Preparing For the Return of Christ

This entry is part 33 of 43 in the series Molecular Relationship

Chapter Thirty-Three
Preparing For the Return of Christ

Once unity is achieved, keeping the rest of the commitment will be automatic as long as we are willing to follow the communications of the Soul. Nevertheless, let us take a few moments to review the rest of the Covenant. The next major item of importance is that that we promise to do all in our power to prepare the way for the Coming of Christ. This is more than just a manifestation of the Christ Consciousness; it is an actual appearance of the Master of the Christ Energy for this planet.

This is the final of three stages of the coming of Christ, for the prophecy of the coming of Christ has more to its fulfillment than merely one event:

Stage One. the Recognition of the Christ Consciousness.

Many believe that the realization of the Christ Consciousness is all there is to the coming of Christ. It is a part of it but it is just the preparatory stage which has been building since the middle of the nineteenth century. This public realization began with the announcement of Joseph Smith that we are eternal and co-equal with God. This was followed by many other teachers who taught the principle of God consciousness in man. One of the main teachings of Jesus while he was here was that we will not only do works similar to his, but greater works and that we are sons of God as well as he is. The thought that Jesus was not inherently different from us, but “the firstborn of many brethren” is a principle that must permeate our minds before the physical “second coming” can occur.

John had this in mind when he wrote: “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” I John 3:2

We have finally reached a point to where this first stage has truly been initiated. Almost everyone, even non-believers, are somewhat familiar with phrases such as “the God Within,” “Christ Within,” “The Inner Christ,” “The Christ Consciousness” and others. Many believe this concept, others disdain it, but few have escaped the idea entering their heads for consideration.

When the energy of the first stage has completed its work, then the average spiritual person will not flinch at joining Jesus in declaring “I am one with God.”

Stage Two: The Divine Possession As mentioned earlier, the entity Jesus was a reincarnation of the Biblical Joshua, and, after his baptism, shared his body with the entity who was the head of the Christ Energy for this planet. This person who had the office of the Christ was Melchizedek in a past era. This divine possession will happen again. This time, however, it could involve a number of masters instead of just one.

There is one Avatar in particular who has been called in from another solar system, and who operates through the First Ray, or Will-Power-Purpose energy. This Being is even more evolved than the Christ, who is on the second divine ray energy of Love. According to Alice A. Bailey the Hierarchy calls this entity the Avatar of Synthesis. Because Love energy alone does not have the building power to manifest the New Age, the Avatar of Synthesis is here to assist the Christ in the destruction of old thought forms and the building of new. His vibration is so high that, according to Alice A. Bailey, he cannot even manifest in the physical or emotional bodies. He must instead work through the mental bodies of either a disciple or a group. When anyone feels His presence there will be a tremendous inflow of the Power Energy tempered by Love which will stimulate them with a Herculean sense of Purpose to fulfill the Will of God.

Below is an invocation dedicated to this avatar.

Avatar of Synthesis Invocation
From the center where the Will of God is known, let Purpose guide the little wills of men.
Let the One Great Life manifest Its Purpose and send forth His Avatar.
Let this Master of Purpose come forth and amplify our wills to synthesize them with his own, giving us power to serve.
Let the Avatar of Synthesis manifest to the group of which I am a part.
That we may prepare the earth for the Lords of Light and Love.
Let Will and Power and Purpose manifest the Christ on earth.

We must remember that divine possession is much different than the spirit channeling that we hear about today. Most channeling is direct voice, where the entity that owns the body leaves and a disincarnate being from the astral realm assumes consciousness, speaks with his or her voice inflections and displays a new personality. When the channeling is over, the person has little recollection of what happened.

In a divine possession, the more evolved entity is a member of the Hierarchy who has already overcome death. The consciousness of the Master dwells with the disciple here on the earth, but the disciple always keeps full control over the physical body and maintains full consciousness and memory. The Master only has as much power as the disciple allows him to have, for a Master is one who has mastered power and does not interfere with free will. The Master can only be effective in so far as the disciple and he are one.

This divine possession is the second stage of the coming of Christ and will commence with the building of Human Molecules.

Stage Three: The Physical Appearance of The Christ If we liken the building of the New Age to creating a structure, then Stage One lays the foundation of the building. Stage Two completes it, and Stage Three dedicates and uses the building. In Stage Three we are not merely talking about a raising in consciousness or the coming of the Christ Within, but the actual physical manifestation of the Christ in a physical body. This will either involve a complete fusion with a disciple so their wills are one or his consciousness manifesting in a body all his own. Either way, the same Master who walked the sands of Galilee will return with greater power and wisdom than He exhibited two thousand years ago. Even so, it may be some time after he arrives that his “power and great glory” is visible to the masses.

He will come to teach all men how to raise their consciousness up to the plane of the Spirit so “the whole earth will be full of the knowledge and glory of the Lord.”

Before He comes, a group of people must be prepared to receive him. This must be a people who have already assimilated the basic truths that are already available on this planet. We must remember that Christ is a Master Teacher, and he is coming to teach us. If we have not yet learned the simple things that are here, available for us now, what good will it do for Him to come and give us something higher, something we may be unprepared to understand? Therefore, a people must be prepared to be ready to receive teachings which have never been presented to the earth.

The scriptures say that “When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory.” Psalms 102:16 This means that Zion will be in the process of being built when He comes. Many believe the opposite; ie, that Zion will be built after He comes. Zion, or the physical gathering of Lights must take place before He comes or He has no reason to come. There is no major group in existence on the Earth who is presently ready for Him. Molecular Members must dedicate themselves one hundred percent to helping to prepare and gather a people to meet their Lord.

This event was prophesied of by the Christ himself. He said: “And he shall send his angels (The Greek reads: messengers) with a great sound of a trumpet, (teachings that will cause people to pay attention), and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” Matt 24:31

Before Zion can be built, or the Lord appear, the Molecular Order must be established on the Earth through the gathering of Lights. One of the reasons for its importance is that it will be the only organization that the Christ could join incognito and rise to the top. If He were to appear today unannounced, He would have the same problem He had in his last life and would be rejected by all organizations. All leaders would be threatened by Him and seek to destroy Him for fear of the loss of their own power and influence. Only through the Molecular Order can a man of His stature rise to the top, and someday He will join the Order and be recognized for who He is.

The Covenant to Build the Molecule

The next part of the Covenant commits us to building the Molecular Order so we can prepare for the coming of the Master. It reads: To aid in this, I covenant to do all in my power to assist in the materialization of the Molecular Organization on the Earth.

To fulfill this part of the Covenant, the person must first realize that he is joining more than a social club with a casual commitment. He is virtually dedicating his life to this work. If the disciple desires to treat membership lightly, then the pilgrim should make use of other organizations which are good for casual interest.

Seekers should take this part of the covenant with the realization that they are dedicating all their means possible to establishing a foothold on the earth for this organization which shall be a vehicle for soul energy. They should not let the personalities of others or their personal problems detract him from a full dedicated effort to assist in the creation of human Molecules. They should make a concentrated effort to gather with others who are committed to learn as well as teach and to work on projects beneficial for the group.

To form a working Molecule takes commitment that will not only last for this life, but will be a building relationship that will continue life after life, sphere after sphere, and world after world.

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