Keys Writings 2015, Part 5

This entry is part 6 of 13 in the series 2015B

March 1, 2015


Clay wants us to examine the shadow side of ourselves. By this he seems to mean that we humans have numerous subtle flaws below the surface that we just kind of bury and do not want to bring in the daylight and examine.

He points out that even something that we may think is a virtue about ourselves could hide a flaw that we do not want to face. For instance we may take too much pride or develop an air of superiority about helping people, donating to charity, being sexually pure, being a good provider etc.

Such flaws do exist and they are a big hindrance to progression. DK calls them glamors. A glamour is basically a deception from the ego that gives us an inflated feeling of self importance.

A common example of a glamour that seems to be a virtue is a false humility. This is apparent when the guy may pretend to not be very good at a certain activity, but in reality he really is. Then when he performs he gets extra praise. In the end his humility was contrived to get extra strokes for his ego.

There are three deceptive hurtles the seeker must master on the path to liberation. The first is maya caused by the pull and attraction of matter itself. This would include the problems generated from the sex attraction,

The second has its seeds in the astral/emotional nature and this is where glamours originate.

The third are illusions and these have their seeds in the mind. These are the most difficult to discover because one can be free of ego problems, be fully intent on serving mankind, but tricked into a harmful course of action because of wrong foundation beliefs that seem to be good.

All three have their difficulties. Before one can see clearly to dispel illusion he must discover and master glamours. Seeing them in ourselves is difficult, but seeing them in others is quite easy. The trouble is that many we may see in others may be illusion or related to a glamour in the observer because we tend to judge others by how we ourselves think.

An associate may be acting in purity of heart but a flawed observer may judging him as only wanting his ego stroked.

We are the ones we need to concentrate on, not our neighbor. We have the power to change ourselves.

DK in the Bailey writings lists quite a few glamours.

Here are some.

  1. The glamour of destiny. This is a glamour which indicates to the one whom it controls that he has important work to do and that he must speak and work as destined. This feeds a pride which has no foundation in fact.
  2. The glamour of aspiration. Those thus conditioned are completely satisfied and pre-occupied with their aspiration towards the light and rest back upon the fact that they are aspirants. Such people need to move onward on to the Path of Discipleship and cease their preoccupation and satisfaction with their spiritual ambitions and goals.
  3. The glamour of self-assurance or of what might be called the astral principles of the disciple. This is the belief, in plain language, that the disciple regards that his point of view is entirely right. This again feeds pride and tends to make the disciple believe himself to be an authority and infallible. It is the background of the theologian.
  4. The glamour of duty. This leads to an over-emphasis of the sense of responsibility, producing lost motion and the emphasis of the non-essential.
  5. The glamour of environing conditions, leading frequently to a sense of frustration, or of futility or of importance.
  6. The glamour of the mind and of its efficiency and its capacity to deal with any or every problem. This leads inevitably to isolation and loneliness.
  7. The glamour of devotion, leading to an undue stimulation of the astral body. The man or woman thus glamoured sees only one idea, one person, one authority and one aspect of truth. It feeds fanaticism and spiritual pride.
  8. The glamour of desire with its reflex action upon the physical body. This leads to a constant condition of fighting and of turmoil. It negates all peace and fruitful work and must some day be brought to an end.
  9. The glamour of personal ambition.

Then he lists glamours associated with the seven rays.


The glamour of physical strength.

The glamour of personal magnetism.

The glamour of self-centredness and personal potency.

The glamour of “the one at the centre.”

The glamour of selfish personal ambition.

The glamour of rulership, of dictatorship and of wide control.

The glamour of the Messiah complex in the field of politics.

The glamour of selfish destiny, of the divine right of kings personally exacted.

The glamour of destruction.

The glamour of isolation, of aloneness, of aloofness.

The glamour of the superimposed willupon others and upon groups.


The glamour of the love of being loved.

The glamour of popularity.

The glamour of personal wisdom.

The glamour of selfish responsibility.

The glamour of too complete an understanding, which negates right action.

The glamour of self-pity, a basic glamour of this ray.

The glamour of the Messiah complex, in the world of religion and world need.

The glamour of fear, based on undue sensitivity.

The glamour of self-sacrifice.

The glamour of selfish unselfishness.

The glamour of self-satisfaction.

The glamour of selfish service.


The glamour of being busy.

The glamour of cooperation with the Plan in an individual and not a group way.

The glamour of active scheming.

The glamour of creative work without true motive.

The glamour of good intentions, which are basically selfish.

The glamour of “the spider at the centre.”

The glamour of “God in the machine.”

The glamour of devious and continuous manipulation.

The glamour of self-importance, from the standpoint of knowing, of efficiency.


The glamour of harmony, aiming at personal comfort and satisfaction.

The glamour of war.

The glamour of conflict, with the objective of imposing righteousness and peace.

The glamour of vague artistic perception.

The glamour of psychic perception instead of intuition.

The glamour of musical perception.

The glamour of the pairs of opposites, in the higher sense.


The glamour of materiality, or over-emphasis of form.

The glamour of the intellect.

The glamour of knowledge and of definition.

The glamour of assurance, based on a narrow point of view.

The glamour of the form which hides reality.

The glamour of organisation.

The glamour of the outer, which hides the inner.


The glamour of devotion.

The glamour of adherence to forms and persons.

The glamour of idealism.

The glamour of loyalties, of creeds.

The glamour of emotional response.

The glamour of sentimentality.

The glamour of interference.

The glamour of the lower pairs of opposites.

The glamour of World Saviours and Teachers.

The glamour of the narrow vision.

The glamour of fanaticism.


The glamour of magical work.

The glamour of the relation of the opposites.

The glamour of the subterranean powers.

The glamour of that which brings together.

The glamour of the physical body.

The glamour of the mysterious and the secret.

The glamour of sex magic.

The glamour of the emerging manifested forces.


March 3, 2015

Baptism for the Dead


This thread is about “baptism ‘for’ the dead,” and I was hoping that there was someone who could share their precious understanding of how this activity validates the resurrection. How does “baptism ‘for’ the dead” prove the resurrection? And doesn’t “baptism ‘for’ the dead” disprove reincarnation IF it is referring to baptizing yourself for your dead friends and relatives? I mean, why else “baptize ‘for’ the dead,” if the dead reincarnate, for THEN they can baptize for themselves, that is, if this is what Paul was referring to?


I haven’t been following this thread that close but since it is continuing I will comment.

First let us quote the one scriptural reference to this doctrine:

Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead? I Cor 15:29

So what is the answer to Paul’s question? Why baptize for the dead if there is no resurrection. He may have well as asked “why baptize for the living or the dead if there is no resurrection?”


Because baptism is a symbol of rebirth, or reincarnation, or the resurrection of KRISIS.

When you are submerged in water in the first stage of baptism you are symbolizing a future reentering the womb where the fetus is completely submerged in water. Then when you are lifted out of the water into the air you are symbolizing a reincarnated self where you will leave the womb of water and again enter into the air where you will take in the breath of life and start anew.

The symbology also carries over to the resurrection of life. On a higher level we are submerged in water or the astral/emotional world, the main source of corruption and error. Then, in the better resurrection we rise above this emotional prison and enter into the air (spirit) into eternal life.

So what is the advantage of baptizing the dead?

Many after death get trapped in the lower astral zones and are plagued with guilt caused by their actions. In some cases a proxy baptism for them can aid in releasing this guilt so they can reunite with their souls.

The Mormons believe that they need to go clear back to the time of Adam with this ceremony, but their founder said otherwise.

“A man may act as proxy for his own relatives; the ordinances of the Gospel which were laid out before the foundations of the world have thus been fulfilled by them, and we may be baptized for those whom we have much friendship for; but IT MUST FIRST BE REVEALED TO THE MAN OF GOD, LEST WE SHOULD RUN TOO FAR.” History of the Church, Vol.6, Ch.17, p.366

The too far is most probably the “endless genealogies” (I Tim 1:4) that Paul told us to avoid.

In other words, if one receives a revelation of a troubled spirit that may be aided by this ceremony then there could be a benefit. If we attempt to baptize those who have been dead for over 100 years then chances are they are already experiencing the resurrection of KRISIS and are already reborn back into the world.

Normally this ordinance should be confined to friends and relatives of the living to speed their journey back to their Higher Self.


March 3, 2015

Translation Problems

Ken makes some more comments on this scripture:

Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead? I Cor 15:29

He points out that the Greek verb here for baptized which is BAPTIZEIN can be translated as “washed” as the word was sometimes used in relation to ceremonial washings nor related to baptism. He also points out that the preposition “for’ comes from HYPER which can be translated as “over or beyond” rather than “for” meaning “in behalf of” in this verse.

He therefore, comes up with this translation:

“Else what shall they do which are washed (G907) over (G5228) the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then washed (G907) over (G5228) the dead?”

This translation makes no sense to me. As with many English words Greek words to can have more than one use and you have to look at the context to see the most obvious meaning.

In this context and the context of Paul’s writings as a whole it is obvious that Paul was referring to regular baptism rather than a mere ceremonial washing. The main evidence of this is that he linked it to the resurrection. He speaks of this symbolism in Romans 6:3-5

Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection:

Here and Col 2:12 he ties the symbolism of baptism by immersion to the resurrection.

It is also a historical fact that some early Christians did baptize on behalf of their dead. This gives added weight to the standard translation.

I checked about a dozen Bible translations and all, except one, gives the same meaning as the King James. The one exception is the Jehovah Witness translation which gives an odd rendering as follows:

Otherwise, what will they do who are being baptized for the purpose of being dead ones? If the dead ones are not to be raised up at all, why are they also being baptized for the purpose of being such?

This translation also does not make much sense to me.

William Barclay in his commentary discusses four possible interpretations but sums up his view as follows:

All these are lovely thoughts, but in the end we think that this phrase can refer to only one custom, which has quite correctly passed out of Church practice altogether. In the early Church there was vicarious baptism. If a person died who had intended to become a member of the Church and was actually under instruction, sometimes someone else underwent baptism for him. The custom sprang from a superstitious view of baptism, that, without it, a person was necessarily excluded from the bliss of heaven. It was to safeguard against this exclusion that sometimes people volunteered to be baptized literally on behalf of those who had died. Here Paul neither approves nor disapproves that practice. He merely asks if there can be any point in it if there is no resurrection and the dead never rise again.

As far as the method of baptism goes one would have to use immersion to complete the symbolism and this seems to be the method used by the early Christians.

Matthew 3:6, says they went “in the River Jordan;” and 3:16, says “he went up out of the water;”

And John also was baptizing in Aenon near to Salim, because there was much water there: John 3:23

And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him. Acts 8:38

I tend to trust the interpretation the best that fits with the Law of Correspondences.



It is interesting to make some posts on Allan’s forum that tweak his mindset, but for no apparent reason he has placed me and Clay on moderation so my better posts are not going through. I have thus pretty much withdrawn, but he did say something today to which I thought I would respond. His back and white stance on allegory is really unreasonable so I thought I would challenge him using his own beliefs. He has said in the past that the Homilies of Clementine represent the real words of Peter.


What happens if Moses was not an actual person — but is a personification of the Laws of Consciousness within the seekers own mind and being?


It is interesting that you cite the Homilies of Clementine as being authentic yet they are not written as allegory but portray the prophets as real people. Moses in particular does Peter speak of as being a literal, not an allegorical person. Here are some examples.

when our God-loved nation was about to be ransomed from the oppression of the Egyptians, first diseases were produced by means of the rod turned into a serpent, which was given to Aaron, and then remedies were superinduced by the prayers of Moses.

For instance, Moses, on account of his piety, continued free from suffering all his life, and by his prayers he healed the Egyptians when they suffered on account of their sins

Why? Did not God convert the rod of Moses into an animal, making it a serpent, which He reconverted into a rod? And by means of this very converted rod he converted the water of the Nile into blood, which again he reconverted into water.

Peter even notes that Jesus saw Moses as a real person:

He (Jesus), knowing the true things of the law, said to the Sadducees, asking on what account Moses permitted to marry seven, ‘Moses gave you commandments according to your hard-heartedness; for from the beginning it was not so: for He who created man at first, made him male and female.’


