all mourn but number two, the writings of Alice A Bailey make an interesting statement that this was an initiation for matter itself. Matter itself was undergoing an advancement forward because matter was being stimulated so it could release its eternal essence. In matter itself there is a light center which is covered by electron clouds that hide the central light of the atom. In the nuclear explosion that central light is partially released and a portion of the eternal essence is able to be liberated. So, it has a positive and negative aspect. when we move ahead and obtain greater power for good there is also power for evil. So the Brotherhood of Light is very cautious about helping us develop more power because even though we may be able to use it for good, it can also be used to destroy us.

This was one of the problems they had in ancient Atlantis was that the Brotherhood worked, with what they think now on hindsight, was too closely with the disciples of Atlantis. Their technology got too advanced too quickly and they wound up destroying themselves. The dark brothers got a hold of the technology and used it in a negative way to the point that the only solution was to allow Atlantis to destroy itself. So it did over a period of time. It didn’t happen all at once. It went through several different cataclysmic destructions before Atlantis was completely destroyed.

So, we look forward to our future and everyone wonders what it’s going to be. Like we were talking about last night, the exact details of the future no one knows. There are certain cycles and the Masters do know what is going to happen within these cycles but a lot of the details are unknown. Several people had impressions that part of what happens is determined by us.

Even what happens on the Earth is determined by us to a large degree by our consciousness. The weather is determined by us too, much more than we think. As someone once said to me, “Well, there is weather on Mars. That’s not determined by anybody.” Actually there is life on Mars on the higher spheres, as far as that goes, and it’s true that if there was no physical life on the Earth, there would still be weather but when physical life is here the weather is influenced by our group thoughts and groups fears. Not only the weather but also what happens. If we fear a coming Apocalypse enough we put in motion energy that can make that at least partially happen.

Audience member: “(Inaudible in parts) — in that scripture does it not also say that those will not pass away before His return?”

JJ: Right. A lot of people read that and they think he is talking about the generation that existed in Jesus’ day but there is another way of reading it. The generation that sees this sign of the son of man shall not all pass away until Matthew 24, the predictions in it will be fulfilled. So if we read it in that light it makes it pretty interesting. That would mean that Christ will actually come again before everyone who was born in 1945 will pass away.

Our thoughts influence things a lot more than we think. There is an old saying that says “Energy follows thought.” A lot of people may not believe that. I might say, “I want that piece of paper to rise” and energy should follow thought. It doesn’t work exactly that way. It’s possible we could move material with our thought but thought doesn’t work directly upon matter.

Thought goes through the emotional plane then the etheric plane then down to the physical plane. But thought works very heavily upon emotional matter and emotional matter is very strongly connected to the weather because emotion is strongly connected with the element of water. Mind is connected with the element of air. In astrology air equals mind and water equals emotion.

So because energy follows thought, that means your thoughts will strongly influence the weather and events connected with air and water because your thought has a much more powerful and immediate impression upon mental matter than it does upon emotional matter or physical matter. But once the higher realms are affected then it materializes down into the lower realms. You’ll notice upon the different areas of Earth we have different temperaments of people and different types of weather follow. Where more emotional people are gathered you’ll see a lot more hurricanes and typhoons and things like this. Where more mental people are gathered, the weather is more stable as a whole.

Let’s take all the flooding that happened in California right after the election. California is very liberal and Hollywood hates Bush and they expected to carry a win but when Bush won the election they were very depressed so the weather followed the depression and they were overshadowed by really bad weather. It rained and rained and there were mudslides and it very much duplicated the depression people in Southern California had over losing the election to George Bush. That was a very interesting correspondence.

Audience member: “Boise’s weather has changed dramatically over the last 10-15 years where we hardly have any snow at all but we do have an influx of Californians moving in.”

JJ: I never thought about that but that’s a very good point. Susie said a lot of Californians have moved to Idaho and now the weather is more like California weather. That’s a really good thought. Their thinking could have something to do with it.

“Visions come not to polluted eyes.” — Mary Howitt

Oct 6, 2009

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Gathering 2005, Sun Valley, Part 13

Gathering 2005, Sun Valley, Part 13
Seeing the Future

JJ: What’s your name?

Audience member: “Belen. It’s like Helen with a ‘B.’”

JJ: Okay, Belen, close your eyes. We’re going to put you into a state of deep relaxation. Visualize the process of relaxing your legs and your arms and your whole body relaxing. Concentrate on completely relaxing yourself. I’m going to count to three and you’ll be in a deep state of relaxation just like you were earlier. One. Your whole body is completely relaxed. Two. You’re drifting like you’re floating on the clouds, feeling very light. Three. You’re in a very, very deep state of relaxation. You feel very comfortable, very good. Now instead of going into the past we’re going to go into the future. You’re up in the clouds and you see a stairway made of clouds. You’re going to walk on them and instead of taking you into the past, they’re going to take you into the future, into a future life.

Now, your soul knows the cycles that you are going to be in for so your soul can project you into a future cycle of activity. It can provide us with some interesting information. I’m going to count to ten and you’re going to go up ten steps. One step, two, three. You feel it as an ascending process instead of a descent, ascending into the future. Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. When I say ten you’re going to visualize yourself jumping off the last step and you’ll jump into a future lifetime. You’ll be aware of where you are and who you are. Ten. You’re jumping into a future lifetime. Jump. You’re completely safe. You find yourself catapulted into the future. Where are you?

Belen: “I’m not on the earth plane. I’m on another planet.”

JJ: How far into the future is it? Is it a long way from earth?

Belen: “About 150 years.”

JJ: What do you see around you?

Belen: “Clouds and different people. They are light beings.”

JJ: Is it on this sphere or a different sphere? Is it a physical planet?

Belen: “There are different kinds of people, maybe not in this room. They seem to be very happy.”

JJ: Do they have physical form?

Belen: “Not very dense.”

JJ: Are they like energy beings or something?

Belen: “They seem to be very mobile and very light and they can travel faster than the people on the earth plane.”

JJ: If they want to go a hundred miles away, do they not need a vehicle?

Belen: “Some. It looks like some can do that and some need a different kind of vehicle.”

JJ: Are you one of these beings now?

Belen: “I think I am, yes.”

JJ: Is it a physical planet or a spiritual planet?

Belen: “It looks like it’s in between the earth and the other higher realms.”

JJ: If we went there in a spaceship could we see it or is it beyond earthly vision?

Belen: “It’s beyond earthly vision.”

JJ: Is this planet like a reward for you or something?

Belen: “Yes, it is a promise.”

JJ: Do you like living here?

Belen: “Oh yes. It’s a very nice feeling. It’s very light and the beings are comfortable and happy.”

JJ: Do they eat?

Belen: “They eat lightly. They have small food.”

JJ: Does this world live in peace?

Belen: “Yes very peaceful, very harmonious.”

JJ: Are there a lot of people on this planet? Is it sparsely populated or highly populated?

Belen: “I would say moderately populated in some locations. Other locations are thinly populated.”

JJ: I want you to concentrate on this earth. Do you see anything between living on this planet and your life on earth? Do you get any information?

Belen: “Oh yes. The earth plane, going back to the earth plane there are many responsibilities still to do, to be done, mostly on the spiritual reach out, mostly on the service of learning and the service of community.”

JJ: Which planet do you feel you got the most growth from, the earth planet or the highly evolved planet?

Belen: “Earth plane is very grounding. Other plane is a reward.”

JJ: Okay, now I’m going to count to three and you’ll be back in the present. One, two, three. Thank you.

Now, Laura, will you come up? Where are you from Laura?

Laura: “Texas.”

JJ: Have you ever felt like you have psychic powers?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: What made you think that? Are you professional or anything?

Laura: “Sometimes things just happen.”

JJ: Give us an example.

Laura: “Like I’ll have knowings before things happen. I don’t always know who but I get a dread or something. I usually get that when people pass away.”

JJ: Okay. Would you want to go into the future for us?

Laura: “I’ll try.”

JJ: Okay, close your eyes. We’ll go through a similar process. I’ll count to three and you’ll be in a state of deep relaxation just like you were before. One, relaxing. Two, your whole body is completely at ease, all the muscles are completely relaxed and you feel almost like you’re floating away. Three. You see yourself on a path in the forest this time. You’re walking carefree, the sun is shining through. You feel very happy. As you walk along you’re going to take ten steps and on the tenth step you will leap into a future life. One. Two. It’s a very beautiful forest. Three. Four. You feel yourself sensing the future already. Five. six. You’re sensing a future life. Seven. Eight. Nine. You’re just about to plunge into the future. Ten. You’re moving into a future, a different lifetime where you will have a different name than you have now, perhaps a different body, a different situation but still the same you. Where are you at?

Laura: “I’m on Earth.”

JJ: What time period?

Laura: “2200.”

JJ: Tell us a little about the situation on Earth in this year, 2200.

Laura: “It’s peaceful. People are real happy. It’s very technologically advanced.”

JJ: How do they travel?

Laura: “Magnetics.”

JJ: Some type of magnetic power?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: Do they have cars like we have today?

Laura: “No.”

JJ: What do the vehicles like?

Laura: “Like flying buses.”

JJ: Flying buses?

Laura: “Kind of. It’s hard to explain.”

JJ: Have there been any Earth changes in the past 200 years?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: What are they?

Laura: “You can go high in the atmosphere and you can see the Earth and it is totally different.”

JJ: Can you still recognize the United States or does it look different than it did in the year 2000?

Laura: “It looks really different.”

JJ: Is Florida still there?

Laura: “No.”

JJ: Is the United States as big as it used to be or is it smaller?

Laura: “Smaller.”

JJ: Is there more water on the Earth or less water?

Laura: “It’s like the same but shifted.”

JJ: Are there new lands?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: What year did the new lands appear?

Laura: “2110.”

JJ: Did anything much happen in 2010, 2020, 2030? Anything significant in those years?

Laura: “No; the changes were gradual.”

JJ: Where are you living in this future life? What country?

Laura: “They don’t have countries.”

JJ: Is it all one world?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: So the United States of America no longer exists as a country?

Laura: “No, not as a country. There are no countries.”

JJ: Are people considered citizens of the world or are they considered citizens of anything?

Laura: “They’re just cooperative. It’s just different.”

JJ: Is there any record of Christ showing up the way anyone expected?

Laura: “There is a great leader but they don’t call this leader Christ.”

