The Gathering Principle, Part 6

Texas Gathering, Part Twenty-One
The Gathering Principle, Part 6

Larry: A lot of folks here too, have different ways of saying the same thing. We talked about soul contact and you define that very clearly. Elly talks about being in touch with the Spirit I think you’re really saying the same thing with different terminology. There are a lot of new age people, a lot of fundamentalist people. I come from a fundamentalist background. A lot of are saying the same thing maybe using different words and sometimes being more precise than others but our magnet, our compass is all swinging basically in the same direction.

Zofia: Like you were saying, not the same words but the compass of it. Pope John Paul II, I read his “Fate and the Brain”. I read about 14 of his Encyclicals in the short version. The last one I read more carefully so I think it’s all the same.

JJ: With a lot of us vocabulary gets in the way. What a lot of new age movements do is take things that are already taught in maybe the typical Christian Church and put fancy names to them and they think they’ve got something totally different. Then they think the churches are Neanderthal but maybe they’re saying the same thing. Say, maybe the fundamentalist church talks about being born again in the Spirit and the new-agers talk about obtaining the Christ consciousness. When you listen to them, they’re almost saying the same thing. The last step of the journey for a fundamentalist is being born again and the last step of the journey for the new-ager is to be reach enlightenment and reach that last lifetime. So it’s interesting how the Christ Consciousness could apply to the born again too.

This is important and that’s one of the things that inspired me to write the Principles of Unification. There are so many things that all the religious people of the world do have in common. I guess that we as a group have about 80 to 90% of our belief systems in common. Fortunately as a group we didn’t let the little differences interfere and we were able to merge and have a good experience today.

Question: What’s the best way to deal with teachings that seem obviously false?

JJ: So what do we do when there is a false teaching? I first got in trouble with the Mormon Church because I wrote a simple article saying that there was progression from one kingdom to another. The powers that be didn’t like that idea. I spent some time telling some people that the authorities are kind of screwed up. It terrified them and nobody listened to me. Then I found out that when I went and just talked without mentioning any religion or anything that a lot of Mormons came to hear me speak. It’s like a lot of Mormons are here now. I thought, “Boy, this is interesting. I guess you gather a lot more flies with honey than with vinegar.

So what do we do when we see a false teaching?

If we name names that puts people on the defensive and they begin to shut down. But if we just talk about the teaching, what is right and wrong about a principle then when people see the principle then they will eventually move away from the false teaching and the false teacher. We gather a lot more flies with honey than with vinegar. The honey is the truth. We just teach the truth. If Sri Baba or Ramtha or anyone has anything that’s a teaching, let them present it then we’ll analyze it and we’ll give the principle behind it. When the principle is given a person who is at a high state of consciousness can see the difference between truth and error. That’s what to look for, the principle behind everything and to teach the principles. For example, one thing that bothered me about Ramtha was he said he completed his whole progression in one life. Think about that. Do you think it’s possible to learn everything there is to learn about reality in just one simple lifetime when many of the eastern writings teach that you need hundreds?

How could one person do it in one life? That’s a teaching that we can examine and present and let you think for yourself. Could a person do everything in one lifetime? The idea that we can’t achieve perfection in one life has convinced many here of the principle o reincarnation. Look at how much you’ve changed and also look at how difficult it is to change people. If you’ve ever been married before, you can see how slowly your spouse changes. How much has your spouse changed in the past five years? You may think you’ve changed a lot but to really understand change look at another person. We have difficulty judging ourselves sometimes. See how slowly those close to you have changed. How about the boss that you work for? How much has he changed in the past five years? He’s probably still the same dunce guy that he was five years ago, right?

When you see how slowly people change their attitudes, imagine changing from a caveman-like guy to the Christ in one lifetime. It’s virtually impossible. It’s impossible to just develop love energy in one lifetime; from being completely selfish to completely loving. It’s impossible to do that one thing. It’s almost impossible to learn to be a good doctor in one lifetime when you’re starting from scratch or to be a master musician in one lifetime. Yet in all of our lifetimes we learn all of these things. We learn all the basic principles. So, with any teacher we can take his doctrine that he teaches and analyze it and ask if it’s right or wrong.

