
1. Where there is no decision there is no life.

2. If the future is set then there is no power of decision for there would be no decisions to be made. If there are no decisions then there is no life for the power of decision is the principle behind life.

3. The direction of an intelligent decision can often not be predicted in advance. An intelligence coming to three paths of equal value will often pick one for reasons that even it did not know in advance.

4. If one wants to accomplish beyond the norm he must not only believe but make a decision within his ring of consciousness.

5. The reward of God is here for us now awaiting our decision to accept.

6. There is a power within you that makes the actual decisions. The Decision itself is not you but is an effect proceeding from you. What is the real you is the essence within you, the operating self existent power that makes decisions. This power of decision and decision are two different things. Through this essence all lives are one and that oneness becomes realized when we obtain full use of this power through the assumption of our real opportunity to make decisions.

7. If you endure a bad situation in silence because you have made a mental decision to accept it then you have not given away your power.

8. If you are true to yourself and have the courage to face your own power of decision, you will come to a knowledge of how you will react in any circumstance.

9. Free will involves more than just living in a situation where you are not restricted from the outside. More importantly, it involves a decision to decide and take responsibility for your life.

10. We all seek to improve our conditions with each decision we make.

11. Guilt is a negative force that focuses Attention on your imperfection and paralyzes your power of decision.

12. It is only after a decision has been made that Purpose is made manifest even though they both silently co-exist in the mind of the Creator. Then it is only after a purpose is sensed that Power can be applied. Again it is only after purpose and power is in play that Will can be exercised to manifest the decision.

13. True hell, as pointed out by the Parable of Decision is being at a crossroad and not being able to decide upon a path and standing still with fear of failure.

14. The moment we decide to be one with God then God is one with us and “all He has is ours.”

15. The Workers of Light must not yield up the decision making power going into the coming world order to others or we will wind up being controlled by others.

16. Will cannot exist without decision for Will is a motivating force to bring that which has been decided into existence.

17. There is no waiting. As soon as you make the decision to move ahead you begin your journey, Photon Belt or no Photon Belt, extra DNA or no DNA, 5th dimension or no fifth dimension. All creation awaits your decision, and your decision comes when you decide and you decide when you realize that there is nothing outside of yourself to wait upon.

18. While it is true that there are some things that are supposed to be, because they have already been decided, there are many things not decided in advance that happen just because you made them happen.

19. Because we are decision, this puts many elements of the future in a state of flux. The only thing that is not in flux are those things which have already been decided.

20. God’s Will is in all decisions either through choices, or through using our agency to choose.

21. If a thing is predetermined it means that there is no free will involved, no real choice is available.

22. While it is true that much indecision is caused by fear there are many who are indecisive for reasons other than fear. A person can be indecisive and have no fear as a cause, yet there is no fear that can stand in the way of a powerful decision.

23. If you put two paths before an animal and the choice is not related to his instincts, you will then see an elementary unpredictable decision made.

24. There are times when you are faced with a choice between the real and the unreal, what is true and what is false. When faced with such a choice you seek the truth within your heart. In this case, there will be a sense of peace surrounding the truth, and fear connected with the false.

25. You can create or decide anything you want to. Each creation is a DECISION point, but decisions in time and space cannot be changed.

26. All direction is created by DECISION and all DECISION originates from some Life.

27. The only future which is a sure thing is that which is the result of a decision made by an entity with power to bring the decision to completion.

28. It is the removal of restrictions either imaginary or real, so the power of decision has complete freedom within the sphere of its plan.

29. When a fellow friend is in trouble we, of course, want to give advice and I probably give as much as any but one thing we must avoid is being offended if our advice is not taken. It is the person who is in trouble who has responsibility for the final decision and this decision must be respected, right or wrong.

30. Decision, which has no cause but is cause and eternal, originates cause that creates. Decision originates new cause.

31. He who follows the harmless path seeks to do harm to no living thing, but realizes that indecision can often bring more harm than a wrong decision. He will therefore, not shy away from decision, but will use all his wisdom to make choices that will produce the most harmless direction.

32. If we believe we have no control, we acquiesce our real power, become subject to the decisions of others, and become like a leaf floating helplessly down a current of other people’s decisions.