March 5, 2015

The Homilies of Clementine

I haven’t spent much time in my life studying the early church fathers or apocryphal scriptures and gospels. Most of what I have read didn’t seem to contain much light. Besides a lot of the writings purporting to be scripture are most likely written by pretenders attempting to portray their version of reality or God’s will.

Now along comes Allan and states a claim that the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of the Nazirenes and the Homilies of Clementine are authentic. I realized a number of people had this view of the first two but never heard such a claim on the Homilies.

Anyway, I decided the read the Homilies to see what was there

The problem I see for Allan with them is that the apostle Peter doesn’t seem to agree with his doctrine that most of the scriptural characters were not real but merely the basis of allegorical stories. I gave him four quotes from Peter speaking about Moses as if he were a real person. To this he essentially replied that Peter was just pretending that Moses was real because that was what the people thought and he didn’t want to upset them. He points out that Jesus spoke plainly to those “in the house,” but not so much to those outside the house.

There are several problems with this idea. First Peter referred to Moses and other Bible Old Testament characters as real to those who were “in the house” or his inner core of disciples. If Moses and others were not real, and Jesus taught this to close disciples, then surely Peter and his close disciples wouldn’t speak to each other as if they were real. They wouldn’t need to dumb down things for those in the house.

The second problem is that Peter in the Homilies does indeed tell us that some of the scriptures are not historically true. So far so good for Allan. But then Peter destroys Allan’s core teaching that these were ingeniously written as allegory. Instead of calling them true allegories, he calls them lies in history and teaching and tells his disciples that the false prophet Simon uses these lies to deceive people.

Peter tells his “beloved Clement” that Moses (who Allan says did not exist) called seventy Elders to teach the people and these seventy “in order that they also might instruct such of the people as chose, after a little the written law had added to it certain falsehoods contrary to the law of God.”

Then speaking of these false scriptures he says:

Simon, therefore, as I learn, intends to come into public, and to speak of those chapters against God that are added to the Scriptures, for the sake of temptation, that he may seduce as many wretched ones as he can from the love of God.

Clement asks Peter:

Wherefore tell me what are the falsehoods added to the Scriptures, and how it comes that they are really false. Then Peter answered: Even although you had not asked me, I should have gone on in order, and afforded you the exposition of these matters, as I promised. Learn, then, how the Scriptures misrepresent Him (God) in many respects, that you may know when you happen upon them.

Now Allan maintains that all the scriptures are true, but Peter disagrees as says that some are false and “misrepresent God.” Obviously, such scriptures would not be inspired allegory.

Then speaking of God Peter asks:

“For if He lies, then who speaks truth? … If He is not faithful to His promises, who shall be trusted”

This was the point I made earlier. It is important that we have teachers, angels and a God who does not lie to us, for a lie destroys faith.

Peter then explains that the scriptures which are lies are those which portrayed God as flawed or approving of sin or wrong doing. He tells us of certain scriptures he sees as being, not allegory, but just false. He says:some of the Scriptures are true and some false.”

Then he goes on to name some of the false scriptures:

For, as I am persuaded, neither was Adam a transgressor, who was fashioned by the hands of God; nor was Noah drunken, who was found righteous above all the world; nor did Abraham live with three wives at once, who, on account of his sobriety, was thought worthy of a numerous posterity; nor did Jacob associate with four – of whom two were sisters – who was the father of the twelve tribes, and who intimated the coming of the presence of our Master; nor was Moses a murderer, nor did he learn to judge from an idolatrous priest – he who set forth the law of God to all the world, and for his right judgment has been testified to as a faithful steward.

Notice that he ended his statement saying that Moses did “set forth the law of God to all the world.” Hus he affirms the reality of Moses.

Peter made fun of the Egyptians for taking simple truths about God and reducing then to complicated allegory. He said:

And with diverse judgments, one reverences one and another of the limbs of the same animal. Moreover, those of them who still have a breath of right reason, being ashamed of the manifest baseness, attempt to drive these things into allegories, wishing by another vagary to establish their deadly error. But we should confute the allegories, if we were there, the foolish passion for which has prevailed to such an extent as to constitute a great disease of the understanding. For it is not necessary to apply a plaster to a whole part of the body, but to a diseased part.

So rather than the scriptures being written as only allegorically true Peter in the Homilies says that some are true, but because of lies and corruption, others are false.

I quoted Peter as identifying some of the false scriptures, but he also noted many true ones. Here he is speaking of what he sees as true Bible characters:

Therefore from Adam, who was made after the image of God, there sprang first the unrighteous Cain, and then the righteous Abel. Again, from him who amongst you is called Deucalion, two forms of spirits were sent forth, the impure namely, and the pure, first the black raven, and then the white dove. From Abraham also, the patriarchs of our nation, two firsts sprang – Ishmael first, then Isaac, who was blessed of God. And from Isaac himself, in like manner, there were again two – Esau the profane, and Jacob the pious. So, first in birth, as the first born in the world, was the high priest Aaron, then the lawgiver Moses.

He also spoke of three of Daniels friends who were thrown into the fiery furnace.

He spoke of Jesus, the Twelve Apostles and John the Baptist:

and as the Lord had twelve apostles, bearing the number of the twelve months of the sun, so also he, John, had thirty chief men, fulfilling the monthly reckoning of the moon,

He verified events and miracles in the Gospel account of Jesus such as

Jesus being tempted in the wilderness.

The miracle of calming the storm at sea.

Casting the demons into the swine,

Healing the man blind from birth.

To sum up Peter said:

He wrought many wonderful miracles and signs by His mere command, as having received power from God. For He made the deaf to hear, the blind to see, the lame to walk, raised up the bowed down, drove away every disease, put to flight every demon; and even scabbed lepers, by only looking on Him from a distance, were sent away cured by Him; and the dead being brought to Him, were raised; and there was nothing which He could not do.

It looks as if anyone who believes the real Peter is represented in the Homilies should accept the idea that most of he Bible characters were historically real including the devil himself. This was certainly not written as an allegory. Much of it may be fiction, but there is no clever allegory here.



In the account of the Clementine Homilies, Peter warns his disciple Clement that Simon Magus has the ability to greatly deceive the Gentiles, because they fail to understand the vision of the authors in the composition of the scriptures — and the traditions that the authors used to compose the scriptures


That is not true at all. Simon’s problem (as well as those he deceived) was not that they didn’t see the “vision” of the authors, but that Simon used false scriptures, not created from any vision, but to deceive people away from the one God. There was no vision to be found in the deceptive scriptures. The only thing to be discovered was that they were false, according to Peter.


Thus, Peter warns that while the spiritual Jews will understand the deeper meaning — both the carnal Jews and the Gentiles will be greatly deceived and states:


Peter never talked about a deeper meaning of the deceptive scriptures. He talked as if they had little or no value.

Allan quoting:

“And with us, indeed, who have had handed down from our forefathers the worship of the God who made all things, and also the mystery of the books which are able to deceive, he will not prevail;


The deceptive books were the false ones and the only mystery that was kept from the people about them was that they were false. He wasn’t talking about some mysterious allegory. He made fun of those who used allegory to complicate teachings.


but with those from amongst the Gentiles who have the polytheistic fancy bred in them, and who know not the falsehoods of the Scriptures, he will prevail much.


Peter talked about true scriptures and false scriptures. He was merely saying that the people did not know which was which. And he not only talked about false history, but also false teachings within the orthodox Old Testament. Peter gave no indication that something that presents false history and false teachings would be any use for allegorical interpretation.


That the carnal Jews could not see beyond the symbols of the allegory,


The only talk in the Homilies about allegory is negative. Peter says those who misuse it: attempt to drive these things into allegories, wishing by another vagary to establish their deadly error.


and their eyes and hearts were hardened so they could not comprehend the true meaning of the scriptures, is readily understood where Paul states that “their minds were blinded” by the Laws of God, “for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament… even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart” (2 Cor 3:14-15 KJV).


This says NOTHING about allegory being a problem for the people. A scripture can be written with no allegory and be plain in meaning and many will misunderstand it.


The 2nd century Church Father Clement of Alexandria in his Stromata explained: “…now that the Savior has taught the Apostles, the unwritten rendering of the written, this has been handed down also to us”. What Clement is stating is that it was Jesus who taught his disciples the inner spiritual meaning of the scriptures by opening their minds so their understanding could pierce through the garb of the allegorical enigmas that blind the perception of carnal men — i.e., 


He said nothing about all scripture being allegory or false history. And what did he do with these secret teachings?


“Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures” (Luke 24:45 NIV).


This has happened to me.


In the Homilies of his disciple Clement, the Apostle Peter portrays the scriptures as the “…books with the power to deceive”


You are distorting here. He is NOT conveying the scriptures in general this way, but the false ones used by Simon. Read the before and after.


Further, it was stated by Peter in the Homilies of his disciple Clement that each person (who does not apply the Key of Knowledge) only sees in the scriptures, what they are predisposed to see and believe —


Finally you got something right and the way your group approaches the scriptures, the posts of Clay and myself, and other writings, in seeing what they want to see is evidence of this.



And more important is the statement that those who attempt to read the scriptures from a differing mindset and objectives than the intended purpose of the original authors, will remain blind to “…the truth, but simply [see] what he wishes to find…” in the scriptures.


Right On! That is right on the money!



The falsehood of the scriptures are the things that Moses Maimonides portrays as “…tales the reality of which seems impossible, a story which is repugnant to both reason and common sense, then be sure that the tale contains a profound allegory veiling a deeply mysterious truth; and the greater the absurdity of the letter, the deeper the wisdom of the spirit”.


And why are you quoting a twelfth century philosopher here who had less access to the truth of the scriptures than we do?

I’ve had people reject true accounts I have given from my life as being “repugnant to both reason and common sense.” So that measure is far from infallible.


Allegories which Peter portrays as “…the mystery of the books which are able to deceive” — allegories that the Gentile mind


You keep repeating this quote over and over and it has nothing to do with allegory, but the false scriptures used by Simon.


…believes literally because they accustomed to embracing bad and erroneous beliefs about God — i.e., “…because from their childhood their minds are accustomed to take in things spoken against God.” And therefore, as Peter states, “…even the falsehoods of Scripture are with good reason presented for a test.”

Thus the question: Can you pass the test? Or, do you believe absurd things against God as portrayed in the parting of the Red Sea, and the drowning of the Egyptians.


Peter’s criteria for testing the false scriptures is whether or not it presents God in a positive light and God parting the Red Sea presents Him in the most positive light in the entire Old Testament so I would say that Peter would think you are falsely speaking against God if you diminish God by rejecting the idea that He could have performed such a miracle.

After all, Peter definitely taught about Moses bringing the plagues to Egypt as well as turning Aarons Rod into a serpent. Just because something was miraculous didn’t stop Peter from believing it. In fact, right in the Homilies we are told that Peter preformed numerous hard-to-believed miracles and such events were obviously not intended to be allegory.


March 6, 2015

The Value of History

A reader in another forum asks:

IF scripture was history… what does/can that do for me as a seeker? ????? What would I need scripture for? I know some Jewish people that see scripture as history. So, they celebrate it as tradition … like a nationality would celebrate the traditions of their country.

Can you tell me why I should personally look at the scriptures as history??? You tell us they are history … BUT … so what? IF they are, what does that do for anyone?


First let me clarify something that I have attempted to do several times before. The main value that I have received from the scriptures does not depend on the history being accurate, but in the teachings. I have gained many good and useful principles and values from the scriptures that have little or nothing to do with accurate history.

For instance, Jesus said, “For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” Matt 7:2

This is true principle even if none of the Bible is true history and even if it was written by the Devil himself.

True principles and teachings that register with the soul are not dependent on true history or an authoritative writer. Words that are true will stand on their own.

Shakespeare proved this principle in that he is perhaps the most widely quoted writer for supporting truth yet his writings were presented as fiction.

For instance he wrote:

To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.

That statement and others are so profound that it doesn’t matter where they appear. It would be just as useful if discovered in The National Enquirer.

Does the fact that teachings are the most important part of a writing mean that true history is not important?

No. True history is of great importance to the world. Without knowledge of our history progress as a civilization would come to a standstill.

So why should it matter whether a person presents imaginary history as allegory or presents true history either as allegory or for teaching or inspirational purposes?

An example of this is found in the story of he breaking of the four-minute mile. For thousands of years experts on the human body told people that this could not be done – that the human body just wasn’t designed to go that fast.