If he be a representative of the Dark Brothers somewhere along the line you’ll see where he will teach against the principle of freedom. This is the dividing line. The principle of freedom will be in there somewhere. Every teacher will present freedom in either a positive or negative light That will be the discerning point more than being right or wrong on all points of doctrine.

Artie: I want to make an interesting note as you’re talking about Ramtha. Ramtha likes The Immortal and had recommended that his followers read the books. We had an order of 400 books from the Ramtha group.

JJ: Right. So it’s good that I didn’t say anything too negative about Ramtha. (laughter) Their organization did buy a lot of the books.

Assaf: Some of you don’t know but I am a current student of Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. I heard that JZ Knight invited you to lecture there. Why didn’t you accept?

JJ: I didn’t receive an invitation. It must’ve been a misunderstanding. No, they never asked me to that I know of. I would’ve probably gone if they would’ve gotten a good enough group together. Everybody over there in the Ramtha organization was really enthused about the book. A number of the Ramtha people read it and become enthused about it so this is a good demonstration as to why it is good to use honey rather than vinegar. Don’t close any doors. Every organization has some truth in it anyway.

Lorraine: All this reminds me of that one posting that you did about how if I am led by my spirit to go to a certain religion that doesn’t mean that certain religion is the end all, be all for everybody else as well. It just means that it’s important for me to go there at this time. I was led to the Mormon religion at a certain time in my life and at that time in my life it was necessary for me to be there. I know I needed that. I outgrew it by my own development but that doesn’t mean that it’s wrong. That doesn’t mean that I have to force everybody else to go there because it worked for me. It just means that at the moment in time that’s my development and I can or cannot outgrow it as I chose.

JJ: Right. All the different organizations are like schools and remember I said you have to learn what isn’t true before you can really learn what is true. So we go through a lot of churches and organizations learning what doesn’t work. Then we’re finally ready to learn what does work, like the twelve Apostles of Jesus. They learned everything that didn’t work, then they were ready to learn what did work.

Audience: I have never followed anyone’s teachings. I have never belonged to a church. I’ve experimented but I don’t feel the need. I have reached this conclusion and even higher from where I am through here, through my knowing. I didn’t need to follow anybody else to know the truth. Is there anyone else like this? You’ve all gone to churches for some reason. You’ve felt the need or you’ve followed somebody else’s teachings for some spiritual need. What makes me different? I still reach the same place.

JJ: You were probably a nun in your last life and now you’ve told yourself you don’t want to be that anymore. (laughter) In previous lives you’ve done everything everybody else has done but we go through cycles. We go through cycles where a person may be a nun in one life and a prostitute in the next. Often in one life you’re totally opposite of what you were in the last life. In one life we may rebel. We may get so tired and sick of what we were doing that we’ll be the opposite. So it’s possible that in your last life you were very religious and it didn’t make you happy or maybe your husband controlled you or something like that. I’m not saying that’s what happened but that’s a probability. Then in this life you say, “I’m not joining anything this time. I wasn’t happy in my last life joining things so I’m not going to be a joiner.” So that’s entirely possible.

John: I want to thank everybody. This has been a very fascinating and stimulating conversation. There are a couple of things I’d like to share with everyone. I’ve been very blessed even though I’m obviously not moving around a lot right now. (he had a broken leg) Having worked for the airlines I’ve traveled all over the world. I’ve been to Prashanthi Nilayam twice to see Sri Baba. I’ve been to Dharamsala where the Dalai Lama lives. I was in Jerusalem in 1990 when Rabadan, Easter and Passover all intersected. It was a very powerful three days in my life. I just want to share that I’ve been exposed to lots of religions and I’m delighted in the sincerity I see in people all over the world in what they believe. I think there is searching all over the world. I think that because of technology and air flights today there’s more mixing of cultures than has ever occurred. I think a lot of what we’re going through right now is a sifting and learning process. I think a lot of it is with language.