JJ: Do people think he might be Christ?

Laura: “Christ-like.”

JJ: How long has he been the leader?

Laura: “Like several hundred years.”

JJ: So he’s at least several hundred years old?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: How old does he look?

Laura: “Thirty.”

JJ: Are there others like him?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: Is he considered a master?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: Does he have associates?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: Have you ever met one?

Laura: “Yes.”

JJ: What did you learn from the one you met?

Laura: “I learned to let go of everything that was not good.”

JJ: Do you think you can live to be a couple of hundred years old?

Laura: “In that time period, yes.”

JJ: How old are you now?

Laura: “43.”

JJ: What do you do for a living?

Laura: “Taxes.”

JJ: They still have taxes there?

Laura: “No.”

JJ: So you work with taxes? What do you work with?

Laura: “In this life?”

JJ: No, in the this future life.

Laura: “Oh, I work with healing.”

JJ: What is the most significant thing that happened by 2050? From 2005 to 2050 what is the most significant thing in your history?

Laura: “I’m not in that time.”

JJ: Yes but you should have records of that time. Do your records tell you of anything interesting?

Laura: “Well, yes, they had a form of government that doesn’t exist anymore. That gets changed.”

JJ: What made it discontinue to exist?

Laura: “The people. The people got smart.”

JJ: Anything else you want to tell us about your time period in 2200? Say if you were giving advice to someone in 2005 that would be good for them to know about the future time, what would you tell them?

Laura: “To live in each moment and that the past does not matter.”

JJ: Okay. I’m going to count to three and you’re going to return to the present. One, Two, you’re going to feel great. Three. Do you want to give us any impressions?

Laura: “It was awesome! The vehicles!”

JJ: Have you ever seen anything like that before?

Laura: “No. You would fly and they’d show you a map of what the Earth used to look like and impressed upon what it is now.”

JJ: Let’s give a big hand of applause to these two. (Applause) We’ll do one more. (Discussions on who will go next.).

In order to find the edge, you must risk going over the edge. —Dennis Dugan

Oct 3, 2009

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Gathering 2005, Sun Valley, Part 12

Gathering 2005, Sun Valley, Part 12
Predictions Continued

This is the second part of Sharón’s reading. Someone asked if this was done in full consciousness and the answer was yes. Sharón is one of the few who can channel, yet maintain awareness.

Sharón’s Reading (Continued)

Audience: “What about aliens?”

Sharón: “What about aliens? There are aliens even here in this room. You all came from somewhere.”

Audience: “Aliens from other planets, will they visit us and help us out?”

Sharón: “They have been visiting this earth, they have been helping out and they’re not going to rescue. They will only help those who are helping themselves. How you help yourself is by helping others and being of service. There is not going to be a mass evacuation because many people are looking for somebody else to rescue them and when this comes then this will happen. Well, this isn’t going to come until this now happens. You see? They are not here to rescue and to save. They are here to help once you ones have saved yourselves. Isn’t that a different point of view from what you’ve been taught?”

Audience: (Inaudible.)

Sharón: “They are already obvious to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. They are already here.”

Audience: “What about Jesus? Will he return or is he a child at this point or?”

Sharón: “Jesus or the one that Christ will overshadow? Because they are not one in the same. So what does your question really want to know?”

Audience: (Inaudible.)

Sharón: “Jesus is not going to come forward with the Christ Oversoul to play that role again. Jesus has a different role. He is that which is Sanada which is called Jesus. Alright? He will come back. He is already on the Earth. He is already on the Earth and he will make himself known depending on where mankind is at a certain place in time. He plans at this point, if everything proceeds as scheduled, he will make himself known about 2015. If things go on schedule for his soul. That is not the same as Christ as Oversoul.”

JJ: What about the Christ Himself?

Sharón: “We’ll get to that.”

Audience: (Inaudible.)

Sharón: “The Jeshua one as we call him will not.”

Audience: “Jeshua will not but Christ will?”

Sharón: “Jesus. His name was not Jesus. It’s Jeshua. The Jeshua one will have more influence for where he is coming in Europe. He is planning to have his influence in Europe. The one who is Christ will have the Christ Oversoul and by the way, the one who will be public with it is planning on making himself known around 2035 if everything goes as scheduled. It could come early or it could come late. We always say you ones are in charge of time. We see a series of events and you ones decide how fast or how slow you go through them.”

Audience: “And will he have an influence on our government?”

Sharón: “There is already much influence on the Presidency. There is already influence where it needs to be and there are three light beings in your government right now who carry incredible light who have soul contact. So if you wish to be helping your government, whether you agree with the outcome or not, if you will say, “May they see the light clearly” because there are so many negative thoughts in their directions that it makes it very hard at times. You see? So that is a prayer that can be of assistance to them. It looks at this point in time that the seeds are already there. The world, in order to have peace, must be peaceful everywhere because it is just as a family where one member gets disruptive, it disrupts everyone else.”

Audience: “What is going to happen with the Yellowstone area?”

Sharón: “Yellowstone, let us take a look. Ahh, you ones are having a big explosion, yes. Yes. As we are looking at that, that is coming. It’s just a matter of time. It’s a matter of when, not if.”

JJ: Some scientists say that it could evaporate us clear to Boise.

Sharón: “It’s going to be little first.”

Audience: “Do you see Idaho being like an island?”

Sharón: “Um, Idaho will not look like an island as we are looking because, unless an island is very big — it’s still going to be attached to Canada.”

JJ: How far down the road until you see a problem with Yellowstone?

Sharón: “That one is a question of if not when. We haven’t been given a time on that one yet because there is much ones on this side working on that to keep that tempered because we do not need that one going off the same time as the tsunamis are already in force, that will happen.”

Audience: (Inaudible.)

Sharón: “Within the next four years.”

JJ: “One third will be leaving?”

Sharón: “One third. They’ve already started. And you’ll have many. A big bulk of that one third is going to go within the next four years. Just as that last tsunami took a great number. Yes? This one in New Orleans will take more and there will be other instance and it will take more then just watch among your friends and your family how many more are leaving.”

JJ: How about China? Will they experience loss of life there?

Sharón: “Now we’re looking at China. One moment. This is very interesting because some of China is very safe and very good and other parts. China is very big as we are looking! So, some will be in effect and some will make it and some not. A great portion of China will be all right.”

JJ: Is China going to be a danger for us?

Sharón: “Now we’re looking at China. One moment. This is very interesting because some of China is very safe and very good and other parts. China is very big as we are looking! So, some will be in effect and some will make it and some not. A great portion of China will be all right.

“They would like to be. By the year 2012 they will be able to overtake the United States in manpower and in productivity and if there was a war they would win. Interesting yes?”

JJ: Are they going to get aggressive?

Sharón: “Not if we get our way on this side. We have many there that are working for the light. It is not easy in China working for the light. Yes, you ones think sometimes you have it hard here. Cushy jobs here!”

JJ: So China is hard to predict?

Sharón: “There is much going on in China at this time. There are two equally strengthening opposing forces. Those that talk out of this side of their mouth say they would like peace but out of this side of their mouth they are planning for war. Then there is the common person who would very much like peace. So it will be each one’s war within himself. That is the true Armageddon, is it not? In China you will have many who will initially say they will go to war who it will not take them long when the mothers and the wives say, “If you go to war we will not be here when you return.” And there will be many who will say they are not going.”

JJ: How about Taiwan? Will they invade Taiwan?

Sharón: “They’ve already started. They are invading first with propaganda. They are invading first with placement of key people that they own in their government. They have already started.”

JJ: Will they be successful?

Sharón: “It looks at this time, unfortunately, that the answer is yes. The only thing that is holding them back is the United States. Once the United States stops supporting Taiwan, they are gone.”

Audience: “I have one quick question. Everything you are describing has an air of acceleration so, on a dualistic, more positive note, what do you see in the acceleration of our understanding of human health? [inaudible] and things like that?”

Sharón: “That is going to come very fast and very rapid. It starts with different medical intuitives. It starts with know that, with this age now, when the future looks back at this age they will say, ‘They were in the dark ages. How could they have done radiation on cancer? How could they do this to the body?’ You see? There will be much of this. There is already much upbringing. The physicians of your day were given a task to do and when the government of the physicians, their medical boards, yes? got together, unfortunately they failed to rise to the occasion because they saw it is an opportunity to bring in a different kind of power than is initially put there before them. So, therefore chiropractics came up and chiropractors are now given that task of leading from the medical field into the next generation. And it will not be all that long dear ones where your people have arisen to the occasion and they, ‘Many of us will only go to the Dr if we break a bone because they are very good at setting broken bones.’ But even if it’s something else, we will go to the intuitives. They can see why this was caused and what the lesson is and what we are carrying energetically in the physical, emotional and mental bodies.

“The spiritual bodies will be able to see this. There will be centers rising. Some are already in the planning stages. A few are already existing. We see that in the next 25 years the way is in the centers where you have all the different practitioners and you have the most gifted as the receptionists, even though they are in hiding because they must be able to see what is going on in you and talk with you to know where to direct you out of their group so that you get the best healing. Your medical things are going to be incredible coming forward.

“The other positive news, as we have given many on earth changes that people think are very negative, we look on this as very positive in actuality because it will clean up the vibration of that which is being carried and being held so that the earth may move forward and the people on it.

“Positive things are there are already molecules of twelves being formed. Not only do you ones have molecules of threes that are going into pods, as we call them, they will then become molecules of twelve. There are many that are finding their other molecules of up to twelve. These are in the process all around. There will be great leadership in this spiritual way. The ones that are coming forward that you ones will hear about will be very intuitive to know when they are safe and when they are not.

“There will be a great divide between this way of thinking and that one which you ones call the ‘born-again Christians’. This has already started. The Christians have already started giving out pamphlets in areas against the Mormons just as what happened against the Jews in the Europe time. They’re not thinking that many of you ones are aware that this has already started.

“That these pamphlets are already going out calling the Mormons not true Christians. So the wars have already begun in this field and it will be where anything that is of totalitarianism where anyone wishes to take away your power to not help you to decide for self or gives you information which makes it easier for you to make a clear choice then everyone will have their church within themselves is the way the world is going. And by 2050 this will be the way. Isn’t that wonderful?”

JJ: What are the pods?

Sharón: “The pods, as we call them, are when groups of three and groups of twelve get together. We call them pods. You call them Molecular Relationships. We call them pods.”

