Works Of Light

This entry is part 10 of 11 in the series Esoteric Teachings

Works Of Light

On a scale of one to ten rate writings with which you are familiar according to how much light you see in them. Here is a list. If you do not see your favorite here go ahead and mention it with your score. Just score the ones that interest you. Comments welcome.

  1. The Alice A. Bailey Books.
  2. Writings of H. P. Blavatsky
  3. Writings of Helena Roerich
  4. Manly Hall Writings
  5. Harold Percival
  6. Other Theosophical writers (Name them)
  7. Teachings of the Temple
  8. Seth by Jane Roberts
  9. A Course in Miracles
  10. Urantia Book
  11. Henry T. Laurency
  12. Rudolf Steiner
  13. Lucille Cedercrans
  14. The Bible
  15. Joseph Smith
  16. The Koran
  17. Emerald Tablets
  18. P. D. Ouspensky
  19. George Gurdjieff
  20. Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East By Baird T. Spalding
  21. Aleister Crowley
  22. Velikovsky
  23. Eckhart Tolle
  24. Robert Monroe
  25. I Am movement writings
  26. Elizabeth Clare Prophet
  27. Benjamin Crème
  28. RA Material
  29. Bhagavad-Gita
  30. Other…

April 21, 2019

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Feeding The Fourth And Fifth

This entry is part 09 of 11 in the series Esoteric Teachings

Feeding The Fourth And Fifth

It is interesting to contemplate on the idea that the higher kingdoms feed on the lower. It is obvious that the vegetable feeds on the mineral, the animals on the vegetable and the humans the animals. How this plays out further up the scale is not so obvious, but indeed we do have the words of a master who says, “the fifth feeds on the fourth.” In other words, the spiritual hierarchy, or the inhabitants of the kingdom of God derive nourishment from the human kingdom.

It is indeed true that all the inhabitants of the fifth kingdom were once in the fourth and therefore would not exist without us, but that doesn’t give us the full answer. The question is how they presently obtain nourishment from us similarly to how we do so from animals and vegetables.

Correspondences are rarely exact so I do not see the masters turning us into Soylent Green and eating us in a feast. Neither do I see the higher residents of Shamballa dining on the masters. Instead of being too literal we must look at the principle involved and that is nourishment of the higher by the lower. Nourishment can be obtained in a number of ways. Humans, for instance, obtain a certain amount of nourishment trough invisible prana just by being out in the sun. Then we obtain nourishment that feeds our emotional selves through friendships, romance as well as associations with our pets.

The members of the fifth kingdom have worked tirelessly for thousands of years to assist us humans so there has to be something in it for them. For one thing we know the higher must help the lower so they can earn the right to receive help from one higher still.

But beyond that any teacher or helper receives some immediate benefit when the assistance is received and appreciated.

As we read on in DK’s words we see another hint. The rule in question says: “Let then the group—merged in the fifth—be nourished by the sixth and seventh.”

The goal of a group of initiates then is to merge with the fifth. In other words, the destiny of advanced humans is to become as members of the kingdom of God while still being on earth in the human kingdom. When a group is able to do this then they will “be nourished by the sixth and seventh.”

Thus, when we create group consciousness on earth as it is in heaven the door is open to something even higher, the two kingdoms higher than the spiritual hierarchy. Humans and masters sharing consciousness will then receive nourishment from the kingdom where resides the Ancient of Days – Shamballa.

Because the Hierarchy depends on humans for this merging to bring down extra spiritual energies we can say that the fifth feeds on the fourth.

Keep in mind that this is just one answer for there is often more than one interpretation to writings received from a spiritual source.

April 20, 2019

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Food For Thought

This entry is part 08 of 11 in the series Esoteric Teachings

Food For Thought

Daniel made this interesting observation a few days ago:

“There seems to be a natural hierarchy between the kingdoms, so that generally each serves and is as a food to the one above it. Hence the mineral kingdom is food to the plant kingdom, the plant kingdom to the animal kingdom, the animal kingdom to the human kingdom, and the human kingdom to the divine.”

Most of us basically understand that the vegetable consumes, or feeds on, the mineral or the earth, the animals feed on the vegetable and the humans the animals. But then he says that the humans are food “to the divine.” Could this be correct?

