Keys Writings 2014, Part 29

This entry is part 33 of 33 in the series 2014

Dec 17, 2014

The Great Renunciation

I’ll make a few more comments on the Great Renunciation. Whether or not Abraham’s test is literally true is not important. What is important is that it illustrates all the ingredients of the great test, perhaps better than anything else available.

Many give little credibility to Abraham’s test because they figure that God would never do something so offensive s to ask a father to sacrifice his own son. But even in this we must look at the whole picture. In the end Abraham didn’t sacrifice his son at all so God did not demand such an act after all.

No matter what the sacrifice that was called for in the Great Renunciation the end product will turn out to be positive rather than negative. But to the one undergoing the test this will seem to be far from the case at the time.

We do not have many examples of the Great Renunciation in history so it is a good thing that we have Abraham’s example as a teaching tool. The only other example in the scriptures is that of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. There he faced the Dweller and made the final decision to give up his life rather than do what seemed to be the logical work of building the kingdom of God on the earth.

All who have became masters have passed through this initiation, but few have talked about it. One reason why is that it is often a very private thing and, in addition, one who talks about being successful at such a thing has difficulty in not sounding like he is glorifying himself and this is something initiates try and avoid.

I have had a number of people tell me with confidence that they are sure that they have successfully been through the test, but then when they tell me what their test was it becomes very obvious that they have no idea what the real test is.

Here are three ingredients of the test.

(1) The disciple receives the most powerful revelation of his life and he knows without any doubt whatsoever that it is from his Source of life and that he is not being deceived by any outside or dark force. He knows that he is not just some crazy guy hearing voices in his head.

The presence stays with him and shows him what must be done and waits for his answer. The assignment makes no sense to the disciple and he is beside himself. The spiritual fire intensifies for days until he feels he will be consumed and he knows he must choose. If he refuses the assignment the Presence will withdraw and the disciple will not accomplish his life’s mission that was planned out before his birth.

If he agrees to the assignment then there is great rejoicing among his unseen spiritual peers and he thinks to himself, “Why are my brethren rejoicing for me when I have submitted to go in such a strange and awful direction?”

Then after sharing in the wonderful exultation the spirit withdraws and the disciple is left completely on his own until the test is consummated. Before it is over he is likely to exclaim, “My God, why have you forsaken me?”

(2) The test will demand a sacrifice of the thing that is dearest to the heart of the pilgrim. In Abraham’s case it was his son Isaac. Now it would be difficult for any parent to give his son’s life, but Abraham’s test went way beyond this. Isaac was not just any son, but a son with a promise and that promise from God was that nations would come from the seed of his son and that they would be as innumerable ad he stars of heaven.

Furthermore, Abraham had to wait until he was a hundred years old before Sarah bore Isaac and his birth was a miracle because of their old age. It just didn’t make sense that God would command him to sacrifice his son after bringing him to earth through a miraculous birth.

Because of the wickedness of the earth Abraham’s greatest desire was to create a posterity who would be a light and benefit to others. He would teach his children true principles and have them passed down from generation to generation. He saw this as his contribution to the work of God on the earth and now God himself is going to destroy this great aspiration. “Why is God commanding me to do a thing that will destroy his own work?” he would have asked.

(3) The test will seem to reveal that God is a liar.

Few realize that this is the most difficult part of the test. It is bad enough to sacrifice that thing which is dearest to your heart and purpose in life, but it is another to be presented with powerful evidence that God is not a being who can be trusted after all. If our very Creator is a reckless bad dude then what hope is there for the future? If we cannot trust God then nothing can be trusted. This is a devastating thought for one who has trusted God throughout his life.

God gave Abraham a promise of a great posterity through Isaac, but if Isaac was sacrificed then the promise of God would be null and void. If Isaac’s life were to come to an end then the only conclusion would be that God does not keep his word and cannot be trusted.

Josephus tells us that Abraham refused to drop his faith in God and concluded hat if he sacrificed Isaac then God would still keep his word. And how would he do that?

He would bring him back from the dead. Thus Isaac became a perfect symbol of the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus.

So, in Abraham’s mind, even if the command made no sense, his son was not going to die, even if he should plunge a knife into him.

As it turned out just before Abraham sacrificed his son an angel restrained him and a ram appeared to be sacrificed instead.

Now Abraham was lucky. Generally the disciple is not saved at the last moment but has to pick up his cross and complete the sacrifice, as did Jesus.

When the test is completed the disciple will again be visited by the Presence and he will see the wisdom behind the renunciation and how it elevated him in consciousness so he will be able to complete a mission that would have been impossible otherwise.

And in the end, he will be pleased to find that God is indeed true to his word. His trust has moved to a new level.



The ninth initiation is called the initiation of refusal

Is this what Sanat did? He refused to stay with Venus and help the Venus population? So instead he had to come to this Earth and help us?


