Human Antichrist

Human Antichrist

Question: You teach that the Beast (or the antichrist) is unearned authority that controls the hearts and minds of the people, but is it possible that it  will manifest as a worse than Hitler figure that many expect?

Yes, such a thing is entirely possible and came close to happening in the person of Adolf Hitler. If Hitler had won the war we would have seen an antichrist dominating the world in a way that would have been apocalyptic. Instead of ruling for just 7 years, as many expect of the antichrist though his third Reich, he would have dominated for 1000 years.

Are we still in danger of another human antichrist like Hitler?

Yes, the door to evil has not yet been shut. Another human antichrist could certainly appear. Some always associate the current president with the antichrist others think he is yet to come.

In the past an antichrist figure has appeared every several generations and will continue to do so until the nations of the world reach a point of stabilization. That stabilization should be reached within 150-200 years, but if another antichrist is let loose to wreak havoc on the world that could be delayed.

The fundamentalists are expecting an antichrist that will make Hitler look like “Snow White,” and expect him to place a computer chip in everyone’s right hand or they will not be able to buy or sell.

Is it possible that some “evil dude” will force a computer ID chip on us all? Yes, it is possible, but even if he does try to control buying and selling it is not likely to literally fulfill Bible scriptures, at least not the way believers expect. For one thing, if a computer chip were used he would probably use the left hand as Hitler did to avoid the antichrist label.

Then too, the fear is so wide spread that an antichrist will forcefully plant a computer chip in us that the resistance would be very great and some other method of control sought.

Prospective antichrist figures will indeed surface but if disciples do their job they will not be able to create enough havoc to prevent the New Age from arriving on schedule.

Right now there are many antichrist forces at work in the world designed to take away our freedoms. Disciples must do all in their power to teach and speak up for the principles of freedom so that free will prevails over slavery.

Retracing Steps

Question: Was Joseph Smith a master?

Let me clarify. In the past I have taught that Joseph definitely passed the third initiation but failed the fourth when he refused to go west and escape with his life. It is possible he made it farther in past lives but, whatever the case, to become a master he would have to come back and pass the fourth and fifth initiations.”

We might have all been masters in a past universe, but the fact is that when anyone incarnates as a baby he has to start at point zero and move in miniature through all past progression in this system.

Question: Why do we have to  start over  with each incarnation?

JJ: It has to  do with the loss of memory when we are born again. This involves more than loss of data in the physical brain but a loss of instinctual reaction that is built into our bodies and loss of most emotional memories in the astral body. The main thing we take with us is our native intelligence.

Let me give an imperfect analogy.

A person may go to a foreign country (France) for a few years and master the language so he is conversant in it. Then he comes home for 20 years and never speaks it. After this period of time he finds he is rusty and when he reads a French article or meets a French person he finds that he is amazed at how much he has forgotten. There are a lot of words he doesn’t understand anymore.

Then he has to take another extended visit to France with his wife who has never spoken French. He then finds he is able to again master the French language much faster than his wife, up to the skill he had in his past visit. After that is reached his progress is no faster than his wife’s.

I say this is imperfect because there are no points of tension such as the initiations in learning a language. These points can even stop a master in his tracks, but overall, he will have an easier time than a novice because he has been there before. Intense, uncomfortable and sometimes painful experiences are involved in the initiations and we never get completely used to them. One person who has had a lot of pain may not fear it as much as a person who has not had it, but it is still a barrier to be transcended.

If a person was a master in the past and is reborn then he is no longer a master until he passes through the necessary steps.

“Every man is guilty of all the good he didn’t do.” — Voltaire (1694 – 1778)

April 9, 2009

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