Then on May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister broke the barrier, running the distance in 3:59.4.

Now what would have been the effect of this if the newspapers related the story as an allegory that was not true history, but merely as an allegorical teaching of how we can overcome the obstacles in life?

People would have thought that was a nice teaching, but obviously the experts are still right that no one can break the barrier.

But what happened when people realized that this achievement was not an allegory, but real history? Humanity realized the experts were wrong and the feat can be done. Instead of taking thousands of years for the next four minute mile it took only a couple months. During the 1954 British Empire and Commonwealth Australia’s John Landy along with Bannister, ran the distance of one mile in under four minutes.

From that point on many were inspired to duplicate that accomplishment. Now breaking the four-minute mile is so common that some high school athletes are doing it.

So, what is the difference between in one who has discovered that many miracles in the Bible are true compared to another who sees them as mere allegory? He who discovers for sure that miracles have indeed happened in history will then logically believe that they can happen in his life. He will attempt to live his life in a manner that miracles can manifest.

I have had miracles happen in my life that would not have transpired if I had viewed the scriptural miracles as just allegory. And because of personal encounters with supernatural forces I know for a surety that many things considered impossible are indeed possible.

In addition to the supernatural in history regular true history is of great importance. Reading the true accounts of the Revolutionary War, what they fought for and the sacrifices made inspires people in the present to appreciate the freedoms they have and not take them for granted.

Studying the true events that led up to World War II can give us many clues that will help prevent World War III. The knowledge we have of history is one of the reasons we haven’t had a major war for 70 years now.

Our past lives are true history and many think it is important to discover who we were. Discovering them is the discovery of history.

Are all historical records completely accurate? No. But there is enough truth in recorded history to get a pretty clear picture of what happened. For instance, most events in World War II are not in dispute. It is the interpretation of those events that create conflicting ideas about much of history. We know for sure that the U.S. dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. The fact that there are many differing thoughts surrounding the event does not negate the event.

It was Edmund Burke who said, Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it. This is indeed a good reason to seek after true history.


March 7, 2015

Verifying Past Lives

I would suppose that many enlightened teachers of the past who knew that reincarnation was real refused to teach it openly. And why would this be the case?

Because as soon as most people learn of the doctrine they start wondering who they might have been. The trouble is that few are satisfied in thinking that they might have been a plain dirt farmer in some inconsequential time and place who died without making a mark on history. It is natural to think one might have lived some glorious life that was notable, made some great accomplishments, wrote great plays, created great art, led mighty armies, was a disciple of Jesus or changed the course of history.

The seeker needs to think of this reality. If you want to get a good idea of the quality of character you were in a past life then look at who you are in this one. Suppose you were to die tomorrow and then be born again in a hundred years and learn about the doctrine of reincarnation. Would you be disappointed to learn that you were just the present you in a past life instead of maybe Steve Jobs or Tom Cruise?

If you want to know what to look for in a past life then look at what you are now.

“But,” says the guy who thinks he was someone famous, “we are not the same in each life and our circumstances change. A person can reborn in the right circumstances in one life and become famous and do a great work but then in another life he may be more limited and live a fairly ordinary life.”

Yes, this may be true. It is possible that Abraham Lincoln is reborn today living a somewhat average life just trying to make ends meet.

If it may be the case that accomplished people in one life may live under the radar in another then how can we test the claims of one who claims to have been someone famous in a past life? We especially want to test them if they expect us to follow them because of who they were rather than who they are.

There are three things that can be done.

(1) The first is to use a regression technique to take the individual into a past life. A good regressionist can often take an individual back to a real past life, but this is far from infallible. Unless the person goes into a very deep state of hypnosis he may tap into a thoughtform or false memory of some kind. Often when people tell the hypnotist that they were someone famous further regression will reveal that he merely lived at the same time as did this famous person and admired him.

For instance, someone who worked for Steve Jobs and admired him may tell a regressionist in a future life that he was Steve Jobs instead of a guy who worked for him.

A guided meditation or light trance may bring up past lives with maybe 50-60% accuracy. You would then have to take them deeper to tell for sure. When the subject is in a deep trance he can recall minute details and even speak an ancient language from a past life. I had this happen when I did a regression for a television program. The subject started speaking ancient Aramaic effortlessly. The reporter was impressed indeed. Unfortunately they edited it out when they showed the program because they wanted to disprove reincarnation rather than prove it.

Now Allan claims he wrote the original manuscript of the Gospel story and says he can recall his life as James he brother of Jesus. I asked him what the tenth word in the manuscript was. His group gave me a bad time about this question, but it is one that could definitely be answered. If one goes back to a life and relives it in real time he can look at a page of print and see it as one can see something currently in front of his face and recall the first sentences word for word.

If the subject goes back and can recall in real time then it is quite likely he is experiencing a real past life.

Even here this is not a sure thing because we have he capacity through the soul to enter into the consciousness of others and can see through their eyes. It is possible that some regressions that seem very authentic have this happen, especially if some famous person is recalled.

(2) The second test is that of intelligence and talent. We have different personalities from life to life because of various circumstances and pulls from energies that affect us. For instance, one life one may be an introvert and another an extrovert. We do not take our personality with us, but we do take our intelligence and talents that were acquired through learning. If you played the piano in a past life you could relearn it quickly in this one. If you were Mark Twain in a past life you would still have a way with words in this one and most likely have a great sense of humor. Even though you would keep your talent at writing you may find yourself working at developing a new talent. Maybe Mark Twain would want to be a Rock star in this life.

Perhaps the most reliable test we can perform on one who claims to be someone famous is to compare what the guy’s intelligence has produced in this life to what the famous guy did in the past. If you think you were Mark Twain, but cannot write a good story then you are most likely fooling yourself. If you think you were Telsla but haven’t invented anything new and useful then you are probably not him.

If you think you were Jesus, but do not have power to teach or perform works like him then you can be counted as being in illusion.

If you think the gospel is an allegory that you made up while Jesus was still alive then you should be able to write something as innovative as that in this life. After all, it turned out to be the most famous piece of writing in the history of the world.

The story of Jesus has staying power because of the great teachings, the words of wisdom, the parables, the miracles and the crucifixion and resurrection which Allan says he wrote of while Jesus was still alive and well. If this is true then this James character certainly had a great imagination and talent for presenting a miraculous idea.

He should be able to do an even more profound work in this life because we progress rather than regress.

That’s right. If you were Mark Twain in a past life and become a writer again in this one then you should be better than Twain because we improve as we apply ourselves.

(3) Test the person with your inner self. If you are familiar with the famous person and one who claims to be him you need to ask if there is a similarity of vibration. If there is not then you can discount his claim. If there is then keep an open mind, but always judge each person by what and who they are now. Who we are in the present is the important thing.



Thanks for the critique JJ and I agree with you 100%. I would like to add a couple of more issues. There exist an additional problem with past life recollection in that there are times when you are just given insight to the Akashic records of someone else’s life or an experience from history but there is a powerful lesson that you can employ in your life. You may see into the distant past some event that you did not actually live, but whose information is relevant to your development in this lifetime.


I agree. One of the problems we have in understanding the full reality from a mortal perspective is that the abilities of access for the soul is almost unlimited.


I also do not like regressions and advise against them because unless you are very well trained prior to the regression, one’s ego is still too strong and is going to distort the reading and of course bring up events that one has simply read about or heard about that are buried deeply in ones subconscious.


Regression is not perfect but it is the most reliable I have found outside of personal revelation that I have had on others several times. This, however, is only given to me as seen necessary by my Higher Self.


I personally recommend a person go to a powerful reader of past lives as they are not as likely to want to glorify you and satisfy your ego needs to be a person of importance.


I have not found this to be true. I have had a number of psychics read my past lives and no two are alike and most are way off base. Unless a person is close to being a master the only way to read the past life of another is through a revelation through the soul or a recollection of a personal past life where you were associated with the person in question.

Here’s an interesting example. When I was in real estate a new client came into my office who I had never met before in this life. After talking with him for five minutes my soul revealed to me who he was in a past life. He was a close and trusted friend. I stopped in the middle of the subject and told him I knew who he was and explained it to him. Even though he didn’t believe in reincarnation in this life he seemed to take it to heart and we became close friends.

Here is another:

Shortly after meeting my second wife my soul told me who she was in a former life. It was someone that she had no knowledge of in this life. Instead of telling her who she was I asked her if I could regress her. When I did she went back to the life that was told to me by my soul, gave her correct name, and related details that she could have only given if she had been there.


Third it is a distinctly Western Phenomena that we want to parade our past lives as almost spiritual status symbols to demonstrate how advanced we are. Now instead of owning a huge mansion and driving a new Mercedes, we simply use supposed past live recollections to comfort us and satisfy our ego in this incarnation. So if we have not lived up to certain expectations we have of ourselves in this life or are insecure about who we are, we rely upon glorious past lives to give us pride and a sense of self worth and purpose.


Good observation.


March 8, 2015

The Song and Colors


When one imagine light on oneself or on the group saying the song what color is the light? Can it be any color or white light? In the book the Immortal 1 and 2 pages 128-129 talks about John saying the song and the first verse is white light descending at an arms length. The second verse after it is said shows bright yellow, pink and magenta light coming into john’s aura. The third verse shows deep violent light with edges of gold coming into Johns aura. My question is do we imagine the same colors as describe in the book or what colors do we imagine coming to oneself and the group who says the song?


Good to hear from you again Tom. Don’t be such a stranger.

When seeing the light you can use one of three approaches.

(1) Visualize specific colors to create specific effects.

(2) Attempt to see the colors sent to you by your soul.

(3) Just go with the flow and get a general sense of light and enlightenment.


March 9, 2015

The Backsliding Soul

I thought I would make a few comments on Jim’s post the other day.

He says:

until a person is seeking some kind of a Power higher than them selves, which might be an unrecognizable god, than, that soul is not guaranteed to progress forward, or higher, every reincarnation,


It is certainly true that the recognizing of a power higher than ourselves and seeking it will be a big help to the person’s progression, but it doesn’t mean that he will make zero progression or go backwards if he doesn’t believe in or seek God.

Many atheists are further along the path than many believers. All on the path at one time have gone through a period of atheism as mental abilities are developed. Before being atheists most of them were unthinking believers in God for many lives but reached a barrier after they developed their reasoning abilities. Then what they saw as logic prevailed. They became frustrated with the unfairness and suffering in the world and the illogical beliefs of many religions and disbelieved for a number of lifetimes.

Then they made a discovery which was the mind could only take you so far in the search for truth. The pilgrim then works his way back to a renewed belief in God, but a sounder belief based on intuitive perception, soul contact and higher vision.

What hurts our progression more than anything is when we receive some light and reject it in word or deed. As I have said many times we must all live up to the highest we know and this is different for each person. Sometimes the highest we know is a guess and sometimes it will take us on the wrong path, but if we are true to ourselves the mistakes we make will be revealed and when they are the highest we know will be a decision to make a correction.

After the human entity becomes self-conscious and begins his journey through many lives his progress is very slow. Even though he starts his progress with a fairly ingrown sense of the Divine he is slow to learn his lessons. It is when he starts to actively question and seek answers outside of outward authority that his real progress begins,

If we were to draw a graph of the progress of a soul it would show very little movement for many lifetimes, but after this turning point is reached then the line on the graph would suddenly shoot upward and continue to accelerate until liberation is achieved. The last dozen or so lifetimes would see a tremendous upswing as these are times of tremendous learning.

So can we go backwards if we live a life where we go against the light? In some ways yes and others no. Let us say you learn to play the piano and afterwards you start beating your wife. Can you still play the piano?

Yes, of course. Your ability to apply your basic intelligence in this direction is not affected by your bad behavior. Even so, we can make many mistakes and still be born again with our basic intelligence intact. For instance, I believe that Hitler’s two previous lives were as Charles XII of Sweden and then Napoleon. He made some pretty grave errors in both of these lives but that didn’t prevent him from being a very savvy guy in his life as Hitler. History correctly records him as an evil genius.

So is there any negative effect for sinning against the light?

Indeed, yes. The person may still be clever in the ways of the world, as was Hitler, but his ability to perceive light and truth and contact his own soul will dramatically decrease. If he continues on the downward path then the barrier between himself and his soul will become beyond repair.