There are some who claim to be in contact with the Masters who say that Sanat Kumara is working on his ninth initiation, but there is no evidence of this in the writings of DK. Here is what he said in Treatise on Cosmic Fire:

These Kumaras, Sanat Kumara and His three pupils, having achieved the highest initiation possible in the last great cycle, but having as yet (from Their standpoint) another step to take, offered Themselves to the planetary Logos of Their Ray as “focal points” for His force, so that thereby He might hasten and perfect His plans on Earth within the cycle of manifestation.

He has already achieved the highest possible human initiations and is presently working on a higher order of initiations called Cosmic initiations. I believe it is said to be the Fourth. His sacrifice was to turn his back and his own progress and concentrate on assisting humanity.

It is written:

Under this Law of Sacrifice, Sanat Kumara (to express the idea in occult terms) “must turn His back upon the Central Spiritual Sun, and with the light of His Countenance irradiate the path of the prisoners of the planet.” He sentences Himself to stay for as long as may be needed, “acting as the Sun and light of the planet until the Day be with us and the night of pralaya descends upon His finished task.” Thus and only thus can the light of the Central Spiritual Sun begin to penetrate the dark places of the Earth; when this happens all “shadows disappear”an occult reference to the all-embracing radiance of the Monad as it absorbs both its reflection, the soul, and its shadow, the personality.


Dec 18, 2014

The Test


I’ll say this once more and then I’ll shut my yap – I think it is dangerous to allow folks that wannabe more than they are – pretty much ALL seekers – as full of glamour and illusion as most folks yet are, to think that there are no bounds to the horrific atrocities “god” might ask you to do as a “test”.


For everything that is good there is something in existence that is its opposite, in opposition to it or a distortion of it. One way of looking it this is that evil is a good note sounded off key.

Obedience is good when one is obedient to a wise source or the true Holy Spirit within, but it can become a great evil if one is blindly obedient to a corrupt source.

Loving your children is considered a virtue, but if you abuse other people so the kids can get ahead then the love is corrupted.

Tolerance is also considered good, but if one tolerates a great evil then this virtue is abused.

It always comes down to the Second Key of Judgment. Good judgment must always be used

The disciple will never be asked to perform atrocities that would injure people. Even in the story of Abraham no one was injured and Abraham did not believe his son would be killed. The test is always geared around the disciple and will test all he is made of, but will not injure other people.

Jesus had to sacrifice his life and the joy of building the kingdom. He didn’t injure anyone else, but was able to initiate a great work.

Joseph Smith was asked to save his life at the expense of being called a coward. If he would have succeeded only he would have had to deal with the personal pain involved.

If anyone thinks that the test will involve blowing up innocent people so he can have 70 virgins then he is deceived indeed.

The test is purely voluntary. If a person is caught by an enemy and tortured or put to death this has nothing to do with the test. Many average people have suffered horrendously against their will but are far from passing the test.

The purpose of the test is to make sure there is nothing in the disciple’s life to which he is so attached that he cannot let it go. The disciple must be able to let go of anything that holds him earthbound if he wants to tread the path to adeptship.



My concern is that it is not only psychos that do that but otherwise good folks that are just englamored and delusional and think that “god” MAY expect them to commit atrocities in his name as a damn “test”!


These type of deceived people who hear the false voice of God are usually eager to carry the commands.

The true test carries a confirmation way beyond that which the deceived person can even conceive and the path ahead would never be taken because of an illusionary command. The true test is never given to an unstable person and the outside world may not been be aware of the inner struggle as a result of it.

If you see any crazed person claiming to be representing the voice of God you will know he is just that. A crazy person.

Have you ever seen me broadcasting some crazy command from God? I have received a test that was more difficult than I could have previously imagined, but my readers don’t even know what it was about.


ambraithwaite writes:

Does the floating city and roads at Dubai have anything to do with this? (floating cities)

Ie, is that the beginning?


When the concept of floating cities came to me about 25 years ago I wasn’t aware of anyone on earth who was even considering such a thing. Now many are thinking about it and beginning various projects. All this is preparation for things to come. When the time comes that the lights will build Zion upon the waters then the nuts and bolts of the technical problems will be solved.

It would be great to see Rick’s efforts utilized.


Dec 21, 2014

Where Am I?


Thanks JJ for this as one who would like to know where he is on the path however am always unsure. I definitely know I have not had a test like this. It’s been a while since I have read about this. I would like to revisit the criteria if you do not mind for the 1s,t 2nd, and 3rd initiations and how one would know they have had them? Are the first couple of initiations more subtle or is the initiate still not quite sure until the 3rd or 4th?


Good to hear from you again and that is a good question that we’ll save for the end of the post.


By the way, somewhat related I am reading your book The Unveiling and really like it. It seems like a commentary on my life so far for the most part up to the opening of the six seal yet I do not feel like all those chakras are open as you describe. I think I know what my life’s mission is but yet am still not 100% sure so am seeking some confirmation.


