The Visible Christ

The Visible Christ

An Alice A. Bailey reader asks whether the Second Coming would merely be Christ working on all levels but the physical.

Many students of metaphysics eagerly accept the idea of the Christ consciousness which is available to us all but have difficulty in accepting the possibility that the actual entity who is the Christ will soon make an appearance in the flesh. Now the member has read Alice A. Bailey and realizes that such an individualized entity does exist, but feels that perhaps he will only work with humanity from the subtle planes.

Actually, if this were the promised second coming then nothing would change for he has been working with humanity in all planes but the physical for the past 2000 years.

The reappearance of the Christ will not be just a continuation of his work as is but a continuation of his work with changes. In other words, the principle of Becoming is involved here.

Let me quote several sections of Djwhal Khul’s writings through Alice A. Bailey to illustrate the point. The following quotes are all from The Reappearance of the Christ

“Today, humanity stands at a peculiar and unique middle point, between an unhappy past and a future which is full of promise if the reappearance of the Christ is recognised and preparation for His coming is undertaken. The present is full of promise and also full of difficulty; in the hands of human beings today and in the immediate present, lies the destiny of the world and-if it may be reverently said-the immediate activity of the Christ. The agony of the war, and the distress of the entire human family led Christ, in the year 1945, to come to a great decision – a decision which found expression in two most important statements. He announced to the assembled spiritual Hierarchy and to all His servants and disciples on Earth that HE HAD DECIDED TO EMERGE AGAIN INTO PHYSICAL CONTACT WITH HUMANITY, if they would bring about the initial stages of establishing right human relations; secondly, He gave to the world (for the use of the “man in the street”) one of the oldest prayers ever known, (The great Invocation). Reappearance of the Christ Pg 30

“The consequent point of tension is now controlling the affairs of the spiritual Hierarchy and its many groups of workers. The “point of decision,” as it is called in all hierarchical circles, was reached during the period between the Full Moon of June, 1936, and the Full Moon of June, 1945. The point of decision covered, therefore, nine years (a relatively brief time); it resulted in the decision arrived at by the Christ to re-appear OR RETURN TO VISIBLE PRESENCE ON EARTH AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, and considerably earlier than had been planned.

“This decision was necessarily made in consultation with the Lord of the World, the “Ancient of Days” of The Old Testament, and the “One in Whom we live and move and have our being” of The New Testament. He is the Custodian of the Will of God. It was also made with the full understanding and cooperation of the Masters and the senior initiates. This was inevitably so, because Their participation and help were imperative. They also necessarily had to be with Him in thought, and cooperating mentally, because His reappearance connotes a great hierarchical approach to humanity and a great spiritual event.”

Reappearance of the Christ, Pg 69

“UNDER THE DIVINE WILL, HE HAD TO REAPPEAR ON EARTH IN VISIBLE PRESENCE. He had to preside over the materialization of the Kingdom of God on Earth, and He had to re-institute the Mysteries of Initiation in such a form that they would prove the basis of the new world religion. Above all, He had to reveal the nature of the Will of God.” Reappearance of the Christ, Pg 71

“His arriving at the conclusion that He must have more trained and dedicated workers and agents than at that time was possible, or has proved possible since. Hence the gathering out and the training of the New Group of World Servers. When there are enough of these servers and enlightened workers, He will come and nothing can arrest His approach.” Reappearance of the Christ, Pg 100

“The knowledge that He is ready and anxious publicly to appear to His loved Humanity only adds to the sense of general frustration, and another very vital question arises: For what period of time must we endure, struggle and fight? The reply comes with clarity: He will come unfailingly when a measure of peace has been restored, when the principle of sharing is at least in process of controlling economic affairs, and when churches and political groups have begun to clean house. Then He can and will come; then the Kingdom of God will be publicly recognised and will no longer be a thing of dreams and of wishful thinking and orthodox hope.” Reappearance of the Christ, Pg 163

JJ: Here we are told by a close physical and spiritual associate of the Christ that in 1945 (after the defeat of Hitler) he decided to return (or reappear) to the people of the planet in “visible” manifestation. This tells us that his contact with humanity will definitely go beyond mental and astral levels down to the physical. Even though he has decided to appear in such a manner that he can have physical and visible contact with humanity this still leaves us several different possibilities as to how he will appear. This is a great mystery to many for he has not spelled it out to disciples.

Here are the possibilities:

(1) He could be born as a babe again and go through the normal process of development.

(2) He could be a “walk-in’ and trade places with a prepared disciple.

(3) He could overshadow a disciple and share a body as he did with Jesus.

(4) He could return in his current physical body.

(5) He could create a special vehicle (body) of manifestation which is in the East called a mayavirupa.

It has been revealed that there will be an overshadowing, but the plan beyond this is not yet fully revealed.

The reader is right that his physical presence could create many problems for him, and this prospect does indeed create a point of tension within his own psyche to which it is difficult for us to comprehend.

It is doubtful that he will announce himself as the Christ, just as he did not 2000 years ago. Instead his works and the power of his words, plus the Holy Spirit will bear witness to those who are ready.

August 25, 2000

Copyright by J J Dewey

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