Principle 53

This entry is part 51 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Intelligence

Many of my readers see me as a fairly intelligent person but I did not show any sign of being above average in my youth.

I was born prematurely to parents who both drank and smoked to excess and this may have given me a slow start. My mother told me that she wondered if I was ever going to learn to talk as I didn’t do much more than grunt until I was three or four. Then after I did learn to speak I never pronounced my sounds correctly and everyone wondered if I was from another country. Up until I went to college I often was asked which country I was from because many thought I had a strange accent.

In the fifth grade I went to a speech therapist that helped considerably.

Until the fifth grade I got the equivalent of a C in everything. I never got a D, F, A or B, but only C’s. I figured I must the most average person in the universe.

It wasn’t until the middle of the fifth grade that I received my first B.

That year we moved from Boise to the farm city of Letha, Idaho. It had 50 people in the actual metropolis and I used to brag that I made up 2 percent of the population. I was warned about the teacher I was going to have. Her name was Mrs. Burke and she was indeed a hard taskmaster and it was supposed to be difficult to get anything above a C with her. Then to top things off I found out that in most categories Letha was a year ahead of Boise.

Catching up seemed a challenge to me and I did so in about a month and on top of that received A’s and B’s for the first time in my life. I was quite proud of myself.

But then after the fifth grade I went back to getting C’s again. My grade point in high school and college was just a little over 2.0 – around 2.2.

All the data said I was as average but I didn’t feel average. For one thing I studied a lot of things on my own initiative and had knowledge of many things that were not taught in school. I also felt I had many insights that went over the heads of average people.

Then in 1964 at the age of 19 I went on a two-year mission to England for the LDS [Mormon] church. This was my first opportunity to actually use various forms of intelligence in practical application.

We had six one hour lessons that we had to memorize word for word. Even though in school I couldn’t seem to memorize anything for a test I was the first in my group to memorize the lessons. Maybe I wasn’t so average after all I thought.

Then when confronting people of all kinds of beliefs I found that none could get the best of me with an argument or jousting with the scriptures. I could hold my own with Jehovah Witnesses who had assiduously studied the Bible for 40 years.

Maybe I wasn’t so average after all.

Then something happened that really made me rethink intelligence. On a mission you are given a “companion” that you live and work with 24 hours a day. We were assigned new companions every couple months. On one occasion I was assigned a new companion and one of the first things he told me was he had a 4.0 grade point, which, as you know, is a perfect record of nothing but A’s.

Then I told him that the first thing we had to do work wise was to teach lesson three that evening. He said that he would pull out his lesson manual and review it. I didn’t say anything, but I was astounded. When I gave any of the lessons I just gave them with no additional preparation because I had them memorized and rarely reviewed them. But this guy with a grade point average twice mine had to review his.

Then I found out as we worked together that he had to review every lesson before we gave one and I never had to. Not only that but when he gave the lessons he could not give them word for word the way that I could. In addition his delivery was not smooth and he had difficulty in answering questions. I had to carry the ball when working with him.

In addition we were sometimes given auxiliary lessons not to memorize but to study and give to new members. I could read one over once and give a lesson, but my 4.0 companion had great difficulty in giving any of these even after intense study.

It was funny, I thought to myself. If he hadn’t told me of his grade average I would have considered that he had a learning problem and was a little slow.

It was about this time that I began to seriously ask myself what true intelligence was. It was obvious that the school system which proclaimed my companion as far superior to me had something missing from its assessment.

Here is what I came up with. The system we are in grades intelligence based on the equipment we have. Our brains are really sophisticated computers and some of us have upgraded ones with lots of RAM and speed whereas others are working with older slower models.


The real intelligence comes not from the computer but the person operating it. A savvy person can do much more with an older slower model than a novice can do with a supercomputer.

I concluded that the equipment I was given at birth was not that great for learning in public schools but that my intelligence that was operating my brain could make better use of it than — say a person who gets a 4.0 but isn’t aware how to make the best out of what he has.

There’s another thing I discovered and that is we are not stuck with outdated equipment indefinitely. When effort is made the brain upgrades itself so with effort those who get off to a rough start with backward equipment can improve on what they have.

In addition to intelligence manifested through the brain there are other types of intelligence that is now being recognized. Some time ago someone coined the term “emotional intelligence” and wrote a book about it. He pointed out that often people who did not get very good grades still succeed in life through intelligent use of emotion and interrelationships.