I’ve had a number of people tell me something similar. Actually this is the effect it is supposed to have since the Revelation is really a roadmap to discipleship, becoming like Christ and more. Because of this those who are treading the path will identify with many parts of the interpretation.

Even those parts that are beyond the attainment of the reader will seem familiar because we move forward in cycles. For instance, before we go through the Great Renunciation each of us must face many pretty stressful tests, which at the time will seem to be as big of a test as one could want.

None of our progress is in completely linear fashion and no two people have the many pedals of their chakras open in the same sequence.

I’m sure you have met some people who are brilliant in certain areas and really dense in others. This is because of where one puts attention as a soul in his various incarnations. A person may be overdeveloped in one department and lacking in another. Often, the reason for our life choice is to balance the equation so we can move forward in a more even fashion. The nerd must learn to develop talent at sports and the jock must learn to appreciate the intellect.

Our seven chakras unfold from the base of the spine upwards, but the lower is not fully opened before the next one in line begins unfolding. One may even have his third eye partially open when his solar plexus and sacral centers are still unfolding. As a general rule the lower centers will complete their unfolding before the higher even though both may have some pedals open.

Now, back to your first question. A lot of seekers certainly wonder where they are on the path. The problem is that if you were to find someone who would tell you where you are the chances would be that he is far off the mark and merely seeking to establish beastly authority over his group. One of the worst things that can happen to a group is to have some pulling rank because of claims of higher evolution. Now things will be different when we go to the spirit world and reunite with our souls. There, a person’s state of spiritual evolution will be obvious, but it will not be a source of conflict or jealousy because of the realization that every inch of progression has been earned.

As it is in this reality it is up to each individual to figure out where he is on the path. If the person has a big ego this will be difficult as he will usually place himself higher than he really is. If he lacks confidence he may underestimate his progress. To be accurate the seeker must be pure in heart and honest with himself and others. He must want to know so he can help himself move forward rather than to feed his ego or brag about his status to others. If he studies the details of the initiations he can develop a pretty good feel of were he is.

I have written and spoken quite a bit about the initiations. I covered a lot of ground on them in the 2003 gathering. Here are links to the transcript where they were discussed:











Then here is another link where they were discussed where you were involved:


And here is a link to an audio of a class I gave on the subject.


If you have any questions after reviewing his material I’d be happy to answer hem.

In the meantime I will be writing more on consciousness and do plan to address Richard’s question. When the answer concerns a vast subject I tend to circle the wagons first so final understanding is more complete.


Dec 22, 2014

Inner Lights


I do have a question on the Lights in the head when the eyes are closed that DK talks about. I get that often when I go to bed or meditate however when ever I try and focus on it it goes away. Is there some way to focus on it that I can develop to move into that light so to speak?


The lights beyond the physical are very illusive and as soon as you consciously try and see them they will flee. To sustain the vision you must practice the principle that I call “Not Seeing.” That is, you must put yourself in state of mind where you are the total observer where your normal consciousness doesn’t give a hoot if you see or not. In this state your power to see beyond the physical will steadily increase.

For more information go to the search feature at and search for “not seeing” placed in quotation marks.


when I woke up I felt a connectedness with certain others one of which I saw at work we did not speak but just looked at each other and knew each was seeing the same. I could see people as they really are and had much compassion on them for a few days and things that usually irritated me were gone it was really good but then it faded. I want to be like that all the time like a quickening.


The fact that this happened to you even once is a big help. If you guide your consciousness back in time and relive the feeling it will become much easier for you to have it consistently.




Having just read LINK1, I am wondering if receiving shaktipat is equivalent to the first initiation.


Shaktipat is a Hindu word and in Wikipedea’s words, refers to the conferring of spiritual “energy” upon one person by another. Shaktipat can be transmitted with a sacred word or mantra, or by a look, thought or touch – the last usually to the ajna chakra or third eye of the recipient.

Saktipat is considered an act of grace (anugraha) on the part of the guru or the divine. It cannot be imposed by force, nor can a receiver make it happen. The very consciousness of the god or guru is held to enter into the Self of the disciple, constituting an initiation into the school or the spiritual family (kula) of the guru. It is held that Shaktipat can be transmitted in person or at a distance, through an object such as a flower or fruit or else by telephone or letter.

Saktipat itself therefore has little to do with the attainment the disciple must achieve in reaching levels of initiation, but this transfer of spiritual energy is used in the initiation ceremonies and procedures with all the initiations. There are various rods of initiation used that aid in the transfer of energy that gives the disciple an endowment of spiritual power and aids him in achieving higher group consciousness and realization.

The initiation procedures are only applied after the initiation level is actually achieved.


Dec 25, 2014

His Rest Shall Be Glorious (Isaiah 11:10)

‘Tis Christmas again

Not only a season for joy

For carols, for presents

For good will and friendship

But for reflection and empathy

For vision and understanding.

The Spirit of He whose birth we celebrate

Rests upon me, and looks upon the world

He sees the highs and lows

Those who are in a state of happiness as well as sorrow.

