Finding the Mark

Finding the Mark

Which people have the mark of the Beast? Answer Yes or No.

(A) Abercrombie joins a martial arts class given by a very experienced teacher, but with a reputation of being very dominating. Joe listens and obeys the teacher even though he doesn’t understand the reasoning behind some of the instructions.

(B) Richard is a member of a service group with a goal to paint the homes of elderly people and the leader is presenting a plan to reach the goal. The leader teams Richard up with Tim and Jock. Richard does not want o work with Tim and Jock, but he goes along because he does not want to rock the boat.

(C) Mark is a member of a gang. The gang leader says “Tonight, we are going to rob Joe’s Hardware Store. Mark you will be the getaway driver.”

Mark obeys without question.

(D) Jim is a Congressman listening to his majority leader present the reasons to support a farm bill. He hasn’t read all the details of the bill, but everything he hears sounds good and he votes for it.

(E) Paul is in an advanced history class given by a famous professor of great reputation. Paul himself has been a history buff all his life and sees many flaws in the teacher’s presentations. About a half dozen times in each class he raises his hand and attempts to set the teacher straight.

Let us go through the questions:

Which people have the mark of the Beast? Answer Yes or No.

(A) Abercrombie joins a martial arts class given by a very experienced teacher, but with a reputation of being very dominating. Joe listens and obeys the teacher even though he doesn’t understand the reasoning behind some of the instructions.

Even though the teacher was dominating he was still an earned authority and Abercombie seems to have made a mental rather than emotional decision to submit.

A mindless or emotional decision to submit indicates the mark of the Beast, but a rational decision to submit to superior ability does not.

Lesson: There is a time and place for everything. Not all submission to authority is negative. A positive submission for the sake of true learning elevates us above the Beast.

(B) Richard is a member of a service group with a goal to paint the homes of elderly people and the leader is presenting a plan to reach the goal. The leader teams Richard up with Tim and Jock. Richard does not want o work with Tim and Jock, but he goes along because he does not want to rock the boat.

Suppressed desires and feelings give unearned authorities a strong lever for control.

How many Nazi soldiers do you think felt a suppression of their true feelings when they were preparing the Jews for the gas chambers? If they had not of suppressed earlier on more harmless sounding activities then perhaps Hitler would have had a more difficult time in controlling them.

(C) Mark is a member of a gang. The gang leader says “Tonight, we are going to rob Joe’s Hardware Store. Mark you will be the getaway driver.”

Mark obeys without question.

Answer: Yes. This was a no brainer. I think everyone got this.

(D) Jim is a Congressman listening to his majority leader present the reasons to support a farm bill. He hasn’t read all the details of the bill, but everything he hears sounds good and he votes for it.

Comment: “Yes, he should have read all the details himself. He just ‘went along with the flow’.”

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So is incomplete knowledge. A large element of control by unjust authority is selective incomplete knowledge that can completely distort reality.

The Congressman hears his fellow legislators talk about the farm bill and the information circulated about it comes from their party leaders and who knows where they got their information. There may be a rider in the bill to have all stray dogs shot on the spot.

Often when bad legislation has been passed those who passed it express alarm and explain that they were completely unaware of the implications of the bill.

(E) Paul is in an advanced history class given by a famous professor of great reputation. Paul himself has been a history buff all his life and sees many flaws in the teacher’s presentations. About a half dozen times in each class he raises his hand and attempts to set the teacher straight.

This gave many of you difficulty. People like Paul often pride themselves on their independence of thought and never in their wildest dreams would they consider that they are giving in to any unjust authority. He probably even has a bumper sticker saying:

Question Authority.

Even his friends and associates would see him as the last person on the earth who may be subject to Beastly authority.

After all, is not Paul taking on an established authority and putting him in his place? Isn’t that what we are supposed to do with the Beast?

