Keys Writings 2014, Part 29

This entry is part 33 of 33 in the series 2014

Dec 17, 2014

The Great Renunciation

I’ll make a few more comments on the Great Renunciation. Whether or not Abraham’s test is literally true is not important. What is important is that it illustrates all the ingredients of the great test, perhaps better than anything else available.

Many give little credibility to Abraham’s test because they figure that God would never do something so offensive s to ask a father to sacrifice his own son. But even in this we must look at the whole picture. In the end Abraham didn’t sacrifice his son at all so God did not demand such an act after all.

No matter what the sacrifice that was called for in the Great Renunciation the end product will turn out to be positive rather than negative. But to the one undergoing the test this will seem to be far from the case at the time.

We do not have many examples of the Great Renunciation in history so it is a good thing that we have Abraham’s example as a teaching tool. The only other example in the scriptures is that of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. There he faced the Dweller and made the final decision to give up his life rather than do what seemed to be the logical work of building the kingdom of God on the earth.

All who have became masters have passed through this initiation, but few have talked about it. One reason why is that it is often a very private thing and, in addition, one who talks about being successful at such a thing has difficulty in not sounding like he is glorifying himself and this is something initiates try and avoid.

I have had a number of people tell me with confidence that they are sure that they have successfully been through the test, but then when they tell me what their test was it becomes very obvious that they have no idea what the real test is.

Here are three ingredients of the test.

(1) The disciple receives the most powerful revelation of his life and he knows without any doubt whatsoever that it is from his Source of life and that he is not being deceived by any outside or dark force. He knows that he is not just some crazy guy hearing voices in his head.

The presence stays with him and shows him what must be done and waits for his answer. The assignment makes no sense to the disciple and he is beside himself. The spiritual fire intensifies for days until he feels he will be consumed and he knows he must choose. If he refuses the assignment the Presence will withdraw and the disciple will not accomplish his life’s mission that was planned out before his birth.

If he agrees to the assignment then there is great rejoicing among his unseen spiritual peers and he thinks to himself, “Why are my brethren rejoicing for me when I have submitted to go in such a strange and awful direction?”

Then after sharing in the wonderful exultation the spirit withdraws and the disciple is left completely on his own until the test is consummated. Before it is over he is likely to exclaim, “My God, why have you forsaken me?”

(2) The test will demand a sacrifice of the thing that is dearest to the heart of the pilgrim. In Abraham’s case it was his son Isaac. Now it would be difficult for any parent to give his son’s life, but Abraham’s test went way beyond this. Isaac was not just any son, but a son with a promise and that promise from God was that nations would come from the seed of his son and that they would be as innumerable ad he stars of heaven.

Furthermore, Abraham had to wait until he was a hundred years old before Sarah bore Isaac and his birth was a miracle because of their old age. It just didn’t make sense that God would command him to sacrifice his son after bringing him to earth through a miraculous birth.

Because of the wickedness of the earth Abraham’s greatest desire was to create a posterity who would be a light and benefit to others. He would teach his children true principles and have them passed down from generation to generation. He saw this as his contribution to the work of God on the earth and now God himself is going to destroy this great aspiration. “Why is God commanding me to do a thing that will destroy his own work?” he would have asked.

(3) The test will seem to reveal that God is a liar.

Few realize that this is the most difficult part of the test. It is bad enough to sacrifice that thing which is dearest to your heart and purpose in life, but it is another to be presented with powerful evidence that God is not a being who can be trusted after all. If our very Creator is a reckless bad dude then what hope is there for the future? If we cannot trust God then nothing can be trusted. This is a devastating thought for one who has trusted God throughout his life.

God gave Abraham a promise of a great posterity through Isaac, but if Isaac was sacrificed then the promise of God would be null and void. If Isaac’s life were to come to an end then the only conclusion would be that God does not keep his word and cannot be trusted.

Josephus tells us that Abraham refused to drop his faith in God and concluded hat if he sacrificed Isaac then God would still keep his word. And how would he do that?

He would bring him back from the dead. Thus Isaac became a perfect symbol of the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus.

So, in Abraham’s mind, even if the command made no sense, his son was not going to die, even if he should plunge a knife into him.

As it turned out just before Abraham sacrificed his son an angel restrained him and a ram appeared to be sacrificed instead.

Now Abraham was lucky. Generally the disciple is not saved at the last moment but has to pick up his cross and complete the sacrifice, as did Jesus.

When the test is completed the disciple will again be visited by the Presence and he will see the wisdom behind the renunciation and how it elevated him in consciousness so he will be able to complete a mission that would have been impossible otherwise.

And in the end, he will be pleased to find that God is indeed true to his word. His trust has moved to a new level.



The ninth initiation is called the initiation of refusal

Is this what Sanat did? He refused to stay with Venus and help the Venus population? So instead he had to come to this Earth and help us?


There are some who claim to be in contact with the Masters who say that Sanat Kumara is working on his ninth initiation, but there is no evidence of this in the writings of DK. Here is what he said in Treatise on Cosmic Fire:

These Kumaras, Sanat Kumara and His three pupils, having achieved the highest initiation possible in the last great cycle, but having as yet (from Their standpoint) another step to take, offered Themselves to the planetary Logos of Their Ray as “focal points” for His force, so that thereby He might hasten and perfect His plans on Earth within the cycle of manifestation.

He has already achieved the highest possible human initiations and is presently working on a higher order of initiations called Cosmic initiations. I believe it is said to be the Fourth. His sacrifice was to turn his back and his own progress and concentrate on assisting humanity.

It is written:

Under this Law of Sacrifice, Sanat Kumara (to express the idea in occult terms) “must turn His back upon the Central Spiritual Sun, and with the light of His Countenance irradiate the path of the prisoners of the planet.” He sentences Himself to stay for as long as may be needed, “acting as the Sun and light of the planet until the Day be with us and the night of pralaya descends upon His finished task.” Thus and only thus can the light of the Central Spiritual Sun begin to penetrate the dark places of the Earth; when this happens all “shadows disappear”an occult reference to the all-embracing radiance of the Monad as it absorbs both its reflection, the soul, and its shadow, the personality.


Dec 18, 2014

The Test


I’ll say this once more and then I’ll shut my yap – I think it is dangerous to allow folks that wannabe more than they are – pretty much ALL seekers – as full of glamour and illusion as most folks yet are, to think that there are no bounds to the horrific atrocities “god” might ask you to do as a “test”.


For everything that is good there is something in existence that is its opposite, in opposition to it or a distortion of it. One way of looking it this is that evil is a good note sounded off key.

Obedience is good when one is obedient to a wise source or the true Holy Spirit within, but it can become a great evil if one is blindly obedient to a corrupt source.

Loving your children is considered a virtue, but if you abuse other people so the kids can get ahead then the love is corrupted.

Tolerance is also considered good, but if one tolerates a great evil then this virtue is abused.

It always comes down to the Second Key of Judgment. Good judgment must always be used

The disciple will never be asked to perform atrocities that would injure people. Even in the story of Abraham no one was injured and Abraham did not believe his son would be killed. The test is always geared around the disciple and will test all he is made of, but will not injure other people.

Jesus had to sacrifice his life and the joy of building the kingdom. He didn’t injure anyone else, but was able to initiate a great work.

Joseph Smith was asked to save his life at the expense of being called a coward. If he would have succeeded only he would have had to deal with the personal pain involved.

If anyone thinks that the test will involve blowing up innocent people so he can have 70 virgins then he is deceived indeed.

The test is purely voluntary. If a person is caught by an enemy and tortured or put to death this has nothing to do with the test. Many average people have suffered horrendously against their will but are far from passing the test.

The purpose of the test is to make sure there is nothing in the disciple’s life to which he is so attached that he cannot let it go. The disciple must be able to let go of anything that holds him earthbound if he wants to tread the path to adeptship.



My concern is that it is not only psychos that do that but otherwise good folks that are just englamored and delusional and think that “god” MAY expect them to commit atrocities in his name as a damn “test”!


These type of deceived people who hear the false voice of God are usually eager to carry the commands.

The true test carries a confirmation way beyond that which the deceived person can even conceive and the path ahead would never be taken because of an illusionary command. The true test is never given to an unstable person and the outside world may not been be aware of the inner struggle as a result of it.

If you see any crazed person claiming to be representing the voice of God you will know he is just that. A crazy person.

Have you ever seen me broadcasting some crazy command from God? I have received a test that was more difficult than I could have previously imagined, but my readers don’t even know what it was about.


ambraithwaite writes:

Does the floating city and roads at Dubai have anything to do with this? (floating cities)

Ie, is that the beginning?


When the concept of floating cities came to me about 25 years ago I wasn’t aware of anyone on earth who was even considering such a thing. Now many are thinking about it and beginning various projects. All this is preparation for things to come. When the time comes that the lights will build Zion upon the waters then the nuts and bolts of the technical problems will be solved.

It would be great to see Rick’s efforts utilized.


Dec 21, 2014

Where Am I?


Thanks JJ for this as one who would like to know where he is on the path however am always unsure. I definitely know I have not had a test like this. It’s been a while since I have read about this. I would like to revisit the criteria if you do not mind for the 1s,t 2nd, and 3rd initiations and how one would know they have had them? Are the first couple of initiations more subtle or is the initiate still not quite sure until the 3rd or 4th?


Good to hear from you again and that is a good question that we’ll save for the end of the post.


By the way, somewhat related I am reading your book The Unveiling and really like it. It seems like a commentary on my life so far for the most part up to the opening of the six seal yet I do not feel like all those chakras are open as you describe. I think I know what my life’s mission is but yet am still not 100% sure so am seeking some confirmation.


I’ve had a number of people tell me something similar. Actually this is the effect it is supposed to have since the Revelation is really a roadmap to discipleship, becoming like Christ and more. Because of this those who are treading the path will identify with many parts of the interpretation.

Even those parts that are beyond the attainment of the reader will seem familiar because we move forward in cycles. For instance, before we go through the Great Renunciation each of us must face many pretty stressful tests, which at the time will seem to be as big of a test as one could want.

None of our progress is in completely linear fashion and no two people have the many pedals of their chakras open in the same sequence.

I’m sure you have met some people who are brilliant in certain areas and really dense in others. This is because of where one puts attention as a soul in his various incarnations. A person may be overdeveloped in one department and lacking in another. Often, the reason for our life choice is to balance the equation so we can move forward in a more even fashion. The nerd must learn to develop talent at sports and the jock must learn to appreciate the intellect.

Our seven chakras unfold from the base of the spine upwards, but the lower is not fully opened before the next one in line begins unfolding. One may even have his third eye partially open when his solar plexus and sacral centers are still unfolding. As a general rule the lower centers will complete their unfolding before the higher even though both may have some pedals open.

Now, back to your first question. A lot of seekers certainly wonder where they are on the path. The problem is that if you were to find someone who would tell you where you are the chances would be that he is far off the mark and merely seeking to establish beastly authority over his group. One of the worst things that can happen to a group is to have some pulling rank because of claims of higher evolution. Now things will be different when we go to the spirit world and reunite with our souls. There, a person’s state of spiritual evolution will be obvious, but it will not be a source of conflict or jealousy because of the realization that every inch of progression has been earned.

As it is in this reality it is up to each individual to figure out where he is on the path. If the person has a big ego this will be difficult as he will usually place himself higher than he really is. If he lacks confidence he may underestimate his progress. To be accurate the seeker must be pure in heart and honest with himself and others. He must want to know so he can help himself move forward rather than to feed his ego or brag about his status to others. If he studies the details of the initiations he can develop a pretty good feel of were he is.

I have written and spoken quite a bit about the initiations. I covered a lot of ground on them in the 2003 gathering. Here are links to the transcript where they were discussed:











Then here is another link where they were discussed where you were involved:


And here is a link to an audio of a class I gave on the subject.


If you have any questions after reviewing his material I’d be happy to answer hem.

In the meantime I will be writing more on consciousness and do plan to address Richard’s question. When the answer concerns a vast subject I tend to circle the wagons first so final understanding is more complete.


Dec 22, 2014

Inner Lights


I do have a question on the Lights in the head when the eyes are closed that DK talks about. I get that often when I go to bed or meditate however when ever I try and focus on it it goes away. Is there some way to focus on it that I can develop to move into that light so to speak?


The lights beyond the physical are very illusive and as soon as you consciously try and see them they will flee. To sustain the vision you must practice the principle that I call “Not Seeing.” That is, you must put yourself in state of mind where you are the total observer where your normal consciousness doesn’t give a hoot if you see or not. In this state your power to see beyond the physical will steadily increase.

For more information go to the search feature at and search for “not seeing” placed in quotation marks.


when I woke up I felt a connectedness with certain others one of which I saw at work we did not speak but just looked at each other and knew each was seeing the same. I could see people as they really are and had much compassion on them for a few days and things that usually irritated me were gone it was really good but then it faded. I want to be like that all the time like a quickening.


The fact that this happened to you even once is a big help. If you guide your consciousness back in time and relive the feeling it will become much easier for you to have it consistently.




Having just read LINK1, I am wondering if receiving shaktipat is equivalent to the first initiation.


Shaktipat is a Hindu word and in Wikipedea’s words, refers to the conferring of spiritual “energy” upon one person by another. Shaktipat can be transmitted with a sacred word or mantra, or by a look, thought or touch – the last usually to the ajna chakra or third eye of the recipient.

Saktipat is considered an act of grace (anugraha) on the part of the guru or the divine. It cannot be imposed by force, nor can a receiver make it happen. The very consciousness of the god or guru is held to enter into the Self of the disciple, constituting an initiation into the school or the spiritual family (kula) of the guru. It is held that Shaktipat can be transmitted in person or at a distance, through an object such as a flower or fruit or else by telephone or letter.

Saktipat itself therefore has little to do with the attainment the disciple must achieve in reaching levels of initiation, but this transfer of spiritual energy is used in the initiation ceremonies and procedures with all the initiations. There are various rods of initiation used that aid in the transfer of energy that gives the disciple an endowment of spiritual power and aids him in achieving higher group consciousness and realization.