Perhaps so. Here is what DK says in the rules of healing:

Rule VI For Disciples and Initiates:

“Let the group know that life is one and naught can ever take or touch that life. Let the group know the vivid, flaming, drenching Life that floods the fourth when the fifth is known. The fifth feeds on the fourth. Let then the group—merged in the fifth—be nourished by the sixth and seventh and realise that all the lesser rules are rules in time and space and cannot hold the group. It onward moves in life.” Esoteric Healing, Page 21

Notice that he says, “The fifth feeds on the fourth.” The fifth kingdom is the Kingdom of God, or the Spiritual Hierarchy and the fourth is the human.

This is an excellent thought for contemplation. The question is this.

How is it that the human kingdom is food for the higher spiritual lives?

April 18, 2019

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Occult Obedience

This entry is part 07 of 11 in the series Esoteric Teachings

Occult Obedience

The parent-child relationship is a good example of the standard type of obedience used by the world. For example, the kid doesn’t want to eat his green vegetables, but wants junk food instead. The parent then tells him that she knows what’s good for him and he’d better eat them or else.

This type of obedience is the only kind that can be extracted from those who have not yet gained the consciousness to conform to a higher type of obedience.

And what is that?

This is what DK calls “occult obedience.” This takes a higher consciousness so the one who is expected to obey understands why obedience is desirable.

For example, when the child matures he learns the principles of nutrition and realizes why the parent requested he eat green vegetables. He now obeys the desire of the parent, not through fear of punishment, but because he understands the benefit of the green vegetables just as does the parent.

The higher lives seek for cooperation from the sincere seekers of the world, but they do not seek co-workers from those who have to be told what to do and must be under threat of punishment before they can be relied upon. Instead, they will send impressions to a prospective laborer and see if he will respond with his own free will. If the seeker can then act with a similar understanding of the need, as does the Master, he then becomes a prospect to become a fellow servant.

His free will obedience is called “occult obedience.”

Here are several quotes from DK on the subject:

Obedience, for the disciple, is a quick spiritual reaction to the Plan as it emanates from the Hierarchy, rapid and correct sensitive registration of the quality of the Ashram with which he may be affiliated and a consequent and in time almost automatic undertaking (with speed) the required task. It is a task which the disciple assigns to himself and is not one ordered by the Master. The acceptance of the task is simply evidence that the disciple is an ashramic worker, pledged to the welfare of humanity. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 586-587

What is this occult obedience, my brothers, about which we hear so much? Not what many occult groups make it out to be. It is not the control of an external organisation, dedicated to so-called occult work. It is not the imposed conditions of any teacher of any rank. It is not the exchange of the prison of one set of ideas for those of another set with perhaps a larger range or import. A prison is a prison, whether it is a tiny cell or an isolated island of vast extent, from which escape is impossible. Glamour, A World Problem, Page 49

I will teach you. Whether or not you profit by the teaching is entirely your own affair; that is something that the disciples of the New Age need to learn. There is no such thing as occult obedience as usually taught by the current occult schools. In the olden days in the East, the Master exacted from His disciple that implicit obedience which actually made the Master responsible and placed upon His shoulders the destiny or the karma of the disciple. That condition no longer holds good. The intellectual principle in the individual is now too much developed to warrant this type of expectancy. Therefore, this condition no longer holds good. In the coming New Age, the Master is responsible for the offering of opportunity and for the right enunciation of the truth but for no more than that. In these more enlightened days, no such position is assumed by the teacher as in the past, and I do not assume it. I shall with frankness speak. I know my disciples, for no disciple is admitted into an Ashram without deep consideration on the part of the teacher. I shall convey by hint and symbol that which should be apprehended and it will be noted and understood by those among my disciples who have the opened, inner ear and true humility of heart. If it is not recognised, time will pursue its onward course and revelation will ultimately come. `I exact, therefore, no blind obedience. But, however, if advice and suggestion are accepted and you choose—of your own free will—to follow my instructions, those instructions must be followed accurately. Also, there must be none of that constant looking for results and for phenomena which has deterred the course and the progress of many would-be disciples. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 5, 7