Maybe, but the professor as a teacher of “great reputation” is not necessarily a part of the Beast. He has gone through many studies and hard work to earn his position and reputation and obviously is an earned authority to a degree. He also is forcing no one to attend his class. All are there through their own free will.

Now this teacher’s status does not mean that an amateur history buff like Paul cannot prove him wrong now and then and it may even be appropriate to disagree with the teacher now and again, but six times a day? Can you visualize the reaction of the students who came to the class to learn? This would be a major disruption. And what would be Paul’s motive in causing so much disturbance and distraction?

The motive would be to feed the ego and the ego is an instrument used by the Beast. If he can show the class that he is smarter than the teacher then the ego is inflated and in charge rather than a sincere desire for truth..

Control of the individual through the feeding and control of the ego is perhaps the greatest tool that the Beast has with which to work.

Several points of clarification may be in order.

Let us consider the second question.

(B) Richard is a member of a service group with a goal to paint the homes of elderly people and the leader is presenting a plan to reach the goal. The leader teams Richard up with Tim and Jock. Richard does not want o work with Tim and Jock, but he goes along because he does not want to rock the boat.

A reader was correct in the view that to yield your desire will for some altruistic reason does not always enhance the mark and power of the Beast. If, for instance, it would have caused a disruption to the work had the person voiced a concern for different partners then it may have been in the interest of the good of the whole to take the hand that is dealt.

On the other hand, there is no indication here that any harm would have been done to request new partners. Why should Richard work with someone he does not like when a simple request can put him in a better situation?

Any time that silence allows the seed of suppression to grow, fertile soil is being created for the growth of the power of the beast.

If you endure a bad situation in silence because you have made a mental decision to accept it then you have not given away your power.

But if you feel an emotion that needs to surface and your mind agrees with this, but you suppress because of anger or fear, then the Beast has a place to obtain a foothold.

Now let us look at perhaps the most controversial question:

(E) Paul is in an advanced history class given by a famous professor of great reputation. Paul himself has been a history buff all his life and sees many flaws in the teacher’s presentations. About a half dozen times in each class he raises his hand and attempts to set the teacher straight.

Some readers were confused by this because I have taught that to free ourselves from the beast we must be willing to challenge unearned authority, but it must be noted that the teacher was an earned authority.

There are two types of challenges that any teacher faces. The first are sincere questions for clarification or correction. Questions and comments to bring further light originates from the mental plane and not the emotional which is the seat of control for the beast.

The other type of challenge is the student who injects intellectual sounding dressing and challenges for the purpose of establishing himself as an intellectual or as being a better teacher than the teacher.

This type of “questioning” comes from the ego and the emotional body rather than the mind. We have seen some of this type of interruption in our group and we have experienced much disruption because of it and this is the reason we have a moderated group at present.

To understand the points I am trying to present here the overall principle that creates the Mark of the Beast must be grasped.

One of the main differences between a beast and a human is that an animal does not think or reason things out nor does he make conscious decisions, but his actions are governed by the herd instinct.

A human raises above the Mark of the Beast when he rises to his destiny and thinks things through after looking at all sides of the equation at hand and making a decision.

A person descends to carrying the Mark of the Beast when he forfeits his destiny and is ruled by emotion, ego or outside unearned authority rather than mind or soul.

If a person thinks he should speak up, but feels that he should not and goes with emotion rather than mind he is forfeiting the Mark of Humanity and being ruled by the Mark of the Beast, or animal nature.

If a person speaks up in class because he has thought things through and his thoughts will benefit the whole then he is amplifying his human nature.

But if he seeks to defeat his teacher as a lion devours his enemies then he again bears the Mark of there Beast.

Overall there are three marks.

(1) The Mark of the Beast – emotional control.

(2) The Mark of Humanity – mental control

(3) The Mark of God – spiritual control

Humanity is at a crisis point where it is seeking to stabilize itself in the mind and hovers between the yielding of the mind to emotion or soul.

Feb 20, 2001

Copyright by J J Dewey 

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