The Name of God

The Name of God

The Course places a lot of emphasis on the name of God, telling us that “the Son of God allowed to be himself, and all creation freed to call upon the Name of God as One.” T-26.VII.20

We are told to “Repeat God’s Name, and all the world responds by laying down illusions. Every dream the world holds dear has suddenly gone by, and where it seemed to stand you find a star; a miracle of grace. The sick arise, healed of their sickly thoughts. The blind can see; the deaf can hear. The sorrowful cast off their mourning, and the tears of pain are dried as happy laughter comes to bless the world.” W-pI.183.3.

The name indeed has great power and is even associated with the great miracle stressed in the Course:

“The miracle but calls your ancient Name, which you will recognize because the truth is in your memory. And to this Name your brother calls for his release and yours.” T-26.VII.16

The question many have is this: What is this name and what is the meaning behind it? After all, “No one can fail who seeks the meaning of the Name of God. Experience must come to supplement the Word.” W-pI.184.13

It seems that not many take advantage of this promise, for I haven’t seen much discussion about the meaning of the name of God or exactly what the name is.

I have to admit that the first few times I read the Course I found myself curious about the name but couldn’t find the name there neither did there seem to be a clear explanation of it.

I had the same problem with the Bible before I ACIM was even published.  I found this scripture perplexing:

“I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world… And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it.” John 17:6 & 26

Here it sounds like Jesus clearly declared the name of the Father yet there is no New Testament scripture telling us of the name.

He also said that “I am come in my Father’s name” John 5:43 and speaks of “the works that I do in my Father’s name,” John 10:25 Then in his famous prayer he says: “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.” Matt 6:9

But what was the name? I kept seeking for it but the scripture never quotes Jesus giving it out.

Then I came across this: “teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” Matt 28:19

Notice here that “name” is singular implying that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit all have the same name. This same teaching is found in the Course which uses “name” singular for all three:

“For reality is one with the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit blesses the real world in Their Name.” T-12.VI.4

Then I found this:

“For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.” Eph 3:14-15

Not only do the Trinity have the same name, but also “the whole family in heaven and earth.”

The fascinating thing is that what I discovered in the Bible was the same thing I later discovered in A Course in Miracles:

“God’s Name is holy, but no holier than yours. To call upon His Name is but to call upon your own. A father gives his son his name, and thus identifies the son with him. His brothers share his name, and thus are they united in a bond to which they turn for their identity.” W-pI.183.1

It is interesting then that the Bible tells us that the family in heaven shares one name, but so does A Course in Miracles: “For Your Son must bear Your Name, for You created him.” W-pII.262.1

“Your ancient Name belongs to everyone, as theirs to you. Call on your brother’s name and God will answer, for on Him you call… by this little gift of truth but let to be itself, the Son of God allowed to be himself, and all creation freed to call upon the Name of God as One.” T-26.VII.20

“Creation has one Name, one meaning, and a single Source which unifies all things within Itself.” W-pI.184.11

The Course clearly teaches then that there is only one name for God, The Sonship and all creation, but the question remains: What is it?”

I did one more search looking for a clue and finally found it staring me in the face both from the Bible and ACIM.  Here it is plain as can be.

“Father, Your Name is Love and so is mine.” W-pII.282.2

In addition, both the Bible and the Course tell us that “God is Love.” T-9.I.9 & I John 4:8

The Course goes on to tell us that even the Kingdom is love:

“You could not remain within the Kingdom without love, and since the Kingdom is love.” T-6.IV.2

Does this mean that we should address God as LOVE then?

No. Words are symbols and the truth lies behind the symbol. We are told this:

“The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught.” T-in.1

The truth is that God’s name is not expressed in saying or writing the word LOVE.  The name is only expressed when love is actually felt and communicated.  We may not be able to teach others in the ego the meaning of love, but our eternal essence can recognize the feeling when it is communicated. When the true understanding of love is felt you have then inwardly expressed the name of God that the Father has shared with all creation.

That is where the real miracle from A Course in Miracles begins.

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