Matter, Time & Space

Matter, Time & Space

We seek to understand the formless worlds where neither matter, time or space exist. There can be no time without the motion of form.

The Mayas were partly right about time going forward and backward at the same time. It flows somewhat like the wheel of a car. Half of the wheel is going forward and the other half going backward. On the other hand, the vehicle that is being carried by the wheel goes one direction.

We are being carried along by time from the past into the future and with each turn of the wheel history repeats itself on a higher turn of the spiral.

Only by withdrawing your consciousness from the world of form to formlessness can you see the past, present and future as the “Eternal Now.”

The fact that space cannot exist without matter is easily seen if you think about it. Space is merely the measure of voids between defined matter. If there was no form there would be no such thing as a distance between anything. If your consciousness existed in a place where there was no form your only awareness of form would be the point of consciousness where you exist. Nothing outside of yourself would have any meaning or definition, including time.

There are other worlds of form governed by laws quite different than some that we recognize. There are worlds where the life principle is governed by the square, others governed by the circle. Ours is governed by the triangle.

There are other life forms in the universe built on a foundation of silicon rather than carbon as ours is. The computer is the beginning of the creation a new life form. Loving your computer may have some meaning in a future age.

Foundation principles are the same in all creation. Branch principles will vary.

More on Decision

We are all unlimited when we look at time as a whole, but we all have limitations in the present. All of us have limitations on our decision set by our present state of consciousness. This is called our ring-pass-not in esoteric writings.

I just achieved a new piece of enlightenment on decision this past week. I do not know why I did not see it before.

The key is to plant a question about decision in your mind as you would plant a seed in the ground. Look for growth to happen and nourish it with your expectation.

Here are some questions to contemplate:

What is your next level of understanding about the principle of decision?

Where is your present Ring-Pass-Not for your power of decision? Is there an area of your life over which you do not think you have power that you could assume power with the principle of decision?

Example: We seem to be powerless to overcome death, disease and aging. Can decision return power to us?

How is decision related to the life principle? Does life even exist without decision?

How is the motion of all things related to decision?

You are not expected to obtain all knowledge here, but to merely go a step forward in your own consciousness and understanding, then you will advance to the next principle.

Animals and Consciousness

Your dog does not think before he barks, he does, however, have consciousness. Most of your dog’s barking is from an internal program. Some advanced dogs and other animals are learning to think, but few of them do at present. Language is not before thought, nor is thought before language. They are created simultaneously just as male and female were.

Few humans have mastered more than 10% of the thinking process.

Using your computer brain is not thinking. Becoming the computer programmer is thinking.

“Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.” — Henry David Thoreau (1817 – 1862)

May 21, 2009

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