The Meaning of Eve

The Meaning of Eve

A reader asked for additional comment on my interpretations of various Hebrew words such as those for Adam and Eve.

She was referring this the statement I made: In the Old Testament Hebrew two words are translated as “man.” The first is ADAM and the second is IYSH. ADAM is sometimes translated as “man” and sometimes literally as “Adam.” ADAM is not the name of a person, but of a racial being that is the hermaphroditic combination of male and female in the image of God: “Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called THEIR name Adam, in the day when they were created.” [Genesis 5:2] On the other hand, the word IYSH refers to the single male only.

There are not many places you can go to learn the true meaning of the original language of the Bible. The best thing to do is get a Strong’s concordance and study the words yourself. With a little common sense you will be able to translate better than the experts who are handicapped by their attachment to dogma.

The Hebrew word ADAM is only translated Adam a couple times in the Bible but is usually translated as “man.” It usually refers to man of Hebrew descent. There have been many Adams. Each Adam is a new advance in human evolution. The account in the Bible is an account of the last new creation among humanity. The very first Adam was a hermaphrodite and after the split into make and female a number of Adams have followed.

Christ was called a spiritual Adam in the scriptures because he initiated a new group among humanity who follow the Spirit.

“Eve” is interesting word and comes from the Hebrew CHAVVAH. It is generally believed to mean “Life-giver” because of the following scripture:

“And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living” in Gen 3:20.

The word “because” is not in the original Hebrew and has caused believers to give a wrong meaning to the word Eve. If she was indeed named Eve “because” she was the mother of all living then it would be logical to assume that Eve means “living” or “mother of all living.”

But if we read it more closely related to the Hebrew we receive a totally different slant:

“And Adam called his woman’s name Eve; the mother of all living.”

Here we are given a totally different slant. Eve was not called Eve “because” she was the mother of all living, but she was named Eve, and in addition to being called this name she was “also” the mother of all living.”

A examination of the root word from whence Eve comes from reveals much more truth about the word than the side comment that she was the mother of all living.

As I said Eve comes from the Hebrew CHAVVAH which is derived from the prime root CHAVAH. By studying the context of the six times CHAVAH is used one can see that the common meaning is “to reveal.”

What does this tell us? Adam called his wife Eve because she was a source of revelation.

Question: What does it tell you when you contemplate the fact that the female side of humanity is a source of revelation?

I received a comment from Assaf correcting me on a translation point concerning Genesis 3:20 as follows: “And Adam called his woman’s name Eve; the mother of all living.”

I left out the word “because” since it was not in the Hebrew of the source I was using. Assaf pointed out that the Hebrew KI is in the ancient manuscripts and is translated as “since,” as,” “for” and implies the word “because.” I checked this out and he is right so I stand corrected.

If the Hebrew we have was not altered it should read “And Adam called his woman’s name Eve; (because or for) she was the mother of all living.”

The Concordant version which I consider to be the most accurate Bible translates it as follows: “And calling is the human his wife’s name Eve, for she becomes the mother of all the living.”

Before I made my post I noted that just about every translation uses “because” or a similar word so I should have suspected they had reason to place it there.

One can certainly see why the root from whence Eve comes from is associated with “living.”

Even so I stand by my original conclusion that the Hebrew CHAVAH, from which EVE is derived, is close in meaning to the modern word reveal. I realized when I wrote this that “reveal” is not the common translation for CHAVAH, but there is an important point we need to realize. Many of the true meanings for the ancient Bible Hebrew has been lost or altered. When you think of it though it is indeed amazing that it has stayed as intact as it is. For instance, if we were transported just 400 years into old England we would barely understand English of that period.

In 4,000 years Hebrew has been altered less than English has been in 400.

Even so, the best way to find the meaning of some ancient words is to leave the scholars behind and examine how they were actually used in Bible times.

CHAVAH, the root word for Eve was used six times in the Old Testament.

Note how well “reveal” or “revelation” fits in with the meaning of them all.

“I will shew (CHAVAH – reveal to) thee, hear me; and that which I have seen I will declare; Which wise men have told from their fathers, and have not hid it” Job15:17-18

“And Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite answered and said, I am young, and ye are very old; wherefore I was afraid, and durst not shew (CHAVAH – reveal to) you mine opinion. I said, Days should speak, and multitude of years should teach wisdom. But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand Judgment.

“Therefore I said, Hearken to me; I also will shew (CHAVAH – reveal) mine opinion. Behold, I waited for your words; I gave ear to your reasons, whilst ye searched out what to say.” Job 32:6-11

Job32:17 I said, I will answer also my part, I also will shew (CHAVAH – reveal) mine opinion.

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth (CHAVAH – reveals)knowledge. Psalms19:1-2

It is therefore interesting evidence that every single use of the word CHAVAH in the Bible implies a revealing of some kind.

CHAVAH is very closely related to CHAYAH which does mean “to live” and this must be why Eve was associated with the living.

Whatever the case it is indeed interesting that the name Eve, the female half of Adam, is associated with revelation. There is certainly a true principle here.

The female energy has indeed been a mystery to humanity over the millennia and when the mystery is penetrated revelation follows.

Nov 14, 2002, 2002

Copyright By J J Dewey

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