JJ: Why do you call them pods? I’ve heard that term before.

Sharón: “It’s because of the energy of the pod. In the time of Joseph Smith he attempted to get the Molecular Relationship across and it came across as multiple whatevers. That has been a problem ever since. You see? So not to make any confusion because Molecular Relationships are the same thing as a pod but it carries a slightly different vibrational energy.

So a pod is just like a Molecular Relationship. Everyone is interdependent. No one is codependent but they start thinking almost as one mind because they have so much love and care for one another that they work as a unit. You’ll find these units growing into twelves where there will be twelve in this pod and twelve in this pod. We call them pods also because others will come and intercede and it will look sometimes like twenty or fifty but then this twelve will come back to regain and refocus and re-energize one another. But the pods will be intermingling.”

JJ: Are any of your group from the future?

Sharón: “Yes and no. Let us explain. First of all, all time is happening now and our group is from the past and from the future because we are the same. There is a group of ones, a group of spirits who agreed to come from the very beginning of time of the earth when it was seeded with what is called lifeforms that evolved into human forms. We are coming from that time and there have been promises made to stay with this development of humankind all the way until humankind does not require the support. So when you say are we from the future, we are also from the past because they are the same. There is a reason ones truly lived a thousand years at one time and went by many different names like Enoch, is the same as Thoth, has had many different names throughout time.”

Audience: “Are you familiar with Maitreya?”

Sharón: “Yes. There is one on the earth plane that says that he channels Maitreya. This is not truth. As we are looking at Maitreya this is one that is very much identified with the Christ consciousness however Maitreya is not being channeled as such on the plane at this time. So anyone who claims that they are doing so, we know, that they are not registering the truth.”

Audience: “Can you tell us who are the three enlightened souls in Washington?”

Sharón: “Yes, we can! But we give you the clues and we don’t want you to take our word for them. Yes? Two are male, one is female. Two are of color, one is not. Alright? All claim to be Republicans, one is not. (laughter) Alright? You may find them.”

JJ: Two more questions then that’s it. Artie?

Artie: “Tell us about the Gathering of Lights.”

Sharón: “This one in particular or the gathering of lights that is happening around the world?”

Artie: This one in particular?

Sharón: “Alright, let us take a look.”

JJ: Do you mean this gathering right here in Sun Valley? Or the gathering that will be the result of this one? (Artie finishes JJ’s question.)

Sharón: “Yes. Alright. We are looking at the ones in this room yes? The reason many of you are here is to get information. It’s also to gain the strength to go forward in the knowingness so you know to rise to your highest that you are receiving because these in this room have signed contracts, what you ones have in common is to disallow doubt because when you have doubt you are not pausing on your path, you’re going backwards. It is to find others also to help you go forward so that when you come to the place of doubt or questioning, that you can question in pause but not doubt and go backwards.

“So the result of this gathering of lights is more networking and more assuredness in these ones going forward, that they know truth, that they can recognize truth, that they have heard truth, that they can use this and incorporate it in their lives to help them with discernment. The greatest gift you can give someone today is to help them in their discernment because this is very cloudy and the dark side is very clever. The light is more clever but still, the dark side very clever.”

JJ: One more question.

Audience: “It seems if we could reduce our dependence on oil as an energy source that would solve a lot of the strife in the world and . . . (audience comments inaudible).”

Sharón: “Yes. Just as if you ones truly believe that the color of the skin did not make a difference, it would then be the color of the hair or the color of the eyes or something else. You have to have something. Because, remember, when you have conflict it causes people to be uncomfortable and only when people are uncomfortable do they grow.

So we say, “Where are your comfort zones?” Where you are comfortable have you stopped growing so drive a different way home. Go to a place where you don’t know anyone. Eat with your other hand. Notice we didn’t say your wrong hand. You see? Put yourself in situations so you can not get too comfortable or that you become comfortable regardless of what is occurring. You see?”

JJ: That’s a good point.

Sharón: “Then you will keep growing.”

JJ: Like when the Berlin Wall fell a lot of people went, “Well, we aren’t going to have any more worries. Let’s cut down on the military.” Peace on Earth, goodwill to men yet we still have problems, right?

Sharón: “Absolutely. There will always be some conflict. Until you ones consciously make a choice that you don’t need conflict to grow you will have conflict to grow. When you each individually make a choice that I can grow with ease and I can grow with joy and I can grow with glory, then you can have such as you live that peace and continue to seek and continue to grow.

So, we ask you anytime you get too comfortable and too settled, please do something in your world to upset the apple cart to force you to grow. And it doesn’t matter in which way you are growing and where the apple cart was upset because it will affect by the domino affect, everything else in your world. That is a gift you can give yourself and that one is easy. Yes?

“Dear ones, there is much, much love for each of you. You must realize that your own guidance teams push to get you to groups where you can be with ones of like mind. They push to have you with ones where you can have your minds excited and your hearts filled with joy. They push out of love and yet this is an energy time in your world that when you push on the Earth, there comes a great backlash. So, as much as your guidance team is pushing you they ask not to take the energy of push but of pull, that they will supply you with all the push energy you need so that you may concentrate on the pull energy, so that you pull things to you, you pull people to you, you pull situations to you, that you are pulling and not pushing because then you are working with spirit and guidance instead of against. There is much much love for each and every one of you. Know that you are never alone. Even in the shower. (laughter)”

JJ: This reading wasn’t on the agenda but that was interesting, Sharón, thanks.

Sharón: “You’re welcome.”

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” — Margaret Mead (1901 – 1978)

Sept 30, 2009

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Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 11

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 11
A Psychic Speaks

This was an interesting reading given by Sharón in 2005. I might add that no one is 100% correct in predicting the future but she did get several things close and perhaps more to come. She mentioned the destruction of New Orleans, a dramatic change in the presidency and water problems in Texas.

JJ: Sharón, do you want to come up? Sharón has good psychic abilities so we’ll see how she does.

Sharón (Giving prayer): “I thank you for the opportunity to be of service in this manner. God please remove my personality and my ego so that I may be the clearest conduit for the highest soul purpose of all involved. Light-keepers please surround us with the love of your life. Thank you light-keepers. Arch Angel Michael, please protect us and surround us with your radiant blue shield. Thank you Michael. Thank you also to the Arch Angels Ariel, Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael for your assistance. Karma please forgive us for any portion of you that we may be removing prematurely and we ask that portion to go back into the earth to be transmuted. Thank you Mother Earth, thank you karma. Again, thank you for allowing my vessel to be used in this manner for this service. I sit believing all things in the universe are possible.

 Well, good morning or should we say good afternoon. May we take a look at you ones please? We may only look at those who say yes. Yes? That is a universal law. Yes?”

Audience: “Yes.”

Light Keepers speaking  through Sharón: “See, we tricked you all into saying yes. (Laughter) So we are taking a look. So, you ones are seekers. You ones also have great knowledge. What is determined between your great knowledge and those that find is that scale of discernment and the use of your free will. Yes, this is what makes a difference for you ones. So it is very easy to just keep seeking and in truth those who find are the best seekers as long as they don’t get too comfortable with what they’ve found because then they stop growing. Yes? Now, you had questions on the earth changes. Yes? So let us tell you what we are seeing because we don’t see as this one prior to us saw. We see much differently. First of all, the tsunami that hit was part of the clean-up and the changing of the axis on this earth that you ones call home. And that one was just the series of events that had started in 1987 if you ones go back to your geological records. It hit in an area which was the center of witchcraft, where it was the center of child pornography, where it was a center of pedophiles. It was the center of these energies and as the earth is shifting and moving these things must be cleaned and cleared and made more suitable for that which is coming and that which has been determined. Therefore this movement was focused in that area of your earth. There were more changes made from that tsunami and the consequent forces than was made during the time of Atlantis. There were more shifts that you ones have not even recognized yet. And it set many things into motion.

Between mid-July and mid-August of 2006 the tsunami will hit closer to home. We see your New Orleans, the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah, being sunk or being filled with water, however you wish to look at it. It will be no more and it will not be worth raising from the dead. It looks like there was an area of Florida that was going to self-sacrifice, because it’s going to go anyway later, that will self-sacrifice to go at this time too because if not you ones will throw money down a hole that cannot be risen from the dead. So, it looks at this time as if Miami is the one who is raising to be volunteered to be self-sacrificed at this time also. So, know that this is coming.

“There are different things that are happening into your earth that will be many changes over the next hundred and fifty years. The earthquakes that have started off the coast of California, that are not being reported except in specialty news, have already started occurring, approximately two months ago. If you were reading there was a 7. quake off of the coast of California. These will continue until part of L.A. mudslides because of the changes underneath that will cause the earth to literally mudslide and the water to come in. The earth will just fall into the earth. It will be just part of the L.A. area but it will affect north up to San Francisco and down south to the Mexican border. This is coming but you still have much time yet. You also have a mountain or volcano that half of it is no longer there in the Canary Islands. This one is ready to fall and topple. When it falls and topples it will affect the tectonic plates. In eight to nine months later it will affect the coastline of Spain and it will affect the northern coast of Morocco. Then it will cause the tectonic plates to cause a wave to start underneath. This will not be like the one that has come recently, that some of you have read about, on the cruise ship where that huge wave came from nowhere. You see?

Some of you know what we are speaking of. This will be so much larger. No ones will know what happened but it will be. It looks to be eight to nine months after the falling of this on the Canary Islands. And it will hit your coastline, the northeast coastline and it will make some islands where there are none now and it will make some damaging. We are looking at your ones of the Washington D.C. area and we see this is not a wonderful place to be. they need to move more into the Pennsylvania area and into their underground quarters which they have already built because your government has foreseen some of this coming. And some ones think they are not listening but they are listening and they are prepared. And they are actually ready.

“So you have many earth changes coming, the timing of which is now, that you are in the midst of through a hundred and fifty years but the next one that you can test us one ought to be coming in 2006 with your New Orleans. Then maybe you will start to say, ‘Ha! I think I’ve heard that somewhere before.’ Now we have to watch to see which one comes next, this in the Canary Island which then affects your east coast, which looks at this time to happen before the California. But it is not set in stone because you ones’ attitudes and you ones’ ability to love and you ones’ ability to have fears all affect the weather. In truth it does. However the earth is cleansing at this point in time.