I would submit the list does not end there. I would also say there is a thing called political intelligence. Intelligence is also applied to physical coordination. Common sense could be another category as well as the field of philosophy itself.

If I had to sum up intelligence in a nutshell I would say it goes back to the principle of who we are which is Decision. The intelligent person is capable of making a higher percentage of correct decisions than the one of lesser intelligence. He then follows through until the decision is manifest.

Even more basic than this is the intelligent person is capable of making decisions, even the difficult ones. Think back to The Parable of Decision in Book I of The Immortal. Those two who made decisions to move ahead on the path were more intelligent than the other two who were unable to decide.

As we contemplate this we can express the Principle of Intelligence as follows:

It is revealed in that decision or action which follows the line of highest order and usefulness. That which proceeds toward greater order is intelligence. To proceed toward greater order there must be a recognition of order and disorder, or what could be called good and evil. The truth of what is must be seen for intelligence to manifest.

A simple example would be this:   Two men are given blocks. One throws them randomly aside and the other experiments and creates shapes out of them. Which one is manifesting intelligence?

Even more basic is this: Two men are given blocks. One sees no use in them but the other sees a number of possibilities for organizing them. Which one is manifesting intelligence?

The second person sees as if a light is illuminating his mind. The first sees nothing. Obviously, the second is displaying intelligence and the first is not.

The foundation of intelligence then is found in the statement, “Let there be light.” When light is shined upon a situation consciousness can then use intelligence. Indeed, intelligence is the “light of truth.”

In the beginning of any creation the first manifestation of intelligence is through light that reveals what is. That which is God, or an extension of God, then sees what is, what was and what can be. He then begins to create and organize energy and form into beauty and usefulness. Organization which is useful is kept, but that which is not is discarded.

Around this principle the scripture makes an interesting statement: “Whatever principle of intelligence we attain unto in this life, it will rise with us in the resurrection.” D&C 130:18

As I have pointed out in my writings, the resurrection of KRISIS (mistranslated damnation) is really reincarnation. This being true, then, when we rise again in a new birth we take with us the accumulated intelligence that we had in our last life. It is true we may lose our memories, but not our intelligence.

When a person is 21 he hasn’t gone through all the life lessons of his past lives. This would be impossible as he has too many experiences in his past to condense in such a short period. Instead, what he does accomplish is a retrieval of the basic level of intelligence that he ascended to in his last life. He will repeat his long evolution of intelligence in miniature.

I can see that in my life that my basic intelligence grew quite quickly until the age of 21 and then the growth was very slow. I have also noticed this in the lives of many people I have observed.

Now some may point to what they believe to be a great transformation at another age such as 25, 30, 40 etc, but this has little to do with intelligence.

I had a great transformation around the age of 28, but my basic intelligence was not much different then than when I was 21.

Intelligence has more to do with taking advantage of the highest vision you have in the present time.

The highest intelligence that the mind of man can imagine is God. In relation to God and intelligence we often hear these statements:

  • The Mind of God.
  • Universal Intelligence.
  • Infinite Intelligence.
  • The Thoughts of God.
  • The wisdom of Nature.

All but a few hardened ideological atheists acknowledge that some great intelligence is at work in the universe. Some think that Einstein did not believe in God because he thought the idea of God sitting on a throne did not make sense, but he often acknowledged God in his musings. He definitely saw an intelligence at work that was much greater than his own. He indeed acknowledged the mind of God when he said: “I want to know God’s thoughts; the rest are details.”

Basically his whole life, as he saw it, was the discovery of the mind – or the thoughts – or the intelligence of God.

Another great scientist Sir Isaac Newton was a big believer in God, not because of blind faith but because his own intelligence led him in that direction. Many do not realize he had a passion for the Bible and even wrote a commentary on the Book of Daniel and Revelations. Much of his life was spent in discovering the intelligence of God.

Great minds look at the universe around us and recognize a great intelligence, but exactly what is it they are seeing? Let us make a list.

  • Beauty.
  • Non random organization.
  • Laws that govern.
  • Extreme complexity in life.
  • The vastness of creation.

Who can look upon these five things and deny there is intelligence at work? No one who uses his own intelligence. Any thoughtful person has to acknowledge the truth of the scripture:

“The glory of God is intelligence.” (D&C 93:36)

Every one who is seriously engaged in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that the laws of nature manifest the existence of a spirit vastly superior to that of men, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble. The pursuit of science leads therefore to a religious feeling of a special kind, which differs essentially from the religiosity of more naive people.

