Principle 36

This entry is part 32 of 98 in the series Principles

The Principle of Cycles

There are repetitions or cycles involved in many aspects of time and space. Some cycles repeat with precision and others just roughly. What is the difference?

Many of the cycles in nature repeat with great precision. Two macrocosmic examples would be the length of a day and a year. A microcosmic example would be the half-life of radioactive elements. It is interesting though that even these very stable cycles will change slowly over time.

Other cycles in nature are not so precise. For instance, the seasons from a larger point of view are very predicable but exactly how the seasons will play out is not. Some summers are hotter than others and sometimes there is an Indian Summer that extends into the fall.

I would categorize the cycles this way. There are cycles of low resistance and high resistance. The cycles which are very predictable are those of low resistance. For instance, the earth circles the Sun in the vacuum of space. Because its motion is met with very little resistance the length of each year is extremely consistent.

On the other hand, let’s look at Ed who undergoes cycles of being asleep and awake. He loves his sleep and when it is time to get up he always feels the need to get more sleep. He knows he must rise and shine but his body has a high hesitance to moving into the awake cycle. He can usually force himself to wake up when the alarm goes off but sometimes he just turns it off and goes back to sleep. Then on days off he sleeps till around noon but rarely rises at the same time on these occasions.

From a larger view we know that Ed will go through cycles of being awake and asleep and nothing can prevent this. But unlike cycles of low resistance it is difficult to predict when the shift will occur.

So, how accurately can one predict the future by analyzing the repetition of cycles and if we understand cycles why can we not predict the future with greater accuracy?

Because two things are at play, predicting the future in detail is very difficult.

History and time are composed of cycles within cycles within cycles. We can develop an elementary understanding of some of these cycles but others are beyond our reach for they encompass great quantities of time.

We find that cycles which have high resistance create wild cards that make two things difficult. First, it makes it difficult to assess the point when one cycle will end and the other begins and, secondly, it makes it difficult to predict the exact happenings within a cycle.

Prediction is much easier when we are dealing with low resistant cycles. For instance, scientists have studied the cycles of the moon and have calculated that it is moving further away from the earth at a rte of about 1.5 inches per year. It’s low resistant cycles are so predictable that they can tell us how far away the moon will be in a million and even a billion years.

Because of the low resistance of space they can send a rocket to Pluto, billions of miles away, and arrange for it to arrive at the exact location predicted almost a decade later.

Another thing that helps to understand the difficulty of prediction is that time does not progress in circular order but as a spiral. Instead of going in an exact circle each orbit of time and creation goes in an ever expanding spiral until a maximum is reached. Then a reversal occurs and the spiral gets smaller as creation disintegrates.

Even with the difficulties of prediction, students of history have a huge advantage when attempting to assess the future. If we had a knowledge of the past dating back millions of years we could be much wiser still in looking ahead, but just looking back a couple thousand years will tell us much of what we can expect in the years to come.

How can you use the knowledge of cycles beneficially in your own life?

One thing you can do is to calculate your biorhythm cycles which start at birth. They are three in number as follows:

(A) The physical (23 days), describing your physical energy, reflexes, strength and stamina.

(B) The emotional (28 days), describing your emotional stability and empathy.

(C) The intellectual (33 days), describing your mental aptitude, creativity and problem-solving capabilities.

Here is a site that gives free biorhythm charts:

DK tells us that we have ten year cycles in our lives and if we examine the last ten years it will give us clues as to what to expect in the next ten years.

The Saturn cycle of just over 29 years is also a helpful one to study. If we are lucky we go through three of these in a lifetime. Each of these is like a lifetime within a lifetime and a new cycle brings a lot of opportunities.

It is also helpful to examine your life for cycles of giving and receiving, learning and using that which is absorbed. Try and assess if you re in a receptive mode or a giving radiant one.

Overall the basic principle of cycles is this: Cycles are repetitions in time. Some repetitions are one hundred percent predictable, such as birth and death, building and destruction, but within and without of these major cycles are greater and lesser cycles that may be understood using the Law of Correspondences. One cycle is like another, but with subtle differences that must be seen with the intuition.

The principle of cycles is what makes prophecy possible. We have heard that “history repeats itself.” This is because of the principle of cycles. However, the one thing that we can rely on about the repetition of history is the birth and death of kingdoms and nations. That which happens between the birth and death is also cyclic but not exact repetitions. The reason they are not exact is because the cycles of time move forward in a great spiral, ever progressing. Because time moves in a spiral a revolution brings one to a different location, but similar situation than before.

Young people often do not like to study history. This is partially due to the method of teaching it and the forced memorization of dry date, names and events. But when the student understands the law of cycles and that which he reads of in the past will reappear in the future in a different form, history becomes fascinating. It then becomes more interesting than any video game as one puts the pieces of the puzzle together to see what will happen tomorrow and how it can be changed for the better.

“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity we shall harness the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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