The initiation procedures are only applied after the initiation level is actually achieved.


Dec 25, 2014

His Rest Shall Be Glorious (Isaiah 11:10)

‘Tis Christmas again

Not only a season for joy

For carols, for presents

For good will and friendship

But for reflection and empathy

For vision and understanding.

The Spirit of He whose birth we celebrate

Rests upon me, and looks upon the world

He sees the highs and lows

Those who are in a state of happiness as well as sorrow.

Those who are weary and feel they carry heavy burdens.

His eyes rests upon those with heavy hearts

Many of the sons and daughters of men

Are weary of the struggle just to survive

Many are hungry, fearful or are in pain

They ask, “Where are you Lord?

When shall we have what we need?

When shall we rest?”

He enters their hearts and speaks

“The earth is a great school

And you volunteered for a difficult class

Endure to the end – learn your lessons

Live to the highest you know

And your rest shall be glorious.”

Another speaks who lacks not in physical things.

“I seek for love and acceptance

And am met with rejection and envy.

I feel no love from my spouse, my children or associates.

Oh, Lord, I would rather lack money than love

When will I rest in the embrace of loving arms?

The Master embraces the man with his spirit

“I am here for you surrounding you with love

Look within and feel and learn of me

When your lessons are mastered

You will be consumed with love divine

And your rest shall be glorious.”

The Master’s attention rests upon a servant

Who seeks to follow his Lord and learn of him

Then share the knowledge with his brothers

That their burdens may be light

And their spirits bright

And experience a fullness of joy.

He speaks, “Those who seek are few

And those who feel your presence

In the words of light, eternal words

Are fewer still

I labor always, but results are few

Renew my spirit for I need strength.”

The Master laid his hand upon the head of the servant

And did cause his heart to burn with fires of love.

“There is a time of planting

And a time for the harvest.

You are plowing fields and planting

This is hard work indeed.”

“Much plowing and planting can tire the laborer

But continue onward with the goal in sight

Plant well my friend and nurture the seed

And you shall participate in a great harvest

The labor of the harvest is joyous

And afterwards your rest shall be glorious.”


Dec 26, 2014

The Three Adepts


The accumulated consciousness of the Jews must have believed they were going to lose more than they could gain by crossing the threshold.


This refusal to cross the threshold only concerned three adepts of the past system.

Many other laggards hadn’t made enough progression to make such a choice and had to come back in this solar system to complete their progression. Many of these incarnated as Jews and this explains why this race is so wise in the ways of the world, because many are old souls with more experience than most.

Even so, at the end of the current evolution of humanity 60% will move on to higher evolution and approximately 40% will be laggards that will have to complete their evolution on another earth like planet.

Here is DK’s account of the three adepts that refused to move forward with their brethren.

“Within the radius of power and life which is the expression of the fourth kingdom in nature, the human, there was to be found a correspondence to that ‘assumption of independence’ and to that ‘breaking away’ which characterised the major grouping. Back in later Lemurian times, a group of men of high development, from the point of view of that time, and numbered among the then disciples of the world, took issue with the planetary Hierarchy, and broke away from the ‘law of the initiates.’ It was a time wherein the emphasis of the teaching was upon the material side of life, and where the focus of attention was upon the physical nature and its control. The Old Commentary expresses what happened in the following terms, and as you read the measured cadences of that ancient script, it would be wise to try and realise that the phrases are referring to that group of disciples who were the early founders of the present Jewish race:

“The law went forth from the inner group which guided the destinies of men: Detach yourselves. Withdraw within yourselves the power to hold and gain and get. The sons of God, who train themselves to leave the world of men and enter into light, they ever travel free. They hold not what they have. Release yourselves, and enter through the gates of peace.

“Some of the sons of God, waiting outside those gates, ready to enter when the Word went forth to roll the gates aside, were laden with the treasure of the earth. They brought their gifts as offerings to the Lord of life, who needed not their gifts. They sought to enter through those gates, not with a selfish end in view, but to present the garnered treasures of the world, and thus shew their love.

“Again the Word went forth: Leave all behind and pass beyond the portal, laden with naught of earth. They waited and discussed. The rest of those who were prepared entered into light and passed between the pillars of the gate; they left behind the loads they brought and entered free, and were accepted, carrying naught.

“Because they travelled as a group, and as a group progressed and grasped, the group responded to the divine command and halted. There they waited, standing before the portal of the Path, grasping the garnered treasures of a thousand cycles. Naught did they wish to leave behind. They had laboured for the riches which they held. They loved their God, and Him they sought to dower with the fullest measure of the riches they had gained. They loved not discipline.

“Again the Word went forth: Drop on the ground all that you hold, and enter free.

“But three revolted from that stern command. The rest obeyed. They passed within the gates, leaving the three outside. Many were raised unto the heights of joy. The three remained without the gates, holding their treasure firm.”

“In this ancient writing, older than any of the written scriptures of the world, is to be found the secret of the Masonic story and of the slaying of the Master by the three most closely associated with Him in His death and burial. Masons will all recognise the three to whom I here refer. These three were the founders of the modern Jewish race. They were three advanced disciples who resented the command to enter, free and untrammelled, the place where light is to be found. They sought to hold that which they had gathered and to dedicate it to the service of God. Their unrecognised motive was love of riches and a desire to hold safe their gains. Ancient tradition, as taught by the teachers of the past, tells us that….

“They turned their faces towards the gates of earth. Their friends went on…. They stayed behind…. The Masters met in conclave and decided what should be the fate of those who, having reached the Gates of Light, loved the possessions of the world more than they loved the service of the light. Again the Word went forth to the revolting three, who waited still without the gates:

“Hold what you have and gather more, but know no peace. Garner the fruits of mind, and seek your power in wide possessions, but have no sure abiding place.

“Within yourselves, because you are disciples of the Lord, you shall have no share in peace, no sure and certain knowledge of success, nor power to hold your gains.

“Always shall there be the knowledge dim of Him Who watches over all. Always the urge to gather and amass. Never the time to hold and to enjoy. Pass on therefore until the time shall come, and again you stand before the Gates of Light, this time with empty hands. Then enter, free, accepted by the Servants of the Lord, and know, forever, peace.”

“The ancient legend tells us that the three went forth in sorrow and revolt, laden with their treasures, and thus the history of the wandering Jew began. It is significant to remember that one of the greatest sons of God Who has worked on earth, and Who epitomised in Himself the way and the achievement, Jesus of Nazareth, was a Jew. He reversed all the earlier conditions. He possessed nothing at all. He was the first of our humanity to achieve, and was a direct descendant of the eldest of the original three disciples who revolted from the drama of detachment. The Jew embodies in himself the world prodigal son.”

(“Esoteric Psychology,” Vol 1; Pages 395-398)


Dec 27, 2014

More on the Three Disciples

I reread this section on the three disciples and this is one of the more interesting teachings from DK. Here are additional writings that are of interest.

The Jew embodies in himself the world prodigal son. He is the symbol of the disciple who has not yet learned the lesson of a just sense of values. He has been the victim of the Law of Light and of his inability to comply with that Law. He sinned wilfuly and with his eyes wide open to results. Hence he knows the law as no other race knows it, for he is eternally its victim. He has enunciated the law from its negative angle; the Law of Moses today rules most of the world, and yet fails to bring into life justice and true legality.

The other group of disciples, the representatives (in their day and age) of the race, passed through the ancient portals of initiation and took the first great step. They came back with a latent and dim recollection of the episode which separated them from three of their co-disciples. On their return to life on earth, they spoke of this event. This was their error; the long antagonism started, which persists until today. Those particular disciples have themselves passed through their long pilgrimage and have entered into eternal peace, but the results of their early betrayal of the hidden events of initiation still persist.

Curiously enough, this ancient race, founded by the three who loved that which they had to offer more than that which they longed to take, were the originators of the Masonic tradition. Their history (and incidentally the history of humanity) is embodied in that dramatic ritual. The reward for their sincerity, – for they revolted in utter sincerity, believing they knew best – was the permission to enact each year, on the return of the day when they might have entered into light, the story of the search for light. Because they had been so nearly resurrected from the death of earth into the life of light, the great tradition of the mysteries was started by them. They chose death and slew that which “had lived and which could have claimed reward,” and which could have spoken the word of power which would have caused the gates of resurrection to open wide.

We are told that these three swore an everlasting vow to stand together and never to desert each other. This vow down the ages they have kept; it has consequently produced that racial separativeness and community of interests which arouses the antagonism of other races.

Down the ages, the Jew has been wandering, producing much of beauty in the world, and giving to humanity many of its greatest men, but he has (at the same time) been hated and persecuted, betrayed and hounded. He embodies, in himself, symbolically, the history of humanity. The ancient tendency of the Jews to grasp and hold, and also to preserve their racial and national integrity, are their outstanding characteristics. They cannot be absorbed, and yet so ancient is the race that nevertheless today no nation in the world but has its roots in that group which – in old Lemuria – had advanced so far that all its foremost people stood upon the path of discipleship. There are no racial strains in the Western world which are not offshoots of this oldest select people, with the exception of the Finns, Lapps and those nations which show definite mongoloid strains. But the admixture of what is now called Jewish blood is not found to the same extent, and the modern Jew is as much a by-product as is the Anglo-Saxon race, only, through an imposed selective tendency and racial segregation, he has preserved intact more of the original characteristics.

It is the realization of this common origin which has led the British-Israelites into their travesty of the truth, and caused them to trace our modern Western history to the Jews of the Dispersion. It is a far more ancient relation than that, and dates back into a period that antedates the history of the Jews as it is related for us in the Old Testament. The original three disciples and their family groups were the ancestors of three major racial groupings, which can be generalized as follows:

  1. The Semitic race or races of Biblical and modern times; the Arabs, the Afghans, the Moors and the offshoots and affiliations of those peoples, including the modern Egyptians. These are all descended from the eldest of the three disciples.
  2. The Latin peoples and their various branches throughout the world, and also the Celtic races wherever found. These are descended from the second of the three disciples.
  3. The Teutons, the Scandinavians, and the Anglo-Saxons, who are the descendants of the third of the three disciples.

The above is a broad generalization. The period covered is so vast, and the ramifications down the ages are so numerous, that it is not possible for me to do more than give a general idea. Gradually the descendants of two of these three disciples have accepted the legends which were promulgated in Atlantean times, and have ranged themselves on the side of those who are antagonistic to the Jew, as he is today; they have lost all sense of their common origin. There is no pure race in the world today, for intermarriage, illicit relations and promiscuity during the past few million years have been so numerous that there exists no pure strain. Climate and environment are fundamentally greater determining factors than any forced segregation, except that which comes through a constant racial intermarriage. Of this latter factor, only the Hebrew today has preserved any measure of racial integrity.

When humanity awakens to the fact of its common origin, and when the three great major strains in our modern civilization are recognized, then we shall see the old hatred of the Jew die out, and he will fuse and blend with the rest of mankind. Even the oriental races, who are the remnants of the great Atlantean civilization, have in them traces of intermarriage with the ancestors of the modern Jews and other racial types, but they have not mixed well, and have therefore preserved their characteristics more successfully than have the groups of our Western men.

If you ponder upon the above, and if you study the Masonic tradition with care, much will become clarified in your mind. Ethnologists may disagree, but they cannot disprove what I have said, for the origins of the present racial world situation lie so far back in the history of mankind that they cannot even prove their own contentions. All they are capable of considering is the history of the past one hundred thousand years, and their work lies with effects of that past and not with originating causes.

The Jew embodies in himself the world prodigal son. He is the symbol of the disciple who has not yet learned the lesson of a just sense of values. He has been the victim of the Law of Light and of his inability to comply with that Law. He sinned wilfuly and with his eyes wide open to results. Hence he knows the law as no other race knows it, for he is eternally its victim. He has enunciated the law from its negative angle; the Law of Moses today rules most of the world, and yet fails to bring into life justice and true legality.

The other group of disciples, the representatives (in their day and age) of the race, passed through the ancient portals of initiation and took the first great step. They came back with a latent and dim recollection of the episode which separated them from three of their co-disciples. On their return to life on earth, they spoke of this event. This was their error; the long antagonism started, which persists until today. Those particular disciples have themselves passed through their long pilgrimage and have entered into eternal peace, but the results of their early betrayal of the hidden events of initiation still persist.

Curiously enough, this ancient race, founded by the three who loved that which they had to offer more than that which they longed to take, were the originators of the Masonic tradition. Their history (and incidentally the history of humanity) is embodied in that dramatic ritual. The reward for their sincerity, – for they revolted in utter sincerity, believing they knew best – was the permission to enact each year, on the return of the day when they might have entered into light, the story of the search for light. Because they had been so nearly resurrected from the death of earth into the life of light, the great tradition of the mysteries was started by them. They chose death and slew that which “had lived and which could have claimed reward,” and which could have spoken the word of power which would have caused the gates of resurrection to open wide.

We are told that these three swore an everlasting vow to stand together and never to desert each other. This vow down the ages they have kept; it has consequently produced that racial separativeness and community of interests which arouses the antagonism of other races.

Down the ages, the Jew has been wandering, producing much of beauty in the world, and giving to humanity many of its greatest men, but he has (at the same time) been hated and persecuted, betrayed and hounded. He embodies, in himself, symbolically, the history of humanity. The ancient tendency of the Jews to grasp and hold, and also to preserve their racial and national integrity, are their outstanding characteristics. They cannot be absorbed, and yet so ancient is the race that nevertheless today no nation in the world but has its roots in that group which – in old Lemuria – had advanced so far that all its foremost people stood upon the path of discipleship. There are no racial strains in the Western world which are not offshoots of this oldest select people, with the exception of the Finns, Lapps and those nations which show definite mongoloid strains. But the admixture of what is now called Jewish blood is not found to the same extent, and the modern Jew is as much a by-product as is the Anglo-Saxon race, only, through an imposed selective tendency and racial segregation, he has preserved intact more of the original characteristics.