“The good news is that as we are going through this time period only one-third of the earth’s population would remain at the end. However, now we will tell you, yes one third is leaving and one third is staying but one third is still making up its mind. These are the ones that ones like us are reaching out to and the one third that is staying to educate the one third who have not made up their mind. For, there will always be warnings ahead of time if you ones are listening when it is to move. If you look at your friends and if you look at those people you know, how many are in transit starting this year and the tail end of last or plan on moving within the next year. It is because those who are being urged by their soul contact, those that are being urged by spirit, please move your ones now to some place of safety. Move your ones now so you are more settled so you may be of assistance when others need you to be of assistance and not need at that time to focus on self but on others. So, this is what we are seeing in the form of the earth changes that are coming and many of this is coming in you ones’ lifetimes and many of you will find that your loved ones in the next four years will be opting out because they will choose to do this not to live through this time period of great transformation. And there, one, for you, we see your floating cities. We see that too. Do you have any other questions of us while we are present?”

JJ: Is the earth going to get warmer or cooler in the near future?

Sharón: “Actually it’s going to shift. Some areas are going to get warmer and others will get cooler. It depends on where you are. Yes? So there is what is forming of the ice ages that is coming but it is going to be manageable this time because of different forces that are coming in from different areas.”

JJ: That’s kind of the impression I had too.

Sharón: “We’re so glad we’re in agreement. That is possible because we get our answers from the same place you do.”

JJ: What about this location here? Will it be affected?

Sharón: “In the Salt Lake City area you ones are going to get shipped from there because the Salt Lake, there is a river running under the lake and the Salt Lake is going to fall. So, that will have an effect up and down and you ones are a little bit close.”

JJ: Will it destroy Salt Lake?

Sharón: “Yes, oh yes. It’s hard to take that hard of a fall and come out without some bruises.”

JJ: How will that affect the Mormon church?

Sharón: “Well, they need a little shaking up, don’t you think? How are they going to explain that one? Maybe God got mad? Yes?”

JJ: Completely re-organized with all the general authorities sunk down there?

Sharón: “What’s going to happen is that people will have to come for their own soul contact. It’s going to have to come from within. You cannot get it from another. It is just like when you ask us questions about personal lives, we give you information, we don’t give you answers. You see? So you can make your own answers. So this is part of the process so people say, ‘I trusted this one. I trusted this one. I stopped thinking for self. Now I have to come back to think for self.’

Much information will be coming out. Some truth, some not. So you must learn who you’re going to trust and who you’re not so you have to be able to verify for self. What happens is, inside when you hear the truth, you get feeling good. You warm up, you come in with joy. When you don’t hear the truth, you get we feel sad, see? Because emotions come from spirit and you ones think you manufactured them yourselves.”

JJ: Are you Sharón or are you an entity working through Sharón?

Sharón: “We put her here so that we may use her physicality. And we are a group.”

JJ: How big of a group?

Sharón: “We always show up with at least 17, sometimes as many as 208, depends on who is calling us in.”

JJ: Okay. How many now?

Sharón: “About 176. You ones need a lot of help. (laughter) We just play and tease. It’s because you ones are truly seeking that we come in with more so that each one can open up to his own at the same time so that your own guidance team that works with you that some call personal angels, whatever you wish to call them, we call them your guidance team, can come in and work with you at the same time we are here because it makes it easier for them.”

JJ: What’s your impression of this group?

Sharón: “Hmmmm. Everyone has good and bad. Yes? And everyone has much to learn, it doesn’t matter where you are on the path. However, we will say that the vast majority of your group are honestly seeking and are here with pure intents that’s what we see. Then we are looking at ones as we look to see, who watched their clock, for the thief who admits they’re a thief, we like him. You see? It’s the thief who says he’s not a thief, than we know he’s also a liar. (Laughter) You see?”

JJ: There is a lot to be said for honesty, right?

Sharón: “It is very much. It is the one true thing that keeps you in connection with your soul and hearing clearly. For every time you shade the truth or every time you blanch it, for every time you decide that piece isn’t necessary, you see, you diminish your own soul contact. For every time you say, ‘This is my truth,’ I understand that is your truth and I will honor that but this is my truth. And by your silence you’re not saying the impression that you agree but by your voice you are saying, ‘Isn’t that interesting?’ I have a different point of understanding. You see? Not to judge that one for who he is but to make known that you are not in agreement by your silence for that is also truth and how else will other ones learn?”

JJ: Does anyone have any questions? Do you have any other impressions?

Sharón: “In what area? We know politics, we know individuals, we know earth changes, we know many things.”

Audience: “Earth changes.”

Sharón: “In Texas Houston area is going to have plenty of water problems and water challenges. Along that gulf will also have them. There will be safe corridors in Texas. There will be many changes of many different forms that are coming. The safe corridor starts right south of San Antonio and goes right north of Round Rock. It is the area of Texas that will feel the least amount of damages and recuperate the quickest. Alright?”

Audience: “Inaudible — safe place?

JJ: Is this a safe place here for instance?

Sharón: “Well, some is safe and some is not. Some are safe from earth changes but not from people because you’re going to have some racial disturbances. You’re going to have some ‘have and have-not’ disturbances. You’re going to have some border between your states conflict. We don’t want those ones. We’re having a hard enough time here by ourselves so when you say, “Where is safe” both from the economy and from some of the things that are happening, it’s going to be a combination. Plus we see that when the light is extinguished in the White House, as it written now, unless you ones choose differently, the dark will come in next. So there will be many changes but many will herald that that is really the light. It’s very interesting what is coming.”

JJ: Some predicted that problems between the Republicans and the Democrats will become so bad we may have another civil war.

Sharón: “It’s not necessarily a civil war in the way that your North and South fought before. It’s more like every state goes for itself. Interesting yes? And just to throw this out since you ones asked about Texas, one third of your army, your Air Force, your forces all come from Texas so when they call their people home, guess what. The United States does not have a strong force. Interesting yes?”

JJ: Is Texas going to secede from the union?

Sharón: “There is already much clamor for that. It will depend on the consciousness of the people at the time. There are many who are wanting that but the ones who carry true light will say, “No, we must look out for our brothers.”“

Audience: “How long is the Iraqi war going to last?”

Sharón: “It looks like, at this time, at least 7 to 8 more years before they settle or get settled where you ones are not focused on it as a war, however it will take 40 years for them to get a true sense of Democracy because first they will get a false sense of Democracy and they will literally put in the same kinds of people they put in before only they will think they are free.”

JJ: So they will get it worked out?

Sharón: “Eventually but its taking at least 40 years.”

JJ: United States?

Sharón: “The United States is still working on it. (laughter) You are now closing your borders. You are now in the process of closing your borders.”

Audience: “What will happen in 2012?”

Sharón: “2012 will be followed by 2013.”

JJ: Are you saying it will be an ordinary year?

Sharón: “On August 12th on 2012 many will think that something special is supposed to happen because the Mayan calendar has ended. Yes? They have simply ended the cycle where you go through the zodiac backwards, 2,160 years in every cycle. You see? That is only a cycle that is ended so a new cycle will begin. What will happen in that time — we see huge tsunamis, we see much destruction. In 2004, 2006, 2012 and 2018 then it settles.”

Audience: “What will happen with the Canary Islands?”

Sharón: “Canary Islands will be no more. When will that happen? We have to wait to see the effects of the earth because you ones think we have all the answers. You see? All we can say is it looks like this comes next and the greatest probable future at this time is this based on what is occurring. So after we see the damage and the destruction that has been hailed in the New Orleans and the Florida area and this area here then we will be able to look at a better time element on when the Canary Islands thing will happen. But for those who are in their 50s, it will happen within their lifetime. For those who are in their 60s, it will probably happen within their lifetime. But many people will be saying, ‘You know with all this destruction,’ especially when they see that the United States has more and more skirmishes–the police, there just aren’t enough — many people will say, ‘I’m out. I’m gone. I don’t want to go through this.’”

Audience: “Do you see earth changes in Chicago?”

Sharón: “Canada is going to be the true free place. They’re going to be more free than the Unites States and they are already starting to get an influx of people who are seeing this ahead of time and want to move there and create safe places. They are already being pickier on getting in and getting out. You see? Before you could just move. Now it is much pickier because they will be true free democracy as the United States goes through its turmoil. This is what the issue is in truth.

You ones may have your millennium. The minute 51% and more agree to be responsible for themselves and two others and not four others because every must learn to row their own canoe and pull their own weight. You see? It is a mentality thinking that one says, “Oh, this has happened to me and I can put the blame here, here, and here.” And they never look here, you see? This is what is causing the problems because then they have entitlement.

What is very interesting, as we are looking at different groups is when they have spiritual entitlement. ‘I have this much knowledge so I don’t have to do the labor that is needed, because I have this knowledge so it ought to come to me.’ That is not truth. Because you have this knowledge you have to work twice as hard because you see where the work is needed. It’s not that now somebody else can do it because you have understanding, it’s now that you have to pitch in with two hands and two legs and pull your friends in with you.

What we see as the problem of people who have understanding is that they have spiritual entitlement or spiritual superiority. ‘Somehow I am better than you because I understand it spiritually.’ It’s like the new badge, you see? So this is not helping. And there are many ones who are spiritual who do not want to get their hands dirty because they think now that they understand this, they are above this.

This is where there are many problems so it will be depending on many things and who rises to the occasion and who does not because you ones always have free will. And at any given time it will, when we tell you, ‘This is what we are seeing at this time,’ what we do is we look at everyone’s free will and we look at what needs to occur and we say this is the most probable future of what is coming. And yet when we are looking there is always in us the knowingness that this could shift at any time if enough people rise to the occasion and move forward as their soul directs them to and not as their personality does.

There are safe areas — part of Idaho will be very safe, part of Montana will be very safe. The part of Idaho where it meets Montana is a safe area. There will be safeness in many, many sections of Canada. There will not be safeness near the Mississippi or near any large body of water. So, when you ask about Chicago the answer is ‘No, it will not remain safe. It will be flooded, it will have damages.’”

JJ: How about Boise?

Sharón: “Boise is going to be right on the edge. Boise, as it continues to rise, it is attracting both the light and the dark so you will notice that the light of the light is coming but also the dark of the dark, somewhat of a balance.”

JJ: What about north of Boise?

Sharón: “That area is supposed to make it as of now.”

JJ: What about Sun Valley, where we are now?