33. The important thing is to make a decision and move ahead. As you move ahead greater light will come.

34. The great Decider has put us in the game and we must play.

35. Just because we have free will to make careless decisions does not mean that all decisions are a part of the plan.

36. Now consider this – is there any cause without decision? No. Decision is cause – BE-CAUSE.

37. Some feel they can avoid making a decision as if any decision were wrong or all decisions are right.

38. The fact that God’s will and our own is one, does not mean that every decision we make is a wise one; but one thing it does mean is, that it is God’s will that we are forever free to exercise our will and make our own decisions.

39. Whether or not you are kind and considerate has very little to do with your brainpower, but is due to conscious decisions one makes.

40. We may not like all the decisions people make when given freedom to do so but in the end, as water reaches its correct level, the life of the body begins to flow and a beautiful, free living society is the end result.

41. There are decisions made from outside our ring-pass-not that affect our reality over which we have no control.

42. It is written that “ye are gods” and we are in the “image of God.” If this is true and we are true to our destiny then we should wisely make decisions and cause them to come into being.

43. Make a decision to be lead by the spirit within rather than an authority without.

44. The main decision I am referring to, that is even more important than overcoming fear, is the decision to seek soul and spirit, the decision to seek higher light, knowledge and understanding, the decision to love, etc.. To be devoid of fear and yet to not advance in these decisions is to move toward a Zombie state.

45. If we do not direct our destiny through our own decisions, then the decisions of others will control us.

46. Everything that happens to us individually and collectively occurs because of either our decisions or a decision made by others for us.

47. The decisions that you must make and follow through to completion are just the opposite that most would make in your same circumstances.

48. Our decisions are only made consciously.

49. We are reflections of God and as reflections we make decisions by ourselves. This is the power that is in us.

50. Animals do make some decisions on an elementary level, but to see this you have to put them in a situation where their instincts or programming does not take charge of their actions.

51. That which governs true decision is intelligence and the higher the intelligence the more difficult it is to predict the decisions.

52. Those lesser evolved than us are not 100 percent predictable to us so we are not fully predictable to those above us. DK [Djwhal Khul] said that Christ and the Masters of Wisdom could not predict human decisions.

53. One of the main causes of depression is that we have avoided decisions in our past.

54. God’s Will is in all decisions either through wise choices, or through using our agency to choose.

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What Are You Deciding To Become?

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  The translation “I AM” is incorrect and misleading. In the Hebrew it reads:  “I AM BECOMING.”

2  When the seeker says he has found the ultimate feeling, bliss, or God Presence, he knows not that he is only at the beginning of his journey. No matter how high the consciousness, bliss or joy, the seeker adjusts to it and eventually becomes ready for more. When he is ready, the more will come, worlds without end.

3  Additional seeking is always necessary no matter where we think we are upon the Path. There is always more BECOMING ahead of us.

4  BECOMING is the action of Purpose, the dominating good which interpenetrates both male and female energies.

5  Unfortunately the word BEING is associated by many with the decision “not to be” as spoken by Shakespeare. True BEING is not yielding to the line of least resistance but after we have taken “arms against a sea of troubles,” and have prevailed as Gods – only then will true BEING become known and no longer esoteric to us.

6  We are in a state of eternal becoming because there is no ultimate perfection.

7  He, who humbles himself before those greater than himself and before those seeking the light from his radiance, will be endowed with the glory of God from on High and generations unborn will yet warm themselves with his light and love.

8  Let us join the great ones together, my friends, and humble ourselves; so any greatness which is manifest is from the one Spirit that permeates us all.

9  “Being yourself,” for many of us, involves recognizing that we have a purpose for being here. Our obligation–our opportunity–is to discern what that purpose is, and then surrender to whatever it requires of us to fulfill. It can be a source of deep joy:  service to humanity, in whatever form, is deeply satisfying.

10  Part of being humble is just being you.

11  The I AM of itself is not wrong or evil for it is a description of BEING which is the foundation of life for us all. Where the problem comes in our evolution is where we become lazy and cease to become and just “be.”

12  We only go forward on the path by amplifying our power to decide in harmony with the Will of God and then bring that decision into reality through BECOMING.

13  God works through each of us and BECOMES who He decides to be through us so long as we follow the Spirit of God within each of our inner selves.

14  Incorporated in BECOMING is BEING.

15  In order to become, one first must be, or become alive. Becoming only increases the sense of being alive.

16  You have “to be” before you can “become.”  You do not “become” so you can “be.”

17  If you are in a state of “being” only, you are enjoying a temporary rest. When you are “becoming,”  your life is in a state of “being” with the added aspect of “becoming.”

18  Those who live upon the sea of hateful and bitter emotions despise the good, the beautiful and the true. They die as to the things of the Spirit.