In fact there’s a book I’d like to recommend if anyone is interested. I really appreciate what JJ said about the commonalities and not the differences. There’s a book called The World Religions by Hudson Smith. He’s a cute little man. He’s probably in his 70’s. It’s one of the clearest books I’ve ever read in my life. In a very even way it talks about the different religions. I guess that one question I put out to all of us is if we happen to be born in India, chances are we’ll probably be raised as a Muslim or Hindu. If we’re born in Texas or Oklahoma chances are we’ll probably be born a Christian, in Utah a Mormon. So a lot of it has to do with where we incarnated in a physical body this lifetime. It probably has a lot to do with what we’ve been exposed to. I would throw out that in all of this I think and I feel very fortunate that there are nuggets of diamonds and gold all over the world. The challenge for all of us is to see how it sits within and see how it sticks out. I just thought I’d mention that and pass it on.

JJ: Good thoughts.

Audience: I’d like to reiterate that. In fact I was just talking to Assaf outside and we were talking about the conflict in the Middle East. I was telling him that I don’t see that much difference between the religions that are fighting so fiercely. They all have some of the same principles and if they could see the commonality rather than the differences there wouldn’t be any fighting.

JJ: The interesting thing about the Muslims is they seem kind of backward now as far as civilization goes, but a thousand years ago the Moslem religion was the most enlightened on the Earth. They were the center of learning and universities. Many Christians, enlightened Christians, traveled long distances to learn from the Moslems. Now they’ve lost that to a great degree. Light seems to shift from one organization and from one place to another. It’s interesting to watch it work.

Audience: When Denise was sharing her experience, it flashed in my mind that a contemporary definition of reincarnation could be, “Been there, done that.”

Audience: My comment before when we were talking about reincarnation was another argument for it is I know that most people here knew that they’ve been around before when they were children, like I did. There were a lot of people who felt like, “I know things but I didn’t learn them in this lifetime.” How could you know that when you were 8 or 9 years old?

Audience: Along the vein of looking for commonalities, Larry mentioned it on the Keys list that there is a book that is called, The Message that comes from Everywhere. It looks at all the major religions in terms of what they have in common with each other. It also looks at the synthesis that’s happening between science and religion. I don’t know the author’s name. Do you Larry? Gary Beckwith. It’s a fairly quick read but it’s well worth it and enlightening.

JJ: Maybe one more question or comment then we’ll have to end here.

Jeanine: I guess what my comment has been ever since we’ve started this conversation is what I’ve found is as long as I was holding judgments of any kind, right or wrong, about anything, I couldn’t make any clear distinctions or any clear decisions. I found over the past 15 years or so that I’ve been consciously releasing and letting go of my need to judge something as right or wrong. I found this place within that gave me the discernment, the distinction, the clear decision, a place I could trust. I didn’t need to trust you, I didn’t need to trust you or them or him or her. I learned that this place was trustworthy, not because you told us but because I found that clarity. That was freedom for me and it continues to be freedom for me as I move more and more toward that. For me freedom is my goal since I’ve been a little girl. I could think of nothing else but freedom.

JJ: It’s interesting that none of us here is perfect. None of us have a clear understanding. All of us say things now and then that may be incorrect. But when one of us gets up and speaks a truth, it can register with the God within in everyone here. When it does that we, as a group, will feel that truth register as one being. This is what a lot of people felt in the meditation this morning. They felt a oneness circulating here. This is because we, as a group, have on a number of occasions since we’ve gathered here registered certain truths as one unit. When this happens it allows a conduit for the Holy Spirit to flow through each one of us. When this happens we know we’re headed the right direction.

Thanks a lot for your time. We’re going to have a break.

Delivered by J.J. Dewey Sunday, May 26, 2002 Wimberly, Texas

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