Sharón: “This is very interesting because it is like this area is scheduled to make it yet it is wavering. So if people in this area come into greed, it will not. If people in this area remain with pure hearts, it will make it. It is supposed to make it but there is an opportunity for many people to be fleeing that will come with the idea of greed.”

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. – Alan Kay

Sept 26, 2009

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Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 10

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 10
Wayne’s Vision of the Future

 JJ speaking to Wayne (JJ’s friend from the Immortal series)

Do you want to close your eyes or leave them open?

Wayne: “I don’t care.”

JJ: Okay, close your eyes. Wayne is going to go into a deep meditation. Okay, Wayne, we want to concentrate on somewhere within the next 100 years if possible. We want to look into the future and see potential earth changes that may take place. Are there going to be any major earth changes in the next 20 years? 50? 150? 200? 100? How long until the big changes come — or may not come? If any impressions on that come while we’re doing this, please relate them to us. (shutting windows and doors to cut down on noise) Wayne is such a master of concentration that you guys could be running around naked and he wouldn’t care.

Wayne: “You can all run around naked and call me master. (Laughter.) That’s something strange to envision there. Now, if I was naked I’d understand why you’d call me master. (Laughter.)”

JJ: Focus on earth changes but if something else comes to you fill us in on that. I’m going to count to 10. Concentrate this time on going into the future. One. Two. You’re perfectly relaxed, just like you were last time. You’re very relaxed. Your mind is drifting along the time line. You’re following the time line into the future. Three. Four. Five. Everything is becoming clearer. Six. Seven. Clearer. Eight. Nine. You see things coming. Ten. You’re now in the future. When impressions come, let us know.

Wayne: “I’ve been thinking about the weather. I see the weather continuing on a more gentle trend into the future. Humanity has perhaps more to do with the weather than they think, in a direct way. As the human race evolves the weather becomes correspondingly gentler, milder and lends itself more to productive ways of life. I see a lot more moisture in the future. I see a lot more vegetation. I see fewer violent episodes that are weather-related.”

JJ: How far in the future are you?

Wayne: “Actually for the next few hundred years it will be progressively a more mild world, more sustaining of life and a friendlier climate, physically and politically.”

JJ: Do you see any earth changes? Any continents coming up or old ones going down?

Wayne: “I don’t see California sloughing off into the ocean or New York being inundated. I see gradual changes that have come about with continental drift and erosion of the coast but I don’t see anything cataclysmic happening in the next 1000 years.”

JJ: Is there anything else you see? It doesn’t have to be on this subject.

Wayne: “People are going to be a lot, lot more brighter than they are now. They’ll be new methods of construction and the gradual evolving of the human race from generation to generation will accelerate so that we’ll get a continuation of what’s happening now at an even faster pace so that each succeeding generation is markedly brighter than the one that preceded it. When you multiply that over even just a few generations it makes a huge difference in humanity. As soon as we have populace that is concerned with world peace then we will have it despite the fact that there many who will, in the interest of their own power through political means and monetary means persist, they won’t be tolerated for too much longer.”

JJ: How big of a population do you see?

Wayne: “The Earth will be more accepting of more people. There may be 2 or 3 times the number of people on the earth in 200 years but the Earth will be able to support them.”

JJ: Will the population eventually level out?

Wayne: “The trend in the future will be towards smaller families and more intense teaching for children. It will have its own leveling out process where humanity will replenish itself, not expand itself.”

JJ: What is the largest population you see?

Wayne: “About 50 billion.”

JJ: That’s a pretty big number. Did you get any impressions of how we travel?

Wayne: “That was a weird thing that caught my attention. It was sort of the inverse of what the satellite system does now. Now we get information on where we are from the satellites but this thing could be keyed on so you could lock onto the roadway and set your car and go undisturbed on any one of the arteries pretty much automatically. It seemed almost like a ceramic type substance that maintained it on the earth and through the mountains and straightened out where the terrain permitted it. It was a seamless conduit that directed traffic that could be quite a large distance away from it. There was very gentle rounding through the center. It was almost flat with curved sides and flat where it pressed against the earth. It was kind of like a flattened out hose or something.”

JJ: What year is it going to be when we see these?

Wayne: “At least a hundred years away.”

JJ: What kind of political system will we be using?

Wayne: “Less and less of a political system.”

JJ: Not a world dominated by big government?

Wayne: “None whatsoever. Local governments and a completely different type of money system.”

JJ: Do we still use money?

Wayne: “Yeah, money of a sort. There are still credits that are accumulated and earned and exchanged that have value. People who are interested in pursuing economic interest can encourage investment and pay other people. Usury will continue into the future as far as I can see it but it will be a much more purer world and the likelihood of somebody not having enough to eat or not having adequate shelter is remote in the future world.”

JJ: What causes the reversal of a central government to a more decentralized government?

Wayne: “People got smarter. They wouldn’t put up with the direction from on high that the political system fosters and supports.”

JJ: Was it public consciousness?

Wayne: “Yea, people got too bright to put up with the nonsense.”

JJ: That will be nice.

People forget the power they have to make changes. They think change has to happen.

Wayne: “People started to individualize more. Their sense of self-worth and self-purpose, their ability to pursue their goals and achieve satisfaction from a much wider venue than what is considered powerful and important nowadays.”

JJ: Very interesting, Wayne! Let’s give Wayne a hand.

He that fears not the future may enjoy the present. —Thomas Fuller

Sept 20, 2009

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Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 9

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 9
Past Life Regression, Continued

JJ: Were you like one of the hermits?

Audience member: “No, it was like I was a sun worshiper or a weather worshiper or something like that. Anyway, I went clear away from civilization but it was interesting. I felt really good.”

Another member of the audience: “Mine was pretty hazy. I think it was in the 1800s. I was in some sort of a hotel situation. That’s about all I saw.”

Another audience member: “I believe that I was Asian. I lived by a large body of water. I think my name began with an M, something like Misha. I came from a very poor place and I was given to a place where they taught people. There was a lot of books. I was very well-educated. I believe that I was dressed in silk and I was in the theater.”

Previous audience member: “I wanted to say also that when I was a wild man I loved it! I loved it and life was great! It was great!”

Another audience member: “I didn’t see much and I’m not sure. When you mentioned a friend I saw someone from this life accompanied with a huge sense of guilt and it became overwhelming.”

JJ: Someone in this audience?

Audience member: “No one here.”

JJ: Maybe there is something you need to work out with that person.

Audience Member: Possibly. After that I couldn’t get my attention off of that person so I didn’t follow the rest of the visualization.

Audience member: “I was a 27 year old male in the time of Alexander the Great. I was in the catacombs and I was a historian for that time and we were doing research.”

JJ: Had you seen this life before?

Audience member: “No, this was a new one. In the second regression I was working in the temple of Akhenaten. We were looking for secure places to hide things.”

JJ: This was back in Egypt?

Audience member: “Yes, at the time of Akhenaten, hiding records. Some were on papyrus and some were on stone but it was really the papyrus we were hiding. There were scrolls and stuff and we were figuring out how to keep them safe and keep them hidden because we knew an invasion was coming and we had to protect the records.”

JJ: (Jokingly) Well, let’s go find them!

Audience member: “I think they got moved later to Israel because I asked what happened. But at that time we were just trying to find a secure place for them.”

Another audience member:b “The first one was a physician in the 18th century. I could picture the house and the property I was on. There was a garden on it. It was a city setting. There was a great love between myself and my spouse. It got kind of foggy but I had a sense that there was a loss there. But it was that true love that I brought forth in this life. In the second one I was a stone mason and a builder in 1804. I had a feeling I was in this country but I didn’t ask why I was there but the building part was what I brought back with me.”

JJ: (Joking.) And here we have Moses? Right?

Audience member: “No, I didn’t get anything clear, just a vague feeling of great sorrow at the beginning of the first regression and nothing more than that.”

Another audience member: “The first time a word popped in like Mesopotamia then it was way back with red rocks.”

JJ: What was the one way back?

Audience member: “I don’t know. Everything was an orangish red. There were no plants, just rocks.”

Another audience member: “I got more of a feeling than anything else. In the first one was a very comfortable feeling. I think I was a housewife, well-cared for and loved and it was a very peaceful feeling. In the second I went back into a dream I had had that was very important to me. In this dream I left a comfortable home and my family because I wanted fame. I was a singer in Vienna. They were at my feet and I had all of this fame. The dresser who was helping me said, “You’re not happy here.” And I realized how full of ashes in the mouth I was–it was not important at all. I realized the important thing was the love of friends and family so I returned to my husband who took me in. It was that feeling of never wanting to be famous. That meant nothing and that was it.”

Audience member: “I was a man in both of them. I was in the Middle Ages in Europe. I could see a little village with fields everywhere. I was a farmer I think. My best friend was another man. He had a ruddy, happy kind of face. The thing I hated most in that time was either the king or the landlord. I was a serf or something and I felt powerless against this person who had power. I felt like that was what I needed to learn — was to let that anger go. In the second one I was in Egypt and I was a young royal prince. I was homosexual and in love with another young man who was not royal. He was a commoner. My mother was extremely domineering. She tried to live my life for me and she did not want me to be with this young man and I died young because of it. That’s all there was to that.”

Another audience member: “My first one seemed to be around the time of Jesus in early Israel. When you asked what I brought from that life to this life I knew immediately it was some kind of fear. It was very intense, very shadowy and a lot of despair.”

JJ: Were you a witness to a persecution or something?

Audience member: “Maybe. There was just lots of pressure.”

JJ: Maybe something about the government in those days.

Another audience member: “I got a couple vague impressions. The first was colonial times and something to do with Ben Franklin and printing and writing. The second was Medieval. There was a stone house or castle. I was involved with either service work or nursing.”

Getting an idea should be like sitting down on a pin; it should make you jump up and do something. —E.L. Simpson

Sept 19, 2009

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Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 8

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 8
Past Life Regression

JJ: Everybody ready? If you’re ready we’ll close our eyes. If you’re writing, put everything down on the floor so we can be perfectly still. Put your hands on your lap. First of all, you need to relax completely. Completely relax your body. Visualize a ray of light coming down from the sky and it’s alighting on your toes. Feel the toes of your right foot tingling with this light. It’s a very pleasant light. It’s tingling up your toes, your foot and now up your right leg, clear up to your knee and the rest of your leg until your entire right leg is completely relaxed. Now the beam of light is shining on your left foot and moving up your leg in the same way.

