The Light of Knowledge


The Light of Knowledge
A Parable

There were once three teams of scholars with great knowledge of antiquities who decided to visit an ancient cave wherein there were mysterious hieroglyphics and symbols that had never been deciphered.

The first team took with them candles as their light and after much searching came upon the sacred writings. As they gazed upon them the candles were brushed by gentle drafts of air that made them dance, and the light they gave flickered, causing the images they saw to shift as moving clouds in the summer sky.

This first team thought that the candlelight would be all that was needed to read the ancient symbols for they expected them to be large, clear and easy to discern. Instead, there were fine carvings and symbols within symbols that were difficult to discern in a weak light.

Because of the faint light of the candles the finer etchings were not at all visible to the team and even the larger ones seemed to come in and out of focus and move and shift with the flickering light.

Nevertheless, the scholars did not want to go home empty-handed so they did their best to interpret the writings. One by one they stepped forward, examined the writings and gave individual interpretations.

The problem was that each interpretation was different and vague as each was guessing at the true meaning because of the difficulty in seeing. After each had spoken the senior member rose and spoke:

“We have all seen the writings and interpreted them. We seem to be saying different things, but if you listen carefully each of us is really saying the same thing. Obviously these ancients were very mysterious and wrote about universal truths in such a way that they can be seen, not only as different faces, but the same face at the same time. There are many truths, but one truth. No matter what you think and believe it is true to you and is your truth; it is just as valid or true as that held by anyone else.

“When we return we shall tell our students what we have read here and if one seems to differ from another we will tell them that the core meaning of these writings is that there is one truth with many faces and if more than one face is presented that is as it should be.”

Now everyone seemed happy with this conclusion except for one named James, who realized that the real truth had not been seen because of lack of light. He was curious as to the true meaning of the writings and was not satisfied with conjecture. Thus he petitioned to join the second group and journeyed with them to the cave.

This second group brought with them powerful lanterns so the cave would be full of light and a full and correct interpretation could be gathered.

The second group entered the cave, beamed the full light upon the writings and began reading.

Because the light was strong and steady all were able to see with the same vision and as they interpreted there were enough similarities that it seemed they were seeing and interpreting with the same accord. The scholars stayed until all the symbols were read and interpreted, and many notes were taken.

As they were getting ready to leave James noticed something interesting and said: “I think we need to stay for yet a while longer. Notice these smaller symbols within symbols. I think this is a key to a larger interpretation that we may have overlooked.”

The senior scholar rose up somewhat ruffled that this upstart seemed to have seen something that he did not and said: “These smaller marks are not keys, but merely emphasis. We have seen all there is to see here and we will tarry no longer but return to our homes and families.”

At that the group began to leave. James would have stayed and studied longer, but all the light was needed by the group to return and he was forced to go with them.

A short time after the group returned they held lectures and began to teach numerous students the meaning of the writings. They had all assumed they were of one mind on the interpretation, but as it turned out each scholar had similarities in his meaning but there were differences on key points. Many students who heard more than one scholar were confused and did not know which version to believe and thus accepted no version as accurate. Others picked a single version that sounded right and stuck with that and rejected the others.

James reflected on the results and concluded several reasons for the problem. First, there were gaps in the interpretations because all the scholars relied on their memories and notes, and they all seemed to be remembering what they read a little differently. Secondly, the full and true meaning was read by none because they overlooked the tiny symbols which would surely provide a key to the full meaning. To solve this problem James determined that a camera should be taken and the complete writings must be photographed and studied objectively. By doing this he can then show the mislead scholars the original writings with the correct translation and surely they will be grateful.

James petitioned to join the third group and he and several others took cameras and excellent lighting so they seemed prepared to finish the job.

They entered the cave and studied as before. Then James pointed out the small engravings and several took notes and saw the possibility of some higher or alternate meaning. They photographed the scene thoroughly and went home. James was placed in charge of developing the photos and circulating them to the group. After they had all studied them individually they then were to meet together and come to a decision as to the best interpretation.

James fulfilled his assignment, developed the film and circulated copies. As he sat to make his own translation he first examined the larger characters as they all did in the cave and came up with a similar interpretation as did the group earlier.

Then he studied the smaller engravings, trying to figure how they fit in, as they did not seem to fit directly into the story line. Then it occurred to him that the larger writings gave a meaning that was taught to and accepted by the masses, but the smaller writings gave higher meaning that initiates could understand.

For instance, the larger writings talked about a fatherly type of God that loves and watches over us all; whereas the smaller writings explain that God can be aware of us because we are reflected in His image and God is thus within us.

James found these smaller writings much more fascinating than the larger ones, even though he realized that they would not be accepted by the general populace as the large ones would be.

A short time later the third group met together to compare translations. To James’ surprise most of the scholars completely ignored the smaller writings. Many felt they were not a part of the original, but added by some enemy at a later date. Because of the photographic record the group was able to reach consensus on the general translation of the larger symbols, but only several gave credibility to the smaller writings.

After the meeting James thought that the other two groups would be interested in the photographs and the translation. He visited several members of the second group and showed them the photos which revealed that their memories were incorrect and had corrupted the meaning. These scholars, however, had already put forth their translations and felt it would ruin their reputations to admit that they were wrong and thus became angry with James and ordered him out of their presence, calling the photos a fraud.