Albert Einsten

Copyright by J J Dewey 2015

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Principle 52

This entry is part 50 of 98 in the series Principles

Divine Carelessness

This is indeed a perplexing phrase and most would associate carelessness with recklessness rather than something divine.

DK uses this phrase twice in his voluminous writings and gives little explanation of its meaning. Even so, when I first came across it my mind was quite captivated by such a provocative statement and I reflected upon it periodically. As I reflected I saw much more meaning that he gave out on the subject, but first let us look at what he did write about it.

Quote Number One:

“See to it that during the next nine months you preserve an attitude of spiritual indifference or of divine carelessness and emotional detachment.” (Alice Bailey “Discipleship in the New Age,” Vol 1, Page 522)

Here he gives a different twist to the meaning that would appear on the surface. This quote indicates that Divine Carelessness in this context is not being reckless, but carefree. And how should the disciple be carefree?

He needs to be detached from overdue influence of his emotional feelings so he is not weighted down with the cares of the world, his loved ones and his own needs. If he is able to detach himself from these emotional cares he can be care-less in that he is free from cares that hinder his progress.

That is one aspect of divine carelessness.

But it was the second aspect that captured my imagination as hinted at in this second quote:

“Others again are lovely in themselves with a high and sweet vibration but they are weak and full of fear, sorrowful or weighed down with care; they have to be taught the way of strength and of divine carelessness before their service can measure up to demand.” (Alice Bailey, “Discipleship in the New Age,” Vol 1, Page 371)

This quote indicates a more extended meaning. Two hints at this are given. First he tells us the seeker who needs this quality is he who is “weak and full of fear, sorrowful or weighed down with care.”

Secondly, he tells us that Divine Carelessness is “the way of strength.”

This brings to my mind much more meaning than a carefree attitude, even though that may be part of it. I see the idea that the disciple must sometimes act in a way that the majority will see as careless. The disciple will at times find himself at a crossroads and if he takes the path least traveled by he will forge along a path of peril, but if successful will end up reaping the greater reward.

The parable of Decision in the first Immortal book illustrates this principle. One path led to heaven and the other to hell and none of the four knew which was which. In order to proceed the seeker had to be divinely careless for he was previously taught that hell was a place of eternal misery.

Those who proceeded had to take a chance, but it turned out that the real hell was suffered by the two who played it safe and were weighed down by care.

One of the main reasons the disciple must acquire the quality of Divine Carelessness is to overcome the Beast that has so much power in the major religions and nowhere does it have more power than in the Mormon Church.

I was quite active in the church in my younger days. I took it very seriously from the ages of 13-33 — a period of twenty years.

Many who have not been captivated by an authoritarian religion have difficulty in grasping the hold it can have and how difficult it is to break free. Let me explain why the obtaining of freedom from the Beast of authority is particularly difficult in the LDS Church.

There are two major reasons for this.

First the church has a number of teachings that are a step further into the light than had by the typical Christian church. A student of metaphysics may see such as kindergarten, but in relation to the other churches they possess several teachings given by Joseph Smith that are seen as true by the seekers. Some of these are:

  • We not only live after death, but we lived before birth. We are eternal beings.
  • There is no burning in hell as taught by standard Christianity. Any state of hell is temporary.
  • There is eternal progression rather than a stagnate heaven where nothing changes.
  • Babies are innocent and are not born in sin and the innocent will not be punished for that which they do not understand.
  • Works are necessary for our progression. Just proclaiming a belief in Jesus doesn’t do much to save you.
  • Revelation did not end with the Bible but is available to people of this age just as much as it was in Bible days.
  • The God who guides us, The ancient of Days, was once a mortal human like ourselves and there are millions of such beings in the Universe. We can eventually achieve this god-like state.

The second reason that seekers are captivated is the members of the church are told to pray and receive confirmation of the Book of Mormon and other writings and teachings of the church.

Now the interesting thing is that soul contact through prayer can lead to greater captivity before the truth makes him free. Here is why.

The soul only verifies that which is true for it speaks in the language of principles and pure truth. When the seeker therefore prays about doctrines he has studied the soul will send verification that certain principles are true. For instance, my own soul verified all the seven doctrines above to me.