So, if a person lives a very carnal life will he be born again as an animal?

No. Human souls are only born as humans or self conscious entities. There are plenty of opportunities to pay our debts for our mistakes as human beings.

Some have had impressions of past lives as animals and conclude that we switch back and forth. What does happen is this. In between lives the soul can project itself and identify with any lower life form on this planet. It can project itself into the consciousness of a dog, a cat, a bug, a tree or even a rock. This is much different than being incarnated into lower life forms. Lower lives are governed by a group soul rather than an individual soul.

There is a possible exception though. If the pilgrim continues in error and takes the left hand path so a permanent barrier is set up to the light of the soul then all that makes him human begins to unravel and he is deconstructed. In this case fragments of him may incarnate as lower life forms. This only happens to a small number of stubbornly dark entities.




Any one who has lived with pets, cats, dogs, horses, or birds, or even pigs, turkeys, sheep, or the list is unlimited, may recognize the very same spirit animating them as animates humans.


I was raised in a farming community and very familiar with numerous types of animals. They are similar to us in that their lives are a part of the life of God, as are we, but as far as consciousness goes they are very different. An animal is not self conscious as is a human. He cannot be embarrassed, could not care less if he is dressed in clothes and if you did put clothes on him he could care less about the style and color. An animal is as different from a lowly evolved human as a lowly evolved human is different from one near the end of his evolution. He who is near liberation will not incarnate and return to being a savage in consciousness and the savage will not return to being an animal because he has a self consciousness that he will not lose unless he winds up being a total failure and the fragments that compose him are returned to their Source to be reformatted in a future system.

And consider this. If a backsliding life could caused one to be born as an animal then one could also retrogress more and be born as a potato. The correspondence here does not fit.

There is no way to outwardly prove this but each person must run such things by his soul as well as run them by his sense of reasoning and the Law of Correspondences.

No one is rejected or shunned here if they do not agree with me.


March 11, 2015

Animal Consciousness

Reasons why humans do not regress in future incarnations and become animals.

(1) The consciousness of an animal is different than a human. If a human consciousness incarnated as an animal then it could be taught to communicate and even work on the internet.

(2) The degree of intelligence achieved is not lost which would be the case if we incarnated as an animal. Intelligence is just wrongly applied when a human entity becomes corrupted – as was the case with Hitler.

(3) Reincarnating as a crocodile and taking on its consciousness would not be seen as a punishment for the bad guys because once reduced to the crocodile’s consciousness the entity would be happy to be such an animal and probably feel blessed instead of cursed. There would be no lesson to be learned.

(4) There is no question that the animals share the life of God with us and share some characteristics in common with us, but they do not have self consciousness and do not see themselves as separate entities the way we do. This is why they have no desire in their natural state to wear clothes.

(5) By the Law of Correspondences if a failed human can be born as an animal then a failed animal could be born as a vegetable. Does not compute.

(6) There is a logical reason why on rare occasions people are regressed through hypnosis or meditation as animals.

(A) We are composite beings. That which makes up the human soul is a fusion of lower lives from the animal, vegetable and mineral. The composite human soul itself was not an animal in the past but parts of its makeup has been and those memories can be recalled.

(B) In between lives, during the dream state or in deep meditation one can overshadow any life that is of lower evolution than oneself. In these states one can have the thrill of soaring as an eagle, roaring as a lion or running as fast as a cheetah. During this overshadowing you can identify with the lower consciousness as if you were living in its body. The difference is that you can withdraw at any time and the evolving lower life cannot unless the body dies.

(7) The direction of the force of our progression always takes us forward, not backward.

That said, Jim’s reference to farm animals reminds me of a story I told the group years ago.

When I was a young teenager, shortly after my parents divorced, my mom bought a run down place in the country with chicken coops in the back so I decided to raise some chickens. I decided that I wanted to raise as interesting a bird as possible because I was doing it for a hobby as much as it was for fried chicken and eggs.

Now, my dad used to take me to fighting chicken matches and would always place some bets. Most of us realize today that this was a cruel sport because they attach steel spurs and the birds fight to the death. What made these special chickens different than regular chickens is that they would not quit in a fight but continue until one of them was dead or incapacitated.

Even though I felt sorry for these chickens I noticed several things different about them. First was that determination to fight on, no matter what. Secondly, they seemed a lot more intelligent than regular chickens and finally they were much more beautiful and colorful than any of the standard farm chickens.

Well, when we got these empty chicken coops and I decided to put some chickens in them, my mind reflected back to these beautiful birds. I decided I wanted to raise these, not to fight, but because they were a very high quality chicken. I found an old fighting chicken magazine my Dad left behind. This magazine advertised prized fighting chickens and also eggs from gamers around the country. I found an ad for eggs that interested me. I couldn’t afford to buy the fully developed birds but I did have enough money to buy some eggs from a prize winning line. They were supposed to be among the best chickens in the world. Even these eggs were expensive – about $10-$20 each by today’s standards.

I got a Banty hen to set on the eggs and in a few weeks I had the start of my fighting chicken farm. After a short period of time I had all the chickens I wanted but there was one in particular that caught my fancy. He was the prettiest rooster of them all and without question the toughest of the bunch. None of the other roosters dared challenge him. In addition, he was the most intelligent and he was fearless. I spent many hours just watching him and showing him off to my friends. I grew as close to him over the next couple years as I have any dog. Finally one day I came home from school and found a trail of feathers from the chicken coop to a pond several blocks away. In the bushes there I found my prize rooster still alive but mortally wounded. There were several small boys nearby and I asked them if they saw what happened. Fortunately they had. Apparently a large dog attacked my chickens and my prize rooster defended the bunch by attacking the dog. He fought the dog all the way to the pond and never gave up. The dog finally gave up but the bulk of a forty pound dog was just too much for my two pound rooster and he was wounded beyond repair.

It was one of the saddest days of my life when I had to end the little fellow’s life. I couldn’t believe how much I grew to love a mere chicken and how much I missed him. I still have feelings for him to this day.

A point to be derived here is that because this chicken entered into my sphere of consciousness, I would have no more dreamed of killing and eating him any more than I would my best friend. He did not fear me for he sensed there was no fear necessary. If a dog, a cat, a horse or even a chicken or a cow were to transcend regular consciousness, he can endear himself to his master and come under the protection of the master rather than become a victim.

In many ways we humans are in a similar situation to the animals. As we expand our ring-pass-not we catch the attention of the Masters, or the Brotherhood of Light, and certain entities among them will take us under their wings and nurture us.


March 12, 2015



The demonstrative pronoun can be either male, female, or neuter, but it must agree in gender with the noun to which it refers. “The Logos” in the Greek is a male noun so the demonstrative pronoun with which it is associated cannot be translated by anything other than “HE” or “HIM”. “In HIM was life (Zoe)”.


Not really. If the noun refers to a male person this is true, but if it refers to a masculine noun where the gender is not applicable then it is usually translated as “it.”

For example Matthew 5:15 reads:

Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and IT giveth light unto all that are in the house.

“Candle” comes from LYCHNOS and is a masculine noun but translators realize it would be silly to translated AUTOS as “he.” In this case where an individual person is not referred to then it is translated as “it”.

The LOGOS, the Word that created the universe was not Jesus, but a vibration from God as all words are vibrations, so the correct translation of AUTOS would be “it” not “he.”

Now let us look at John 1:4-5

In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

You correctly say that life is feminine, but here life which is “the light of men” is called an “it” not a she.

The Concordant translators are very careful to not make an obvious mistranslation and I have found their translations to be quite accurate and not reflect the bias found in most other translations.


March 13, 2015

The Logos


How do you really know whether or not the Greek mind viewed a masculine Greek noun as an “it” rather than a “he”?


Obviously you need to look at the context. As I noted it would be silly to call a candle a “he” just because it is a masculine noun. The context would logically tell us that it is an “it”.


The Apostle John, who I believe is still living on this Earth today, clearly teaches in the first chapter of his Gospel that the Logos refers to Messiah Yahushua:
John 1:14

14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.


There is no argument that Jesus is referred to as the Word made flesh. And after the Word is made flesh in the male person of Jesus we would then refer to him as a “He”. Jesus was the great example of the Word, the Christ principle, the creative force being manifested in human form, but the Word and the creative principle is much bigger than the man Jesus. All of us are expected to become the Word made flesh just as happened to Jesus.

The creative originating Word is neither male for female and would be correctly referred to as an “It”.


I submit to all that John is not teaching in Chapter ONE that a vibration created the Cosmos; nor is John teaching that a vibration was made flesh and dwelt among us.


It is a scientific fact that nothing solid can be found. All that can definitely be discovered as the basis of creation is vibration.


I agree that Rhema is formed sound which does consist of vibrations, but once Rhema becomes clothed with physicality, then Rhema becomes the Logos


Rhema merely refers to human conversation dealing with human words which is much different than the creative force of the originating sound, or the Logos.


whom John teaches was in the Cosmos and whom John teaches created the Cosmos, and according to John, the Cosmos, that is, the whole physical Universe, did not really know or recognize its Creator:
John 1:10
10 He was in the world (the Cosmos), and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
According to you view of things John 1:10 should really be translated in this manner:
10 It was in the world, and the world was made by it, and the world knew it not.


The Concordant version does use “He” in this verse because it is definitely talking about Jesus and not just the neutral Logos which is neither male or female.

This verse gives the false idea that the man Jesus created everything there is and this is just not true. He was a manifestation of the Logos which created everything there is as all creation is made of sound or vibration. Each age manifests at least one Word made flesh and we will eventually see many of them as Jesus was the “firstborn among many brethren.”

In addition to this there are billions of planets with human beings as ourselves and on each of these planets the Word is seeking to become flesh. There are many like Christ in the many worlds.

Jesus correctly differentiated himself from the One God or the Logos when he was called good and replied back:

“And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God:” Matt 19:17

He could just as well have said:

“And he said unto him, Why callest thou me Logos? I merely represent the Logos, which is, God:”

Jesus said, “The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do:.” John 5:9

Even he who represented the Logos “could do nothing of himself” but needed a little help, just like the rest of us.

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Keys Writings 2015, Part 4

This entry is part 5 of 13 in the series 2015B

Feb 16, 2015

Free Will


It was a simultaneous “knowing” of all experience, past, present and future as having already transpired, and always and forever determined, yet the underlying actor was free. All of creation was determined from beginning to end in the mind of G-d, but there is still a deep freedom and learning that transpires despite the predetermination.


I can see how you would come to this conclusion after having a mystical experience, but I do not think the reality of the whole experience was retained in your physical brain.

There is a plan for each creation of God just as there is a plan for any creation that we (who are in the image of God) also make. I can draw up a blueprint for a house and initiate plans for building it. I can thus know the beginning and the end as well as much of the middle.

In building the house one starts with a set of blueprints. With these and a drawing of the house in hand I can now visualize pretty well how the plan will unfold.

Next I hire a contractor and proceed with the building. Just as we get started my wife decides some changes are in order. Instead of two and a half baths she wants three and the master bedroom is too small. She wants it bigger with more closet space.

We redraw the plans and proceed. A couple weeks into the project the contractor comes to us and tells us that the changes we made will cost more than expected. We reluctantly agree and I reminded my wife that this extra cost was not part of the original plan.

As we move ahead with building the house a number of unplanned events occurred.

A construction worker fell and broke his leg.

The building inspector was picky and caused several delays.

A hailstorm occurred and damaged some of the building materials.

The price of building supplies went up.

A survey revealed our property line was incorrect and we had to move the location of the fence.

In spite of unplanned events we moved forward and finished the house. “Just as we planned,” we said to ourselves, satisfied with the result.

Yes, the final product turned out as planned but in between the original plan and the finished house, many unplanned events occurred.

This is also the way it is with one’s life. Before you ere born you saw reality with a much wider vision than you do now and planned out a number of things that was to happen in your life in order to achieve maximum benefit and progression.

After incarnating and proceeding with life it will seem that some events in your life and directions you take are a part of some plan that you are supposed to follow. In many cases you will be right. On the other hand, because of free will and bad decisions on your part the overall plan will suffer delays and setbacks. Many things happen that are just caused by a fairly random series of events, but if you follow your inner guidance you will wind up accomplishing your objective set before you were born.

