Cycles and Hope

Cycles and Hope

I was asked why I made a correlation using the number 1000. Why not another number?

The answer is quite simple. There are cycles in all things and the subconscious of humanity tunes into the universal truth enough that it has picked up on certain cyclic numbers and incorporated them into our own cycles.

Seven is the number of days (periods) of creation (and re-creation) and is an important number in the study of cycles and correspondences. Humanity realizes this and has made the calendar to have seven days in the week which repeat over and over. It is instinctive in this cycle for humans to give themselves a day of rest whether they are religious or not.

Another cyclic number is 12. Humanity uses this number over and over and has incorporated it into its cycles by giving us 12 months in a year. This tradition dates back past 4000 BC in Egypt.

A third and important cyclic number is 10 and multiples thereof. Humanity could have built our numbering system around any number, but we chose 10 because the soul of the race realizes that this is an important number when dealing with cycles.

The number 10 and multiples thereof are useful in the study of cycles when dealing with years of time.

10 is useful in the cycle of the individual. You should assess your life every ten years. Look for correspondences to happen now that occurred ten years ago and try and sense the lessons your soul is sending you. Look over the message of your experience over the past ten years and look for a higher correspondence in the next ten years. If you do this in connection with the soul you can be a prophet for your own life. The end of each ten years and the beginning of the new is the beginning of a new cycle for you.

100 years is an important cycle to study for the progression of the souls of the earth. This cycle gives us an idea of how much progress has been made by the average incarnated soul. For instance, this last 100 years tells us that the humans souls are making a giant step forward at this time in their evolution and that many have learned important individual lesson as well as group lessons.

1000 years is called in the Bible a day with God. It helps us to understand the cyclic nature of the 1000 if we look upon it as a day in the life of the human race. We do not have the history of mankind far enough back to study this correctly, but if we study what we have we will discover certain correspondences in the various centuries. For instance, we would find correspondences to our current time in the end of the first millennium AD and also just before the birth of Christ. The correspondence to the period before the birth of Christ would be stronger because 2000 years is close to an astrological day.

We are currently approaching the beginning of the seventh thousand years since the last Adam. Humanity realizes this and all religions express it in their dream and expectation of a period of rest and peace on the earth.

Such a day is coming, but its full implementation may be later than many are hoping for.

A reader says I imply facts that cannot be proven. Not so my friend. You can find the truth of any statement that I or anyone else makes by establishing soul contact and then running the principle involved by your soul. If the principle in the teaching is true, a chord within yourself will vibrate in harmony to it and you will sense a flashing of light within your mind. If it is not true there will be no light and no soul confirmation. This principle only works when you go beyond the personality and listen to your higher self.

If I receive soul confirmation on a teaching and tell you that the teaching is just my opinion then I would not be honest and honesty is imperative to maintain soul contact. On the other hand, you are welcome to look upon any positive or absolute statement I make as opinion. We must both look upon them as we see them from the highest part of ourselves.


I gave this quote a while back that created some interesting comments:

“When hope is loose in the streets, wise men bolt their doors and shutter their windows.” — Eric Hoffer

Most thought of hope as something positive and couldn’t relate to this negative presentation.

JJ: Indeed, I have written about hope as a positive aspect in the past. The ancient truism reads: “Hope springs eternal.” This is indeed a true statement and it is a good thing that it is true because sometimes, as human beings, that is all we have had to keep us going. No matter how much the weight and trials of the world bear down on us, as long as we continue, hope returns and we have a sense of daylight at the end of the path.

That said, we must also take into consideration that we live in a world of duality and all qualities have their positive and negative aspect.

Now hope is such a positive quality in most minds that it is difficult to see any negative side of it, but it is there nonetheless.

Hope is positive when you are hoping for an end result that will play a part in moving spiritual evolution forward and result in more love, light and abundance on the earth.

On the other hand, hope is negative when its attention is placed on something that is harmful to progression or is full of illusion

For instance, Hitler and his group hoped Nazism would succeed.

Many there are who hope their belief system will triumph when it would spell disaster if it did.

Many hope the object of their desire will become their mate when there is no compatibility and a marriage would be a disaster.

When I read Hoffer’s quote of hope being “loose in the streets” an image of something like the Bolshevik Revolution or Castro’s band of hopeful freedom fighters came to my mind. These were rebels filled with illusionary hopes that caused retrogression and human suffering.

Another misuse of hope is to place too much on a fallible individual because of charisma or strong authority. The scriptures say, “cursed is he who trusts in the arm of flesh.” One could follow this by saying “cursed is he whose hope rests in the arm of flesh.” One should look to internal verification from the soul and heart to generate positive hope — not to a man.

Hope that true principles will prevail and the Spirit will bring forth the people necessary for the hope to become a reality is a good thing. Place your hope in a man to bring forth true principles and disappointment will generally follow.

“Fools rush in where fools have been before.” – Unknown

March 6, 2009

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