Decision and Molecules

Decision and Molecules

Prayer seems to be a negative word with many “New Agers,” and a dead word with many religionists, but a prayer offered by one who is sincere is truly a powerful tool.

If you pray for guidance and get a definite answer then you are one with the Spirit; there is no real decision to be made if you have already decided to follow “the still small voice.”

An answer given by the Spirit is always toward the Middle Way, but the Spirit does not always give you a definite answer or assistance. Remember the words of Jesus on the cross: “Why have you forsaken me?”

Sometimes the Spirit withdraws and leaves us on our own to make a decision, especially if either decision will work. At that time everything seems to be in shades of gray and many look to some authority for an answer. The disciple will continue to look within and use his faculties. In this situation he must use a certain ability before he makes a decision. What is it?

The use of this ability is condemned by many. It is the second key of judgment.

There are two aspects of judgment as with almost all words. Because the world mainly sees the negative aspect they have put aside the Power of Judgment and have a black-and-white view that all judgment is wrong. Jesus did not say do not judge at all, but warned us to make righteous judgments “for with that judgment that you give out, you will also be judged.” This is basically the Law of Karma.

We must be prepared to judge all things, even people. If we do not then our decisions will lack judgment and lead us into strange paths.

Contemplate the difference between a positive use of judgment in relation to others and a negative use. How is judgment necessary to manifest the power of God in your decisions?

The light behind the keys is found in no book that I know about. Some of them are hinted at, but not explained.

Decision is talked about in many writings, for instance, but the light we are looking for in the principle is not. I have never heard of any other writing linking the Power of Decision to releasing the Power of God within you.

The first three keys all revolve around decision and from a larger point of view is one major key.

The first thing to realize is that the Power of Decision is used by both your higher and lower selves. It is a power that links the two and leads them to Oneness.

The difference between the Power of God and power as a human sees it is that the Power of God has no limits. The individual always sees limits in his power. One may say he sees no link between the Power of Decision and the Power of God. In reality you must see this link before you go beyond the first few keys. You must always question the setup of things, no matter who sets them up.

Many believe they are making a decision when they are merely reacting. How many do you think make true decisions? If they are reacting they will not experience the Power of God. “Choose you this day…”

The name of the first key is Decision. How is the Power of Decision linked to what you are?

How was it that the ordinary working people associated with Jesus were transformed into something more than human — something that we have no correspondence to in today’s world?

It was not a fluke or accident, but the result of a scientific procedure that can still be duplicated today.

Just as a molecule with certain properties must have a certain number of atoms to acquire certain properties, so must there be certain numbers of “Human Adams” to produce certain results.

Jesus produced two Molecules in his day. One was a Molecule of Twelve units, but there was another lesser-known Molecule of Seventy that also acquired the power to do miracles. You can read about them in Luke, Chapter 10, Verses 1, 17-18.

After the crucifixion and the Apostles were killed, the knowledge of the Molecular Order also died. The knowledge resurfaced again in Camelot and was taught by Merlin. The Molecule was composed of the twelve knights of the Round Table and their female companions. The sword Excalibur was a symbol of the power of the divine order. The order was successful until the betrayal of Lancelot and Guinevere. King Arthur refused to give his heart to another woman and the power was diffused.

There is more to building a Human Molecule than to just get the correct numbers together. They must be linked by an initiate to the inhabitants of the Spiritual Kingdom of God. This linking process is a great mystery. Also all the members of the Human Molecule must have some degree of soul contact. They do not have to be perfect, but they must be sensitive to the spiritual flow to the extent that they can achieve a degree of Oneness with the other members.

Question: Was the problem that King Author could not forgive Guinevere and Lancelot?

The problem has nothing to do with forgiveness, but letting go. To create a human atom of two individuals you need an intertwining of the heart energies. This definitely must include spiritual love and in many cases it includes romantic love. If the person designated to complete the human atom breaks off from the molecule, but the romantic love persists, there is created an interference of energy that prevents a new atom from being successfully created.

King Arthur passionately loved Guinevere and after the break up his energy still went out to her preventing a new atomic unit from completely forming. Since the energy of the Molecule passed through him the whole thing was greatly weakened and the kingdom eventually disintegrated.

Question: After molecules   are established can one move to different ones?

Yes, the different numbers will have different properties and people can move from one to another, but in leaving a position — that position must be replaced immediately.

Once the Molecular Order is firmly established, the relationship to the order itself will be eternal — at least for the life of this universe. There will be changes in relationship as the individual moves around within the system, though, as the order advances, a link will always exist through the Oneness Principle.

Question: Can one person belong to several molecules?

Only one at a time, but he can be linked to many.

“Things are only impossible until they’re not.” — Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation

April 18, 2009

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