Those who are weary and feel they carry heavy burdens.

His eyes rests upon those with heavy hearts

Many of the sons and daughters of men

Are weary of the struggle just to survive

Many are hungry, fearful or are in pain

They ask, “Where are you Lord?

When shall we have what we need?

When shall we rest?”

He enters their hearts and speaks

“The earth is a great school

And you volunteered for a difficult class

Endure to the end – learn your lessons

Live to the highest you know

And your rest shall be glorious.”

Another speaks who lacks not in physical things.

“I seek for love and acceptance

And am met with rejection and envy.

I feel no love from my spouse, my children or associates.

Oh, Lord, I would rather lack money than love

When will I rest in the embrace of loving arms?

The Master embraces the man with his spirit

“I am here for you surrounding you with love

Look within and feel and learn of me

When your lessons are mastered

You will be consumed with love divine

And your rest shall be glorious.”

The Master’s attention rests upon a servant

Who seeks to follow his Lord and learn of him

Then share the knowledge with his brothers

That their burdens may be light

And their spirits bright

And experience a fullness of joy.

He speaks, “Those who seek are few

And those who feel your presence

In the words of light, eternal words

Are fewer still

I labor always, but results are few

Renew my spirit for I need strength.”

The Master laid his hand upon the head of the servant

And did cause his heart to burn with fires of love.

“There is a time of planting

And a time for the harvest.

You are plowing fields and planting

This is hard work indeed.”

“Much plowing and planting can tire the laborer

But continue onward with the goal in sight

Plant well my friend and nurture the seed

And you shall participate in a great harvest

The labor of the harvest is joyous

And afterwards your rest shall be glorious.”


Dec 26, 2014

The Three Adepts


The accumulated consciousness of the Jews must have believed they were going to lose more than they could gain by crossing the threshold.


This refusal to cross the threshold only concerned three adepts of the past system.

Many other laggards hadn’t made enough progression to make such a choice and had to come back in this solar system to complete their progression. Many of these incarnated as Jews and this explains why this race is so wise in the ways of the world, because many are old souls with more experience than most.

Even so, at the end of the current evolution of humanity 60% will move on to higher evolution and approximately 40% will be laggards that will have to complete their evolution on another earth like planet.

Here is DK’s account of the three adepts that refused to move forward with their brethren.

“Within the radius of power and life which is the expression of the fourth kingdom in nature, the human, there was to be found a correspondence to that ‘assumption of independence’ and to that ‘breaking away’ which characterised the major grouping. Back in later Lemurian times, a group of men of high development, from the point of view of that time, and numbered among the then disciples of the world, took issue with the planetary Hierarchy, and broke away from the ‘law of the initiates.’ It was a time wherein the emphasis of the teaching was upon the material side of life, and where the focus of attention was upon the physical nature and its control. The Old Commentary expresses what happened in the following terms, and as you read the measured cadences of that ancient script, it would be wise to try and realise that the phrases are referring to that group of disciples who were the early founders of the present Jewish race:

“The law went forth from the inner group which guided the destinies of men: Detach yourselves. Withdraw within yourselves the power to hold and gain and get. The sons of God, who train themselves to leave the world of men and enter into light, they ever travel free. They hold not what they have. Release yourselves, and enter through the gates of peace.

“Some of the sons of God, waiting outside those gates, ready to enter when the Word went forth to roll the gates aside, were laden with the treasure of the earth. They brought their gifts as offerings to the Lord of life, who needed not their gifts. They sought to enter through those gates, not with a selfish end in view, but to present the garnered treasures of the world, and thus shew their love.

“Again the Word went forth: Leave all behind and pass beyond the portal, laden with naught of earth. They waited and discussed. The rest of those who were prepared entered into light and passed between the pillars of the gate; they left behind the loads they brought and entered free, and were accepted, carrying naught.

“Because they travelled as a group, and as a group progressed and grasped, the group responded to the divine command and halted. There they waited, standing before the portal of the Path, grasping the garnered treasures of a thousand cycles. Naught did they wish to leave behind. They had laboured for the riches which they held. They loved their God, and Him they sought to dower with the fullest measure of the riches they had gained. They loved not discipline.

“Again the Word went forth: Drop on the ground all that you hold, and enter free.

“But three revolted from that stern command. The rest obeyed. They passed within the gates, leaving the three outside. Many were raised unto the heights of joy. The three remained without the gates, holding their treasure firm.”

“In this ancient writing, older than any of the written scriptures of the world, is to be found the secret of the Masonic story and of the slaying of the Master by the three most closely associated with Him in His death and burial. Masons will all recognise the three to whom I here refer. These three were the founders of the modern Jewish race. They were three advanced disciples who resented the command to enter, free and untrammelled, the place where light is to be found. They sought to hold that which they had gathered and to dedicate it to the service of God. Their unrecognised motive was love of riches and a desire to hold safe their gains. Ancient tradition, as taught by the teachers of the past, tells us that….