Here is what this does to the seeker. Once he receives verification that certain principles are true he just assumes the whole package is true which includes a concept that is taught and stressed more than any other in the church which is this:

The prophet is the supreme authority and will never lead the church astray. The worst sin one can commit is to openly rebel against the prophet and the authorities of the church. If you surrender and obey all will be well, but once you receive the light and then go against the brethren you are in dangerous territory indeed.

The interesting thing about this dangerous territory is this. One of the attractive things about the Mormon theology is that it goes easy on unbelievers and standard sinners. Instead of burning in an eternal hell they are told that eternal punishment is not really eternal, but eternal is one of the names of God so any punishment set up by God is eternal, but the time it will last is limited. Basically the teaching is that when one learns his lesson the punishment will end and the person will go on with his progression. Then too, the punishment is not to burn in fire but a lot of it comes from dwelling with other unsavory characters in the afterlife.

The good part of this doctrine is that it appeals to reason and mind. After all, why would a loving parent like God throw any of his children into burning painful fire for eternity? That does not make any sense to any thinking person who is a parent himself.

Now what is interesting is that Mormon doctrine goes relatively easy on all sinners except one class. These are those who sin against the Holy Ghost. The seriousness of such a sin has extra credibility because it is mentioned by Jesus in the Bible:

“Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.” (Matthew 12:31 & 32)

Now the Mormons define this sin against the Holy Ghost as going against a confirmation of truth one has received from the Spirit as, for instance, happened to Judas when he betrayed Jesus even though he knew he was the Christ.

21 “And as they did eat, he said, Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.

22 “And they were exceeding sorrowful, and began every one of them to say unto him, Lord, is it I?

23 “And he answered and said, He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me.

24 “The Son of man goeth as it is written of him: but woe unto that Matt man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! it had been good for that man if he had not been born.

25 “Then Judas, which betrayed him, answered and said, Master, is it I? He said unto him, Thou hast said.”

Matthew 26:21-25

Note that this sin was so great that it is better to not be born than to deny the Holy Spirit.

Now here is where it gets interesting. The one seeming example of a sin against the Holy Ghost is when Judas rebels against the divine representative of God on the earth. Even so, it is thought in the church that the worst sin one can commit is for a good member to go against the words of the Mormon prophet, the assumed current divine representative on the earth. Many in the church thus see those who are excommunicated for non conformance as being the modern-day Judases that will experience a similar punishment.

Exactly what is that punishment? The Mormon scriptures give additional details and they are pretty scary.

42 “That through him all might be saved whom the Father had put into his power and made by him;

43 “Who glorifies the Father, and saves all the works of his hands, except those sons of perdition who deny the Son after the Father has revealed him.

44 “Wherefore, he saves all except them–they shall go away into everlasting punishment, which is endless punishment, which is eternal punishment, to reign with the devil and his angels in eternity, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched, which is their torment–

45 “And the end thereof, neither the place thereof, nor their torment, no man knows;

46 “Neither was it revealed, neither is, neither will be revealed unto man, except to them who are made partakers thereof;

47 “Nevertheless, I, the Lord, show it by vision unto many, but straightway shut it up again;

48 “Wherefore, the end, the width, the height, the depth, and the misery thereof, they understand not, neither any man except those who are ordained unto this condemnation.”

Doctrine and Covenants (D&C) 76:42-48

And who are the ones who will suffer this condemnation so great that it cannot be put into words? It is assumed it will be those who are excommunicated for not endorsing all the teachings and directions of the authorities of the church.

Consequently, when the standard Mormon gets a little curious and begins to give some clues that he is unorthodox in his thinking other members will often make statements to him like the following:

“You are entering into dangerous territory, brother. Just follow the prophet and forget about these other thoughts.”

“Stay away from the mysteries. If God wants us to know any of them he will reveal them through the prophet. If you get something and teach it that runs contrary to the teachings of the church you are in great danger my friend.”

“Stay with the simple things like faith, baptism and repentance. If you delve into more than this you may find yourself in rebellion against God.”

“Just follow the prophet and you will be safe. He will never lead you astray.”

When I was in the church I was amazed at how many times I was told not to “delve.” “Delve” was a major swear word in the church. Nothing was seen as being more sinful than to delve into any deep meaning behind most anything.

It is interesting that this attitude runs completely contrary to many Mormon scriptures. Here is just one of them from the Book of Mormon:

“For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round.” (1 Nephi 10:19)

The bottom line is that regular members give full preference to the advice of the authorities over the injunctions in their scriptures and are terrified to even entertain the thought that their minds may be in rebellion against the church and the prophet. They think that if they get any revelation at all it will only be to confirm something already agreed upon by the prophet. If they get anything at odds with the church then it probably came from the devil in an attempt to make them cross the lines toward the unpardonable sin.