It is the realization of this common origin which has led the British-Israelites into their travesty of the truth, and caused them to trace our modern Western history to the Jews of the Dispersion. It is a far more ancient relation than that, and dates back into a period that antedates the history of the Jews as it is related for us in the Old Testament. The original three disciples and their family groups were the ancestors of three major racial groupings, which can be generalized as follows:

  1. The Semitic race or races of Biblical and modern times; the Arabs, the Afghans, the Moors and the offshoots and affiliations of those peoples, including the modern Egyptians. These are all descended from the eldest of the three disciples.
  2. The Latin peoples and their various branches throughout the world, and also the Celtic races wherever found. These are descended from the second of the three disciples.
  3. The Teutons, the Scandinavians, and the Anglo-Saxons, who are the descendants of the third of the three disciples.

The above is a broad generalization. The period covered is so vast, and the ramifications down the ages are so numerous, that it is not possible for me to do more than give a general idea. Gradually the descendants of two of these three disciples have accepted the legends which were promulgated in Atlantean times, and have ranged themselves on the side of those who are antagonistic to the Jew, as he is today; they have lost all sense of their common origin. There is no pure race in the world today, for intermarriage, illicit relations and promiscuity during the past few million years have been so numerous that there exists no pure strain. Climate and environment are fundamentally greater determining factors than any forced segregation, except that which comes through a constant racial intermarriage. Of this latter factor, only the Hebrew today has preserved any measure of racial integrity.

When humanity awakens to the fact of its common origin, and when the three great major strains in our modern civilization are recognized, then we shall see the old hatred of the Jew die out, and he will fuse and blend with the rest of mankind. Even the oriental races, who are the remnants of the great Atlantean civilization, have in them traces of intermarriage with the ancestors of the modern Jews and other racial types, but they have not mixed well, and have therefore preserved their characteristics more successfully than have the groups of our Western men.

If you ponder upon the above, and if you study the Masonic tradition with care, much will become clarified in your mind. Ethnologists may disagree, but they cannot disprove what I have said, for the origins of the present racial world situation lie so far back in the history of mankind that they cannot even prove their own contentions. All they are capable of considering is the history of the past one hundred thousand years, and their work lies with effects of that past and not with originating causes.

Esoteric Psycology, Pages 399-401

Here is an additional teaching from the Treatise on Cosmic Fire. This sounds like he could be talking about the three disciples. If not it was an earlier group.

In making this statement, it is necessary to bear in mind that the dense physical sheath is never considered a principle. It is ever deemed occultly evil. The matter might be more simply expressed by stating that the black adept is frankly concerned with what is termed “the residue of that which earlier was.” He responds to the vibration of the solar system of an earlier greater cycle in which the knowledge, or the manasic principle, was the goal of achievement. He does not respond to the impulse of this solar system, but this lack of response is hid in the karma of the earlier manifestation. As we know, the Sons of Mind or the incarnating jivas are the returning nirvanis of a previous logoic incarnation. They have achieved mind, and need love. Some few, through a mysterious cycle of events inexplainable to man in this solar system, repudiated opportunity and linked themselves with that great deva existence which is the impulse of the dense physical, and they cannot loose themselves. Their destination, as well as his, is hidden in the plans of the ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID, and in this solar system there is no hope for them. Fortunately, they are little likely to make themselves known to average man; it is the Adepts of the Good Law Who meet them the most often.


Dec 30, 2014

The Mysteries of Time

Conall has some questions on time and I believe this was his first post so allow me to welcome him aboard. Let us hear more from you.

He is basically saying that he has read a number of books that register well with his soul, but they seem to offer contradictory views on time. What is the real truth here?

There are a lot of illusions about time. First let us list the reasons for this.

(1) Time seems either non existent or to flow differently in the non physical realms. Those who have caught a glimpse have different ways of describing this that seem to contradict each other.

(2) The passage of time is registered by successive states of consciousness so an altering of consciousness seems to alter time.

(3) Seekers will often glom on to fanciful fictional ideas about time that has little basis in true reality.

Now let us list some illusions concerning time.

(1) Beyond the physical there is no time.

Correction. Wherever there is form there is time for time is caused by the movement of form. As long as there is form in the physical, astral and mental planes then there is time.

If we were to go beyond the worlds of form we would seem to be in a timeless state, but time would still be passing by where form exists and when the entity returns to a world of form he would find that time has passed there.

I call the incarnating in and out of the worlds of form incarnating in and out of time.

A lower but imperfect correspondence would be us experiencing being awake and asleep. When we are awake time proceeds normally, but when we are asleep we are not concerned at all with time. Even so, time still passes in the physical world, and when you awaken from sleep you will find that a certain amount of time has passed. Your being asleep to time did not negate it.

(2) All lives, past and future, are all happening at one time.

There is much illusion and fantasy thinking on this one. A lot of the illusion is caused by the fact that a subject cannot only be regressed to past lives but apparently taken to future ones also. This has caused many to think that all lives have already happened.

But think on this. If this were so then there would be no such thing as free will. If your next life has already happened and if you are going to be an ax murderer then there is nothing you can do to change this fate.

So, what is the truth of the matter?

The truth is that time does move from point A to point B in linear fashion just as we observe it doing. If time ceased from doing this then time itself would not exist and if time did not exist them the universe would not exist and neither would our consciousness as we know it exist.

So what is the deal with these future lives that people report visiting under guided meditation or hypnosis?

They are merely projections of future probabilities and are not written in stone. They have not happened yet and may or may not materialize as projected.

Just like you can plan out your week a day at a time, and in most cases things will go as planned, even so your soul can plan out the next few lives you are likely to live. This doesn’t mean that all will go as planned. If something does not work out then adjustments will be made.

The technology available to our higher selves puts our science to shame and they are able to project into the future with simulations that seem very real.

It is interesting that a subject can be taken into the past and a life 5000 years ago can be just as vivid as one 50 years ago. But as we project into future lives we find that the further into the future we go the less vivid are the descriptions. For instance, I have never had a future life speak some new language, but had past lives speak ancient ones as if they are right there.

So is there any truth about past and future lives speaking to each other and changing things?

Your higher self has an awareness of your past lives in this universe and can bring up recreations of them in its consciousness. It can also bring up projections of future lives and have them interplay like a computer simulation. But the real past and future lives are not dong this. It is only an advanced computer-like simulation at play.

So is there any truth to the idea of an Eternal Now?

Yes, there is and this is where all the confusion comes in, as seeing how the Eternal Now is at play is quite complex and stretches our consciousness to understand it.

Each universe is created from a point that is not incarnated into time. In this formless state there is no time. Therefore, from this state anything created that has time built into it seems to exist in an Eternal Now or all in one package, so to speak.

When a universe is created, time exists in linear fashion within that universe, but from the vantage point of the Creator looking at that universe it is all one thing at one time with time, past and present merely being a dimension within it.

Those who are one with God can go in and out of time but when they go into time they are anchored there and cannot change the past or future any more than we can. These high beings may enter the consciousness of a seeker and give visions of the future, but they will merely be projections subject to change.

Time is the fabric of divine creation and the Creator can see the end from the beginning as an Eternal Now, but when the focus pinpoints a certain time in the worlds of form, limitations through eternal law take hold, which thing brings stability to all creation.

How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?

Dr. Seuss


Dec 31, 2014



Michael Newton regressions indicate that multiple time lines exist within one life. Examples are given during life reviews where a different decision resulted in a different outcome. The recollections go further, by indicating other versions of the same life exist with different outcomes. The implications are that a different soul energy fulfilled the alternative timeline. The analogy is used of a tree with differing branches moving off the main branch. Some branches are stronger and easily accessed while others are less traveled.


That is close, but not actually what he said. His regressions indicate that there is only one timeline in this physical reality, not an infinite or multiple ones as many new agers are now teaching.

However, what many do between lives in order to learn the greatest number of lessons from a past life is to enter a state, similar to the Holodeck on Star Trek, and from there they can call up any portion of a past life and relive it and make different decisions than they made in physical reality. Then when they make a different decision they can see the projected results and see how their life could have turned out differently. This is very close to living in a different timeline, but it is only simulated and not quite as real as doing it in the dense physical.

By studying a past life in the between life state the entity is able to get the maximum benefits from the lessons of that life and see what he could have done better. It is good preparation for the next life.

Then he does the same thing with a possible future life. The person enters a simulated timeline and acts out important points that are probable to happen in his next life with the hope that this will prepare him to make the best possible decisions at crucial moments in that coming life.

These concepts are in harmony with my thinking as well as the teachings of DK and Theosophy on the Devachan where it is said the entity acts out various unfulfilled aspects of his lives.

From a higher point of view we are also actors in a great play in this physical reality. The difference is that the Devachan is a rehearsal and this is the real act where it counts.


I recall years ago traveling out of my body and coming to a place on the periphery of physical reality. When I say that I mean at the boarder of the reincarnational world view – not just the after death process. While there I met a personality who stood at the top of a mountain which I and others had traveled to the top off. The personality recognized me and said, ‘oh you again’ . I said how long has it been since my last visit. The personality said something like ‘you don’t want to know’. Indicating that the length of time would stagger me.


I must say Keith – that you come up with some interesting mystical comments now and then. That is why I call you the resident prophet.

The time spoken of then would indeed boggle the mind and is hinted at in the Grand Tour in my book Eternal Words. He is probably talking about the time between universal creations which is beyond that which most can imagine. The reason it is so great is that we move through several time realities and in some a second in our reality could be experienced as a billion years yet from a higher angle the appearance and disappearance of a universe is the blinking of an eye.

Observe, when men become upright and obey the dictates of the good law, the earth itself changes and acquires a virtue to administer to the enjoyment and happiness of mankind, as then the Schekina or that divine something termed life that operates in all organic and inorganic creatures and by its attractive power binds together the mundane and heavenly sphere, the harmony between which, results in peace and joy. On the contrary, when sin and wrongdoing prevail, this divine life and influence is banished from the earth, which becomes itself infected and desolate and infertile through the evil influence that then pervades it… The cry of the earth is always ascending heavenwards and desirous of union with the celestial world, enrobes itself with raiments of beauty and splendor, as doth a maiden expecting the arrival of her lover. From the Zohar


I just received an email from Kathleen Smith, the Founder of The Colorado Center. Apparently she heard me talk about the future cities of light on Sterling’s radio show. The great thing is she has gathered a lot of intelligent people cooperating together to put out useful information that will assist in the coming new age when cities of light will be created.

I looked through her website and all I have read so far is very interesting. Now if we want to cooperate with another group – this one has some real possibilities and is more on our wavelength.

Here is the homepage of her site. Check it out and read some of the articles.


Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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The Beast

Chapter Thirteen

The Beast

Introducing the Beast

Now we arrive at perhaps the most mysterious and controversial chapter of all scripture. Here we learn about the Beast.

“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” Rev 13:1

The dragon of desire has been cast out of the higher realms of consciousness by the followers of Christ. Eventually, the spiritual groups control this dragon, but he rests not. The energy of desire moves to other lesser lives seeking expression.

John stands “upon the sea.” The sea, here, stands for the multitudes of people who are grounded in the emotional/astral world or consciousness. These are they who are fertile soil in which the dragon can take root. Out of the masses comes an image that is very similar to the dragon. The dragon had “seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.” (Rev 12:3) And now the Beast has “seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.”

The Beast is very similar in form to the dragon but with subtle differences. They both have seven heads and ten horns, but the crowns are different. The dragon has the seven crowns upon his heads, but the Beast has ten crowns upon his ten horns. The dragon has crowns upon his heads whereas the Beast has the name of blasphemy upon his heads.

The Beast is almost created after the image of the dragon, but not quite. Let’s look deeper.

The seven heads stand again for the seven chakras or centers of consciousness. When the dragon is in heaven, or the seat of decision, it has subtle control and influence over them all. The seven crowns symbolize the spiritual authority of the dragon. By using guilt in connection with the conscience, the dragon is able to direct all seven levels of consciousness in the centers to accept it as the outer voice of God – the king of Heaven.

The ten horns represent the ten petals of the solar plexus center, which governs the emotions. Each of these ten petals represents a dual emotional vibration. These are:

(1) Romantic and Selfish Love/Hate

(2) Trained Conscience/Guilt

(3) Self-Esteem/Ego-Pride

(4) Happiness/Sorrow

(5) Friendship/Vengeance

(6) Desire/Repulsion

(7) Determination/Acquiescence

(8) Passion/Apathy

(9) Aspiration/Submission

(10) Sympathy/Loathing

The dragon had the crowns upon his heads. Outwardly, this symbolizes his influence of authoritarion religion over the seven divisions of civilization in humanity’s past. Inwardly, it tells us a religious-like authority governs all level of consciousness in the emotionally-grounded individual, even among those who do not claim to be religious.

The Beast had ten crowns upon the ten horns. Outwardly, this tells us that a religious-like authority governs the ten political divisions of the earth. Inwardly, this same religious authority governs the 10 energies of the sacral center of the average person, just as a king sits in rule over his subjects.

The dragon, which started in heaven with crowns of reverential authority on his heads, was thrown to the earth. There, he morphed into the Beast, which no longer showed reverence to the higher consciousness of heaven and now wore the names of blasphemy.

We are told that on his heads are the names of blasphemy. The King James says “name” but most modern versions correctly translate this as “names.” What are the blasphemous names on the heads of the Beast?

The emperor of Rome was proudly called Caesar Augustus. “Augustus” implies Caesar was Lord, or God. We all know many Christians were fed to the lions and crucified. Few know that much of it had to do with the refusal to accept this and other names chosen by the Roman emperors.

The current names of the Beast are not negative names like anti-Christ, Satan, devil and so on. The names of the Beast are adored by the world.

Here are some of the names of blasphemy used in the religious and political world:

* His/Her Royal Highness

* Holy Father

* His Holiness

* His Eminence

* His Grace

* Reverend

* Imperial Majesty

* Serene Majesty

* Lordship

* Most Reverend

* Most Worshipful

The Pope has been accused of having the name VICARIVS FILII DEI (in the place of the Son of God) written on his hat or some other item. The roman numerals on this name add up to 666, but this seems to be a fabricated accusation made by the enemies of the Catholic church who believe they singly represent the Beast. Little do they realize that the Beast has infiltrated all the organizations of the earth.