Just like the guy who successfully builds his house despite setbacks, you can have a successful life even though many unplanned events occur that slow you down.

Just as this principle applies to us who are reflections of God, it also applies to Higher Lives.

It is of extreme importance that we realize that we have free will and using that will we can overcome all obstacles and accomplish the plans that we set before birth as well as during this life. If there is no free will then we might as well follow the path of extreme selfishness; after all, if you do this then it was what you were supposed to do (according to this thinking).


Feb 17, 2015

Change of Plans

Clay writes:

It was a simultaneous “knowing” of all experience, past, present and future as having already transpired, and always and forever determined, yet the underlying actor was free. All of creation was determined from beginning to end in the mind of G-d, but there is still a deep freedom and learning that transpires despite the predetermination.


Like I say, if you had a mystic experience I can see why you would think this. It is interesting to note that many different people have had various mystic experiences and have come away with different conclusions, often contradictory.

There are four reasons for this.

(1) The person only saw a piece of the whole.

(2) He was only able to bring a part of the understanding back to physical reality.

(3) The reasoning mind interprets incorrectly what he has experienced.

(4) The experience is filtered through his emotional body and contains much illusion that is pure fiction.

There are two views on time that seem to contradict each other. The common view is that time is linear and moves from A to B and what happens in B is determined by free will.

Another view is that we live in an Eternal Now where the past, present and future is all one and everything in the future is already set.

Those who side with one view or the other insist the apparently opposing view is incorrect.

As usual, the truth lies between the two extremes. If we move our consciousness above the worlds of form to the realm of the beginning of creation wherein reside divine ideas then yes, we do discover there is an Eternal Now where the past, present and future of all creation springing from divine ideas is indeed one. BUT… even though this realm is linked to the worlds of form, it is not the same thing. Seeing the past, the present and future there is a totally different thing than seeing or experiencing it here.

To experience time we have to incarnate into time and once incarnated into time there is a separate past, present and future. Here the future is not set, but determined by the free will of the lives who reside here.

This is evidenced by the fact that no one in the history of mankind as ever been able to predict the future with 100% accuracy. Not even Jesus could if he were to give it a try. Not one person out of 7 billion on the planet could even predict a simple thing such as the two great catches that happened at the last Superbowl.

Here is another way to look at this. If we rise above the realm of time and enter the Eternal Now there is no time because our consciousness is not incarnated into it. Because there is no time there is no past, no future and no present as we understand it. Here all ideas are present which are the seeds of creation that manifest in time. One can follow these ideas into time. How they play out in real time is malleable, but in the realm of ideas they can be seen playing out in such a way that creation will unfold correctly. If life moves from the formless and non time into time and form then life will encounter the limitations of the past, present and future. Here the future will not be completely known or set and cannot be accurately predicted in detail, even by God.

It is interesting to note that most psychics are only about 10% accurate with their predictions. Good sensitives are lucky to achieve over 50%.

A couple different years I challenged the group to make predictions for the coming year. I told them that none of us were going to be 100% accurate but an intelligent bunch such as us should beat the law of averages. Some of us did pretty good. I had about an 80% accuracy level, but far from being perfect.


It is essentially G-d already knew each and every decision we would make, in each and every incarnation we would live, and provided exactly each and every situation that the soul needs to progress.


Okay, I’m going to scratch my big toe now. … There, I just did it. So, do you really think this was important enough to be a part of the great plan of God? What kind of being would have nothing better to do than go around planning the scratching of a toe a billion years before it happens? I certainly would not. Any being that does such senseless unnecessary planning has to be just plain silly. This would mean we must be worshipping a goofy god of some kind who makes trillions of unnecessary silly plans that are not needed or wanted or even appreciated.

Here’s another thought. Our essence is one with God; therefore, I can access the mind of God. So I access the mind of God and discover hat he has plans for me to scratch my toe in five minutes. Since I have free will I change the plan and scratch it in ten minutes instead. The fact that a plan can be known and changed proves that the future is not set in every detail for the change of plans was not in the plan.

There’s much more that can be said here, but I have to go rest my brain. That is probably in the plan, but I won’t resist.


Feb 18, 2015

A Reasonable God

Clay gave an interesting description of Catholic Mass on Allan’s forum. He says:

The Catholic Mass is the most powerful act of theurgic magic that has ever been discovered, yes I absolutely believe in Magic. The Work is an absolutely powerful technique for establishing the magnetic center in a man and being exempted from the Law of Accident and of certain A influences and start drawing more B influences. The Catholic Mass is a direct B influence, whether the person is even aware of what is transpiring or not and does much to establish the magnetic center. This is my experience.


I’ve never heard mass described this way Clay. It almost makes me want to attend to see how I would be affected. You obviously take in the symbolic meaning more than the average Catholic.

I attended the LDS church in my younger years and the only symbolic thing in meetings was the sacrament, called the Eucharist by Catholics. I never got much of a spiritual high out of that.

The Mormons though do have a lot of symbolic ceremony in their temple services. There have been numerous books written explaining their deeper meaning. They have been accused of borrowing a lot of it from the Masons, as there are similarities.

I do not think anyone here will criticize you for attending Catholic services. I realize though that many esoteric and new age groups feel it is backward to do this and the standard religious people will see you as being astray. Most of the members here are also looked upon with suspicion by both groups. I know there are LDS people on the forum who still attend their services and get value out of them as you do the Catholic and no one has a problem with them.

Each person’s path is different and what benefits one person may be seen as a big yawn to another. The core teaching here is to follow the highest each of us knows and this is different for each person as well as each life we live.

I thought I would comment on one more thing Clay said which was:

My personal experience is G-d is not rational, G-d is what I would describe as being trans-rational.

A lot of people see God’s thinking as being not rational by human standards. They give several reasons.

(1) They quote Isaiah: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.” Isa 55:8

They take this to mean that it is useless to attempt to understand God’s thinking. We should merely appreciate and worship him.

(2) A lot of things that happen in life, which is supposed to be planned by God, are not logical to many. It doesn’t seem right that some innocent people suffer and the guilty go free. The unfairness of life seems so great to many that they merely exclaim that God works in mysterious ways beyond what the logical mind can comprehend.

(3) Others have had a mystical experience that convinces then that the ways of God are beyond anything that logic can explain.

To find the truth of the matter the first Principle of Discovery is helpful which is:

Take the things you know (for reasonable surety) to be true and use them as a foundation or stepping stones for testing additional truths.

Keeping this in mind we must ask, “What are some things we know for sure that are the result of the workings of the mind of God?”

One thing that all believers do agree upon here is that the mind of God is behind the creation of this universe and everything in it.

But the interesting thing about this universe is that everything in it that can be proven to exist functions on reasonable and logical principles. We do not understand everything in creation but we are discovering more truths every day and, when discovered, they turn out to function logically. The laws of gravity, inertia and motion all work according to logical formulas.

All lives are remarkable pieces of logical engineering. Many discoveries by scientists have been made by studying the engineering incorporated in plants, animal and human lives.

The system set up by the cells in our bodies to insure that each get their supply of oxygen and nutrients put our human governments to shame.

So, when we look at creation that we know for sure is in front of us we see remarkable logical and reasonable feats of engineering, design and function.

There is not one thing created by God, that is available for all to see, that was not crested by logical and reasonable principles.

So, “what about quantum physics” says one?

The quantum worlds may function on different laws than the macrocosm, but they still function on logical and reasonable principles. Proof of this is that the next generation of super computers will use quantum principles. If the quantum world did not function on logical principles then a reliable quantum computer would be impossible.

There are manifestations in the spiritual and the physical world which the human mind has not yet figured out, but so far each thing that was unknown has become logical and reasonable when it has become known and understood. There is no reason to assume this will not be the case in the future.


The Sabbath


For my personal experience, the Sabbath needs to be kept, not because God demands it, but because it is actually beneficial to us as spiritual beings, and so it does not matter which day you do it, as long as you do it at least once a week, at the barest minimum.


The basic principle you bring out is in harmony with my teachings on this. Here is what I have written in the past.

The principle behind the Sabbath is an eternal one and is always in effect. The ancient Hebrews and other peoples had to live by black and white rules which were a “schoolmaster” to the understanding of the “why” behind the rules.

This was why Jesus had such a clash with the religious rulers of his day. They were attempting a black and white obedience to law and Jesus sought to understand and incorporate the principle from which the law came.

Jesus enumerated the principle very well when he said:

“And he said unto them, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath.” Mark 2:27-28

Quite plainly here Jesus told his critics that they were in error concerning the Sabbath for man was not made to be subservient to it, but the Sabbath instead was made for the benefit of humanity. The sons of men are therefore to be masters of the use of the Sabbath – the Sabbath is not to be the master of us.

We all realize that the Sabbath is a period of rest and it is generally recognized that a period of rest now and then is a good idea, but the principle goes deeper than that. The Sabbath period is actually a prime ingredient in the creation process itself. This is, of course, where we were first introduced to the Sabbath for we are told that God created the world in six periods and rested on the seventh period.

Preceding the creative process is a period of rest or stillness where the work to do is contemplated. The creator is not taking any physical action, but instead is in deep contemplation thinking of the work to be done. Then the effective creator will go forward and work on that which has been decided upon and labor for a period approximately equal to six times the contemplation period.

This is where many visionaries fail. They go forth and work one of two times the contemplation period and quit because the vision has not yet materialized. Then they create a new vision and fail again.

“He who endures to the end will be saved” means that one must work through the six periods of creation to be delivered from failure.

A key to understanding here is that the first period of creation may be of a different time period than the second and the second different than the third, etc, but if one understands the six periods he will always materialize his heart’s desire. I hope to elaborate on these six periods soon.

After the six periods are over a creation will be completed. The creator must take another period of rest and contemplate the value of the completed work. Then he must examine his creation as did God in Genesis and declare the work to be “good” or not worth keeping and revise or start over.

From Archive 1319


Brother Brown:

Do you have an opinion concerning what Yeshua said about the “flight” entered into, after one “sees” the Abomination of Desolation:

Mt 24:20 Pray that your flight will not be in the winter, nor on the Sabbath

Do you think Yeshua in bringing up the Sabbath, was referencing a specific time or day, or as JJ thinks, a period of contemplation? Just why should we pray our flight is not on the Sabbath?


The reason Jesus said this had nothing to do with the technicalities of the Sabbath. There would be two main occasions where the ancient Jews would be reluctant to leave their homes and flee. The first would be during the cold of winter. The second would be during the Sabbath. Because they had such a fear of offending God by not resting on the Sabbath many would not flee and lose their lives.

Fleeing is hard work and distracts from focusing peacefully on God.


Feb 20, 2015

Moral Guidance

Today I received a letter from an LDS mother. She and her husband have been losing interest in the church for she feels it is like attending kindergarten. They have been reading my writings and are concerned about their children. On one hand, they like the idea of the kids learning basic values the church teaches, but on the other they do not want them to get brainwashed into blindly following authority.

She wants to know what advice I may have.

It is rare to find a question I have not covered in the archives, but I do not think I have written about this yet.

As our society becomes more structured our kids face more indoctrination than ever before. Unfortunately, the schools are becoming worse than the churches. Many concerned parents are home schooling their children so they can protect their kids from bias and give them the education they desire for them.

In some situations this turns out to be beneficial, but in others where the parents are not good teachers or examples it may not. It is interesting that most of the kids who win the national spelling bee are home schooled.

Now we are entering an age where a lot of parents also want to home church their kids. They realize that the little crumb crunchers need to learn some of the basic lessons taught in Sunday School, but they do not want them indoctrinated or to get caught up in an authoritative system.

Again, the question is – what to do.

First I’ll tell you how I was raised. It was good for me, but wouldn’t be for many.

All the spiritual guidance in my home came from my mom as my Dad’s philosophy of life revolved around drinking partying and having a good time. I never heard him speak of church, religion, God or morality.

There was one time that my Mom did seek some moral guidance from my Dad. When my older brother approached dating age she decided that that some good moral advice from my Dad was in order so she asked him to give him some counsel. He took my bother in the bedroom, sat him down and closed the door, but my mom put her ear to the door and listened. She was somewhat horrified with what she heard which went something like this:

“Bill (my brother’s name)… You’re approaching the age where you’ll be dating girls, going to parties, drinking and having fun – so I have some advice for you. First, don’t get tied down to an old lady the way I have. Go out and have a good time while you’re young and can enjoy yourself. You’ve only got so many years here so do whatever it takes to have a good time. Just enjoy yourself and have fun. That’s about all I have to say.”