Consequently, the seekers in the LDS church are in a very difficult situation. If they seek revelation through the spirit and start receiving anything that is not recognized by the authorities as being true, most become frightened that they may be in great danger if they entertain such thoughts.

But here is what really scares the beJesus out of them. If they meet someone like me and I teach them a few things, and if anything I say that seems unorthodox makes any sense to them they become concerned that they may be heading toward the unpardonable sin and totally shut down and never want to see me again.

Other brave souls will entertain a few unorthodox teachings with the idea that as long as they stay in the church and support the prophet all will be well. These people lead a somewhat dual life. They do some exploring, but keep their deep doctrines to themselves and project within the church the image of an orthodox member.

A third category is those who become disenchanted with the authorities, but not authority itself. These become convinced that the true authority from God does not reside with the orthodox Mormon prophet, but some other prophet who heads some splinter group. This leaning on authority gives some courage to break off, but often to no gain for they exchange one Beast of authority for another. And the new power of the Beast is usually worse than the first.

A fourth category is those who receive definite truths through the soul and are willing to stand up for them for truth’s sake, even if it means being excommunicated. The number of these individuals are few for these are they who have found the “way of strength” mentioned by DK. These are they who have discovered Divine Carelessness.

Now this fourth category is found in all authoritative churches and systems, but in this case I am speaking from the Mormon perspective since I have gone through this system and the authoritative hold is so intense.

Most who are excommunicated from the church have tried to keep their thoughts secret and were just caught and forced out. Only a few take a risk that is almost sure to get them in trouble. These are they who are divinely careless and who will obtain the greatest spiritual reward, for they acted on true courage.

Why is it that that few fit into this last category? I know the answer from personal experience. After I was excommunicated I made many attempts to enlighten my Mormon friends and many found what I taught to be of great interest. But then when it came down to taking any action that would reveal this thinking to the authorities they said something like this to me:

“If you are right and there is reincarnation and we receive many chances to progress then I am not in grave danger to stay in the church. If I am mistaken I will be born again and eventually make corrections. On there other hand, if the authorities of the church are right and I embrace your teachings I may become a son of perdition and suffer endless torment with the devil and his angels.

“If there is even one chance in a thousand that the church is right in this then it is too risky to take the chance of receiving such a terrible judgment from God.”

These people are like Nicodemus who came to Christ “at night” when the authorities could not detect him. He was afraid the authorities would discover his interest and then exclude him from the kingdom of God. He was afraid to be divinely careless and never received a fullness of the spiritual light.

Here is my story in a nutshell pieced together from the archives:

I made the mistake of “searching the scriptures” and discovered some interesting things therein which are not a part of standard doctrine. One of the rather innocent things I discovered at the time is that there is progression from kingdom to kingdom, not just within the kingdoms as the church teaches.

I wrote a short paper on it, but had a problem in that I had no one to share it with. Then my nephew visited and I told him some of my thoughts and shared my writings with him. He became convinced and was very enthused about it. I told him to be very careful about whom he showed it to or he could get in trouble with the authorities, but he didn’t seem worried about it.

He went to his home ward and began teaching the doctrine in Priesthood class and showed the writing to his Elder’s Quorum President. He felt the doctrine was harmless and no one would object. Shortly thereafter he was ushered into the bishop’s office and within a few days a full blown trial was scheduled with the high council. When he learned that the only witnesses that he could have were members in good standing he thought of me.

He called and asked me to defend him at his trial.

I told him that if I did I would probably be excommunicated too and may lose my wife and kids.

He said: “You got me into this, now you must help get me out.”

I sighed and told him I would be there.

I went to his trial with my friend Wayne who was an inactive member, but still an Elder. They were not going to let us in to testify, but using every coercion at our disposal we elbowed our way in and gave our testimonies on his behalf, but of course it fell on deaf ears. Curtis was excommunicated for apostasy as expected.

Shortly after this a trial was ordered for me. When they discovered through interrogation that I believed several things that were not part of regular church doctrine the council composed of life long friends excommunicated me.

The interesting thing is that they had to violate their own rules to throw us out for we, both my nephew and I, were obeying all the rules of the church.