The great name of blasphemy was extended through the Caesars who went beyond Augustus to being called Lord and being deified as a God. Once a year each citizen in Rome had to appear before authorities and acknowledge that Caesar was virtually God. Once one did this, he could go worship according to his choice undisturbed. But, if one put Jesus or some other version of God above Caesar, he was seen as a danger to the state and was usually executed.

Thus, the most blasphemous name of the Beast occurs when a flesh-and-blood man, like the rest of us, is called and worshiped as a God. It is true that even Jesus said that men are Gods (John 10:34), but he was speaking of God in all of us with equality, great and small. Caesar was declared God as one who was special and unique among men. Caesar demanded to be worshipped, and it is blasphemy for one man to worship another man or even see another person as having more rights than he himself possesses.

The interesting thing about the emperors of Rome is that it was not the government who it was the people. The early emperors thought it was a silly thing for the people to do, but eventually the people called them gods long enough and with enough repetition that they began to believe it, and also see that the idea would secure more political power.

One does not need to go to the extreme of calling himself a God to his fellow men and women to have a name of blasphemy, but any name that brings the person a reverential respect takes away from the glory that belongs to God alone. Even Jesus was very cautious about not taking away from the respect due God alone.

A man once addressed Jesus as “good master.” To this he responded:

“Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is God.” Matt 19:16-17

Jesus did not even want to take the chance of looking too “good” to his followers, but in the present time his mindless followers think it is blasphemy to call Jesus anything less than the best and most perfect creator God of the universe.

Here is another example:

“But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi. But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ. But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.” Matthew 23:5-15

Isn’t it interesting how clearly Jesus tried to teach the principle of not using a name or title that exalts one person above another because “all ye are brethren.”

The Catholic Church has certainly disregarded the command of “call no man your father …” Using the title or name of “reverend” violates the same principle and is blasphemous. One man is to be revered no more than another because “we are brethren” as Jesus taught. Many religions use the title of “Holiness” or “Holy” in reference to their leaders. Many New Agers use the title Master when talking about a teacher, but there is one Master over us and that is the Christ within all of us. If a teacher does not speak to that center within us then we should ignore him.

Royalty uses all kinds of blasphemous names for God such as “Your Highness,” “Your Majesty,” “Your Excellency,” and so on. Even the idea of one being a king or the divine right of kings is blasphemous. One person has no more divine right to be a king than does another.

There are many titles that are not blasphemous because they do not indicate that a man is taking the place of God. A title is correct if it merely indicates the job he is attempting to do in this life such as president, mayor, judge, senator, doctor, teacher etc. “Master” may be legitimate as an acknowledgement of one’s mastery over an activity, but not in relation to being a master (or in the place of God) over an individual. There is nothing untruthful or disrespectful about these names.

You will find, however, that wherever unjust authority rears its ugly head, the person exercising it will revel in the chance to be called by some title that belongs to God alone.

There are religious and political organizations where blasphemous names are not allowed, but the leader is still revered as one who is infallible or able to commune with God in a way that the average person cannot. This type of fixation corresponds to a name of blasphemy and it will be just a matter of time before the illusionary names surface to fit the thoughtform.

Truly great leaders are examples of what we are to become, not examples of holiness that we cannot attain. When is the last time you heard a person with a God-like title speak in such a way that it spoke to your inner Christ and caused your heart to burn? Probably never.

It is different when a true teacher, who wears not the names of blasphemy, speaks or writes. Then the soul of the seeker will be stirred.

Who or What is the Beast?

“And the Beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Rev 13:2

Why was it that the dragon was able to give the Beast his “great authority?” The answer is that when the dragon was in heaven, or in the higher consciousness of the disciple or the spiritual group, his emotional self saw him as being God and there is no greater authority than God. When the dragon was in control the spiritual group went with what felt to the emotional self as being God. That which seemed to be God had ultimate authority. The dragon controlled them by using feelings through manipulating their conscience with guilt and fear.

When the dragon was thrown out the seekers were “saved” and released of their guilt. They could no longer be controlled through fear, so the dragon created an image to himself out of the sea of emotionally-based people who remained. The Beast was given great authority because the dragon understood how to control people through substituting the inner God for the outer, and then using the outer God to control through fear and guilt.

The Beast thus has great authority because he is perceived by the emotionally-based masses as the voice of God, not to be questioned. The deceived masses tremble with fear at the thought of challenging the Beast just as one would in challenging the voice of God.

The Beast therefore is given “great authority,” rules by great authority, and manipulates the people through fear and guilt by the use of that great authority.

The key to understanding the Beast is the realization that he represents a false authority gained by substituting an outward voice for the inner voice of God.

The Beast is unearned authority, unworthy of our trust, yet the masses give it their trust because they think it speaks with the voice of God.

Most of the sects see the Beast as a great world anti-Christ dictator who will arrive on the scene just before the end of the world. They have been expecting him to show up any moment for many years. Some thought it was Hitler, but he wasn’t quite awesome enough.

If they had read the writings of John with insight they would have not been so deceived.

“And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” I John 4:3

To fully understand this scripture one must realize that if early Christians acknowledged Jesus as their authority rather than Caesar they were put to death. John, here, was acknowledging that this terrible misuse of authority made it clear that the anti-Christ or Beast was already in the world.

If the anti-Christ or Beast was already in the world 2,000 years ago, then why are the religious still waiting for him to surface? Answer: The Beast itself deceives them. They have followed authorities who have misled them instead of looking at the source.

Notice again how the authority of Jesus is described:

And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine: For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. Matt 7:28-29

The scribes were the ones the people looked to as authorities in scripture, yet something about the authority of Jesus was different. What was it? Here, Jesus spoke boldly against the negative use of authority.

“But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.” Matt 23:13

This is interesting wording:

“For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.”

Why would it say this when the scribes were considered the greatest authorities on the scriptures? The reason was that their only source of authority was their black-and-white memorization of the scriptures. They knew the words but did not know what they meant. They could never stand up, teach, and just say the words of the Spirit pouring through their hearts. They could not teach without quoting some other authority.

Jesus, on the other hand, taught new things that were not quotes from any known boo, and this seemed to demonstrate a new kind of authority they had never seen before, an authority bestowed from within and accepted from within by others. They were so astounded by this authority, that did not depend on degrees and books, that it is written:

“And when he was come into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came unto him as he was teaching, and said, By what authority doest thou these things? and who gave thee this authority?” Matt 21:23

Jesus had an authority that he demonstrated, and no one at that time remembered seeing such a thing in spiritual philosophy. Jesus was the one man in the kingdom who did not have the mark of the Beast.

Go to any church or even a new age movement and try to teach them something contrary to that which their authorities tell them, and see what happens. You will often encounter fear and very high resistance.

Now remember, an authoritarion tool of the Beast does not have to be a human. It can be a book, crystal or unseen alien, even the Bible itself. If you really want to sense the power of the Beast attend any church with an authoritarion dogma or leader and just ask a question in Sunday School that forces their minds in the opposite direction of their beastly authority.

New age groups seem to be a little more polite, but they also get extremely uncomfortable when you ask the wrong questions.

“…the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Rev 13:2

Almost all powers and energies are dual. What is the positive and negative use of authority?

The positive use of authority would allow free will. The people could make their own decisions (freedom). The negative use of authority would not allow free will. Those in authority would want (demand?) to make all decisions for the people (control). Actually, negative authority often takes a person away from his power of decision by deception rather than force, but sometimes force is involved.

The worst kind of self-deception and negative use of authority would be to give away the authority from Self to something outside, be it beast or whatever.

The keyword of the Beast is “authority”.

In addition to authority verse two says that he has “power” and a “seat” (or throne). Now you can have a seat with no power or authority and you can have power with no authority or seat, but if you have authority you can always obtain power and a seat where you have something to rule over. When people recognize authority they will immediately give that authority power, but if they only see the exercise of power, they will sometimes run away to avoid wrong use of that power.

Therefore, when the dragon gives the Beast authority, he automatically gives power and a seat (or some type of position from which to command). The Beast itself is a giant world thoughtform that is a vehicle for the dragon to establish his authority. The dragon gives authority to the Beast, but he owns the Beast so he has lost nothing and still has control.

The Beast will often use the truth to increase his authority, and the deception to accept his authority comes from our own self-deception and has little to do with the Beast itself. “To thine own self be true” is not something one can do until he reaches a certain degree of evolution. Therefore, the Beast does not even have to lie.

Take the former Soviet Union, for example. Communism there was established on a good ideal of equality, sharing and equal rights. Why didn’t it work? Because the Beast demanded unquestioned authority and this turned good into evil. It is good that we help the poor, but if we submit to an authority that takes all of our money and gives it to the poor, then we will be poor too. Unquestioned or unproven authority is always a destroying energy.

Earned Authority

In the true student-teacher relationship authority is only recognized because it is earned. Let’s say you want to learn Spanish and two teachers surface who say they can teach you. They both seem equally convincing, but the truth is that one of them knows the language well and the other one does not. If you accept either as an authority just because the teacher or someone else tells you to, then you have a 50-50 chance of getting a bad teacher.

What do you do? You test the teacher. Have him actually speak Spanish. Give him several paragraphs in English, have him translate them, and check out the translation for correctness. Then talk to others who have taken his class and see what they have learned. Finally, you will establish in your mind that one of them can truly teach you. Once you have tested your teacher you do not have to check up on him in every little detail; but when you have learned the basics and want to go to advanced Spanish, you do need to check again to see if he has anything more to teach you or if you need to move on to another teacher.

Thus, positive authority is that which has been earned. Such an authority is ready, willing and able to prove his or her credibility at any given moment. He does not fear a challenge because he is secure in his ability.

Unfortunately there are not very many positive authorities in the world today. Even those who have studied, apprenticed and worked hard at their skill are often the most unreliable authorities. Take medical doctors, for instance. According to Joel Wallach the average doctor dies at around the age of 58, while the average in the U.S. is 77. He says he got this figure from collected obituaries of doctors and averaging their death age. Other figures from the AMA give the figure of 70.8 years. Either way, they live fewer years than the average. Why do we set up those with a lower-than-average life expectancy to be authorities, telling us how to be healthy? Wouldn’t it make more sense to seek out those who are likely to live to be one hundred?

We go to psychologists for authority on mental health and happiness, yet, as a profession, they are not that well adjusted themselves. Here’s a quote from Psychology Today

“At least three out of four therapists have experienced major distress within the past three years, the principal cause being relationship problems. More than 60 percent may have suffered a clinically significant depression at some point in their lives, and nearly half admitted that in the weeks following a personal crisis they’re unable to deliver quality care. As for psychiatrists, a 1997 study by Michael Klag, M.D., found that the divorce rate for psychiatrists who graduated from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine between 1948 and 1964 was 51 percent — higher than that of the general population of that era, and substantially higher than the rate in any other branch of medicine… One out of every four psychologists has suicidal feelings at times, according to one survey, and as many as one in 16 may have attempted suicide.” Article by Robert Epstein and Tim Bower at

Here again we have authorities giving us advice when they have not discovered the key to happiness themselves. The average person on the street obviously has a greater concept of what makes life worthwhile.

We send criminals to prison authorities who head “correctional” facilities, yet, when they are released, the authorities have turned them in to more dangerous people than they were when they began their sentences. We hire politicians as authorities in making laws and spending money but they make laws that the average person realizes make no sense; they spend our money with the intelligence of a ten-year-old kid who just found a hundred bucks.

We set up ministers, priests and evangelists as authorities in scripture and over our spiritual life, yet many of them do not even believe the scriptures, and many little old ladies have a better knowledge than they do. Then there are many ministers who have never had a true spiritual experience or have never found God, or worse yet, molest children; yet they tell others with the voice of authority how to lead the spiritual life.

We could go on and on. How many lawyers do not have a true sense of the just use of the legal system? How many bosses got their position because of whom they know, not because of what they know? Such people often hurt the company and cause much grief to subordinates.

Many of these people have worked for many years to earn their position of authority, but they lack just one thing: they have never demonstrated in the real world that which they claim to be able to teach.

Just because a doctor has memorized massive amounts of data and procedures does not mean he can heal. Just because a person goes to law school does not give him a just appreciation of the law. Just because a minister leads a church does not mean he is a spiritual man.

Even though these people are often no better authorities in their profession than demonstrated by the common sense of the average person, most of them have at least gone through some learning process. Still other authorities have even bypassed normal learning channels.

Thus, the false authority is he who cannot demonstrate the truth of that which he claims to teach or practice. One of the main causes of false authority is the use of the power of appointment by another false authority. Another cause is a degree from a flawed system of learning.

In saying this, let me point out that even though there are many false authorities in all systems of learning, there are also a minority of good earned authorities in all walks of life.

The power of election (decision) is given to us so that we can find our true authorities and place them where they can be useful dispensers of their wisdom and talents. Our elected officials are not perfect, but they are much better than appointed ones.

Let us apply this to the Beast. The Beast is a thoughtform under the control of the “dragon.” This thoughtform covers the entire planet. He causes all to “receive the mark” (verse 16). This is why Satan (the adversary of light) is called “the god of this world” in the scriptures. Over 95% of the religious world think the Beast has not yet surfaced, but, ironically, they are under the control of the false authorities (the Beast) themselves.

The Power of the Beast

John tells us the Beast “was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion:

Let’s first look at these three beasts or animals – the leopard, the lion and the bear – plus the dragon who gives them power. What do they have in common? The one thing they have in common is they are all deadly, dangerous and capable of tearing the average person to shreds. Their very presence can put stark terror into the hearts of men. We are familiar with the three beasts and have heard mythological stories about the dragon. One thing is sure – if the leopard, the lion or the bear is sitting at a peaceful rest in our presence, we want to be quiet as a mouse and not do anything to disturb it.