“They turned their faces towards the gates of earth. Their friends went on…. They stayed behind…. The Masters met in conclave and decided what should be the fate of those who, having reached the Gates of Light, loved the possessions of the world more than they loved the service of the light. Again the Word went forth to the revolting three, who waited still without the gates:

“Hold what you have and gather more, but know no peace. Garner the fruits of mind, and seek your power in wide possessions, but have no sure abiding place.

“Within yourselves, because you are disciples of the Lord, you shall have no share in peace, no sure and certain knowledge of success, nor power to hold your gains.

“Always shall there be the knowledge dim of Him Who watches over all. Always the urge to gather and amass. Never the time to hold and to enjoy. Pass on therefore until the time shall come, and again you stand before the Gates of Light, this time with empty hands. Then enter, free, accepted by the Servants of the Lord, and know, forever, peace.”

“The ancient legend tells us that the three went forth in sorrow and revolt, laden with their treasures, and thus the history of the wandering Jew began. It is significant to remember that one of the greatest sons of God Who has worked on earth, and Who epitomised in Himself the way and the achievement, Jesus of Nazareth, was a Jew. He reversed all the earlier conditions. He possessed nothing at all. He was the first of our humanity to achieve, and was a direct descendant of the eldest of the original three disciples who revolted from the drama of detachment. The Jew embodies in himself the world prodigal son.”

(“Esoteric Psychology,” Vol 1; Pages 395-398)


Dec 27, 2014

More on the Three Disciples

I reread this section on the three disciples and this is one of the more interesting teachings from DK. Here are additional writings that are of interest.

The Jew embodies in himself the world prodigal son. He is the symbol of the disciple who has not yet learned the lesson of a just sense of values. He has been the victim of the Law of Light and of his inability to comply with that Law. He sinned wilfuly and with his eyes wide open to results. Hence he knows the law as no other race knows it, for he is eternally its victim. He has enunciated the law from its negative angle; the Law of Moses today rules most of the world, and yet fails to bring into life justice and true legality.

The other group of disciples, the representatives (in their day and age) of the race, passed through the ancient portals of initiation and took the first great step. They came back with a latent and dim recollection of the episode which separated them from three of their co-disciples. On their return to life on earth, they spoke of this event. This was their error; the long antagonism started, which persists until today. Those particular disciples have themselves passed through their long pilgrimage and have entered into eternal peace, but the results of their early betrayal of the hidden events of initiation still persist.

Curiously enough, this ancient race, founded by the three who loved that which they had to offer more than that which they longed to take, were the originators of the Masonic tradition. Their history (and incidentally the history of humanity) is embodied in that dramatic ritual. The reward for their sincerity, – for they revolted in utter sincerity, believing they knew best – was the permission to enact each year, on the return of the day when they might have entered into light, the story of the search for light. Because they had been so nearly resurrected from the death of earth into the life of light, the great tradition of the mysteries was started by them. They chose death and slew that which “had lived and which could have claimed reward,” and which could have spoken the word of power which would have caused the gates of resurrection to open wide.

We are told that these three swore an everlasting vow to stand together and never to desert each other. This vow down the ages they have kept; it has consequently produced that racial separativeness and community of interests which arouses the antagonism of other races.

Down the ages, the Jew has been wandering, producing much of beauty in the world, and giving to humanity many of its greatest men, but he has (at the same time) been hated and persecuted, betrayed and hounded. He embodies, in himself, symbolically, the history of humanity. The ancient tendency of the Jews to grasp and hold, and also to preserve their racial and national integrity, are their outstanding characteristics. They cannot be absorbed, and yet so ancient is the race that nevertheless today no nation in the world but has its roots in that group which – in old Lemuria – had advanced so far that all its foremost people stood upon the path of discipleship. There are no racial strains in the Western world which are not offshoots of this oldest select people, with the exception of the Finns, Lapps and those nations which show definite mongoloid strains. But the admixture of what is now called Jewish blood is not found to the same extent, and the modern Jew is as much a by-product as is the Anglo-Saxon race, only, through an imposed selective tendency and racial segregation, he has preserved intact more of the original characteristics.

It is the realization of this common origin which has led the British-Israelites into their travesty of the truth, and caused them to trace our modern Western history to the Jews of the Dispersion. It is a far more ancient relation than that, and dates back into a period that antedates the history of the Jews as it is related for us in the Old Testament. The original three disciples and their family groups were the ancestors of three major racial groupings, which can be generalized as follows:

  1. The Semitic race or races of Biblical and modern times; the Arabs, the Afghans, the Moors and the offshoots and affiliations of those peoples, including the modern Egyptians. These are all descended from the eldest of the three disciples.
  2. The Latin peoples and their various branches throughout the world, and also the Celtic races wherever found. These are descended from the second of the three disciples.
  3. The Teutons, the Scandinavians, and the Anglo-Saxons, who are the descendants of the third of the three disciples.

