Creating a Point of Tension

The Texas Gathering, Part Two
Creating a Point of Tension

This meeting is kind of an invocation. We’re invoking a higher presence in our lives. The first indication of that invocation is desire. We need to desire it. Nothing is going to happen until we desire it whether it be physical or spiritual. If you don’t want a million dollars you’re never going to get it. If you don’t want a higher presence in your life you’re not going to get it. You have to want it. Is that enough? Or is that just the first step? That’s just the first wind of the rubber band on the kid’s airplane. We’ve just got a little twist now on the rubber band . Somebody looking on, say the person that owns the airplane, can say this person must want this airplane to go somewhere because he started to wind it up. It’s not prepared to go anywhere yet but at least it looks like he wants it to go somewhere. What’s the second wind?

Response: Willingness

JJ: Willingness to do what?

Response: To have experience, to have higher energies present

JJ: Okay, could we say willingness to receive? Does that sound like a good one? Willingness to receive. That’s another wind. What’s the third wind?

Response: Heartfelt intent? Your intent has to be genuine.

JJ: Okay. Do you remember the words of Tennyson? I really like them a lot. “My strength is as the strength of ten because my heart is pure.” I always felt that was an inspired statement. If your heart is pure your strength is as the strength of ten. It’s very powerful to have a pure heart. What could you be doing to have an impure heart?

Response: Thinking only of yourself

JJ: Right. I want God to come down here and help me to hustle all the women on the block here. I want to be more attractive so everyone thinks I’m really a hotshot. Would that be impure intent?

Response: I think impure intent could include any teacher who tries to teach with an egotistical point of view. You can kind of tell if someone treats you with ego and not the right way.

JJ: Okay. So, whether he be a teacher or student or whatever, if he wants to use his power for his own personal glory it’s impure. Right. So this includes anybody who thinks, “I’m a really great guy because I have this supernatural power, I can read peoples’ minds.”

There are a number of things we can do to have impure intent. It’s very difficult to have pure intent. Matter of fact to have pure intent you have to examine yourself every day and look at all the motives that we’ve done during the day. Look at what you did when you woke up in the morning, what you did at noon, what you did in the evening, what you did with your closest relationships. How was your intent carried out? Was your intent pure? Was there any reason behind it for selfishness, for ego or for some other purpose for self-gratification? Or were you going through your entire day with pure intent? For service, for helpfulness, for harmlessness and just do your best to live your life to the highest of your ability. Were we doing that? Pure intent is an important turn of the propeller.

What’s another one?

Response: Meditation

JJ: Okay. How can you apply meditation to bring forth one more turn and bring more tension? What does that do? Meditation is really focusing your attention, isn’t it? So, by focusing your attention, if you’re going to wind up the propeller, if you aren’t paying attention that propeller may go off and hurt your finger. Did you ever do that when you were a kid? Wind it up and not pay any attention and all of a sudden it starts going and cuts your finger? You need to pay attention as you’re winding it up so you keep winding it up properly or else it’s going to go off and you’re going to lose all your tension. If the propeller goes off prematurely you lose all the tension you created and you’ve got to start all over again. It’s frustrating for a kid to have that happen. It happened to me a number of times. So we have to focus attention through focusing our mind and thoughts on that which we want to accomplish, whether it be spiritual or physical. One more turn then is to pay attention, meditate, in one form or another.

What produces another wind?

Response: Perseverance

JJ: Yes. Maybe you put a couple of winds on it and it feels like it hasn’t done anything yet. If the rubber band is lose, you can wind and wind and wind and nothing seems to happen and you wonder if the rubber band is broken. But you keep on winding and pretty soon you feel the tension begin to develop. Something is happening. But for the first few winds it feels like nothing is happening. Maybe if you haven’t done it before you wonder if anything is going on. If you’re putting salt in a glass of water and put a few pinches in and nothing seems to happen. Put another few pinches in and it just disappears. Nothing appears to happen but then you put a few more in and something begins to happen. This is what frustrates many people when they’re seeking one thing or another. When they begin their work and they work for a period of time, nothing seems to happen. We could say that about the Keys. Rick and I and a number of others have worked on it since 1998 and it’s been sort of a slow process building the group. Sometimes it seems that we’re plugging away and not a lot is happening. Really, things are happening. We’re preparing a group of people that will eventually change a lot of things on this planet. Many things will change over the next 150 years. But in order to create that change a handful of people have to have the vision to create the change.

The work of Jesus is an interesting example. Does anyone remember the number of followers He had after His crucifixion? It was 120. Look at all He had going for Him. He even raised people from the dead for everybody to see. He walked on water, did great miracles, healed a man blind from birth, and did many fantastic things and impressed the dickens out of the people. Yet He only had a 120 gathered together after His resurrection. The book of Acts, chapter one (verse 15) told us that. 120 people was all that they could gather together. That’s not very many for such a fantastic life’s work.