I’m going to count to three and your other leg will be completely relaxed. One, two, three. Both legs are completely relaxed as though they’re floating on nice warm water or air. Now your right arm, beginning at your fingers. The beam of hand is shining on your hand and up to your elbow and up the rest of your arm until your whole right arm is completely relaxed. The left arm now. The beam of light striking your fingers of your left hand, moving itself up the arm and completely relaxing it.

Both arms and both legs are now completely relaxed. Visualize the beam of light on your forehead and it’s moving down the rest of your body. All the muscles in your face are completely relaxing. Your chest, your neck, all the muscles are relaxing. Your tummy, your torso, all your body is completely relaxed. Both of your legs, your arms, your neck all the muscles are completely relaxed. You feel like you’re floating on a lake. Your head is above the water. The temperature is perfect. It feels like you could stay there all day. It feels really nice and comfortable.

You’re so comfortable that when you look down you see you’re actually floating on the air. You’re floating up like you’re weightless. It feels really, really good and very peaceful, so peaceful that you don’t have a care in the world and you’re just here relaxing. In this state of relaxation, you can see anything that you want. You can look into your past or into your future and see anything that is there to be seen. Now you see a cloud in the sky and you think, “Ahh, I’ll visit this cloud.” As you get up your body is weightless and you can will it to float. So, you will your body to float up to this cloud then you go through this cloud.

Somehow you know that on the other side of this cloud is your past. We’re going to count to ten and the cloud will dissipate. Right now in front of you, you see nothing but this cloud but the clouds are going to disperse. When they disperse you’re going to be back in the past, in the past life you will see as you saw then, you will feel as you felt then and you will know as you knew then. I’m going to count to ten and the clouds will disperse. One, two, three, they’re beginning to disperse and some details are beginning to emerge. Four, five, six, they’re beginning to disperse more. You’re beginning to see villages, countrysides, people. Seven, eight, nine, ten.

Now you see a view before you. You see a stairway of ten steps made of clouds. It’s going to take you into your past. We’re going to go down these ten steps. Step onto the first step, the second step. It’s kind of fun because they’re so squishy and light and you’re so light. The third step, fourth, fifth, sixth and your past life is coming into your view. Seven, eight, nine, ten. You are now back in your past. You know who you are. You know your name. You know someone who is a very good friend. You see him/her. Now reflect on this life. Think back to the beginning of this life and think back to the end and think of where you are now. You are going to a point in this life. You’ll actually be right there in your consciousness. You’ll be in your consciousness at this point in this life as if you’re really there. You won’t have to remember because everything will just be there. You will see as you saw then, hear as you heard then, feel as you felt then.

What are you feeling right now? Who are you? What is your name? Say that inside yourself. “My name is . . .” You know what your name is. Your name is coming to you. “My name is . . .” I’m going to ask you some questions about this life, and as I ask them you’ll have the answers come to you. You don’t have to think about how they come, they’ll just come. The first question is, “Who are you?” The second question is, “What time period does it seem like you’re in?” This time period is coming to you. Next question, “Which person in this life affected me more than anyone else? Someone I loved? Someone I hated?” Ask that question and reflect on it for a minute.

The next question is, “What did I learn in this life? What was the purpose of this life? Was it to learn love? Courage? A skill?” Speaking of skills, what was your profession? Were you a physician? A teacher? A shoemaker? What did you do and what did you take from this life into your current life? Think on this and the answer will come to you.

Now close your eyes again, within and without. You feel yourself being drawn up into this cloud again and you see before you another stairway of ten steps. We’re going to go down ten more steps and you’re going to go to another life, farther back in the past. By the time we hit the tenth step you will be back in another past life. As you’re stepping on the first step you feel yourself going backward in time. Second step, third. You look to the bottom of the steps and you see images beginning to emerge. Fourth step, fifth. You’re beginning to feel sensations from this past life. Sixth step, seventh, eighth, things are coming clearer. You’re beginning to realize who you are in this life. Nine, ten. You’re back in another past life. You’re there in consciousness. You see who you are. You know who you are. You can feel who you are. You know your name. I’m going to count to three and if your name has not yet come to you, it will come to you on the count of three. One, two, three. You know who you are. You know who is your best friend. Think on this.

Now you also know someone with whom you had a difficult time dealing with or working with. You know what you did for a living. Think on this. The time period is coming to you and you know your purpose in this life. I’m going to count to three and the purpose will come to you very clearly. One, two, closer, three. Your purpose of this life is coming to you. You know what your purpose was and you can see how this life affects your current life. You can see the connection.

Now I want you to take a minute and concentrate on this life. You can look at the end or any part of this life that you want to. You have the power to do that. You have power to go back to when you were a little child. You can go back there in your consciousness as though you’re really there. You can move ahead to the end of this life or the beginning. Take a minute of silence and go through this lifetime and visualize it. Some of you will be right there and can visualize it. Others may see it from a distance. Others will get impressions.

A period of silence passes.

You’re now back in the present. How many saw things pretty clearly back there? Raise your hands. How many received a name?

Audience: “Elizabeth.”

JJ: What time frame?

Audience: “1800s.”

JJ: Did you get details?

Audience: “I just saw myself in those big dresses and bonnets and I was baking bread.”

Another audience member: “Angelica was one of the names. The other was Lucille.”

JJ: Did you get any feelings about being there?

Audience member: “It was real dark, almost like a monastery type of place. In the other one I was a song and dance girl. (Laughter)”

JJ: Anyone else get impressions?

Audience member: “Yea, I was in the pyramids. I was down inside. People were working.”

JJ: Were you a priest?

Audience member: “Yea, I was wearing a robe and had a belt on and was just watching people work.”

JJ: How many details did you get? Was it an impression or did it seem like you were really there?

Audience member: “It was like an impression, like people were putting oil on the alter and there was writing on the wall but I couldn’t really see it though.”

JJ speaking to another member: What did you see?

Member: “I was a soldier. I was a man and this was a small town and I was looking at my big shoes and this was just like the 18th century.”

JJ: Did you see two lives or one?

Member: “Two. In the first I was a girl, about 15, with very white hair and I was staying in a cemetery close to the church.”

A different member: “I saw maybe the Holy Land or something there. All I knew was that I saw a noose and that I may have been hung. I went back to another life and I saw a fishing village and I wanted to get out of there and get to a big city.”

Another member: “I was a man. I was an artist. I worked with blueprints.”

JJ: How far back was it? Not too far?

Audience member: “I didn’t get a date. I saw lots of blueprints and lots of schematics. I was a long, long time ago. I saw a woman and I was a member of a committee.”

JJ: How clear was it?

Audience member: “Very clear.”

Another audience member: “I was some place in Egypt. I don’t know exactly where. I was in a building but it wasn’t a pyramid. It was something else. My name was Nikita and I was what was called Light Streamers. I helped direct lights for healing of people. Then I had another life in China and it was not a good life. My life lesson was one of obedience.”

JJ: How clearly did you see it?

Audience member: “Very clear. I mean it was vivid.”

JJ: What was your name?

Audience member: “It wasn’t very clear but I did get a name of Lucy or something like Lucy. It was the 1800s.”

Another audience member: “In the first one I saw a washboard and I was washing clothes and I had this bandanna on my head and I was sort of heavy. I think it was in Ireland because I could see the green hills and way in the background a castle. When you said to look for a friend, I saw a short stocky man. My best friend I felt like was a little child and a dog. That’s it. I didn’t see anybody else. The second one was strange. I felt like I was a footman, a man for the king or the queen. When you said to see a friend, my friend was the other footman. I relished serving people or helping them without worrying about how much money I made. That was kind of like the theme for that life. I didn’t want to be like my father who took a great deal of pride in being respectable and presenting a great image. I wanted to be the opposite and care more about the people.”

Another audience member: “I got some impressions but they weren’t about the past. I got something of a futuristic impression but I don’t know what or when. I couldn’t get a time. I couldn’t get a name for it. I was looking at a hillside and it was real lush green with a nice blue sky. There was a highway running through it that was different from any highway I’d ever seen. It was shiny. It was a gray/silver/white and it was seamless. I was thinking about the purpose of this highway. It wasn’t to carry traffic but to direct traffic.”

JJ: Were there cars?

Audience member: “There were cars in the air that would key in on the highway and they’d follow the highway from the air. There was a cone of traffic over the highway. The highway was going through some green hillside stuff. It was a shiny ribbon, seamless, and I seemed to know that it didn’t have any dust or dirt on it. It was self-cleaning in all kinds of weather. There was a physical connection between the people and the vehicles and the highway that went through the hillside. It had nothing to do with a past life.”

JJ: We want to go into the future in another session, but you’re jumping ahead of us. (Laughter)

Member: “I had no idea.”

JJ: Did you have any idea of the time period?

Member: “No, I couldn’t get out of that scene. I was trying to figure out that dab-gone highway!”

JJ: It is an interesting concept.

Another audience member: “For a while I didn’t see anything but grit. I’d see straight lines and it wouldn’t let me see anything. I got an impression. It was around 1550. I’m a woman and I’m white with blond hair and a white dress on. I was a student and I saw a professor.”

JJ: What country were you in?

Audience member: “It was in Europe. When you asked if you were a student of what I thought, ‘I don’t know.’ Metaphysics? I don’t see anything around me, just me.”

Another audience member: “I didn’t get the date but it was somewhere between the 1600 and 1800s. I was a white woman named Isabelle. I think it was. I got the impression of London. I wasn’t sure what my purpose was or what I was doing. I may have been a barmaid. I had a distinct impression of being really pretty and not being taken seriously for my mind. It was very frustrating in that life. (Laughter) That part was very aggravating. In the other life I was on another planet somewhere. My name was Velcor and I was at a university doing something with crystals.”

JJ: Was that a Jane Fonda movie? (Laughter from audience.)

Audience member: “Yea! I was just like at some sort of university setting, studying. It definitely felt advanced as far as physics and some high energy sort of concepts.”

Another audience member: “My first past life regression brought me to the 16th century and I was in one of the Mediterranean villages. I was a small girl and I had playmates. It seemed like the second past life regression brought me to the year that Christ was teaching in one of the villages. I’d heard so much about him. I was in a community with a lot of people.”

JJ: You were there in the same time period as Christ?

Audience member: “We were small kids and we’d heard about him and because he was so popular we were attracted to him but we hadn’t really seen him face to face.”

JJ: You just heard about him?