The above is a broad generalization. The period covered is so vast, and the ramifications down the ages are so numerous, that it is not possible for me to do more than give a general idea. Gradually the descendants of two of these three disciples have accepted the legends which were promulgated in Atlantean times, and have ranged themselves on the side of those who are antagonistic to the Jew, as he is today; they have lost all sense of their common origin. There is no pure race in the world today, for intermarriage, illicit relations and promiscuity during the past few million years have been so numerous that there exists no pure strain. Climate and environment are fundamentally greater determining factors than any forced segregation, except that which comes through a constant racial intermarriage. Of this latter factor, only the Hebrew today has preserved any measure of racial integrity.

When humanity awakens to the fact of its common origin, and when the three great major strains in our modern civilization are recognized, then we shall see the old hatred of the Jew die out, and he will fuse and blend with the rest of mankind. Even the oriental races, who are the remnants of the great Atlantean civilization, have in them traces of intermarriage with the ancestors of the modern Jews and other racial types, but they have not mixed well, and have therefore preserved their characteristics more successfully than have the groups of our Western men.

If you ponder upon the above, and if you study the Masonic tradition with care, much will become clarified in your mind. Ethnologists may disagree, but they cannot disprove what I have said, for the origins of the present racial world situation lie so far back in the history of mankind that they cannot even prove their own contentions. All they are capable of considering is the history of the past one hundred thousand years, and their work lies with effects of that past and not with originating causes.

The Jew embodies in himself the world prodigal son. He is the symbol of the disciple who has not yet learned the lesson of a just sense of values. He has been the victim of the Law of Light and of his inability to comply with that Law. He sinned wilfuly and with his eyes wide open to results. Hence he knows the law as no other race knows it, for he is eternally its victim. He has enunciated the law from its negative angle; the Law of Moses today rules most of the world, and yet fails to bring into life justice and true legality.

The other group of disciples, the representatives (in their day and age) of the race, passed through the ancient portals of initiation and took the first great step. They came back with a latent and dim recollection of the episode which separated them from three of their co-disciples. On their return to life on earth, they spoke of this event. This was their error; the long antagonism started, which persists until today. Those particular disciples have themselves passed through their long pilgrimage and have entered into eternal peace, but the results of their early betrayal of the hidden events of initiation still persist.

Curiously enough, this ancient race, founded by the three who loved that which they had to offer more than that which they longed to take, were the originators of the Masonic tradition. Their history (and incidentally the history of humanity) is embodied in that dramatic ritual. The reward for their sincerity, – for they revolted in utter sincerity, believing they knew best – was the permission to enact each year, on the return of the day when they might have entered into light, the story of the search for light. Because they had been so nearly resurrected from the death of earth into the life of light, the great tradition of the mysteries was started by them. They chose death and slew that which “had lived and which could have claimed reward,” and which could have spoken the word of power which would have caused the gates of resurrection to open wide.

We are told that these three swore an everlasting vow to stand together and never to desert each other. This vow down the ages they have kept; it has consequently produced that racial separativeness and community of interests which arouses the antagonism of other races.

Down the ages, the Jew has been wandering, producing much of beauty in the world, and giving to humanity many of its greatest men, but he has (at the same time) been hated and persecuted, betrayed and hounded. He embodies, in himself, symbolically, the history of humanity. The ancient tendency of the Jews to grasp and hold, and also to preserve their racial and national integrity, are their outstanding characteristics. They cannot be absorbed, and yet so ancient is the race that nevertheless today no nation in the world but has its roots in that group which – in old Lemuria – had advanced so far that all its foremost people stood upon the path of discipleship. There are no racial strains in the Western world which are not offshoots of this oldest select people, with the exception of the Finns, Lapps and those nations which show definite mongoloid strains. But the admixture of what is now called Jewish blood is not found to the same extent, and the modern Jew is as much a by-product as is the Anglo-Saxon race, only, through an imposed selective tendency and racial segregation, he has preserved intact more of the original characteristics.

It is the realization of this common origin which has led the British-Israelites into their travesty of the truth, and caused them to trace our modern Western history to the Jews of the Dispersion. It is a far more ancient relation than that, and dates back into a period that antedates the history of the Jews as it is related for us in the Old Testament. The original three disciples and their family groups were the ancestors of three major racial groupings, which can be generalized as follows:

  1. The Semitic race or races of Biblical and modern times; the Arabs, the Afghans, the Moors and the offshoots and affiliations of those peoples, including the modern Egyptians. These are all descended from the eldest of the three disciples.
  2. The Latin peoples and their various branches throughout the world, and also the Celtic races wherever found. These are descended from the second of the three disciples.
  3. The Teutons, the Scandinavians, and the Anglo-Saxons, who are the descendants of the third of the three disciples.