James was surprised by this reaction. It was difficult to understand why anyone would not want to discover the simple truth that was laid out right before their eyes.

Then the first group came to his mind. Surely they would be grateful to see these images in their clarity instead of just by candlelight. As he visited this first group he did not receive anger as a response, but something even more frustrating. The general response was something like this:

“This is wonderful that you have found meaning in these photographs and this is your truth, but the meaning I saw by candlelight is my truth and because it has no structure I can mold and blend the meaning to apply to my situation. I like my truth as I see it and since all truth is one I have no need of your photos.”

James was astounded by this willingness to remain in darkness and made one more attempt to show his interpretation, but when he made a second attempt some became irritable and told him not to force his truth down their throats and to leave them alone.

James thus withdrew from the first group and returned to the third group and called upon the scholars who also saw value in the small symbols. To his delight he found that they had gathered students and he gathered these together in private and they studied the whole picture and were filled with joy and unity as they were edified with higher knowledge.

Eventually the true interpretation became so obvious that the resisting individuals from all three groups joined in with light as grains of sand naturally fall from one part of the hourglass to the other.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Rolling Waters


Rolling Waters

My first reflection today brings to mind a great statement from the past: “How long can rolling waters remain impure?”

The waters here are in motion making stagnation impossible and the motion toward Becoming a reality.

I see the word censorship keeps surfacing, sometimes I think a little unfairly. As long as a person or group does not attempt to restrict the free speech of others by their own initiative they are within their rights to create a group, forum, newsletter or whatever which is confined to certain lines of thought. For instance, it would not be unfair censorship to have a forum on atomic physics and to attempt to prevent people from posting on bird watching. The bird watchers still have their freedom to create a forum of their own design with no limits on their discussion. To force a discussion on bird watching on the atomic scientists would take away more freedom than it gives so one could not cry censorship here in the name of freedom.

With that said then should we make rules here that would silence contrarians for good and send them into the ethers of oneness where none can speak?

I think not.

But neither should we seek to silence postings of positive members who have spoken in painful honesty.

Basically then I support the idea of maintaining the group with the same guidelines that we have followed from the beginning. We have never asked anyone to leave and I do not think we have to. In fact I do not remember anyone ever asking anyone else to leave. Some have asked certain people to either stay on topic or start their own group which is certainly within the perimeters of this group for one to so request.

Some may find it interesting that Philo from the book even argued on some of the same topics we have been discussing.

Let me quote:

My fear was somewhat reinforced by Elizabeth’s next statement, “So are you a part of the Brotherhood of Light?”

“So you know of the Brotherhood?” he (Philo) asked, a little surprised.

“Some things,” she said.

“Tell me something you know,” he said.

I tried sending Elizabeth a mental message to not reveal too much. She answered. “I know that there is a Brotherhood of Light and then there are the Dark Brothers.”

“Ahh. The illusion of good and evil,” said Philo. “In the end, good and evil are seen as two parts of a whole. The Brotherhood is just the Brotherhood. They are neither good nor evil. They just are. You just are. I just am. I AM.” He spoke I AM with the mannerism that he was saying something infinitely profound.

“So, do you see yourself as being one with the Brotherhood?” I asked.

Philo looked in the direction of the ceiling. “All who are one with the Higher Self are brothers and dwell in oneness.”

“But I have had a definite experience where I have encountered a being from the invisible world that was definitely not good. He was definitely evil and wanted to do me harm,” Elizabeth countered.

Philo began pacing back and forth, his hands clasped behind his back. “There are lives in every plane who do not realize their connection with their source and seem to do harm. In reality, they are just mischievous children who have not found their way home. If one of them comes into your life experience you must ask yourself why you needed that experience.”

“So, you are saying that if someone robs me it’s because I need the experience?” I asked.

“Yes, and if the experience seems unpleasurable, you must ask yourself what there is in you that wants pain in your life rather than pleasure..”

“Do you believe in karma then?” Elizabeth asked.

“Karma is for those who feel they need it. When you no longer need it, you do not have to suffer its consequences.”

“So, if I kill someone and decide I don’t have a need to pay for my crime, then I don’t have to pay for my wrong doing?” I said, incredulous at his philosophy.

He reflected a second and replied slowly, “You bring to you what you think you need. If you feel you do not need punishment, then you will not draw it to you.”

“So if he is not punished, how will he learn that it is wrong to kill?” Elizabeth asked.

“All souls progress toward the Light, and as we do, we just drop our harmful characteristics and keep the good. The old souls become part of the One Brotherhood. It does not matter what they have done in the past because it is the past and they live in the present. The Present is all there is.”

“See. I told you this guy was great, didn’t I?” Lance exclaimed, elbowing my arm. “He has an answer for everything.”

“But having an answer and the right answer are two different things,” I said, glaring at Philo.

Many have been surprised and near alarm at the different views and lack of unity as of late and some have wondered what causes this to be.

Others have wondered how it may be possible to achieve the unity necessary to create working molecules. Perhaps several hints may be gathered from the following parable. Read and feel free to post your thoughts on possible interpretations.

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