My mom was horrified, but the die was cast and my brother took my Dad’s advice. He was a hit with the ladies, did a lot of partying, drinking and had a good time. Later he had to overcome alcoholism, but overall he turned out to be a great guy, though he did turn out to be an atheist.

Anyway, after this experience my Mom was determine to get me to avoid situations where I would get any advice from my Dad. Neither of my parents attended church or took me there. My mother partied and drank with my Dad mostly to keep an eye on him.

As far as going to church went my mom didn’t believe in influencing me. She told me that if I wanted to go then fine and if not fine. The choice was up to me. Well, I went a couple times and found it to be incredibly boring so the choice was easy. I decided not to go.

I wasn’t totally devoid of guidance though as my mom gave me good moral advice on the basics. I learned to not lie, cheat, steal etc. She also taught me to say my prayers each evening. This was perhaps the most important thing she did for me spiritually as I never doubted the existence of God.

Having the responsibility for my spiritual course placed totally upon my shoulders was nice in a way for it gave me freedom of choice, but I felt a little uneasy in the fact that many others attended church while I did not. Maybe I would miss out on getting to heaven in the next world.

I’ve already written about my journey from this point so I’ll include part of it from the archives below, but don’t worry. I will get around to answering the main question.

When I was about twelve we moved from Boise to a farming area and lived not far from my sweet but overly religious grandmother. She took it upon herself to get me active in the church. Every Sunday morning she would just show up at the house to pick me up. Unfortunately she was such a nice person that I couldn’t say no to her. I don’t think anyone could say no to her.

She would wait for me to get dressed and take me to church.

I was so bored all I did was suffer in silence. The authorities interpreted this as reverence and always complimented me on what a good kid I was and stated that they wished the other rowdy boys were more like me.

After a few weeks of this I smartened up and kept an eye out for my grandmother driving up. As soon as I saw her car approaching I climbed out the back window and ran into the prune orchard and hid until she was gone.

Then a short time later we moved into a house that was just a few feet away from a Mormon church. My grandmother didn’t pick me up as I didn’t need a ride, but I did feel a little guilty about not going and went once or twice. Once when I was there, the Bishop grabbed me and took me in his office.

He sat me down and suggested that since I was now so close to the church that I should attend regularly.

I told him that I did not plan on it as I found church extremely boring.

When I said this he just about choked and incredulously gasped back, “Boring? How can you say that? What is boring?”

“The speeches for one thing,” I said. “They are so boring they put me to sleep.”

“How can you say that?” asked the Bishop. “We have wonderful speakers here who give uplifting talks. They are very inspiring to listen to.”

“Not for me,” I said.

“Is there anything else that bores you,” he asked.

“Yes,” I said. “The Hymns are boring beyond belief. They are almost painful, to listen to.”

The Bishop really gasped at this statement. It was as if he had never heard a statement like this before in his life. “I don’t understand you saying this. Our hymns are wonderful. I love to listen to them.”

“Well I enjoy listening to some good rock and roll,” I said, “and by comparison the hymns just don’t cut it.”

The poor Bishop seemed devastated with my attitude and I think he saw me as a lost cause.

After my talk with the Bishop I pretty much was determined to stay away from church as much as possible. There was one thing that nagged at me, however, and that was the idea that if you went to church and were good then you would reap a heavenly abode. If not then you would go to the lower regions where who knows what awaits you. I decided that maybe if I went to church once in a while I would be able to keep my foot in the door just in case.

One time when I attended the Bishop grabbed me again and took me in his office.

He said: “I hear you drink and smoke. Is that right?” He seemed a little incredulous since I was only 12 at the time.

I looked back curiously wondering where he had heard this. My parents drank and smoked so I thought that was all right to do. My friends and I would take advantage of cigarettes and beer whenever the opportunity permitted.

“Well, yes, I do sometimes,” I said.

“Well God doesn’t want you to do that,” he said.

“I wasn’t aware of that,” I replied.

Then he explained to be about the Word of Wisdom revelation through Joseph Smith and the harmfulness of the products and implored me to give up those vices.

I thought about it for a few seconds and decided it would be a good idea to give them up and told him I would do so.

(I do not smoke to this day and did not drink again until the church threw me out at age 33.)

He must have been pleased with himself as I’m sure he saw progress was being made.

Then a few weeks later he called me again into his office. He looked at me and said:

“You know that when you are twelve you can be ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood and become a Deacon. You are almost thirteen and you have not been ordained yet. Don’t you think it is about time you took the step?”

I answered back, “If I am ordained and decide I do not like being a deacon can I quit?”

“Oh, no,” the Bishop replied, shaking his head. “The Priesthood is eternal and you have it forever when you get it.”

“Then I do not want it,” I replied. “I’m not prepared to be a priesthood holder forever at this time.”

The poor Bishop. The last meeting he saw progress and this one he saw none.

I went to church maybe once in six weeks until I was into my thirteenth year. One Sunday morning I was on my way to my token church visit and I started thinking to myself something like this.

I have to figure out what I am going to do with this going-to-church business. This halfhearted attendance isn’t accomplishing anything. I either need to be like my Dad and not go to church and live life entirely by my own will and pleasure or take this church going seriously.

So what are the plusses and minuses here?

If I don’t go to church I could go to hell, but I could have a good time here and have lots of fun in my life.

If I do go to church I will be much more restricted by the religious teachings and bored to death in all the meetings I will have to attend. As I thought about it the boredom with the meetings would be the most difficult to handle.

Then I decided to put the whole thing in a wider perspective. If I go to church for a lifetime and behave myself I will then be entitled to an eternity of heavenly bliss and joy.

If I do not go to church and just pursue a life a pleasure then I risk and eternity of misery.

Logically it comes down to this. Compared to eternity a lifetime is less than an hour or even a minute. Now suppose someone came to me and told me that if I endured boredom for one hour that I could have anything I wanted for the rest of my life. Would I do it? Of course. It would be a no brainer.

Should I then attend church for a short lifetime to have an eternity of heavenly joy? Life is less than a minute by comparison to eternity. Logically, this also seemed like a no brainer. There’s only one problem I told myself. I was just not sure if I was psychologically constituted to handle the boredom of attending all the meetings and of all the churches on the planet I think the Mormons have more meetings than them all.

I then made a deal with myself. I decided that I would commit myself to full church attendance for six weeks. During this time I would attend every meeting there is to be had no matter how bored I was.

Then after six weeks I would assess the situation as to whether I could handle attending meetings for the rest of my life. If I could handle it then I would become a regular church-goer and assimilate the whole program. If I felt I could not handle it then I would take the same course as my Dad did and live a happy-go-lucky life without the burden of church.

I kept my agreement with myself and attended all the church meetings for the six-week time period. The first couple weeks I forced myself to go and I just endured the boring lectures, classes, meetings, hymns, etc.

Then I started studying the other boys. I found most of them found church every bit as boring as myself and unlike me, who was going of my own free will, they went because their parents dragged them there. Once at church instead of just sitting quietly, as I had been doing, they seemed to make the best of entertaining themselves.

In Sunday School class they did all they could to aggravate the teacher. They threw spit wads and erasers at each other and made jokes about the teacher when his back was turned.

That said I just have to relate one memorable event. Around that time Sunday School class was taught by my friend Wayne’s grandfather whose name was True. Nobody liked him very much and the kids did everything in their power to aggravate him. When he was aggravated he would just scream at the class but we soon discovered that his bark was worse than his bite and the more the kids could get him to scream the more entertained they were.

I was often late to class and everything else and sometimes when I was strolling down the hall to Sunday School class I would hear True yelling at the top of his lungs: “This is the house of the Lord and you’re supposed to be quiet!!!”

“Not much quiet coming from him,” I thought to myself.

Then one Sunday, True was sick and the class was taken over by his daughter, Gladys. Immediately the kids had a nickname for her and started calling her Glad Ass. I’m not sure if she caught the nickname or not.

Anyway we made the mistake of thinking that Gladys would be a pushover just like her dad and everyone started horsing around. Then when Gladys turned her back and started writing on the blackboard the kid next to me, named Mark, picked up an eraser and threw it at another kid. Gladys must have had eyes in the back of her head because she immediately stopped writing, turned around and walked toward Mark with a very serious look on her face.

Suddenly the class went deathly quiet. Gladys forced her head about three inches away from Mark’s head and said: “If you do that again you will regret it.”

Then she turned around and started writing again on the blackboard.

Suddenly Mark sported a giant grin and the whole class lightened up. As a leader of the rebels we knew Mark was not going to let a slightly built female intimidate him.

A few minutes later Mark got hold of another eraser. He held it in his hand and looked over the room still wearing that big grin. When Gladys’ back was turned he threw it at another kid.

Instantly Gladys quit writing on the blackboard, turned around and walked toward Mark. She moved toward him and stopped again a few inches from his head. The class was quiet as a tomb wondering what she was going to do. Mark didn’t seem concerned as he was still grinning, but not so much as before.

Then after about three seconds of ungodly silence Gladys grabbed Mark by his two ears and with great force banged his head on the wall behind him about six times.

Then she stopped, turned around and resumed writing on the blackboard.

We were all absolutely stunned. I checked with Mark to see if he was okay. He said it hurt his ears more than it did his head.

For the rest of the class all the boys were perfect angels. The same went for the next Sunday, but when her father True returned things went back to normal.

Anyway a study of the other boys revealed that they made the best of their time in church as to relieving themselves of the boredom. I wasn’t really into aggravating the teachers even though my constant lateness to everything did manage to do that somewhat. I was not only late to church meetings, but also my school classes.

I remember one day I was so late to Sunday School class that I figured I better sneak in. I went outside the building and found a window to the class and motioned to a friend to open it. When the teacher’s back was turned I climbed through the window and sat in the chair.

The teacher turned around and looked at me and said, “Oh, hi, Joe, I didn’t see you there before. Would you please give the prayer?”

I looked around and then said, “Which do I give? The opening or closing?”

All the kids laughed because I didn’t know if the class was beginning or ending and I was put on the spot.

Anyway I decided that overall I didn’t want to irritate the teachers and authorities any more than necessary and sought for other ways to do my part in relieving the boredom.

One thing I did was to start a contest to see who could bring the most outrageous thing to eat or drink during the Sacrament meeting without getting caught. I took the cake on the eating part when I brought pork chops and ate them without getting caught, but my friend John Cannon won the prize on the drink. He brought a large Coke, sat in the midst of the congregation, and drank the whole thing with no straw without getting caught.

My friend Brent tried to match his record and came to church with a large Coke in his inside jacket pocket. To his surprise the Bishop called him to go up front and give the opening prayer. We all watched him as he walked up the isle. The weight of the Coke made his jacket sway back and forth and we thought the Coke was going to fall out and roll down the isle. We thought that would have been the funniest thing possible, but Brent managed to give the prayer and return to his seat without incident.

Anyway, after the six weeks I assessed the situation and decided that with a little improvisation that I could handle attending church and I decided to keep going. I just hoped that the things I would have to do to entertain myself wouldn’t keep me out of heaven.

I discovered that blending in with the other guys who were as bored of church as I was took the edge off dealing with the problem. I made a number of friends who went to church, usually dragged there by their parents, and enjoyed mingling with them after the service was over.

As we were talking before going home we often had our own theological discussions much more interesting than church services. Some of the questions for speculation were:

Do we still eat after we die?

This was probably the number one mystery to us as all of us enjoyed good food and didn’t want to go without it in the next world.

Then we wondered if we would still maintain our sexual identity and the part it would play in the upper and lower kingdoms.

A lot of people thought Jesus was going to come again before 1970. The elderly Mrs. Jones was always teaching that He would come in 1966. We hoped this was wrong as we all had a lot of fun stuff we wanted to do that it seemed the coming of Jesus would spoil.

We talked about the mystery of how some friends as they got older turned into religious babblers, especially after they went on missions. Whenever someone came back from a mission the question we wanted answered was whether or not “they” got to him.

I remember my friend Brent visiting me after a rebel friend came back from a mission. He entered the door with a somber look on his face.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

He looked at me and said, “They got him!”