He had quite a few people around him at different times like the time He fed the 5000 with the loaves and fishes. Then He was looking over this group of people who He had fed. They were thinking, “Boy, this guy can feed us. This is really great. We might hang around a little bit.” So He thought He’d put them to the test. Then He says, “Except a man eat my flesh and drink my blood, he has no part with me.” That was too much for them and they all dispersed, all 5000 of them. How many were left after He made this statement? Right, the 12. Only 12 people were left. Five thousand people and they were all scared off when said that to them. And He said to Peter, “Will you also leave me?”

Do you remember what Peter said? He said, “Lord, we have nowhere to go. You have the words of eternal life.” Can you imagine how He felt at that time? At least a handful of people were willing to listen to him and what he had to say instead of what he could give them to eat. In other words he said I have more to give to you than just fish and bread and if you want more than your physical needs, you will stay. Just the 12 stayed. Only the 12 apostles. Why did they stay? He said a pretty outrageous thing, ‘except a man eat my flesh and drink my blood’, sounds a little strange. If somebody said something like that to an auditorium today that would freak a lot of people out. Why did the apostles not run away?

Response: They felt confirmation

JJ: Right. They were selected because they had an inner confirmation. They had a knowledge that there was something there. They knew this man had something beyond what everybody was seeing. They had felt something. The other guys had seen things but they hadn’t felt them internally. They had seen Him perform miracles but they didn’t feel Him perform them. To see the miracle and to feel the miracle are two different things.

It reminds me of a story. I was giving a seminar one time about miracles and afterwards this lady from class came up to me. I was giving weekly classes at that time. It was way back in the 80s, a long time ago. I said does anyone here have anything wrong with them? We’ll do an experiment here and see if we can accomplish anything.” This lady rises up and says “I seem to have lost my hearing. I can barely hear and I don’t know what’s going on.” I felt inspired at the moment and put my fingers in her ears and I commanded her hearing to be restored and she went “Whoa, I can hear! This is really great!” She was so thrilled. I thought next week everybody would come back and we’d have a ton of people show up. She looked like she was going to go tell everybody. But the next week nobody came back. I thought that was strange. The lady who got her hearing back didn’t come back and I never saw her again for a long time. It was quite discouraging and I only gave teachings for a short time at that time because I couldn’t stir any interest.

It convinced me and illustrated to me the difference between seeing a miracle and feeling a miracle. When people feel something internally it is something so much more powerful than actually seeing it. Especially in this day and age when we watch magicians like David Blayne and David Copperfield and we see so many things happening that a lot of people assume its trickery anyway. This guy is just performing these magician- type tricks. In this day and age with so much trickery about, seeing is not believing. Because if a magician can make the Statue of Liberty disappear in this age by trickery, if Jesus Himself was to return and perform a lot of miracles do you think it would convince anyone?

He performed miracles in the Piscean Age because it was important to establish His teachings of that time. But miracles are not performed by teachers in every age. Another great teacher was the Buddha. Interestingly He did not allow any of His disciples to perform miracles. A lot of them wanted to but He told them not to because it sends the wrong message. People then look for the outer, he said, instead of what’s happening inside. He said the true miracle is that which takes place inside. He called this the attainment of Nirvana.

A lot of people make fun of the Buddhist’s belief in Nirvana but it’s actually the same thing the Christ talked about when He talked about attaining the Baptism of Fire and some of these other experiences. Many of the things in the Christian religion are the same things that are talked about in the East but the vocabulary is different.

God actually has worked through all the religions of the world. Every major religion of the world was started by inspiration of some type. Then after they get started they often become corrupt within a generation or so. Almost every one of the major religions has lost the purity of the teachings of their founders. Even those religions that are highly criticized such as the Jehovah Witnesses, perhaps the most obnoxious Christian religion out there, started with a really good idea. They started with a group of people getting together, breaking off the major religions. They got together in homes and studied the Bible from scratch just to see what it said with no preconceived notions. Then what happened? After a period of time they began to tabulate what the Bible says and this is what it really means and they began to create doctrines. Then pretty soon people were coming to their Watchtower study class and were told this is what the Bible really means when it says this. So that starting from scratch and thinking as a little child, so to speak, and learning with no preconceived notions was tossed out the window. Now it’s turned into a kind of obnoxious group who thinks they have all the answers when they come to your door. If you have a different answer, they think you’re wrong. There is no considering at all of your answer if it is different from theirs. Of course, every other religious group tends to be the same way. All of them, even the obnoxious ones, started out with a good idea that influenced people for good in the beginning. Then after a period of time they go into a period of corruption where things change for the worse.

This is what’s going to be different in the coming age. The organizations that are created in the coming age are going to be living organizations. What happens when you cut your finger? After a period of time it begins to heal. What do you do to make it heal? Do you do anything? You might put a bandage on it but unless the cut is really severe it will heal whether you do anything to it or not. What makes it heal? Have you ever heard that your body is completely replaced every 14 years? Every cell in your body is gone every 14 years and replaced by new ones. But you are still here. What causes that replacement? When you get sick or cut yourself or scratch yourself what causes you to heal? The healing is built into your system.

Delivered May 24, 2002 at the Gathering in Wimberly Texas.

Copyright By J J Dewey

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