The above is a broad generalization. The period covered is so vast, and the ramifications down the ages are so numerous, that it is not possible for me to do more than give a general idea. Gradually the descendants of two of these three disciples have accepted the legends which were promulgated in Atlantean times, and have ranged themselves on the side of those who are antagonistic to the Jew, as he is today; they have lost all sense of their common origin. There is no pure race in the world today, for intermarriage, illicit relations and promiscuity during the past few million years have been so numerous that there exists no pure strain. Climate and environment are fundamentally greater determining factors than any forced segregation, except that which comes through a constant racial intermarriage. Of this latter factor, only the Hebrew today has preserved any measure of racial integrity.

When humanity awakens to the fact of its common origin, and when the three great major strains in our modern civilization are recognized, then we shall see the old hatred of the Jew die out, and he will fuse and blend with the rest of mankind. Even the oriental races, who are the remnants of the great Atlantean civilization, have in them traces of intermarriage with the ancestors of the modern Jews and other racial types, but they have not mixed well, and have therefore preserved their characteristics more successfully than have the groups of our Western men.

If you ponder upon the above, and if you study the Masonic tradition with care, much will become clarified in your mind. Ethnologists may disagree, but they cannot disprove what I have said, for the origins of the present racial world situation lie so far back in the history of mankind that they cannot even prove their own contentions. All they are capable of considering is the history of the past one hundred thousand years, and their work lies with effects of that past and not with originating causes.

Esoteric Psycology, Pages 399-401

Here is an additional teaching from the Treatise on Cosmic Fire. This sounds like he could be talking about the three disciples. If not it was an earlier group.

In making this statement, it is necessary to bear in mind that the dense physical sheath is never considered a principle. It is ever deemed occultly evil. The matter might be more simply expressed by stating that the black adept is frankly concerned with what is termed “the residue of that which earlier was.” He responds to the vibration of the solar system of an earlier greater cycle in which the knowledge, or the manasic principle, was the goal of achievement. He does not respond to the impulse of this solar system, but this lack of response is hid in the karma of the earlier manifestation. As we know, the Sons of Mind or the incarnating jivas are the returning nirvanis of a previous logoic incarnation. They have achieved mind, and need love. Some few, through a mysterious cycle of events inexplainable to man in this solar system, repudiated opportunity and linked themselves with that great deva existence which is the impulse of the dense physical, and they cannot loose themselves. Their destination, as well as his, is hidden in the plans of the ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID, and in this solar system there is no hope for them. Fortunately, they are little likely to make themselves known to average man; it is the Adepts of the Good Law Who meet them the most often.


Dec 30, 2014

The Mysteries of Time

Conall has some questions on time and I believe this was his first post so allow me to welcome him aboard. Let us hear more from you.

He is basically saying that he has read a number of books that register well with his soul, but they seem to offer contradictory views on time. What is the real truth here?

There are a lot of illusions about time. First let us list the reasons for this.

(1) Time seems either non existent or to flow differently in the non physical realms. Those who have caught a glimpse have different ways of describing this that seem to contradict each other.

(2) The passage of time is registered by successive states of consciousness so an altering of consciousness seems to alter time.

(3) Seekers will often glom on to fanciful fictional ideas about time that has little basis in true reality.

Now let us list some illusions concerning time.

(1) Beyond the physical there is no time.

Correction. Wherever there is form there is time for time is caused by the movement of form. As long as there is form in the physical, astral and mental planes then there is time.

If we were to go beyond the worlds of form we would seem to be in a timeless state, but time would still be passing by where form exists and when the entity returns to a world of form he would find that time has passed there.

I call the incarnating in and out of the worlds of form incarnating in and out of time.

A lower but imperfect correspondence would be us experiencing being awake and asleep. When we are awake time proceeds normally, but when we are asleep we are not concerned at all with time. Even so, time still passes in the physical world, and when you awaken from sleep you will find that a certain amount of time has passed. Your being asleep to time did not negate it.

(2) All lives, past and future, are all happening at one time.

There is much illusion and fantasy thinking on this one. A lot of the illusion is caused by the fact that a subject cannot only be regressed to past lives but apparently taken to future ones also. This has caused many to think that all lives have already happened.

But think on this. If this were so then there would be no such thing as free will. If your next life has already happened and if you are going to be an ax murderer then there is nothing you can do to change this fate.

So, what is the truth of the matter?

The truth is that time does move from point A to point B in linear fashion just as we observe it doing. If time ceased from doing this then time itself would not exist and if time did not exist them the universe would not exist and neither would our consciousness as we know it exist.

So what is the deal with these future lives that people report visiting under guided meditation or hypnosis?

They are merely projections of future probabilities and are not written in stone. They have not happened yet and may or may not materialize as projected.

Just like you can plan out your week a day at a time, and in most cases things will go as planned, even so your soul can plan out the next few lives you are likely to live. This doesn’t mean that all will go as planned. If something does not work out then adjustments will be made.

The technology available to our higher selves puts our science to shame and they are able to project into the future with simulations that seem very real.