19  Greatness is seen in worldly power and money rather than in spiritual power, intelligence and character.

20  Many of those who fight the truth of the soul will be stolen and taken away by the spirit of Christ and removed from their illusions.

21  To become the greatest possible help to others who are under negative influence, it is important to develop your sensitivity to the feelings (and sometimes thoughts) of those within your aura of concern.

22  As an individual you can, through the soul, contact the spiritual worlds and your own higher self, which is a Master upon its own plane.

23  How does the Beast of unjust authority want you to see yourself: as I AM, standing still – easy to control, or I AM BECOMING, changing and improving and therefore difficult to control?

24  All activity that one can engage in is pushing toward the fulfillment of a conscious intelligent goal set by someone somewhere.

25  If one wants to accomplish beyond the norm he must not only believe but make a decision within his ring of consciousness.

26  A goal is a specific believable objective set by the mind and accepted by the heart. It includes definite steps that will be taken to ensure its completion at an approximated time.

27  We can become a member of the heavenly Jerusalem at any moment that we “overcome” and obtain soul contact and the Christ consciousness.

28  The principles that just are cannot be altered or changed but must be mastered and used to mold creation to a desired end. That desired end is that which we DECIDE and creates the process of BECOMING.

29  When we realize that we are BECOMING beings, we discover the truth and the truth sets us free. Free to do what? Free to DECIDE for ourselves and BECOME that which we decide to become.

30  The path for us to become one with God and manifest the name within is us for us to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ by committing ourselves to the highest service that we know and then practice the science of BECOMING the highest that you can DECIDE to BECOME.

31  It is only after a decision has been made that Purpose is made manifest even though they both silently co-exist in the mind of the Creator. Then it is only after a purpose is sensed that Power can be applied. Again it is only after purpose and power is in play that Will can be exercised to manifest the decision.

32  You may receive inspiration, knowledge and some guidance, but your own power of discernment and DECISION will always play a large part in how you will apply yourself.

33  We begin to win at the game of life when our ATTENTION is focused in one direction rather than scattered.

34  Put your attention on finding that which is true rather than that which is in error.

35  Any denial of that which is true, leads to greater failures than those experienced by one who faces the truth of failure and perseveres in learning from it and turning it into success.

36  The mirror of ourselves is always out there in the world of our creation. I seek to help you create a more loving world to reflect back to you.

37  To become a Master one must not only balance off cause and effect as it relates to others, but also as it relates to oneself and between the lower and higher self.

38  When the heart and mind are in agreement (as was Jesus and the Christ) then there is peace and harmony and miracles happen in your life.

39  I caught a glimpse of the suffering humans experience on the earth, and I saw much of it happens because people just don’t take the course of action they know within their hearts they are supposed to do.

40  If you look for verification of something that you have a preconceived notion is true, then you will find evidence to prove it, at least to yourself. This will happen whether the notion is true or false.

41  The Still Small Voice is the revelation of “Direction.” It is fortunate for humanity that the use of this requires no great spiritual evolution. The only real requirement is that a seeker seeks that which he understands as the guidance of God. He must do so with sincerity of heart and pure intent.

42  When God switched from the state of Being to BECOMING, the worlds of form were created.

43  My conscience is a perfect man whom I would like to see.

44  If we can attain a true realization that we are truly a reflection of the Solar Angel, and one life with it, then we can become as Christ and have power over physical reality and even death.

45  Keep checking with your souls, and when the link called in the east the antahkarana is created, then the seeker graduates from a sheep to a disciple to a shepherd.

46  As you double your ability to achieve, your opportunity to use other people’s energy and efforts will multiply geometrically.

47  If you are a light to the world and light is produced by contrast would this not indicate that you should live a life that appears in sharp contrast to average “Joe six pack”?

48  Without fear there is no courage and without courage there is no point of tension and with no point of tension there are no quantum leaps into newness and great adventures.

49  Seek ye therefore the baptism of fire and the Holy Spirit, the greatest of the gifts of God in this life.

50  All who follow the highest they know will join with the higher consciousness and share a oneness with them and assist in the great work.

51  If the seeker follows the direction of the peace that passes understanding then he will be led to true vision.

52  When you make a decision around some goal of becoming that decision relates to what you will be in a future time or what you shall become.

53  Contemplate the part of you that actually decides and you can feel that link between you and God. It uses your bodies but it is not your bodies.

54  What are you deciding to become?

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