The magnetic pull of the positive centre at the very heart of the group; that means the magnetic pull of the Master. As you well know, theoretically at least, at the centre of the Ashram stands ever the Master, or else an initiate or a world disciple. His task is to blend and fuse the energies, tendered and proffered by the group (under the urge to serve) and to indicate the field of service. The mode of this instinctual activity is called occult obedience and this is voluntarily rendered and unitedly followed. When any group—working in this way under a Master—is moved by one spiritual impulse and functions through one firm organisation (like electrons around the positive nucleus in an atom), the potency of the group will become immediately effective and not before Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 703

The recognition that in this work, true occult obedience or the intelligent response to the urge of the group soul and to the “pull” of the Hierarchy, is the next major requirement. This will produce the right carrying out of the required assigned technique and a complete refraining from any interest in phenomenal results or an analysis (at this stage) of any reactions experienced. Individual analysis hinders group recognition and true realisation. This is a point to be considered and remembered Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Pages 53-54

My next reason for disbanding the group is the failure in occult obedience of many of you. Voluntarily and willingly you joined the groups for training, discipline and expansion. This involved the following of certain suggestions, meditations and instructions. For years, quite a number of you have done absolutely nothing about your personal instructions. I refer here not only to exoteric exactitude but (above all else) to esoteric understanding. When, my brothers, I assign meditation work and make suggestion over the years, I have a definite purpose in view and a plan worked out [76] which is adapted to the particular student. When the work is not done, I—owing to the freewill of the disciple—am helpless. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 75

Certain other students regarded “occult obedience” as an infringement of their freewill, as did D.A.O. Quite a number of you simply suffered from inertia, and though pleased and excited over the material received from me, in the group or personal instructions, were too lazy to avail yourselves to the full of that which was given, and consistently failed to comply with my requests. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 92

Here I have very briefly outlined for you the new developments which are possible if the disciple is rightly focussed and oriented. There are within latent possibilities. If you will pause and consider, you will realise that the task of the Master in the past, as He sought to prepare the disciple for initiation, was largely concerned with awakening him to the need for occult obedience, for right orientation, for persistence, and for devotion to his objective. But all that lies far behind the true modern disciple. Today, the Master indicates to him the overshadowing cloud of knowable things; He assures him that he has within him undreamt of powers which will, when brought to the surface of consciousness, demonstrate to him his own essential adeptship and enable him to share in the great hierarchical task of illumining, precipitating, and lifting. Today the Master—having done the above—leaves the disciple to work through to knowledge and cooperative usefulness; He neither pushes him into premature action nor constantly supervises him; He surrounds him with the aura of His presence and the protection and stimulation of His Ashram; He gives him occasional hints, and as the disciple acts and works upon the hinted suggestions, the hint becomes a clear direction and a luminous area of enlightenment. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Pages 300-301

That occult obedience which signifies freedom, spiritual freedom, within a world of natural law, has garnered for you sound results. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 541 Also see Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Pages 686-687

April 16, 2019

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Telepathy Externalized

This entry is part 06 of 11 in the series Esoteric Teachings

Telepathy Externalized

There is a lot of meat that could be discussed in these quotes by Anna, but I found one particularly interesting which states:

“I have indicated somewhat the intended work of the first group from the angle of telepathic interplay. The method of communication between the Members of the Hierarchy has to be externalized, eventually, upon earth and this is one of the tasks of the group.”

This method of communication is a form of mental telepathy which he says will be externalized. This means that members of the human kingdom will be able to communicate mind to mind as do the masters. Just imagine how the world would be different if such an ability were commonplace. We wouldn’t need much of the technology we have now and we could meet as we do now on Facebook with no electronic devices.

Own the other hand, another possible development may be overlooked here. Some advanced thinkers are already planning for the creation of telepathy through the use of technology. There are plans to develop implant technology linked to our brains so those with the implants can access the internet and communicate with anyone on it. So, instead of turning on your computer and sending a message, you would just have to think of any person connected and then have a mind to mind communication with them. In fact, technology may take us beyond communication in words so we can see an instant image or perhaps even a hologram of the person contacted.

I would guess we will see this technology developed within the next 50 years or sooner as long as no major catastrophe interrupts us.

So what do you think? Will DK’s prediction come to pass through technology, spiritual development or both?

Do you think that many would resist such an implant for fear they would receiving the mark of the beast in their foreheads? It would be an interesting development if such an implant were used to buy and sell.

April 13, 2019

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