Audience member: “Yes. In our community were a lot of kids and adults. It seems we are so much attracted to this popular guy in a nearby village who was speaking.”

Another audience member: “This wasn’t very clear. It was about the 4th century and I was a transcriber and had these big books but then I became an eccentric and a wild man and I lived out in the wilds with the animals and my hair was all a mess.”

“Educate and inform the whole mass of the people…. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.” — Thomas Jefferson

Sept 8, 2009

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Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 7

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 7
The Interpretation

NOTE: See previous post for the visualization that is interpreted here.

JJ: The path represents your journey through life. So, the first thing you want to see is how far ahead you can see on your path. How far ahead could you see Larry? Quite away? You think you have your life pretty figured out if you can see quite away ahead. How many could see quite away ahead? Quite a few. Good. Now, did the path go uphill or downhill? Uphill? Going uphill means you see life as somewhat of a struggle. It seems like every time you make an advance you have to work to get ahead. Anyone see it going downhill? Don over here thinks he has an easy ride. He’s coasting downhill in life. He’s laid back.

Is your path worn? Have a lot of people traveled it? How worn is it? Is it just a slight path or is it well-worn? Who had a path that was not well traveled? That didn’t have much wear? This means you have a life that you feel not many people have had. It’s an unusual life with unusual circumstances you always find yourself in. If the path is well-worn, you feel like you’re living life the way a lot of other people have lived which is neiter good nor bad.

What kind of day is it? Is it cloudy or is the sun shining? If the sun is shining it means you’re an optimist and see things through rose colored glasses. No matter what happens you just keep plugging along. If it’s dark and gloomy or cloudy, you may be a bit of a pessimist and looking on the negative side there.

You go into the forest. How many saw little animals there? That means you like children. They represent children or it could be different types of friends in your life also.

You go through the forest and get to the body of water. This body of water represents your sex life.

Audience: Laughter.

JJ: The bigger the body of water, the more attracted you are to the opposite sex or if you happen to gay, it would be the polarity you’re attracted to. It shows you’re attracted to energy, in other words. Did anyone here see an ocean? The bigger it is, the bigger your attraction to romantic energy.

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: The deeper it (the body of water) is the more intense is your passion your passion. Did anyone see an ocean? No one admits it? Well, if anyone saw an ocean we’d better keep out of tgheir way!

Audience: Laughter.

JJ: Is the water clean or is it dirty? That shows how you use it and your attitude towards it. You could see it as everything you’re doing is ok or your personal morality is fine with it. If it’s muddy you may need to re-examine your own inhibitions and belief systems. Were there any fish? Who saw a bunch of fish? Anyone who is married see a bunch of fish? That means there are romantic interests in your life. If you’re married you should probably see just one big fish, How many did you see Artie?

Audience: Laughter.

JJ: If you saw lots of fish jumping that means you have a lot of romantic interests in your life. If there is just one fish, there is just one person in which you’re interested.

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: You saw what? People under the water? Maybe your mind just interpreted straight on because the fish represent people.

Now you come to the wall. The wall represents death and how big that barrier is in your mind. All of us, in our minds, think about it some. Some a lot, some not much. How many saw a small wall that was easy to climb over? This means death is not a big deal to you.

You see it as just one more hurdle to climb over. If you saw the wall as something big, it means it is an unknown to you. You don’t know for sure what’s waiting for you over there. You don’t know if you’ll be met by Jesus, the Devil, Buddha, or what.

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Oh, you saw an opening. You cheated! If you had to walk around it, it shows you aren’t sure about death and it would be nice if you could avoid it.

Audience question: Inaudible.

JJ: As long as you got through it one way or another, if you got through it by some magical means. Oh, there was a door? Okay. Death is manageable to you because you were able to find a way through. In other words, you don’t see death as something orthodox but something mystical or maybe something unusual might happen that you don’t expect. You expect to get through it okay.

Audience comment: Inaudible.

JJ: That means that the different times you consider death you have different opinions. Sometimes you might see it as no big deal but other times you might think, “It could be a big deal.”

You get to the other side of the wall and see your abode. This represents what type of reward you think you deserve. Anyone see an outhouse?

Audience: Laughter.

JJ: I’ve had people say outhouse in the past. An outdoorsy guy may think that’s heaven. How many saw a big mansion or a castle? So, Lorraine, you think you have some good stuff coming? Now you go into your abode and see the furnishings. They represent how comfortable you think you’re going to be in the afterlife.

The cup represents how you feel about responsibility. Was it a big cup or a small cup? If it was a big cup that means you don’t mind taking responsibility. If it was a small cup that means you don’t like taking on much responsibility. The main thing is how much it will hold.

One thing I forgot to tell you. Add this to your visualization. When you found your key, did you pick it up and take it with you or did you leave it lie? If you haven’t gone through that yet, ask yourself now, what would you do? Do you want the key or is it so old and useless that you don’t want it? The key represents your opportunities in life. When you come across an opportunity, what do you do with it? The bigger the key the bigger the opportunities that come to you. The shinier and more valuable the key appears, the better the opportunities that come to you. So if you saw a big gold key, that’s really good. Small gold keys indicate smaller opportunities but they were valuable ones. So the question is, “Did you pick it up?” How many picked up their keys? That means that when your opportunities come, they’re good enough that you’re going to take them. If you leave the key there it means the opportunities you’re experiencing aren’t that great and it’s not worth taking advantage of them. That’s the basic meaning of the key. If the key is old and valuable, that means your opportunities are still good but they’re proven opportunities, not new ones but older opportunities. If the key isn’t worth picking up you don’t feel the opportunities coming are worth taking advantage of at the moment. That doesn’t mean it’s going to be that way through your lifetime because it will change. A year from now you may see a different key or a different body of water or whatever. Any questions about this before we proceed?

Audience question: Inaudible.

JJ: Yes, that continues on optimism and pessimism. As you go through the details of life, which was represented by the forest you see them through a good state of mind. We’ll take a break and go on to a past life regression.

Life isn’t measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. – Maya Angelou

Aug 31, 2009

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Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 6

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 6
Visualization of the Path

Audience: “When you were talking about prophecy and the ability to prophesy, I’m not sure I have her name right but I think Sister Anne Catherine Emmerich, a nun in the 16th century who never left the convent she was in. The book, I think it’s called ‘The Chronicles of Christ,’ is a day by day, almost hour by hour account. She went though such an experience that she almost experienced his life so thoroughly. The only reason I’m saying this….”

JJ: Is that the source of Gibson’s Passion of Christ?

Audience: “I don’t know. I have the book but I didn’t bring it with me. It’s also co-written with a man who was a psychic, a physicist, an astrologer, a Dr and a whole host of things. He collaborated with her. What she says about Christ is similar to what you said the last time. She didn’t say the silver cord was broken when he died but she said he went on. When he resurrected and because he could no longer live in Jerusalem because of the situation, he left with Mary Magdalene who was his wife and also with his mother. They went to France. France has a tremendous history. They said he had 5-7 children with her but she was also able to pinpoint the hour, the minute and the day, and this book is very documented.”

JJ: It’s really hard to say for sure if her prophecies are true there because it’s a period of history that’s hard to define scientifically.

Audience: “They did find the house where Mary lived with Jesus and they found things in that house that she said would be there.”

JJ: Really!

Another interesting thing is that an early Catholic mystic predicted the next 112 Popes. In his predictions about 60-70% of them seem to be pretty close. The Pope we have now is the 111th from the beginning of the prophecy and people think the next pope may be the last pope. This pope is supposed to have something to do with an olive branch. The current Pope (2005), Benedict, is from the Order of Benedict’s which is associated with olive branches.

The next pope is supposed to be associated with the name Peter. I wonder if he picked the name Benedict for that reason. Even he isn’t a 100% infallible and they had to stretch it a bit to match some of the popes to his predictions it is a fairly impressive prophecy.

The best thing for making the future predictable  is to make a decision and if you are firm in fulfilling your commitment to your decision, you can predict something that will happen. These are the things that are really predictable. If either we, or the lives higher than us, have something planned out then that can be predicted. Certain scientific ideas can help us to predict things. We’ll talk more about this over the next couple of days.

We’re going to do a past life regression but I think before we do that we’re going to do an interesting little psychological meditation to prepare your mind for what’s next. You can keep your eyes open or close them. It really doesn’t matter for this.

Visualize yourself walking along a path. In the distance the path goes into the forest. Between where you are and the forest is a path. Here is what you want to ask about the path. Is the path worn or has it been traveled on by many? Does the path ascend or does the path go downhill or is it on level ground? Does the path go straight or does it curve to the right or left?

Visualize this path in your mind with all the ingredients of it. As you’re walking along the path, what kind of day is it? Is it cloudy? Is the sun shining? Is it raining? What kind of day is it? Take all these things into consideration and look ahead on the path as it goes into the forest. As you go into the forest what do you see? Does the forest completely shade the sun? Is it dark there or is there still light in the forest? Do you see much vegetation? Are there any animals in there?

Keep on walking along the path.

Now you come to a body of water. What’s this body of water look like? Is it a stream? Is it a pond? Is it an ocean? You look at the water. Is the water clear or is it murky, stagnant or alive? Are there any fish in it? Are any fish jumping? What kinds of life are in this body of water? You walk along the body of water and you turn to the left and pretty soon you come to a wall. You know the path continues on the other side of the wall. You want to get over the wall. Is the wall too high to climb over? Can you climb over it? If you can’t climb over it, do you look for another way around it?

Somehow you manage to navigate to the other side of the wall, either you climb over or find another way. Now that you’re on the other side of this wall you find a place where you’re going to be staying — an abode. It could be a cabin, a house, a mansion, a castle or whatever. Visualize this abode. You go into this dwelling place and there is a table there. Upon the table is something to drink from, a cup of some sort. Visualize in your mind this cup. Is it a big cup? A small cup? A big glass? A mug? What type of drinking utensil is this?

You go outside and on the front door is a key. What does this key look like? Is it a new key? An old key? A shiny key? A dusty key? A modern key? An ancient key? See all the variances of this key in your mind. Does everyone have all that? This is an easy one.

Everyone can visualize these types of things pretty well. Next, we’ll interpret the meaning of what you saw.