“They got who?”

“Nels,” he said. “I never thought Nels would go religious on us but they got him.”

“That’s too bad,” I said. “Maybe he’ll shake out of it after a while.”

“I don’t know,” said Brent. “He’s even got that missionary twang when he speaks.

Nels did partially recover but he and others scared us as to what we could become if we were not careful.

Older people in general concerned us. It was a mystery to us that they liked the big band music and couldn’t relate to rock and roll. It was a mystery as to why devout church goers were about 30 years behind on fashion and always drove so slow. We all hoped that was not going to be our fate as we grew up.

During these discussions I must have told someone I believed in reincarnation as one day the Bishop again called me into his office and said, “I hear you believe in reincarnation.”

“Yes” I said. “It makes sense to me.”

“That’s a false doctrine,” He said. “In fact it is the doctrine of the devil.”

“Is that so?” I asked incredulously. “Is there anything in the scriptures about it?”

“Yes there is,” he said and fetched a Bible and turned to Hebrews 9:27 and read: “It is given to man once to die and after this the judgment.” He put the Bible down and said, “See. This tells us we only die once. That means there is only one life.”

“It does seem to say that,” I said.

The Bishop looked at me again and added, “Furthermore, the Prophet has said there is only one life and we know he is correct because he speaks for God. Now will you accept there is only one life and stop telling people you believe in reincarnation?”

The prophet speaking for God didn’t impress me that much but I did believe the Bible was true and the scripture did seem to indicate one life. Based on that I told the Bishop I would accept the idea of one physical life, though at the time it did not seem a fair system.

While still in my thirteenth year I developed an interest in making homemade rockets. I was a little like the guy in the movie October Sky except my first rockets were completely homemade including the engines.

On the day after Christmas Dec 26, 1958 my friend Larry Larson and I were completing a rocket engine made of a CO2 cartridge fueled match heads from book matches. I was just finishing tamping the last match heads of the 25th book when it exploded in my left hand in the kitchen.

After the smoke cleared I looked at my hand and saw that it was a mangled mess. I thought I was going to lose my whole hand. Then I wondered about my right and was afraid to look at it. I could live with the loss of one hand, but what if both were damaged? Finally I drummed up the courage and pulled my right hand up before my eyes. I was greatly relieved to see that it was OK. My mom wrapped my hand in a towel and got a neighbor to drive me and Larry to the hospital. Larry had a couple pieces of metal strike his hand but he was not hurt badly.

After we got to the hospital they did surgery on me for eight hours. A lot of the work consisted of digging out match heads that were blown up into my wrist and arm. They finally sewed me up with over a hundred stitches.

As I was recovering I received a lot of visitors. There was one thing everyone said and that was how lucky I was. I didn’t feel very lucky, but everyone said I was lucky I wasn’t dead.

Another thing that just about all visiting adults, especially church authorities, said was:

“I bet this taught you a lesson to never make rockets again.”

I enjoyed tweaking them by replying:

“Well, I won’t be making them until I get out of the hospital. I will be more careful next time though.”

This statement always sent a jolt through their consciousness.

Actually, this was a truthful statement. I did plan on making more rockets after I got out of the hospital. In fact someone brought me a book to read on rockets and my interest was much greater than ever.

Reading this book changed my life in two different ways. First it increased my desire to learn scientific principles and secondly it was the first book I had ever read in my life. I read what I had to in school, but had never read a book through on my own. It took the boredom of a hospital room to force me to start reading so there was a silver lining in the accident.

As it turned out I lost three fingers and badly damaged the rest of the hand. Altogether I had six surgeries over a three year time period to make a useable hand.

After I got out of the hospital I built more rockets than ever, but safer ones. Instead of making my own engines I ordered them pre-made from Colorado. After church I often invited a crowd over to my place to watch the launching of a new rocket.

This kind of concerned church authorities as some thought was leading other kids in a dangerous direction. I had difficulty in convincing some adults that the new rocket engines that were pre-made were safe.

As I now look back I am surprised I didn’t get thrown out of the Mormon church earlier than I did.


Feb 23, 2015

Moral Guidance, Part II

It’s about time I finished my comments on the subject of the Lady wanting advice on guiding her children with or without church influence.

I gave some details of my youth because I had an unusual upbringing with no influence from my parents to attend church. Because I wound up finding the spiritual path on my own it is much more a part of my life than many I grew up with who were forced into attending church. Many of them grew up to be like their parents and forced their kids to attend church also.

There was one person in my family who did stimulate my interest in the scriptures and that was my oldest sister who was strong in the Mormon Church at the time. While visiting us she noticed that I had a strong interest in science, particularly astronomy. Always on the lookout to stimulate interest she said something like this to me:

“Did you know that in a revelation to Abraham that God revealed to him the secrets of the universe, the stars and the planets? In his book there are secrets to astronomy that regular science does not know.”

“Really,” I said. “I have never heard such a thing before. I thought the scriptures just had boring stuff in them.”

“Oh, no,” she said. “This is really fascinating. Would you like to read the astronomy part?”

“I suppose I could,” I said.

“I’ll tell you what,” she said. “Next time I go shopping I’ll get you the scriptures containing the Book of Abraham.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I insist,” she said. “You will want your own copy.”

The next day she delivered to me a leather bound copy of a beautiful book containing all the LDS scriptures. Out of about a thousand pages there were only a handful relating the writings of Abraham. I thanked her for it and decided that since she made such an investment in the book that I would at least read the astronomy part.

I read the revelation of Abraham about the heavens and their creation and found it different than I expected, but still quite interesting. Shortly thereafter I read the entire volume so her investment turned out to be well placed.

Even though results that are a part of free will are the most potent most kids need a little help from outer authority. Since each kid is different a wise parent will find that one size does not fit all. With some you can merely gently nudge them toward the good path. With others some strictness and strong discipline may be required.

A lot of kids require structure and influence from friends. For these, attending a church supplies them with friends who also attend and some of the guidance that many need.

Then there are kids like I was that don’t need the church. The more someone tries to influence a kid like I was to go to church the more would be the resistance.

Now many parents just do not have the will or the talent to provide at home what the church provides, but if they do they could set apart a time or two each week where the family gets together and discusses the scriptures or other spiritual writings. If they make this interesting it could be better than church.

Now let us get to the core question. What should a parent do when they realize that many things taught in the churches are either not correct or lead the child in the wrong direction, but still offer some good moral lessons?

This is an awkward situation. I will tell you what I would do, but of course, each parent must make their own decisions.

I would tell each of the kids that the choice is entirely theirs whether or not they want to attend church. If they decide to attend I would then ask them what they learned and discuss each lesson with all the children present. If there is something wrong or incomplete with the lesson I would supply them with more complete and truthful information.

Whether or not they attend church I would set apart at least one time a week to teach them something spiritual. In between I would look for opportunities to teach. Kids resist things that take a lot of time so numerous short sessions is much better than one or two long ones.

The way to instigate a short teaching session is to merely ask a question. The dinner table is a good place to do this. If the kids are interested in movies, like Star Wars, you could ask something like: Do you think God created life on other planets? What do you think they look like? Do you think that maybe they had their own version of Jesus?

If the kids are interested in a certain kind of music you could ask: “Do you think they listen to music like this after we die or do you think we’ll just listen to church music?

Questions are a good way to stimulate anyone’s interest.

One important point is that some kids are a lot smarter than parents think. There are a lot of twelve year olds who would read a book like The Immortal on their own if encouraged and many more who would enjoy having it read to them. Many children can comprehend adult materials better than we think.

There is a need for children’s stories that teach higher metaphysical truths in a easy to understand format. The popularity of the Harry Potter books illustrates that kids imagination can be captivated by mystical story telling. What we need are Harry Potter type books that actually teach higher principles.

I don’t know if I will have time to tackle such a project in this lifetime, but someone should.

Kids are indeed a precious resource. Every time I see my grandkids or think back to when my children were little my heart is touched by the great need to gently push them in the right direction so they can find fulfillment in life.


Feb 25, 2015

Diet, Health and Spirit

I received several questions from Allan’s group and thought the answers may be of interest to both groups so I will post this to both places.

Allan’s group is very interested in the vegetarian diet and considers it to be an important literal (not allegorical) step in spiritual progress. They are repulsed by the idea that I eat meat and do their best to convince me of the error of my ways. From my reading of posts on their forum I would say that they see the vegetarian diet as THE most important step one can take in making spiritual progress. Doing this seems to be more important than how one treats his fellow men, how much he loves, how close he is to the Spirit, the pursuit of knowledge etc. It appears they believe that unless one becomes a vegetarian for all time that he will hit a wall in his spiritual progress.

I’m sure they will disagree with my assessment, (as they do any assessment I make of their thinking) but this is the way they come across to me.

They claim that Jesus was a strict vegetarian and give references from the Gospel of the Nazirenes to back this up. This is a rework of The Gospel of the Holy Twelve produced by the vegetarian activist, Gideon Jasper Ouseley with the editing assistance of Emmanuel Swedenborg. He claimed it is a translation of a manuscript found in Tibet, yet the manuscript has never been produced. He claims the actual translation process was accomplished “in dreams and visions of the night” rather than the normal method used by scholars.

Most scholars who have examined it give it little credibility and believe it to be partially a compilation of fragments, gospels and pure imagination.

It is interesting that the biggest difference between this gospel and all other versions about Jesus is the emphasis on vegetarianism. Anywhere in the regular gospels where there is a mention of meat eating in connection to Jesus has either been changed or deleted. For example, when Jesus fed the 5000, this gospel has him multiplying bread and grapes rather than bread and fishes.

Then it leaves out Jesus showing Peter where to cast his net to catch fish, Peter catching a fish with money therein to pay a ax and Jesus eating fish after the resurrection.

When I read The Gospel of the Nazirenes it reads to me as a synthesis of what Ouseley thought was the best of available material with deliberate changes made to support his vegetarian agenda.
The other gospel that Allan supports as being true is the Gospel of Thomas. Most scholars do not think that the apostle Thomas actually wrote it but was compiled more than a century after his death and attributed to him. At least this one was translated from actual ancient manuscripts, however. This gives no evidence that Jesus had a vegetarian diet, but to the contrary it says:

“…when people take you in, eat what they serve you and heal the sick among them. After all, what goes into your mouth will not defile you; rather, it’s what comes out of your mouth that will defile you.”

Jesus was often invited to dinner and since most people eat meat, this is obviously what he was often served. When he was served meat, did he eat it? If he was not a hypocrite then, yes he did.


The verse explains that:

“what goes into your mouth will not defile you; rather, it’s what comes out of your mouth that will defile you.”

So the Jesus in Thomas tells us that he is not that concerned about what you eat, as far as defilement goes, but is very concerned about the words you speak, or what goes out of your mouth.

Allan’s group maintains this has to be interpreted allegorically even though they seem to take the rest of it quite literally.

Now let us get to their dialog. One big problem I have with Allan and his group is they seem to have great difficulty in understanding my position on various teachings. For instanced, one posters states my position as follows:

“Basically, my understanding of JJ’s position is that, based upon the Alice Bailey teachings, the ONLY reason why a person would ever need to become a vegetarian is in order to read the Akashic records.”

This is not correct at all. I believe there are numerous reasons for seekers to become vegetarians. Gaining the ability to read the Akashic records is just one of many. Now one can still access the Akashic records on a meat eating diet, but a vegetarian diet will aid in sensitivity so the seeker can read with greater accuracy.

Edgar Cayce was a meat eater and he read some of the records and Alan often quotes him as a reliable source. Just becoming a vegetarian will not make you a more reliable reader of the records than was Edgar Cayce, a meat eater. The ability to accurately read the records is something that has not been attained by any regular mortal that I know. Do we even know of any who can read them better than meat eater Edgar Cayce? If so, let them produce some historical records that are not past life memories.

The ability to accurately read the Akashic records is more of a goal set before us of what is possible for us to accomplish rather than something accomplished by any significant number of seekers, vegetarian or not.

For me to accurately read the Akashic records would require a consecrated dedication toward that end in this life and would force me to take my attention away from other work I came here to do. We can only do so much in each life and the disciple must assess the work to be done and the tools he needs to accomplish it and proceed with wisdom.

Now Keith, our resident prophet in the Keys, may be able to read the records accurately. If you are reading this Keith, could you tell us about your diet? Are you a vegetarian?