The Beast, as a whole, had the appearance of a leopard. All leopards are female. The male of the species is called the panther. The leopard hunts in the dark and strikes with greater power, ferocity and speed than any other cat. The prey is often asleep with eyes closed when attacked. The symbolism of the leopard being female is that the female is more polarized on the emotional side than the male, and the Beast uses the emotions rather than the mind to control through fear. The Beast hunts down those who defy its authority, and seeks them out in the dark when they are sleeping and not expecting attack. Just like the leopard “cannot change its spots,” neither can the Beast. It must always remain true to character.

Next, we are told the Beast had “the mouth of a lion.” The lion is called the King of Beasts. Therefore the mouth of a lion would be the mouth of a king. In other words, the Beast speaks through those who have established themselves with a kingly authority over their fellow men. This could be an actual king or queen, a revered political leader, a government appointee, a leader of some organization, a religious leader, a cult leader or even your autocratic boss.

The lion is not an animal you want to get angry. When it lets out a roar it strikes terror in the hearts of all that hear. The early Christians who did not accept the authority of the Beast were fed to lions and devoured by them. However, the prophet Daniel was thrown to the lions and, through faith in God, he was delivered from their power.

The Beast had the feet of a bear. In other words, the Beast will crush under foot anyone who gets in its way. When the bear comes walking in your direction, the smartest thing to do is to get out of its way. We can also say that when the Beast of unjust authority comes in our direction, the smart thing would seem to be to not challenge it, but just get out of its way.

“… and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat (throne) , and great authority.”

In a previous verse (Rev 12:3) we are told the Dragon itself has seven heads, so we see that the Beast is like an image we have made to resemble the Dragon. In the days of Moses blasphemy against God was to make an image (like the golden calf) that represented God. This is what the Dragon does. He makes images, or illusions, that are substitutes for God.

The Dragon itself has no power over man, but can only establish power through illusion. Therefore, he waits and waits until man makes an image of him, and piece by piece throughout history he endows the image with “power, a throne and great authority.” Finally, after about 6000 years from the last Adam, the image of the Dragon is nearly complete.

We humans, by the desire of our egos, (as John mentioned) have created a monster out of nothing real that pleases a great negative thought form, which is its only form of incarnation on this planet. We learned earlier that the Dragon is a serpent and is red. This gives us a clue as to additional insights. First, red is the color of blood and the Bible says that the “blood is life.” (See Leviticus 17:11 and Deuteronomy 12:23)

Interestingly, the serpent is also a symbol of life. The ancients teach of a fiery serpent at the base of the spine that is the foundation fire of all life in our body. This is also called the Kundalini energy. The power of life and death which the Serpent seems to grant the Beast gives him its tremendous illusionary authority over humanity. If the Beast has power to take your life you would want to keep on its good side.

Another interesting thing about the serpent fire at the base of the spine is that when soul contact is made and the serpent uncoils, it virtually disappears and a tremendous energy rises through all your centers, uniting heaven and earth within you. In other words, when the reality behind the serpent is revealed, your god-like powers are restored and the illusion of the Dragon is no more.

The dispelling of the illusion of the Dragon will proceed slowly at first on an individual basis, but the time will come when the Kundalini of the whole planet will be raised and the Beast will be destroyed as if by fire. There is also great symbolism in the story of the Serpent who led Adam and Eve away from the tree of Life by deception. As soon as we see through the deception fostered by the Beast, the Tree of Life again becomes available to us. We will discover that we left the Tree of Life – the Tree of Life did not leave us.

The Deadly Blow

“And I saw one of his heads, as it were, wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the Beast.” Revelation 13:3

The outward interpretation is quite interesting here and deserves some investigation.

The head that was wounded was on the seventh and final head. It was wounded by a great historical event that seemed to be a deathblow to the power and authority of kings. What was this historical event and how was the deadly wound healed?

The wound was made by the birth of Jesus who came to teach us the truth and the rise of Christianity throughout the world. The wound was healed when the “church” was won over by the power of the Beast and forgot its “first love”.

This is a good observation and the common one held by the churches, but it has several flaws. The authority of the Beast crucified Jesus, and, after the creation of the Christian Church, the power and authority of the Beast increased, not decreased. On the other hand, the creation of the U.S. constitution through rebellion against a King representing the Beast did deal a deadly wound.

For many thousand of years the Beast exercised unjust authority over the human race through kings, religious leaders and other authorities. But finally a group of people rebelled against the kingdoms and established a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. It is interesting to note that the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights gave power to the people by limiting the power of government. Over and over they say what “Congress shall not” do. Thus the Beast was wounded because it was finally told by the people who created it that there were many things it could no longer do.

For example, it could no longer make unreasonable searches or seizures. It could no longer use cruel and unusual punishments. Laws were to be made by elected officials and not the king. The Beast cannot make a person testify against himself. Eventually, even slavery was outlawed. Because of this Constitution the Beast even was wounded in Britain. Eventually, the power of Royalty there was taken away, and one by one the nations of the world copied the principles of the Constitution and attempted to emulate a free government. At the time of this writing there are 122 democracies on the earth, a great credit to a small start by the Founding Fathers.

So now everything is great – right?

Not quite. The Beast went right to work seeking desperately to survive. The tendency of people to follow an unearned authority was still present and the Beast worked with that weakness in man.

First, he sought to control the elected officials by making sure those who run for office are people who love power and authority. Then, when they are elected, they seek to control through thoughtforms, special interests, self-interest, ego, corruption and money.

Since complete control of elected officials is not possible the Beast sought to add to our system as many unelected appointed officials as possible who would run the real business of government. An appointed official then becomes like a little king over his dominion and does not have to answer to the people. Thus, we have little unelected kings controlling all departments of government such as tax collecting, the Department of Energy, Department of Education, Department of Agriculture, Transportation and so on. Over 90% of government in our lives is carried out under strong authority of unelected mini kings. Day after day, week after week, year after year, the power of these kingdoms – within what seems to be a free society – is increased.

In the old days of the Beast the populace was aware that they were ruled by the king; but what makes this age different is that we think we are in this great democracy, when, in reality, the Beast has almost as much control over our lives as did the emperor in ancient Rome.

The deadly wound has been healed; the people wonder after the power of authority as it reaches its tentacles all over the world and into every life so that we are all affected.

A book could be written on the devices the Beast uses to maintain his control. We shall see how the power of the Beast reaches down to each one of us every day of our lives and how we must see through the illusion.

The Tricky Beast

“And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the Beast: and they worshipped the Beast, saying, Who is like unto the Beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.” Revelation 13:4-10

The word “worship” here comes from the Greek PROSKUNEO. Literally translated into today’s language it means “to kiss ass”. In more sensitive language it would mean to “fawn over someone” that you see as your boss or master. Do you know anyone who “worships” in today’s world, that is, worships someone other than God? I think all will agree that we live in a world where almost everyone is sucking up to someone else. This worshipping the Beast today is probably even more prevalent than it was in ancient Rome.

The statement “Who is able to make war with him” is like the statement “you can’t fight City Hall”. There is a similarity, but there are many City Halls.

Two of the “City Halls” in the United States are the Democrat and Republican parties themselves. Often times we elect someone who seems to be very sincere about doing a good job and voting his conscience. Then, after the guy spends a little time in Washington he seems to change and his vote becomes very predictable, usually along party lines. Why? Because fighting his party leadership is like fighting City Hall. The party leader says, “This is an important issue for the party, so if you’re a team player you’ll vote with us.” The Congressman soon learns that if he doesn’t play ball, many problems will develop and leadership opportunities just dry up. In addition, he will be shunned by other faithful party members and will not be invited to parties or special meetings. Then there are other City Halls like pressure groups, polls, and the press. A person just about has to be a saint to be free from the Beast in politics today.

How about medicine? Where is City Hall or the Beast there? We once had a family doctor who seemed like an intelligent sincere fellow and dabbled a little in natural medicine. He was no fanatic by any means, but overall he was pretty much “establishment” in his consciousness. Then one day he criticized another doctor’s diagnosis. This other doctor happened to have a lot of authority in the hospital where they both practiced and trumped up a charge against our doctor and had him barred from the hospital. Since this was the only hospital in town this was a great inconvenience for our doctor and he was barely able to eke out a living. Nevertheless, my family continued to go to him because he was the best doctor in town.

Then I met a guy several years ago when I was in real estate. He had a gold mine he wanted me to sell. He looked like an old prospector and had quite a story to tell. He said he had a cure for cancer. I won’t relate it all here, but the guy spent quite a bit of time in jail because the Beast, or City Hall of medicine, would not let him cure people of cancer, even though his cure, right or wrong, never hurt anyone.

Perhaps you work for a large company and you have an idea of how to streamline things to make work easier for the average employee. After talking to several superiors about it you find subtle messages delivered that you need to “cool it” or you won’t get that promotion. Maybe you fear you may even get fired.

For example in the 1990s the actor Tom Hanks was reported as saying that he regretted donating to President Clinton’s Defense Fund during his legal troubles and would not do it again. Then, several days later, he said he was misquoted and may even buy the president a house when he gets out of office. Did somebody get to Hanks? Did someone make it clear to him that everybody who is anybody in Hollywood supports Clinton and he’d better play ball or his work will dry up? Did Hanks discover a City Hall he did not want to fight?

In politics there are two politicians I can mention who did not conform to the Beast within their own parties.

The first is George Hansen a Republican congressman from Idaho. He sought to reform the IRS, had a plan to make representatives accountable for their votes, and did all in his power to preserve the Constitution that gave the wound to the Beast.

The Beast retaliated and trumped up a charge of bank fraud and put him in jail. He was released after four years because the charge was vacated. The powers-that-be attempted to destroy him physically through torture and poisoning. When he got out he was close to death, missing all his toenails, suffering from sores on his body and missing most of his teeth through malnutrition and lack of dental attention.

He says he would like to take on the Beast one more time, but it now takes most of his energy just to stay alive.

Then, on the Democrat side, we have James Traficant from Ohio. When he was in Congress we loved to hear him make fun of the stupidity of some Beastly schemes by stating “Beam me up Scotty”. Every time he said this most people saw the craziness of the government he was criticizing.

He stepped on many toes even going so far as to charge treason within the justice department. The Beast went after him and placed him in prison for eight years for doing no more wrong than many representatives who are free. As of this writing he is still incarcerated and little is known of his condition. Hopefully, he is treated better than was George Hansen.

To go against established unjust authority takes great courage for the Beast will use this authority to strike back with as much force as possible.

Taking the Place of God

Now let us look at the meaning of verse three as it applies to the initiate as he starts his group. When the group begins their work a beastly unjust, unearned authority encompasses them. The new project or teachings initiated will break the old molds of thinking and will allow freedom of thought that runs contrary to the powers that be. The head of the Beast that seeks to control them is wounded as it were to death. It seems for a time that the group has broken away from the false authorities of the world and is moving ahead in an atmosphere of freedom.

Then, a new generation of leaders comes along which do not understand the difference between earned and unearned authority, as well as the free flow of independent thinking and expression. These leaders appoint, or manage to include, others who embrace beastly authority, and soon the group is as tightly controlled as any other organization dominated by the Beast. It is only a matter of time before the deadly wound is healed and even the members of this supposedly enlightened group wonder after the Beast and worship the dragon from which it gets its power.

“…and they worshipped the Beast, saying, Who is like unto the Beast? who is able to make war with him?” Rev 13:4

When a person mistakenly accepts a human image or book as an ultimate authority he puts this engraved image in the place of God, giving it the authority of God, and will indeed see this authority as divine so he will not be able to make war with it.

A dedicated and courageous person is often willing to give his life in war against even the most powerful of enemies. Hitler, for instance, was a very powerful man, but still people were able to make war with him.

On the other hand, the Beast is so powerful that those who worship it will not be able to make war with it no matter how courageous they are.


Because they will see it as being the same as making war against God.

Find a Christian or Moslem who sees their scriptures as the infallible word of God. Quote a scripture to him that seems negative or a little strange, and ask him if there is something wrong with it or if he would reject it.

Such a believer will almost turn pale at the thought and will not consider questioning the scripture no matter how his mind he might as well be revolting against God.

Even if you quote scriptures that support putting a rebellious child to death, the killing of gays, or women being commanded to be silent in church, he will be terrified at even entertaining the thought that there could be something wrong with what has been written by the supposed finger of God. Even if it goes against his own beliefs, he will justify it in some way. If he believes the Bible is the word of God, he will not dare say: “the scripture is wrong”.

If his leader is a pope, prophet or priest who speaks for God the believer will not consider making war against his words, for in the follower’s mind it would be like challenging God.

Non-religious people do not escape the authority of the Beast either. A person who does not believe in God still has an outward authority to which he gives a god-like authority. Even one who is not religious can give such god-like authority to a manifesto, a teacher, a politician, a Constitution, a scientist, a doctor or a number of other such authorities. To give reasonable weight to an earned authority is fine, but to give absolute authority to anything is to give a god-like authority. In an atheistic state like North Korea, for example, Kim Jong-il takes the place of God with as much or more authority than the Pope and certainly rules with more fear.

If you are a scientist and will not consider that Einstein could be wrong: if you are a patriot and cannot consider the Constitution could be improved: if you are a patient and cannot consider that your doctor should be rejected: if you have a belief system that you see as approved by God and you cannot consider that it may have flaws – then you are under the power of the Beast.

“And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.” Rev 13:5

The organization started by the initiate is taken over by the authorities of the world to heal their deadly wound. They twist the original intent and teachings of the initiate and thus blaspheme his purpose. This corruption continues for three-and-a-half cycles of time. After this period the organization is restored, revitalized, or destroyed and replaced by another. Then the original work of the initiate bears fruit and again the Beast suffers another deadly wound.

“And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.” Rev 13:6

During the three-and-a-half cycles the unjust authorities blaspheme God by taking the place of the divine. They blaspheme his tabernacle by corrupting the work of the initiate. Finally, they blaspheme them that dwell in heaven by not allowing followers to ascend to higher consciousness (heaven) to discover the true source of knowledge and authority.

Choosing Our Battles

“And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.” Rev 13:7-10

Let us start by examining verse 7:

“And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”

First we must ask who are the “saints”?