It is interesting that a subject can be taken into the past and a life 5000 years ago can be just as vivid as one 50 years ago. But as we project into future lives we find that the further into the future we go the less vivid are the descriptions. For instance, I have never had a future life speak some new language, but had past lives speak ancient ones as if they are right there.

So is there any truth about past and future lives speaking to each other and changing things?

Your higher self has an awareness of your past lives in this universe and can bring up recreations of them in its consciousness. It can also bring up projections of future lives and have them interplay like a computer simulation. But the real past and future lives are not dong this. It is only an advanced computer-like simulation at play.

So is there any truth to the idea of an Eternal Now?

Yes, there is and this is where all the confusion comes in, as seeing how the Eternal Now is at play is quite complex and stretches our consciousness to understand it.

Each universe is created from a point that is not incarnated into time. In this formless state there is no time. Therefore, from this state anything created that has time built into it seems to exist in an Eternal Now or all in one package, so to speak.

When a universe is created, time exists in linear fashion within that universe, but from the vantage point of the Creator looking at that universe it is all one thing at one time with time, past and present merely being a dimension within it.

Those who are one with God can go in and out of time but when they go into time they are anchored there and cannot change the past or future any more than we can. These high beings may enter the consciousness of a seeker and give visions of the future, but they will merely be projections subject to change.

Time is the fabric of divine creation and the Creator can see the end from the beginning as an Eternal Now, but when the focus pinpoints a certain time in the worlds of form, limitations through eternal law take hold, which thing brings stability to all creation.

How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?

Dr. Seuss


Dec 31, 2014



Michael Newton regressions indicate that multiple time lines exist within one life. Examples are given during life reviews where a different decision resulted in a different outcome. The recollections go further, by indicating other versions of the same life exist with different outcomes. The implications are that a different soul energy fulfilled the alternative timeline. The analogy is used of a tree with differing branches moving off the main branch. Some branches are stronger and easily accessed while others are less traveled.


That is close, but not actually what he said. His regressions indicate that there is only one timeline in this physical reality, not an infinite or multiple ones as many new agers are now teaching.

However, what many do between lives in order to learn the greatest number of lessons from a past life is to enter a state, similar to the Holodeck on Star Trek, and from there they can call up any portion of a past life and relive it and make different decisions than they made in physical reality. Then when they make a different decision they can see the projected results and see how their life could have turned out differently. This is very close to living in a different timeline, but it is only simulated and not quite as real as doing it in the dense physical.

By studying a past life in the between life state the entity is able to get the maximum benefits from the lessons of that life and see what he could have done better. It is good preparation for the next life.

Then he does the same thing with a possible future life. The person enters a simulated timeline and acts out important points that are probable to happen in his next life with the hope that this will prepare him to make the best possible decisions at crucial moments in that coming life.

These concepts are in harmony with my thinking as well as the teachings of DK and Theosophy on the Devachan where it is said the entity acts out various unfulfilled aspects of his lives.

From a higher point of view we are also actors in a great play in this physical reality. The difference is that the Devachan is a rehearsal and this is the real act where it counts.


I recall years ago traveling out of my body and coming to a place on the periphery of physical reality. When I say that I mean at the boarder of the reincarnational world view – not just the after death process. While there I met a personality who stood at the top of a mountain which I and others had traveled to the top off. The personality recognized me and said, ‘oh you again’ . I said how long has it been since my last visit. The personality said something like ‘you don’t want to know’. Indicating that the length of time would stagger me.


I must say Keith – that you come up with some interesting mystical comments now and then. That is why I call you the resident prophet.

The time spoken of then would indeed boggle the mind and is hinted at in the Grand Tour in my book Eternal Words. He is probably talking about the time between universal creations which is beyond that which most can imagine. The reason it is so great is that we move through several time realities and in some a second in our reality could be experienced as a billion years yet from a higher angle the appearance and disappearance of a universe is the blinking of an eye.

Observe, when men become upright and obey the dictates of the good law, the earth itself changes and acquires a virtue to administer to the enjoyment and happiness of mankind, as then the Schekina or that divine something termed life that operates in all organic and inorganic creatures and by its attractive power binds together the mundane and heavenly sphere, the harmony between which, results in peace and joy. On the contrary, when sin and wrongdoing prevail, this divine life and influence is banished from the earth, which becomes itself infected and desolate and infertile through the evil influence that then pervades it… The cry of the earth is always ascending heavenwards and desirous of union with the celestial world, enrobes itself with raiments of beauty and splendor, as doth a maiden expecting the arrival of her lover. From the Zohar


I just received an email from Kathleen Smith, the Founder of The Colorado Center. Apparently she heard me talk about the future cities of light on Sterling’s radio show. The great thing is she has gathered a lot of intelligent people cooperating together to put out useful information that will assist in the coming new age when cities of light will be created.

I looked through her website and all I have read so far is very interesting. Now if we want to cooperate with another group – this one has some real possibilities and is more on our wavelength.

Here is the homepage of her site. Check it out and read some of the articles.


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