I have taught various times that there are a number of advantages to a vegetarian diet. The most important advantage for a seeker is that it reduces the power our appetites and passions have over us and assists the aspirant to achieve the first and second initiations, which involves mastering the physical appetites, passions and the emotions to keep them under control.


When a person has sufficiently placed these under his control he can eat meat and still maintain that control. He merely gains the ability to negate the extra carnal pull generated by meat eating.

Are there other advantages to a vegetarian diet?

Yes, if it is done correctly. Many vegetarians go on a badly selected diet that is not as healthy as that of the standard meat eater. If the vegetarian eats too much processed food, doesn’t buy organic, eats too much sugar, starch and cheese and doesn’t get his B12 then he may wind up in worse shape than most meat eaters.

On the other hand, an intelligently selected diet of living foods can do much to enhance the health. About two years ago I was feeling a little sluggish and went on a vegetarian diet consisting only of raw fruits and vegetables with no meat or animal products and nothing that was cooked for about six months. Then I resumed my normal diet and have felt a lot better since.

I am presently 70 years old and in good health and take no prescription or over the counter drugs. I feel like I still have a lot of mileage in me and hope this to be the case as there are still a lot of things I wish to accomplish.

I’ve gone on a vegetarian diet several times in my life and definitely notice the inclination to focus on the inner world and ignore the outer. This would have been fine for me if I didn’t need to give the outer world the attention needed to support my family. If you have work to do in the outer world then the eating of meat grounds you so you can focus better on the work to do. On the other hand, if one has no concerns about making a living or outer work then a vegetarian diet helps one to focus on the inner.

Many advanced souls who have had important outer work to do have eaten meat such as Abraham Lincoln, Joseph Smith, Winston Churchill, H.P. Blavatsky, Edgar Cayce, the apostles Peter and Paul in the New Testament and many more.

I’ve been asked to clarify how the vegetarian diet influences or affects the access to data from the Akashic records, access to principles, the higher or inner worlds etc.

To understand this we must understand the purpose of the body.

The first thing to realize is that we are not our bodies but the various bodies we occupy in different lifetimes are merely vehicles. Just as one person may own many cars at different times, even so do we have different bodies in different lives. But, just as you are still you whether you drive a Porsche or a Prius you are also you whether you are male or female, good looking or plain, strong or weak etc.

Because you are always you does not mean your vehicle does not have an influence on you. Your attitude and confidence may be quite different when driving up in a Porsche than in a Prius. The Porsche is also much more powerful and can get you from A to B much faster than the Prius. But both cars can perform the basic function of getting you where you need to go.

The important thing with out bodies, considering that they are vehicles is to keep them in the shape we need so we can accomplish what we need to do with them. The food, or fuel, we put in them has different effects. The number one priority is to feed ourselves with good ingredients so our vehicles will stay in good condition through our lives.

If your health is good you can accomplish just about anything that anyone can do in a body. Beyond the attainment of good health one can increase sensitivity according to the lightness of heaviness of foods eaten. Live foods grown above the ground are particularly light, those grown in the ground are more dense and meat is more dense still. By concentrating on eating the lighter foods the body as a tool will offer greater sensitivity to some types of contacts in certain grades of matter while dulling contact in the dense matter of the earth plane.

Beyond keeping the body in good shape and healthy one needs to assess how he wants to use his body and give it the materials needed so it will be an aid for him in accomplishing his goals rather than a hindrance.

The type of body we have does not cause us to become more evolved or spiritual any more than a Porsche will make you smarter than a Prius. Your spiritual evolution is not dependant on your body. We only depend on our bodies to help us in accomplishing our life’s goals whatever they may be.

There are certain types of spiritual work that become easier with a body adjusted by lighter foods, such as reading the Akashic records – a very difficult task to do accurately.

As far as one’s spiritual evolution and ability to penetrate higher spheres to ascertain true principles goes our ability is not strongly influenced by the lightness or heaviness of the body. The main way the body can distract here is if it is suffering will ill health or in a painful state.

Stephen King will be a good writer whether he is typing on a Mac or a Dell computer. His ability to come up with ideas and put them into words only depends on having a functioning tool. His will and experience as made him a good writer, not his writing machine.

Even so it is with my body. The main thing I need from it is to function well and not distract me with pain or disease. So far it is doing a good job for me as it doesn’t hinder me from accessing the realm wherein lies true principles. If other work requites a lighter or heavier body I will make changes but will always do what I can to keep it healthy and well.


Feb 27, 2015

Confirming Decisions

Yesterday I posted these words:

Part of my job (and others) is to find these souls and help them find themselves and dispel the negative cloud between them and their souls.

To this a reader responded to me as follows:

I am interested in anything you might elaborate on about how to dispel the cloud between myself and my soul. I am seeking that experience where I finally know without any doubt if I am on the right track. Till then I just keep going forward with my best judgment.

First, let me say this. We learn wisdom through our decisions and the tougher the decision the more we learn. Therefore, with many of the decisions of life the soul, or higher lives that are linked to us, just sit back and let us stumble around so we can learn our needed lessons. There are exceptions to every rule, however, and there are times when we reach an important fork in the road where the decision made is bigger than the individual, but will affect many people. There are times when this situation occurs that the seeker will receive a definite communication affirming the correct path ahead. This may come through an inner voice, a spiritual fire or a vivid dream.

Sometimes, after a disciple has this confirmation happen he may think decision-making will be easy from that point on because his soul will clearly guide him. He may then reach a point of decision which he thinks is important and seeks guidance with all his heart but nothing seems to come. He is again faced with what seems to be an important choice yet this time he is all on his own.

Why is this?

There are two reasons a person may receive confirmation:

(1) The soul sees from a higher angle of vision than yourself and in its eyes the first decision where he received confirmation had more far reaching effects. The alternative choice would have made things much worse for a significant number of people.

(2) Before you were born you planned out your life as much as possible and had certain decision points where the correct choice was essential. When you reach one of these points in your life you may get some type of clear confirmation as to which path to take.

If neither of these two reasons are at play in your life then the chances are that you will just have to reply on the highest you know and use your best judgment. Sometimes you receive no guidance because either choice you make will turn out to be beneficial. Let us say that you are faced with a career choice between being a doctor and a lawyer. You seek guidance as to which would be the better choice but nothing comes.


Because you will learn much and accomplish much in either profession. The choice may seem crucial to you, but to your soul it may not matter that much.

Now, we not only get confirmation on a positive path but there are times where the disciple will receive a powerful negative impression on a possible disastrous path.

Several times in my life my soul has warned me to keep my distance from certain individuals I have met.

Several times in my single years when I was considering pursuing marriage my soul sent me a definite unmistakable message basically saying, “No. This person may be a good individual, but she is not for you.”

There have been other times where I faced a decision and as I began to proceed upon a path I received a powerful negative feeling that even affected me physically. It made my mouth as dry as cotton and made me feel weak. When this comes I have learned to not ignore it.

Then there were other decisions in my life I personally thought were very important, but it seemed my soul did not for I was left completely on my own. I find that for most of our decisions we are completely on our own, left to our best judgment so we can learn to be as wise as our Higher Self.

An important point to realize is that even if the cloud between you and your soul is removed and you become soul infused you will not receive higher guidance on all things. If you did it would stunt your learning. If you are in close contact with your soul you will, however, find that decision making is easier because you will see more clearly into the future and how your decisions will affect it.

As to how to dispel the barriers between he seeker and the soul goes I have already written volumes on this. Those interested in reading more can go to, go to the search feature and type in the words “soul contact” in quotation marks. Lots of reading on the subject will come up.

I will add this one thing. Even if you do not recall getting confirmation on a direction you can tell the value of a path chosen by how you feel inside as you are pursuing it. If you are moving toward a goal that will produce positive results then you will feel energized, your mind will be clear and you will find yourself at peace and happy when working.

If you are on a path that is against your best interests then you will lack energy, your mind will seem darkened and you will have to force yourself to do your work.

If you find yourself in this second situation the best course is to take care of commitments and change course at the first opportunity.

Happiness consists of three things: someone to love, work to do, and a clear conscience. Anonymous


Feb 28, 2015

Ripples in Divine Space

Ruth covered a lot of territory in her post. I’ll give out some information and principles and hope it covers her questions.

First she says: “When we die from our physical death, we have a life review with or from our Soul/Solar Angel/higher self.”

After you die and then make it through the lower astral realms you are reunited with your soul. You as a soul then go to the life review. Because your awareness is much greater after being reunited you already have a pretty good idea how the life review will go for you have done some personal reviewing already. The review is conducted by a small number (usually three) advanced souls out of incarnation. They review your life with you and note the successes and failures and what you can do to prepare for your next incarnation.

Then she wants clarification on who we are and our relationship with our soul, Solar Angel etc.

We covered who we are quite thoroughly in the first two Immortal books. Our essence is the power that makes decisions, making decision a prime key of knowledge. Our first decision in this universe was as a monad, a point of light and intelligence in Divine Space. The decision was whether to be or not to be. that was the question. You and I decided To Be and then To Become.

We then descended into and through the Atmic and Buddhic planes and then we were born as souls in the plane of the mind where form as we know it has its beginnings. As new souls we had difficulty with our progression so we were overshadowed by solar angels, great entities who had mastered form in a previous system. After the overshadowing it seemed as if we were one life with our Solar Angels and this allowed us to be guided by greater wisdom and intelligence as souls than we would have otherwise possessed.

When we incarnate the soul projects part of its essence, a fragment, into the newly created body. The body has a life essence and elementary intelligence of its own. It is something like a computer program compared to a computer operator who could be compared to the fragment of the soul.

The body acts like a veil and creates a barrier between you and the full consciousness of your soul. As you adapt to the body and its attributes you tend to identify with it in many ways and forget who you really are. You thus enter life with great limitations, but the limitations present a great challenge, and overcoming them gives opportunities for a lot of growth and progress.

To understand the linkages let us use the Law of Correspondences. Think of how much life is different and more limited for you when you are in a dream. You are still you, but not the whole you. The mental part of yourself is missing. Your dream self is created mostly from your emotional body. Because the mental part of yourself is on a higher plane you are not aware that you are d reaming and not aware of all the control you could have over your dream.

On the other hand it is possible to have vivid dreams where you tease part of your mind to enter the dream. Then you can become aware that you are dreaming and assume more control.

Even so, this earth life is like a dream of the soul. Just as your dream self is a fragment of your waking self, even so is your waking self a fragment of your soul. In addition the soul is a fragment of the full consciousness of the monad. But then the monad is a fragment of higher group life. This extends up to the One Great Life we call God.

Picture throwing a pebble into a still body of water and watch the ripples. The first layer of ripples are large and after extended they get smaller and smaller until they are no more.

Our monad is the first ripple in the waters of divine space. The next ripple is the soul, the next an incarnation as a human, the next the dream state and the final a dream within a dream that we sometimes have. Here the ripples end.

We incarnate again and again until we become soul infused and, while in the body, we function in the consciousness of the soul rather than be governed by other lower lives and influences. When this happens our Solar Angel realizes it has done its job as our heavenly nurturing mother and returns to its true home.

From that point on the pilgrim is overshadowed by his monad, his personal Father in Heaven.


SPRING VALLEY, N.Y. — A husband and wife thought to be Rockland County’s oldest married couple will celebrate their birthdays this weekend — with a combined age of 212.

Duranord Veillard will turn 108 on Saturday while his wife of 82 years, Jeanne, turns 105 in May.


When I read stories about those who have lived to a very advanced age I m always interested to see what kind of diet they have been on. Almost always it includes some type of meat. I read about a lady in Peru 116 or so years old whose main source of protein was goat meat from goats she raised. Then I read another around the same age who ate ham hocks every morning and yet another who ate a large dose of bacon and eggs every morning.

This story gives the diet of the 108 year old guy and I assume the 105 year old wife is on a similar one.

Veillard starts his day at 5 a.m. and does five to seven pushups. For breakfast, he has a cup of tea, oatmeal and fresh fruit. Lunch and dinner consist of fish and fresh vegetables. The centenarians nap early and often.

Sounds like a good testimony for fish.

One thing that most of an advanced age have common in their diet is they eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and many raise them in their own garden.

Here is the link to the story

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