“Saints” comes from the Greek HAGIOS. This word is often translated as “holy”, as in Holy Ghost. HAGIOS is also translated “sanctified” or “holy ones”. The root word HAZO, means “to venerate.”

We could thus say that a saint is one who is holy because he relies on the Holy Spirit, or God within, rather than the false god or Beast without.

Second, we must ask why anyone initiates war. The reason always has something to do with preventing a loss of power. When the Beast sees individuals, or a group, who rejects the outward unearned authority, he seeks to eliminate them as a threat to his domination. He thus immediately seeks out the saints who do not have his mark and makes war with them.

What can the disciple do to protect himself in this world when he has no power to fight City Hall, or the Beast?

Jesus gave two pieces of sound advice. First, he told his disciples to “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s.”

Second, he gave this unusual piece of advice:

“And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.” Luke 16:9

Many disciples ignore this advice and directly challenge the Beast. They do not render to the Beast that which traditionally belongs to the Beast, and they are not friendly to the Beast and his armies of pawns. Such disciples stand out like sore thumbs and become an immediate target and war is made against them.

The wise disciple will be as “wise as a serpent and harmless as doves.” He will be friendly to all and present himself as an enemy to none. If the Beast sees no direct threat he will not attack.

Have you ever been to a party or group function where almost everyone thinks much differently from yourself? Perhaps you have even been repulsed by their conversation. What did you do? Did you give them a piece of your mind or attack them?

Believe me, if you did you were probably attacked in return and never invited back.

The wise disciple will likewise pick his battles wisely and, unle, he will hold his tongue and make friends with his enemies. The enemy will thus see him as a friend and do him no harm.

But then, sooner or later, as the disciple progresses into the light the Beast will be faced, for he who is wise will face the Beast on his own terms and in his own way.

The Beast had no power to do any harm to Jesus until the showdown arrived that was picked by the Master himself, and in that situation he achieved victory.

The wise disciple will pick his battles rather than having them forced upon him.

Collectively the saints (or disciples) have not been wise enough to pick their battles; the Beast has successfully made war on them and power has been “given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations”.

The prophet Daniel says it well when he tells us that he (the Beast) wears out the saints. City Hall and the Beast have unlimited resources and can fight on forever and eventually wear out the determination of the most stalwart of individuals.

Mindless authority controls all people in all lands and nations. We do not have to wait for a Hitler-like dictator to arise and enslave the earth. The Beast is here now and has great authority. It may be deceptive and subtle, but it is great and all-encompassing nevertheless.

The Beast is here because humanity as a whole is the body of the Beast. Even many who think they are enlightened still allow themselves to be herded like a non-thinking animal by outside authority he deems most sacred.

Let me phrase it this way: average humanity is the body of the Beast because they do not use the power of the mind or realize their power of Decision. The trained dog responds to his master without even thinking about it, without using the faculty of the mind. The “sea” of people is like a large trained beast.

The sea also represents emotion. This tells us that the Beast functions on an emotional level and does not use the mind or pure reason, but does use the computer brain.

There are a few obvious examples we can cite of the Beast at work. One that comes to mind for most of us would probably be the Jim Jones group. Jones was such an authority to his group that the whole city where he presided like a king did not resist his command to drink poison Kool-Aide and kill themselves. As far as we know, not one of the 900 resisted.

When the world found out about this, everyone was amazed and wondered after this beastly act. How could they have been under such tight control? Why did not even one out of the hundreds have power to resist? They must have been under some type of hypnosis many thought.

Later, we were witness to the Heaven’s Gate group who were told by their leader to kill themselves so they could be transported aboard a spacecraft. They all joyfully obeyed. Again not one resisted and the world wondered anew at the power of the Beast.

We cringe when we hear about a crazed religious fanatic driving a car bomb into a crowd of women and children because his beastly leader promised him a spot in heaven. As ordinary people watch this amazing power certain leaders have over the lives of others they make the mistake of believing these people are some type of oddity in nature and do crazy things because they are mentally disturbed. What they do not realize is that these beastly sheep who followed their leader to pain and even death are just ordinary folks like you and I. They are like people we grew up around that seemed fairly normal.

What the other 99.9% of humanity need to realize is how thankful they need to be that their own beastly leader has not commanded them to handle snakes, drink poison or die for them…YET. Most leaders within the order of the Beast do not go off the social edge, and only give commands within normal social parameters, like Jim Jones did when his group was young. But those under the power of the Beast are always in danger, for the commanders within the order of the Beast are legion and rotate in shifts. Being within the Beastly power is like playing Russian roulette.

The Nazis during the reign of Hitler were an example of normal people turning into beasts when ordered to do so by an authoritarion leader.

The Milgram Experiment performed in the United States proved that ordinary U.S. citizens could also be turned into beastly Nazis.

Whenever you hear about someone doing something very odd or bizarre, you can usually trace the behavior to the power of the Beast. Do not make the mistake of thinking that only members of a cult are under Beastly control. Almost everyone submits to authority in at least one area of his life. It is usually the aspect of his life that is most dear to him. For some it is religious, for some it is political, for some it is his job or business, for others it is philosophy, and others it is family or a loved one.

Then too, the commander is not always a person of flesh and bones. It can be a book like the Bible, it could be a holy object, it could be a channeled entity or even an imagined voice that is not of the soul.

“And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Rev 13:8

To be written in the Lamb’s book of life one must be in touch with that life which is the God within. All those who ignore the God within will worship, or kiss up to, the Beast or the authorities of the world.

“If any man have an ear, let him hear. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.” Rev 13:9-10

Those who follow unjust authority, as if it were the voice of God, to cause the just to go to prison or death will incur karma and be forced to return to circumstances where followers of the Beast will do the same to them.

This explains the mystery as to why the saints must be patient and endure affliction. They were representatives of the Beast in past lives and are now returning to learn their lessons.

Two Horns Like a Lamb

“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.” Revelation 13:11-12

First we are told that this beast comes up out of the earth. It may help to give a more accurate translation. “Coming up” comes from the Greek ANABBAINO, which means to grow and spring up like a plant. The word “Earth” comes from GE, which literally means “soil or land.” Sometimes it can be translated as “country or earth.”

A more accurate rendering would be:

“And I perceived another beast quickly growing like a plant out of the land.” (earth or soil)

This is also a symbol of Christ. Legend and inspired writings tell us that Christ was born in a cave. In other words, Christ himself literally sprang out of the earth. The earth is also a symbol of Virgo, the Virgin Mary who bore the Christ child. Life growing in earth is also a symbol of the developing Christ life on the physical plane. The trouble is that, as each of us struggles to deliver the Christ child in our hearts, we move ahead as if in a fog, seeing everything upside down. We first serve the anti-Christ outside of ourselves for many lifetimes until we finally wake up to discover that which we served was illusion and the real Christ is within ourselves.

This drama has been played out in our recent history, for the second beast is the United States. The second beast grew up like a plant in a new land that was America. Those who were drawn to the new country came for the sake of freedom, worship and opportunity – and qualities enunciated by the Master.

What are the “two horns like a lamb”? The lamb is a symbol of the submissive Christ and the two horns would be two powers or kingdoms initiated by following the spirit of Christ.

Outwardly, the two horns are:

  1. The U.S. Constitution and the new political order with freely elected representatives.
  2. The establishment of freedom of religion and self-determination. Several important religions were established in the U.S.

The LDS, or Mormon Church, were created with the idea that revelation and miracles did not cease with the Bible but should always be a part of the church of Christ. Every person with a witness of Christ should be a prophet.

Christian Science, Unity, Science of the Mind and other later religions such as Scientology and some new age churches were all innovations born in the USA. They all teach a new approach to healing the body and spirit.

Then we have the Theosophical movement and the writings of Alice A. Bailey which have had worldwide influence.

Unfortunately, even though these movements began with these important Christ principles, they have all drifted from them. The Mormons no longer publish new revelation from God nor do they allow ordinary members to be prophets.

The scientific religions seem to have no more healings than the Pentecostals, and the Scientologists seem to agitate more people than they help. Most of them have become authoritarian and strictly control what a person can learn and teach to remain in good standing.

So the second beast is the United States, which began its political and religious life as the lamb under the influence of Christ; but as it matured it became authoritarian in both politics and religion. This country now feels a need to use strong authority to decide which dictators of the Beast will be cultivated and which ones will be destroyed.

The conservatives feel the need to spread their Bible belt religion world-wide by whatever means necessary, and the liberals feel the same need with their illogical and extremist beliefs of saving everything from all the trees in the world to snails in your back yard. Now both sides have their good points, but the big promoters of both views would be destructive if either got their way for both sides support the strong authority demanded by the Dragon.

Now the United States has left its Christ-like roots of free thought and inspired religion and has become a strong promoter of mindless authority. This did not happen because of a favorite president people love to hate such as George W. Bush or Bill Clinton. The authority of the Dragon began to establish its base shortly after the nation was founded, when it started creating positions that are not elected, but appointed. For instance, no one is elected in the IRS, but they have the power of the Dragon to instill fear in the hearts of the people.

Pressure, or special interest groups are not elected, but they have power to influence our representatives to vote contrary to the will of the people.

We now live in a country where unelected powers not only have tremendous authority of their own, but also dictate much of the policy put forward by elected officials.

I do not say here that the U.S. is evil in the normal sense. It still has the two horns like the lamb and may be spiritually the best country to live in on earth, but it has left its roots and lost much of the power given to it through free election. It has given power to unelected authorities in both church and state. Because unelected authority is enshrined, the deadly wound of the first beast is healed and the worship (kissing up) has been renewed.

Whenever disciples initiate a great work that encourages the freedom of the human spirit, the power of the Dragon seeks to destroy it by taking away free choice and placing its unearned authorities in places of power in order to heal the deadly wound. Without the outer gods of authority the Beast would die, but it is very adept at resurrecting its power through many willing accomplices.

Now let us give the meaning as it applies to the disciple and his group. Let us repeat the scripture:

“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.” Revelation 13:11-12

The disciple works either from the other side of the veil or incarnates directly, and seeks to establish the kingdom of God on the earth and restore that which has fallen away. From this vantage point the two horns are again the Two Witnesses, or the Words and Works of the disciple, which manifest as inspired teachings and an organization. They are said to come “out of the earth” because they are adjusted to be acceptable to those who are grounded in the earth, but still seek the kingdom of God.

Despite the disciple’s best efforts, it is not long before the organization becomes corrupt and speaks with strong unearned authority as the Dragon. Believers then follow the outer rather than the inner God.

Sadly the new reorganized, or restored organization “exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.”

They worship the first beast by yielding to strong outer authority and never challenging it, no matter how illogical it is.

Fire From Heaven

“And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.” Rev 13:13

How did the United States make fire come down out of heaven in the sight of men?

The answer will amaze you.

As confirmation, let us look up the word “heaven” in the Biblical Greek. It comes from the same word that “uranium” comes from. Now let us retranslate this verse in this direction: “He does great signs in that he makes fire out of Uranium in the sight of mankind.”

This verse definitely confirms the identity of the second beast. The United States was the country which accomplished the feat of bringing fire out of uranium, or the atomic bomb, on earth and in the sight of men.

The next verse calls this a miracle. Why is the splitting of the atom a symbol of the greatest miracle that Jesus ever performed?

The greatest miracle of Jesus was his resurrection. After his supposed death he was placed in the tomb of matter. On his rebirth to eternal life the illusionary tomb of matter that held his true life split open and released the living Christ.

Now correspond this to atomic energy.

When I said the answer would amaze you, I was referring to the full answer about the atomic correspondences, and it is indeed amazing that John wrote about all this 2,000 years ago.

The tomb, or grave, Christ was placed in after the crucifixion corresponds to the imprisonment of the pure energy within the uranium atom. At the resurrection the tomb of matter was split in two, releasing the eternal life. Now let’s put the analogy together, remembering that when the physical atom is split something seems to be lost or converted.

The Sign of the Son of Man

Christ represented the positive nucleus of the atom. His crucifixion and burial represented the fall of spiritual matter into a state where illusion and death becomes a real concern. In this state the central sun (Son) of the atom has its great light hidden by a veil of negative energy (electrons) that becomes a tomb, hiding a great reality.

Atoms evolve similar to humans in that, as they progress,they add seven chakras or electron layers or shells. When the seventh becomes active the atom becomes radioactive and may even glow in the dark, as does radium. The radioactive human will also shine like the sun during certain initiations as Jesus did on the Mount of Transfiguration.

Finally, when the atom and the human complete their evolution the dark tomb of matter can no longer hold them, and that which seemed to be dead splits the tomb of death in two and the pure spiritual energy escapes. In the case of the atom a certain percentage is translated into pure energy or spirit, and, in the case of the Christ, the inner life stands revealed as pure spirit and is no longer limited by physical restrictions.

What is interesting here is that the Christian world is awaiting a great world dictator and false prophet, but these have already come. Our age corresponds to the days of Jesus in a strange way. In the previous age the Messiah came and fulfilled all the prophecies, but the world missed it; even now, the Jews still look for their savior. In this age everyone is waiting for the Beast and other signs that are already here.

To illustrate this and expand on the sign of atomic energy, let us go to a prediction of Jesus. In Matthew chapter 24 he was speaking of signs that would occur before He would come again. Here is an important one the Christian world is yet waiting for:

“For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together. Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

“And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” Matt 24:27-34

Here we learn about The Sign of the Son of Man in “heaven” that will be given before the end of the age. What do you suppose this is and why? What generation shall not pass away until all the things mentioned are fulfilled?

Matthew 24:15 tells us about an anti-Christ character who was prophesied by Daniel: a man of fierce countenance who would try to destroy the holy people (the Jews, who were holy to Daniel). (See Daniel, Chapter 8).

Who was the man of fierce countenance who tried to destroy the Jews? Hitler, of course. Moreover, is it not true that if the days of Hitler were not shortened the Jews would have been completely destroyed just as it says in Matthew 24:22?

“And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.” Dan 8:23-25

Now let us read in Matthew:

“Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. ” Matt 24:29-30

Now substitute again the word uranium for “heaven” and read the verses again. Do we now understand why this sign would make all the people of the earth “mourn”?