Aug 29, 2009

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Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 5

Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 5
The Beast and Enlightenment

JJ: It’s an interesting concept if you think of God having to create. He had to create because the impulse to create and manifest experience is built into everything that has life. It’s built into us so much that we can’t get away from it. Even when we sleep, we dream. Dreams manifest experience. People say dreams aren’t real but when you wake up you can remember a dream and how it made you feel.

Our waking lives are the dreams of the soul so we should make the dream interesting. Don’t concentrate on righteousness so much as making it interesting. Righteousness is fine. Don’t create harm but don’t concentrate on being pious or the most spiritual person in the world but make your life interesting. If you make your life interesting, you’ll end up on the spiritual path. This is one reason I think a lot of the dark brothers take the dark path is that they simply didn’t have enough interesting experience so they seek the ultimate experience in selfishness.

The people who truly flavor their lives with interesting experience and still follow the path of harmlessness — this is important — they do not hurt consciously another human or another life but live as harmless as they can. You must be willing to take some risk, add some flavor to your life and have some good experiences. Any questions before the break?

Audience: “I was going to ask about what you said about creating the beast whenever you create an authority outside yourself, is that what you were talking about in ‘The Immortal’ when John was saying that Elizabeth’s doctor already had the Mark of the Beast?”

JJ: Yea. Matter of fact, I’ve written quite a bit about that for the Keys group. It’s in the archives where we go through The biblical Book Of Revelations and talk about the Beast. There is a lot of misunderstanding about what the beast is. In the first book of John, John said the Antichrist is already in the world. (I John 4:3) Some are sitting around waiting for the great Antichrist to appear that will make Hitler look like Cinderella. The Bible itself says the Antichrist was already in existence 2000 years ago. What is the Antichrist? What is the Beast? The Beast is really somebody that takes the place of God in your mind and you give the power of God unto them. You give power to a prophet, priest or king to be the mouthpiece of God for you and to you he becomes your Beast.

Let’s suppose you’re a member of a particular religion. The church teaches that the priest speaks for God. You don’t have enough common sense to figure out what God is saying but he does. What he says goes. If the priest says a particular thing is wrong then it is. The priest is an extension of God on the outside. You have to eliminate God on the outside and put him on the inside. When God is inside, then you have escaped from the Mark of the Beast.

In Revelations, Chapter 14, it talks about 144,000 who escape the Mark of the Beast. They have the name of God written within their foreheads. What does that mean? God is where? Within. Within their minds, within their hearts, within their foreheads. The name of God within their foreheads. These are the people who have escaped the Mark of the Beast. If you haven’t escaped the Mark of the Beast, then the words of the prophet, priest or king is your God and you have put God outside of yourself, for outside authorities are the ones who interpret what God wants you to do.

If they say not to work on Sunday you don’t work on Sunday. If they say not to marry someone, you don’t. If they say you’re to be a shoeshine boy then you become a shoeshine boy. Whatever they say goes because they’re representing God and they can tell you what God thinks and believes. That’s the Mark of the Beast.

The Mark of the Beast extends way beyond religious things too. It extends among government and doctors. A doctor can’t do anything without approval of his peers. He has an outward authority that tells him what he can and cannot do. If a doctor sees a combination of herbs that he thinks will cure cancer, he wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole because the Beast on the outside is telling him no. “You can’t do that or you will be punished. You will have your license taken away.”

So a doctor cannot promote a cure for cancer or herbs that will help because of this outward authority that takes the place of God tells him that he cannot do this. This outward authority is everywhere. No one lives outside the Mark of the Beast. In other words, any job where you work for someone else you’re following some type of authority on the outside where you cannot exercise your own free will to the maximum. The closest you can come to escaping the Mark of the Beast is to work for yourself. By working for yourself you can make your own decisions but you’re still under the Mark to some degree. It’s almost impossible to escape entirely but escape it as much as possible where you can still make a living.

Audience: “Can a Dark Brother attain salvation?”

JJ: It depends on whether he’s totally committed himself to the Dark Side. We’ve heard there are Seven Planes of existence. There is also what is termed ‘The Eighth Sphere’ which is matter of such a low vibration that’s it’s below physical matter. When these people choose the Dark Side they create a physical vibration lower than the physical and their consciousness goes in it. When the consciousness goes into this descent, even lower than the physical plane, they can’t get back out. They lose contact with the Soul and without the Soul they cannot be delivered. They vibrate with this Eighth Sphere which is built entirely of illusion.

Because the Soul can’t go there they place themselves beyond its reach. When they place themselves beyond the reach of the soul there is nothing the soul can do to reach them. Then they slowly disintegrate. This is the ultimate “Second Death” talked about in the scriptures. There are several meanings to the second death but this is one of the meanings. What happens to the Dark Brothers when they reach this place is that they are in a state of disintegration and everything they have built up for hundreds of lives begins to disintegrate. Then they’ll go back to their essence where they began their evolution and start all over again, which we are told will take myriads of time.

After all the forms are shattered, in a future solar system with a future sun, they’ll have another chance to begin their evolution all over again but it will be several billion years from now until they get a chance to start over. Then they start all over again with totally new vehicles and personality. So the Monad starts over fresh. Their Karma is paid off through the suffering and disintegration of their personality selves..

So, they start over completely fresh but it’s a long time and they lose several billions years. Not only do they lose that but they lose all their friends because their friends have moved on to higher heights of evolution whereas these guys are way back in the beginning. They’ll need to form a new field of associates.

There are only a handful of people who go on the Dark Path. A lot get tempted by the Dark Path but because of pain they switch back to the path of light. Only a handful resists all the warnings of the Soul and get concretized in this lower matter where they can’t get out. A lot of people worry about being a Son of Perdition and having done an unforgivable sin but you haven’t gone on this Path as long as you have an ounce of compassion in your heart and a degree of wanting to serve your fellow man you are not on the Dark Path.

The sin against the Holy Ghost is when a person distances himself to the degree that he is unreachable by the Soul.

Audience: “What about Adolf Hitler?”

JJ: I’d guess he’s pretty much beyond the point of no return. It’s possible. It’s difficult to judge people like this. It’s possible that he could turn around in some future life. If he hasn’t completely chosen the Dark Path he’s come dangerously close to it.

My guess is that he has chosen it.

He was definitely manipulated by the Dark Brothers. When we read about him it really sounds like he believed he was doing the right thing. If he was completely tricked by illusion, then he could still choose the Light Path, but if he knew what he was doing, then he’s in big trouble.

Audience: “So you are guessing?”

JJ: Yes, I’m guessing. I don’t know for sure about Hitler.

Audience: “I have a question. You were talking about how we, as entities or beings, can never catch up to the creation of God because by the time we catch up to where He is He would’ve already moved on. So if we are to attain a state of enlightenment, then is all revealed? The infinite? Do we recognize the infinite at that point and become part of it?”

JJ: That’s a good question. If we attain enlightenment here in the physical it would seem to some that  we have gotten close enough to God that we can see everything? Not really. In other words, the imagination of God always exceeds our own. There are many levels. Remember the bumper sticker that read, “I found it”? We think we know a lot that others don’t know so we figure they haven’t found the stuff that we know but, on the other hand, there are those who think they have found enlightenment and that’s it. This is what a lot of people want to do. This is the lazy man’s path to salvation. He wants to find it and once he finds it, it’s over. He understands God; he understands everything so there is no more to understand. This point is never reached in the worlds of time and space.

What true enlightenment is and what Buddha reached when he achieved it is: we have the various planes, the astral, the physical and the mental. Above that is the buddhic plane and above that is the atmic plane. Above that is the plane of the monad and above that is the plane of the divine. Buddha reached the Fifth Plane up. He reached the Atmic Plane. He thought he had achieved the ultimate but he didn’t. There are several planes above that. But all these Seven Planes are planes that compose a higher physical plane called the Cosmic Physical. The Cosmic Physical is the lowest of the cosmic planes. Then we have the Cosmic Astral, the Cosmic Mental, and so on. So no matter how high we get, there is always something higher.

The mind and the lives of God stretch out beyond imagination. We might think we’ve achieved the ultimate but when we achieve enlightenment what we’ve done is that we’ve torn away the veil to the next level. When we do that we see so much we think that can’t possibly be any more than that. After you’re there awhile you’ll think that maybe there is more and maybe you ought to look. You look and find, “There is more, beyond belief.”

There are layers of enlightenment. What people call enlightenment is actually a lot of different things. Buddha called it enlightenment when he saw the Atmic Plane. Jesus saw the same thing and called it the Kingdom of God. It was called by different names but it was enlightenment for both of them.

Audience: “Would it be correct to say we’re infinite as we exist in the eternal flow?”

JJ: We can say that. Here’s what I compare it to. A song. And the song I like to compare it to is [the Beatles’ song] “Yesterday” because it’s one of my favorite songs and it’s so basic and easy to remember. What is the beginning to its manifestation? It owes its incarnation to Paul McCartney because he is the one who actually wrote it instead of John Lennon. Right now there is a problem because he wants credit for writing the song but Yoko Ono disputes it. He actually wrote it and when he did he brought the song into incarnation. Then others put it into incarnations with different versions and arrangements of it so it’s gone through probably a thousand incarnations but it is still the same song. It’s still the basic melody. Let’s say we tore up every piece of music that has anything to do with this song. Does it still exist? Has it always existed? Yes. That notes have always been there and will always be there and that’s the way you are. You are a series of notes in the mind of God that have always been there and have always been available. When the right combinations have come forward then you came forward. There was a beginning to you coming forward in creation and there will be an end to the way that you incarnate. You’ll come through all the various pieces of manifestation, all the various fears and learn everything you can from them, then you will go back enriched.

The song, “Yesterday,” went back enriched because it went through these various incarnations and all kinds of arrangements. Before it came down here and manifested, nobody had a clue that it could be put together in so many different ways. It’s been manifest in so many different ways, by so many different voices. You come down here the same way from eternity. The essence which is you, which is called the Monad, never had a beginning, and will never have an end. In that way you are infinite. But as far as the numbers go there is no such thing as an unlimited number. My theory is this: the number of particles in the universe is the number of Pi. Scientists have tried to figure out Pi and have it out to hundreds of numbers but still haven’t figured it out. On the internet they published about 3 pages of numbers for Pi. They published 3 pages just to show people how big the number is. That’s my theory. The number for the perfect circle, Pi, is the number of particles in the universe. However, there is no way to prove that yes or no.

“When you do something noble and beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle and yet most of the audience still sleeps.” – John Lennon

Aug 28, 2009

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