I did not have to expose myself and defend my Nephew, but I embraced divine carelessness, took the risk of divine retribution as well as loss in this world and moved forward.

Perhaps the highest aspect of Divine Carelessness is getting together the courage to move forward and be true to yourself even if the whole world tells you that you are offending God and may descend to the deepest hell for so doing.

That said, one may wonder if there is truly a sin so bad that it is unforgivable – that it would be better for such a person to never have been born.

Many are curious as to what offense could be so grievous and what the actual punishment is.

First let us examine again the words of Jesus on the subject:

“Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.” (Matthew 12:31 & 32)

After reading this the question arises as to what is the difference between speaking against the Son of Man and speaking against the Holy Ghost.

The difference is this. The Son of man represents any man in the flesh whether he be great or small, Jesus or “Joe Six Pack.” If you disagree with any other human being and speak against him you may be mistaken and may even create great harm, but the person can eventually see his error and correct it.

This explains why the authorities of his day had such difficulty in accepting the discoveries of Galileo. They saw him as a fallible man and felt comfortable in speaking against him. History now punishes them by judging them as ignorant but we all understand how people of authority seek to uphold their status.

On the other hand, a truth revealed by the Spirit through the soul is a different matter. When soul contact is established a witness becomes the seeker with a realization that God is indeed in him and this inner source is reliable. Because we came from God we recognize the signature of God within when it touches us. There is no doubt about it when it happens.

The danger for the seeker then is not found in speaking against any person, even if it were Jesus himself, but to speak against the God within after this presence is felt, tasted and known.

Why would a person speak against the voice of the soul? The reason is the inner voice will often be at odds with the carnal man who wants to follow low desire. Selfish desire must be overcome before the seeker can safely follow the inner voice. The soul will manifest gradually at first in order to protect the disciple from too strong of contact, which will put him at risk if he again descends to selfishness.

The soul thus releases higher energy gradually as the disciple safely progresses, but then once in a while he who treads the path will take a sharp detour and decide that the path of selfishness is more rewarding than the path of Spirit. When he decides upon the path of selfishness after he has known the inner presence he then begins to deny the Holy Spirit and treads the way of the unforgivable sin. This is the course of the Left Hand Path that leads to membership in the Dark Brotherhood.

The question arises as to why anyone could not be forgiven. It is not that the person would not be forgiven but that he has placed himself in a place from which it is impossible to return.

DK talks about this and I’ll summarize his thoughts from memory.

First, he tells us that the unpardonable sin is not committed in one giant leap, but over some length of time, often several lifetimes. When a person starts on the path of denial his soul will work with him in every way possible to bring him back to the light, even to the point of bringing him great pain. He says that the dark brother has to proceed through much pain and many warnings to arrive at that state. If a person still has within his breast any desire for unselfish service he has not committed the unpardonable sin and should not worry about it. When the decision for the Left Hand Path is made the entity knows he is going against the soul and has lost all faith in the soul in directing him toward fulfillment.

When the voice of the soul is first ignored, then denied again and again the person then builds up a wall between himself and the soul creating a mental construct that exists apart from the soul and mentally incarnates into it. When this is complete soul contact is then impossible for this person. There is no forgiveness for him because it is as if God, the soul and spirit no longer exist for him.

This entity then is upon the path of destruction and eventually all that makes him what he is disintegrates and he becomes as if he had never been born in this system. Then DK tells us that he will have to wait for many eons and eventually he will start his progression over and be given another chance, but will be at least the life of a solar system behind his brothers.

It is interesting how close the words of DK are to Mormon theology given through Brigham Young who said this about those who take this detour.

“They will be thrown back to their native element from which they originated, to be worked over again.” (Journal of Discourses 2:12)

“When the elements in an organized form do not fill the end of their creation, they are thrown back again, like brother Kimball’s old pottery ware, to be ground up, and made over again.” (Journal of Discourses 1:275)

“The rebellious will be thrown back into their native element, there to remain myriads of years before their dust will again be revived, before they will be re-organized.” (Journal of Discourses 1:118-9)

There is risk in moving forward, but we have no other choice. We can only stand still for so long, and then we must move. When we do move we do have a clear choice between following the highest we know or the path of selfishness. The reward is great for those who are successful just as the pitfalls are enormous for those who take the path of darkness.

May we all have the courage to be divinely careless and move forward always being faithful to the good the beautiful and the true that emanates from the voice of the soul.

Copyright by J J Dewey 2015

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