The Sign of Signs

It is not a coincidence that the word “heaven” and “uranium” are so closely linked. Another interesting word from the same Greek origin is the planet “Uranus.” Now the interesting thing about Uranus is that it astrologically rules Aquarius and which is the new age we are entering.

So let us look at OURANOS in its three translations:

Sign of the Son of Man in Heaven

Sign of the Son of Man in Uranium

Sign of the Son of Man in Uranus

All of these are full of meaning.

Let’s clarify an important point. The sign of the Son of Man is not the actual Second Coming but a great sign that will appear as a sign that the coming of Christ is at hand.

Keeping this in mind let’s look a little deeper:

“Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens (OURANOS) shall be shaken.” Matt 24:29

What happens when the powers of Uranium (OURANOS) are shaken? The atomic bomb. This makes much more sense than the thought that the very powers of God in heaven will be shaken. Now we can read the verse in a very different light;

“Immediately after the tribulation of those days (the defeat of Hitler, who was destroying the Jews) shall the sun be darkened (a blast so bright it obscures the sun), and the moon shall not give her light (a victim cannot even see the moon), and the stars shall fall from heaven (stars shall fly from uranium – it will be very sensational and bright), and the powers of heaven (OURANOS) shall be shaken (in an atomic blast). Matt 24:29

It is interesting how almost “immediately” after the extermination of the Jews ended, this great sign was given just as predicted. Now we can understand the mystery of the next verse:

“And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven: (the atomic bomb was the sign that the coming of Christ is sure and fairly soon) and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Matt 24:30

Many read this verse and think that it means that people will see Jesus coming in the sky and will mourn because of their sins, but notice it says “all” the tribes (Greek: “races”) shall mourn. Surely someone will be happy to see Jesus appear.

The sign is not Jesus at all, for his appearance will bring happiness and peace to many; but the prophecy was fulfilled to the letter when the atomic blast went off in Hiroshima. All the nations and races of the entire earth “mourned” and began to fear that the fate of Hiroshima may eventually be their own.

A more accurate description of the atomic bomb cannot be given than:

“… clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”

Another description:

“… for as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”

We must keep in mind that when Matthew wrote this account he had to describe an event that was beyond the imagination of man at that time.

All this sounds like a good correspondence, but one is inclined to ask:

Why is a dreadful thing like the atomic bomb called the sign of the Son of man? Was he not the Prince of Peace?

The answer is that the splitting of the atom and the releasing of great energy is a perfect correspondence to the resurrection of Christ. The life force of the atom was released to enter the way of higher evolution, just as the tomb of the Christ burst open and released the Son of God. The splitting of the tomb of matter is the one sure sign that the Son of Man is the Son of God, and the knowledge given to man to split the tomb of the atom is the greatest revelation given to man to date. It is a sign that we are not far from overcoming death as Christ did.

The power of the atom does not have to be a frightening thing if it is understood and used by disciples. Many fairly intelligent people are against any use of atomic power, but the time will come when it will be used wisely for the benefit of mankind for new and safer means of using it will be accomplished. In addition, many other sources of energy will be available for us in the New Age and additional theories of Nicola Tesla will be verified.

The next verse has the gathering message:

“And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. ” Matt 24:31-34

The generation that saw the first atomic bomb shall not all pass away until the Christ shall again manifest on the earth.

There have been many methods used for predicting the return of Christ, and hundreds of dates set. All of them have been wrong. Some time ago I read about a small sect in Arizona who had arrived at the date and they sold all their belongings, went up on a hill and waited. Of course, Jesus did not swoop them up as expected. After this their undaunted leader discovered a three day error in his calculations and they waited again, but to no avail. But were they discouraged? Never! They are still expecting Jesus to come for them at any minute. The Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses and many others have set dates for his appearance and they have all failed.

If all goes according to plan; however, he will come before all the generation who witnessed the explosion of the first atomic bomb passes away. How he will make His appearance is another issue of discussion.

The Image of the Beast

“And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the Beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the Beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the Beast, that the image of the Beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the Beast should be killed.” Rev. 13:14-15

Notice that this second beast who we identified outwardly as the United States does miracles (plural) in the sight of the Beast. In other words, even though the Beast was wounded by the formation of a free democratic society and Constitution, its deadly wound was healed and it now watches on as the second beast does miracles. What are the miracles performed by this second beast who has “two horns like a lamb” and represents much of what is good about the Christ energy?

We’ve already talked about one miracle – the atomic bomb – but there are many others. From this country came the light bulb, the airplane, the Tesla coil, mass production, the Moon landing, the computer chip, Internet, ipod, iphone and hundreds of other miraculous introductions to the new age.

The Beast watches on as he gains strength. He is like the con man who has found a gifted kid who has developed a scheme to beat the odds at Las Vegas. If he can control the kid he can beat the system. The first beast (blind authority) works this way through the second beast (the United States).

People are deceived by these miracles because it seems as if they will only be used for the good of humanity when in the end they are placed in the hands of strong authority that seems impossible to defy. Look what happens, for instance, when someone comes up with a better engine or energy source. Either the inventor is bought out and his work buried or he is sued out of existence. In many cases innovators either mysteriously disappear or die.

Now the verse tells us of an interesting occurrence that has all the Bible readers in the world looking for another Hitler to show up. We are told that the second beast initiates a plan:

“.. saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the Beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.” Rev 13:14

Now overall, the United States seems like a good country so just when could it have ever made an image of the Beast? Actually, this “image of the Beast” is the truth behind the conspiracy theories circulating throughout the world. To confuse the masses, the Beast encourages many false conspiracy theories. We will thus attempt to ignore the illusion and explore the real.

The United States made an image to the Beast by supporting and often helping to create governments on the earth patterned after the blind authority of Rome and other ancient kingdoms. The most popular of them was Communism. The Bolshevik Revolution that established the Communist regime in Russia received financing from the United States by wealthy men who saw a great opportunity in Marx’s philosophy. If you have read Animal Farm, you can understand.

The idea was to create a slave system where the workers would labor for almost nothing and be under the complete control of the state. If this could be pulled off by big money and subtle powers, then they could not only gain even greater riches through such a system, but also greater power. Once a person obtains all the money he can spend, about the only thing that interests him after is power. The lust for power was the impetus behind the creation of the image of the Beast.

The only thing that has saved us from complete communist control of the world is that it turned out to be a financial disaster and fell, similar to the description of the fall of Babylon as prophesied in verse 21:

“And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, thus with violence, shall the great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.” Rev 18:21

We are told that in “one hour is she made desolate”. There is more to this scripture, but it is a good description of the quick fall of the Communist Block.

The USSR was just a part of the image of the Beast. Hitler also received much start-up capital from the United States and Europe (which adopted free governments). We also created and/or financed dictatorships under Noriega, Saddam Hussein, Communist China, North Korea and many other authoritarian governments.

We create an image to the Beast and then, when it turns on us like a lion, bear or leopard, we have to fight and destroy it as we did with Hitler and Saddam Hussein. After this scenario we then start the process anew and create other parts to the image of the Beast, making sure the Beast is always alive and well.

A book could be written about all the parts to the image of the Beast we have financed and maintained since the foundation of the U.S.A. It’s as if we feel uncomfortable not having a threat to our existence so we must always create one. The main Beast we are currently feeding is Communist China. We are paying for its military through trade and virtually gave it missile technology in the nineties. We also send aid to feed the starving masses of North Korea, but it goes not to the common people, but the military. In addition we gave them nuclear technology in the nineties, contingent on their promise that they would only use it for peaceful purposes. Yeah, right! Communist Cuba would have fallen years ago if it were not for U.S. dollars being poured into the country from sympathetic relatives and citizens.

By purchasing oil from the Middle Eastern countries that rule their people with the power of the Beast we have supplied tyrants and terrorists with the means to build armies and weapons which threaten the peace of the world.

The scripture continues:

“And he had power to give life unto the image of the Beast, that the image of the Beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the Beast should be killed”. Rev 13:15

In all these countries, if you do not worship (kiss up to) the powers that be, you will be killed or imprisoned.

We have opened up trade now with Vietnam, which is still under strict control of the Beast. Then there are numerous central and South American countries we still support and aid who do not allow free speech or enterprise. It is obvious that in some countries blind authority is alive and well, but the image of the Beast also exists in the so-called free countries, but on more subtle levels as we discussed earlier. The United Nations has potential to become a great image of the Beast, but humanity has it within their power to direct the organization toward a good end. It is far from perfect, but it does not yet have the full power of the Beast. It does assist in some cases, however, to feed the image of the Beast, through the little dictators scattered throughout the world.

Another Beast

We have been talking about the outer manifestation of the second beast. Now let us talk about the inner as it applies to the disciple and his work.

Let us repeat the verses and interpret them:

“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” Rev 13:11

The disciple has cast the dragon out of his higher consciousness and placed it on the earth, or consigned it to his lower personality. He places lower desire under the control of the higher self and initiates a great work that will serve the world. This work has two horns like the lamb of God. In other words, the words and works that launch it are as the words and works of Christ. Unfortunately, the work is carried forward by fallible humans who have not dominated the Dragon by spirit. Many of these well-meaning people still have the Dragon in their controlling consciousness, and consequently “speak as the dragon” while thinking they are speaking as the Christ.

“And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.” Rev 13:12

Those who inherit the disciple’s work are just like the first beast and begin to use unjust, unearned authority. Just one example is the church fathers during the Middle Ages who burned heretics at the stake and stamped out free speech with every bit as much authority as did the Romans who fed the Christians to the lions.

“And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.” Rev 13:13

These caretakers of the work appear to have the fire of the Spirit. They take the place of God and are seen as authoritarion, as were the words from the burning bush that Moses saw.

“And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the Beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the Beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.” Rev 13:14

These caretaker authorities deceive the followers of the work. Miracles are often attributed to them, which reinforces the belief of the masses. Finally the caretakers cast aside the teachings of the initiate and frame the organization in the image of the Beastly authority, which has ruled the earth from the beginning.

“And he had power to give life unto the image of the Beast, that the image of the Beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the Beast should be killed.” Rev 13:15

The altered organization still claims to follow the teachings of the founder, but in reality it deceptively presents the teachings of the Beast. Those who discover the deception and attempt to enlighten the people about the true meaning of the teachings of the first initiate are persecuted socially and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They are killed physically if the law permits. If not, the Beast seeks to kill them spiritually.

The next verses to consider are:

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name.” Rev 13:16-17

This image of the Beast right now causes all within its reach to receive a mark either in their right hand, their foreheads or both. The right hand signifies labor; one with a mark in the right hand obeys and labors for the Beast without questioning. The mark in the forehead signifies something even beyond action; it signifies thought. The Beast wants you to do more than obey – it wants you to think as you are told to think in the process of obeying.

Big Brother in the book “1984” was the quintessential Beast in that it was not enough that citizens did what they were told without questioning; they also had to think as they were told to think.

The reason this blind obedience is associated with the Beast is that this is what is expected from a good animal, or beast. A good animal is expected to obey our commands without question. The master has merely to speak and the trained animal obeys. Humans are supposed to be above the animal kingdom in this respect. We are supposed to be able to think independently, look within, think within and make our own decisions.

Those who give in to the power of the Beast are sinking into a subhuman or beastly consciousness.

If I were a representative of the Beast I would not be teaching as I do; I would set myself up as the ultimate authority and would discourage independent thought and learning, while at the same time proclaim that I am in favor of free thought, learning and an open mind. In the old days disciples were imprisoned or killed for questioning. Fortunately, the Constitution that wounded the Beast, along with the progress we have made in the rule of law, gives us some protection in this age.

One who has freed himself from the authority of the Beast will test all teachers with the God within, including me, but once a teacher’s words have passed that test a constant challenging attitude becomes unnecessary. Nevertheless, it is important to never get lazy and always check all things through the soul and then question when necessary.

How is it that we cannot buy or sell without the mark? Doesn’t everyone buy and sell? Does everyone have the mark?

Many people think the receiving of the mark is in the future. They see the mark as an implanted computer chip or the use of a bar code that allows us to buy or sell. This would make sense if only the right hand were mentioned, but why would either the state or an individual want to use the forehead as a place to implant a device used by grocery scanners?

Some answer that maybe the forehead would be used if a person lost his right hand. However, the logical thing would be to use the left hand in such a case.

We are also told that we must have the number of the Beast to be able to buy and sell. The need for a literal 666 to be in the possession of a purchaser of groceries also does not make a lot of sense.

This scripture makes much more sense when we realize that the Beast is already here and has been here for many thousands of years. The marks in the right hand and forehead are not the same, but two different things, representing authority over labor (hand) and thought (forehead).

Strong authority has controlled our money supply and industry so that almost all have to bear the mark to be able to buy and sell. When the individual works for another to earn money he must do what he is told and not question or he will risk being fired. If he has no source of money or goods he cannot buy or sell. Business owners and the self- employed are not under such tight control, but even they are subject to many restrictive rules, regulations, taxes and licensing or they cannot earn money enabling them to buy and sell.

666 Revealed

Finally, we come to perhaps the most mysterious verse in the whole Bible:

“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Rev 13:18

Numerous methods have been used to interpret this mysterious phrase but standard numerology is not the key for which we are looking. One must also read the whole chapter very carefully. Notice in verse 17 that those who have the mark bear “the number of his name”. The Christian world is waiting for some great dictator to arise with the number 666 tattooed on his head or something of the sort, but here we are told that billions among the masses bear the number themselves. How could they do that?

Some have heard of the Seven Rays and some have not. These are the same mentioned by John as being the “Seven Spirits before the throne of God”. The various seven rays go in and out of incarnation here on planet Earth and, during the past 2000 years- the age of Pisces – a certain Ray was prominent. the same Ray that governs the solar plexus center. What Ray is this and how is it related to the 666 and the Beast? Should we look at the numbers as separate 6 6 6 as well as a unit 666, or possibly as 6 x 100, 6 x 10, and 6? What would be the meaning here?

