The Iron Rod

The Iron Rod

We have had many come and attempting to teach us the state a reader mentioned as being beyond revelation. I have knick-named this “The Nothingness Philosophy.” We have spent many thousands of words discussing it but since each missionary for the cause cannot put nothingness into words we remain unenlightened to them.

The bottom line is that there are many states of consciousness, and the one mentioned is one that we plunge into now and then, but obviously we do not want to stay there all the time or we would not be here. We are obviously here for a purpose so it is best to move ahead with that purpose and fulfill it so we may have joy.

As far as thinking that the holding onto the iron rod meaning that we should adhere to the authorities in the church — I couldn’t disagree with more.

The iron rod in the parable is the word of God — and where is that found?

It is found within as indicated by the apostle John:

“And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.” (Rev 14:1)

The name of God which is God in us wherein the Word of God lies is in the forehead, or within our own divine consciousness linked to God.

Lehi’s dream is more fully explained below taken from an address I gave at the 2002 Gathering. Here is an excerpt from that:

The inner spirit is stimulated by the love of our fellow men. When we share love with our fellow man it stimulates the word of God within us so that we have a sense of what the tree of life is like because the love of God is even greater than the love we share here among us.

When we are able to make it to that tree of life we make it by holding on to the iron rod which is revealed to us as we follow the highest that we know. As we do this we can make it to the tree and partake of the fruit. So Lehi did this. He followed this iron rod and he made it to the tree. As he and several others made it to the tree they partook of the fruit. When they partook of the fruit he noticed a river of filthy water. On the other side of this river was a large and spacious building. In this large and spacious building were people dressed in fine and beautiful clothing.

These were looking at the people who had partaken of the fruit and they were laughing and making fun of them and telling them that they were ridiculous. Then Lehi saw that several who had come and partaken of the fruit were ashamed because people were pointing their fingers at them and making fun and mocking. Even though they had partaken of the fruit of the love of God they were ashamed and they wandered off onto strange paths and were lost. But Lehi said that he ignored the people who were pointing their fingers in scorn and making fun of him and he continued to eat of the tree and he was satisfied.

This is an interesting parable because it illustrates so much truth. When a person does the highest that he knows he begins to move ahead and he begins to feast upon the love of his fellow man and upon the love of God, there are those who will point the fingers of scorn. There are those who will make fun. There are those who will accuse the person of being a new age quack or a Christian quack or some type of weirdo or freak or whatever they want to call them. The person will be ashamed and he will withdraw. Maybe it will be his family members pointing fingers at him and saying, “You’re not going to go do that weirdo stuff, are you?” Maybe the weirdo stuff is that which leads him to the tree of life where upon he can partake of the love of God. So the person who partakes of the fruit must be able to withstand scorn, pointing fingers, family, friends, and everyone that may think he’s a little strange. We know Rick’s the only one who’s really strange. (laughter) The rest of us don’t have to worry. Just joking Rick.

I know, for instance in my family, they all think I’m very strange. I was telling somebody earlier, that none of my family will read my book or even take my book. When I give the book to them and say, “Here take it. It’s free” then go visit them the book is nowhere in the bookcase to be seen. Many of my friends are active in orthodoxy so they’re very wary of me because I’m a strange character to them.

So this is one of the things we must withstand. We must withstand people pointing their fingers, pointing us out, pointing you out as being off the beaten path. The path toward the true love of God is not always easy. But you notice, if you ever watch a movie where you really feel love manifested, like Titanic. At the end of Titanic the guy goes through tremendous friction to be able to have the woman of his dreams then he gives his life at the end and you feel so bad and you feel taken in by it. Wherever there is a lot of love manifested, like you feel in a good story, there’s usually a lot of sacrifice and a lot of difficulty crossed. Then after the difficulty is crossed the love is manifested. Titanic is a good example. They went through a lot of difficulties. They even sank with the ship and the woman survived that. Jack gave his life to save his loved one at the end. You just start choking up when you see something like that even though it’s fiction and in a movie. A good story can remind us of the true reality and the true sacrifice it takes to manifest that which is eternal and important.

Esoteric Knowledge

A reader comments on my use of the word “esoteric” which mean “hidden.” He says this can have several applications and wants to know how I apply it.

Just like many other words that have various shades of meaning based on the context and reference of the author even so is this word used from numerous angles of meaning. I have no problem with any of them. I can usually tell what the author has in mind when he uses the word — that is the main thing.

When I use the word as in juxtaposition to exoteric the two words take on the meaning of inward and outward. In this context esoteric knowledge is that which is only available to those who seek within and exoteric knowledge is available to the masses who just look at the obvious.

Generally, when I use the word esoteric in reference to knowledge, I am speaking of knowledge based on spiritual principles that rings true, but not accepted or sought after by the masses, thereby it is hidden from their consciousness.

The Atlanteans

Reader question: “So who and/or what were the Atlanteans prior to this intermingling with the Aryan?”

JJ: The Atlanteans did not significantly change after this event but evolved slowly. Their descendants are the oriental people of today. When a new race is created the members are not necessarily more spiritually advanced. Each race has its advantages. The Master DK says he still prefers an oriental body even though it was not the latest race because it is conducive for the inner work. Others like the Aryan body for it is useful in dealing with the outer world.

A reader responds with this: “You don’t have to BE an oriental to THINK like an oriental. Sorry, DK”

JJ: DK’s attraction to an oriental body has little or nothing to do with thinking but more with how the body functions as a vehicle that makes the inner work a little easier. For instance, it is easier to relax in a La-Z-Boy chair than on a lawn chair. You can think on either one but that doesn’t mean they do not have an effect on where your attention is.

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” — Will Rogers (1879 – 1935)

July 4, 2009

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