666 can be interpreted on many levels, but we will continue to concentrate on its meaning in a physical context. Revelation 13 deals with the control of the Beast over humanity, which is essentially the art of causing man to not focus his attention on the God self (higher than man) but the animal self (lower than man). For the average person the lower always has a stronger pull than the higher.

The number six is the number of the Ray of idealism and lower emotion which governs the age of Pisces and the solar plexus. Six is written three times because it symbolizes the control of the Beast over our three worlds – the physical (which includes the material and etheric) the astral or emotional, and the mental.

So, keeping this in mind, how does the Beast place his mark in your forehead and right hand in these three levels? Remember, the forehead symbolizes your thought and thinking and the right hand is your work and actions.

First, let us look at what the Christian world as a whole is expecting to happen according to their interpretations of the Beast and 666.

Many think the ten horns are ten European nations (some think the UN) that will unite and recreate the Roman Empire headed by a beastly character that will make Hitler look like Snow White. This dictator will then assume complete control over every living human being except for a batch of Christians who will escape by being raptured into heaven. These raptured ones will then watch on in glee as the rest of us left on the earth get our just desserts for not accepting their brand of salvation. The justice meted out to us will be a physical mark of some type, which will bear the number 666. This will be an ID number of some type tattooed or implanted in our forehead or right hand that we will have to show in order to be able to buy and sell. Thus, the supposed anti-Christ will have complete control over our lives.

Some think the number 666 has something to do with a bar code because 666 is encoded into it. Maybe some version of this will be written with a laser on our foreheads.

Now anything is possible; Hitler did have an ID number tattooed on the arms of the imprisoned Jews, but it was on the left arm, not the right. He also has his mark, the Swastika, placed on the left arm of his followers but nothing on anyone’s forehead. Why did he choose the left arm for all his markings? Probably so he would not be associated with the Beast of Revelation. Even so, would not another Hitler do the same? Since the mark of the Beast on the right hand or forehead is such common knowledge, any anti-Christ would want to avoid using them because of the bad press it would generate.

If the world abandoned the progress it has made over the past two thousand years it is possible that a world dictator could arise. Maybe he would tattoo the name of Elmer Fudd on everyone’s big toe; or maybe he would put a mark on everyone’s right hand, but this is very unlikely. Why, you ask.

The real critical war that paved the way for the New Age of peace was World Wars I and II. (World War II was really an extension of an unfinished World War I). This is as close as we will get to Armageddon if the workers of Light do their job and contain the nuclear weapons of the world. The closest thing we have seen that resembles an antichrist was Hitler.

There is no evil genius on the Earth today who can come close to making Hitler look like Snow White. There is not even an equal of Hitler – thank goodness.

If all goes as planned by the Brotherhood we will move fairly progressively over the next 200 years into the New Age of peace. There will be some unexpected events, some earth changes, some destruction and some wars, but nothing like the Christian or New Age world is expecting. There will be no rapture as believers generally define rapture.

Nor will the earth be hit by a giant asteroid, the enlightened of humanity be swooped up by a giant space ship, and the enlightened ones be taken into some mysterious 4th, 5th or 6th dimensions.

The biggest surprises over the next two hundred years are not predicted by anyone with any degree of accuracy in the present. If you look at all the present prophesies of doom and then go forward in time two hundred years and read the history as it will be written, there will not be much of a correspondence. Future historians will make a footnote that the great expected anti-Christ did not materialize.

Also, 200 years from now you would think that the big story in history would be the second coming of Christ, but this is not to be. The event will be registered by them, but this person will not be called Jesus; future historians will write about him from a similar perspective as current historians write about Abraham Lincoln. This entity will, however, eventually be recognized as one who is greater than Lincoln, but not until the passage of some time.

The truth is this: the astounding prophecies of doom and a great ant-Christ is just a smokescreen used by the Dark Brotherhood to cast an illusion over the real beast, anti-Christ, and meaning of 666 so that the masses will continue to bear the mark unknowningly.

In some ways it would be better for humanity if a dictator forced people kicking and screaming to receive a mark. Then at least they would know they had something they needed to rebel against. However, as it is, the masses bear the mark in complete ignorance. How do you fight an enemy when you are completely unaware that one even exists? How do you fight an enemy that is here unseen today when do not not expect him until tomorrow?

We have talked about how the first and second beast is already here as well as the image of the Beast. Now the great mystery for us to discover is how the 666 is here and how we are we marked with it. Even more important, how do we escape the mark?

The number is literally written in Greek as: six one hundreds and six tens and six which is not too far off from the English expression of 666. The Beast has six as its core number. Why? Is it because six is an evil number?


Is it because six is an incomplete number and seven is better because it is the number of creation, signifying that everything is perfected? This is what much of the Christian world teaches; but even in this they forget that God is said to have created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. Therefore creation was basically completed in six days or periods and the number six is perfect in its own right.

As evidenced by the seven colors in the rainbow, the seven musical notes and the seven creative Spirits before the throne of God, there are seven ray energies in this universe from which all things are created. Each of these rays has a different meaning and they are the prime cause behind all astrological influences.

The core meaning of the Sixth Ray is the energy of idealism and or devotion. Jesus himself is a Master of the sixth ray energy and the Christian Church; the United States and the age of Pisces are governed by it. If Jesus operates in this energy then surely it can’t be all bad. Jesus presented to the world an ideal life that humanity could devote itself to attaining. We as humans must have an ideal before us to give us the incentive to become. Without an ideal there would be little incentive for any of us to move forward.

The problem is that there is duality in all things, including the number six. If the ideal is seen as an ultimate perfection and not as a step on an eternal stairway, then the person slips into the static “I Am” consciousness instead of the dynamic “I Am Becoming”. When the ideal is seen as ultimate perfection then the pilgrim steps into great illusion. He will then worship the illusive perfection, attempt to obey the laws of such perfection, or seek to become that perfection himself.

Remember, the Beast is created from the “sea” of humanity itself, and what is the ideal of humanity? The ideal human is Jesus. Just as the Dragon uses the United States and other relatively free nations to further its purpose so does it steal the idealistic number six of the Christian Church as well as its founder and present before the world the anti-Christ, or a false and more palatable ideal for the common person. Thus, we have three ideals presented to the world in this past age: Jesus, the Christian Church and the United States, all governed by the ideal number six; and the corruption of these three ideals is one of the meanings of receiving the 666.

The Dragon, through the Beast, corrupts these ideals by manipulating the solar plexus center that is also governed by the Sixth Ray. This center is just above the navel and is a reflection of the ideal of the Spiritual Love of the higher heart center. The mission of the solar plexus is to inspire us through the feeling of aspiration to seek the higher energies.

The goal of the Dragon is this: keep the aspiring person’s attention centered on the solar plexus by the deception that the solar plexus is really the heart, and this is the highest there is. If the person is then deceived into thinking he has found the ultimate feeling he can then be manipulated around this false “perfection”.

What is the difference between the feelings generated by the solar plexus and those of the heart? Why are many seekers deceived into thinking the solar plexus energies are heart energies?

Some see the emotion of the solar plexus as if it were a bad thing; but the truth is that, just as the number 6 is divine in its purest sense, so is the solar plexus. It has the wonderful purpose of presenting before the aspiring human an ideal accompanied by an emotional feeling that will eventually move his attention up to the higher energies of the heart and mind.

We do not say a beaver is evil because it is lower on the scale of evolution than is a human. Instead, the life that is in the beaver is going through a process learning divine lessons. Yet, even though the beaver is doing a great good on its own level by fulfilling its part in the great Plan, it would be a great evil for a human to retrogress and use the beaver as an ideal of what he is supposed to be or accomplish. The human has gone beyond the beaver in evolution and therefore should set his sights on an ideal that is ever higher than his present state.

There are several ways that the Dragon uses the energy of Ray Six through the solar plexus to entrap mankind. One of the main ones is to present before the aspiring human an ideal that is impossible to reach. This is a trick used in almost every religion on the planet. Most of us are familiar with the Christian religion so let us use it as an example.

Look at the founder of Christianity who was the man Jesus. What happened to the belief system about Jesus shortly after his crucifixion? Instead of being an ideal of what we should BECOME the Dragon made sure that the image of Jesus was made into a god. Later he was not only a god, but the one and only God of Gods, the fullness of the Trinity – the Father, Son and Holy Ghost all rolled into one package – the creator of heaven and earth with all the trillions of galaxies of billions of stars each.

Now honestly ask yourself … Is this an ideal that Joe Average can shoot for???

No. No, a hundred times NO! This Jesus is so far removed from us that it would be the height of blasphemy even to consider that we could set him up as an ideal to aspire toward. The wonderful truth is that Jesus came as a man, just like ourselves, to set before us a practical ideal of what we can and must become.

Instead, the Dragon has exalted him as the highest being in the universe far beyond our reach. As such, we become mere “sinners”, totally unworthy of any blessing that such a God could bestow. Now, because of the successful exalting of Jesus by the Dragon with the support of his Beast, people like me have to take a risk in saying something like the following:

“Jesus came to present the image of the ideal man to which ordinary humans like you and me are to aspire. He is not the God of the Universe any more than you or I.”

The believer hears this and responds with something like:

“Blasphemy! How dare you attack our Lord and Savior and risk the damnation of hell. Why would you even consider belittling the Lord Jesus??? My Jesus is the God of the Universe and you humiliate Him.”

When an honest seeker is attacked with words like this he may tend to doubt himself if he has not received soul contact. He may think something like:

“If I am wrong I may go to the lowest hell for all eternity, so I had better be sure I am correct.”

This type of thinking causes many seekers on the edge of enlightenment to doubt themselves and cease to challenge the ideal that the Dragon presents to the world for the sole purpose of controlling the masses. Now after 2,000 years it is time for the Lights of the earth to stand up for what is true, even if they are accused of blasphemy for belittling the greatness of Avatars past.

The second illusionary use of Ray 6 through the solar plexus is through the manipulation of the lower feelings. Most of general humanity only have a dim sense of the true energies that gradually unfold in the heart chakra but do strongly identify with the intense feelings of the solar plexus. When most people talk about following your heart they are really talking about following the solar plexus or the lower feelings. There is a large portion of humanity that have no idea as to what the true heart energies feel like and this is a fact that the Dark Ones use to full advantage. They know that if they can control half of the populace, they can control them all.

The average person interprets the highest feelings of the solar plexus to be the “ideal” or Sixth Ray feeling. Remember that bumper sticker that the born-againers had a few years ago which said, “I found it!” What they found was the ideal Jesus or God of the Universe and a strong feeling to go along with it.

Don’t think that the other end of the spectrum is immune from illusion however. The mantra of many New Agers is “go with the flow,” and this is as much a solar plexus emotional statement as “I found it!” “Go with the flow” appeals very strongly to solar plexus people because lower emotional energy does not have any checks and balances with it. Without contact with the higher energies of the heart and mind, going with the flow, or the line of least resistance, always seems to be the most desirable.

When the Love-Wisdom energies of the heart are made available the feeling nature is then tempered with wisdom, or wise thought, that will often lead the seeker to go against the flow in the line of most resistance where the greatest becoming can be found.

Another illusion that keeps New Agers in the solar plexus is the idea that certain animals and primitive tribes are more evolved than general civilized humanity, and the ideal is to be like them. This is great illusion and returns our attention to the past rather than into the future. The instincts that many animals and tribal humans display are in civilized man, but are below the threshold of consciousness because his soul is placing his attention on conquering new worlds. To go back and revive primitive instincts would be returning to our past where we were a million years ago in evolution. It would be a disaster if this ideal were to materialize.

The Dragon uses every possible lever to keep the attention of the masses centered on the Sixth Ray of the solar plexus, or the past, and when this is accomplished he is able to exercise control over the person in the three worlds – physical, emotional and mental.

First, the physical. To control a person’s actions on the physical level, all one has to do is to be the one to control the presentation of his ideal in the form of a static “I am”. Jesus, Buddha or Allah just IS – now do what He says.

A political system or leader just IS and cannot be challenged. Once a thoughtform or system that represents the Beast becomes the ideal, it also becomes an unearned authority and has power to control all actions on the physical plane. If the authority tells you to shock a man with 450 volts and that you are not responsible for whatever happens, then you proceed as subjects did in the Milgram experiment.

Second, the emotional. When the ideal is under the control of the Beast the lower emotions automatically follow with no thinking process to sort things out. Controlling the emotions is very important for the Dark Ones because most people are emotionally polarized and can be easily manipulated through unchecked feeling.

Third, the mind. The mind is controlled because discernment is put completely in check when the emotional ideal is brought into the equation. I have talked to people who seem very intelligent and logical in areas like science, law or education; but when they let their emotional ideal slip into the conversation, all logical thought is completely held in abeyance.

This is an interesting thing to witness. You can be talking to a guy about particle physics and listen to him rattle off thoughts and concepts that are astounding, but bring his ideals from religion into the conversation and his mind will seem to just shut down. He may talk about the devil being under every rock or the concept that the universe is only six thousand years old, even though the light from some distant galaxies have taken fourteen billion years to arrive here.

Another person may talk about the law and legal system with great expertise, but when the conversation shifts to his ideal candidate or leader all thought and discernment goes out the window. Even if the leader seems to go against every principle this man stands for, it does not matter. He likes his leader and that is good enough. He is now a non-thinking, emotionally-based team player for the Beast.

Thus, we finally arrive at the core meaning of the number of the Beast, the 666. In plain English it stands for the control, through the Sixth Ray solar plexus center, over the three basic worlds of livingness for humanity.

* Control over the physical (the first 6)

* Control over the emotional (the second 6)

* Control over the mental by negation (the third 6)

All three of these parts of our nature have been controlled in most of us through the Sixth Ray of Idealism by the Beast.

Let’s go back and read the verse about 666 again:

“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Rev. 13:18

Notice the wording here: “Let him that hath understanding.” In the Greek it literally reads “Let him who has a mind”… In other words, the meaning of the 666 is not obvious, but requires mind and understanding to comprehend it.

This understanding of the Beast and his number is perhaps the most important thing for seekers of truth and wisdom to comprehend. As asked earlier, how can one escape from captivity unless he first realizes he is bound with chains?

Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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