Keys Writings 2015, Part 11

This entry is part 12 of 13 in the series 2015B

May 4, 2014

Physical Evidence

While it is true that many references to reincarnation were purged in the early church they were unable to clean the scriptures of all evidence. In my two treatises I have presented a large amount of scriptural evidence that is quite overwhelming.

Of course, people with a strong belief system are unlikely to change after reading it no matter what the evidence. In fact most involved in orthodox religion will not even read hem. A number of friends and family actually burned my writings after I gave them copies. They wanted to make sure a thrown away copy didn’t find its way into any reader’s hands.

The interesting thing about reincarnations is that there are multiple ways to prove it.

(1) The scriptures

(2) Logic and reason

(3) Regression where the recollections are verified.

(4) Near death experiences verify it.

(4) Physical evidence.

This later one is interesting and a chapter of my book Eternal Lives” goes into it. Here it is:


Chapter Three

Physical Evidence

Not only did my own experiments, experience and study of the scriptures such as mentioned previously help convince me of reincarnation, but there are hundreds of documented cases of people remembering their past lives. I have personally met people who remember past lives with normal consciousness without the aid of any regression techniques.

This conscious remembering is not as rare as many may think and this phenomenon caught the attention of Dr. Ian Stevenson, the former head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia, about forty years ago. Since that time he has traveled the world studying these people and has accumulated about 3000 cases in his files.

Most of the more amazing cases occur with young children just a couple years old who are just learning to speak. As a general rule they remember the past life for a couple years and lose the memory around the age of five or six.

In a typical situation the child may insist that her parents are not really her parents, but that her true parents (and perhaps spouse) are in another city or part of the country). Dr. Stevenson tries to catch these children before they had a chance to visit their home of a previous life and take them there and scientifically examine their response. In many cases the child’s memory of a past life is proven, for the name given out is discovered to be a real person who died. The child is then taken to the home of her past life and will identify dozens of memories that she could have not acquired in this life. If there is some secret hiding place he or she will identify this. If there are favorite possessions, these will be pointed out.

In one case a young girl identified a previous spouse who refused to believe that the little girl was his dead wife reborn. She gave identification after identification of information only the wife could have known, but still the guy was unconvinced. In desperation the little girl pulled him aside and step by step told him exactly what she did to him when they made love as husband and wife. That did the trick. The man was convinced.

Basically Dr. Stevenson likes to get about twenty-four items of identification from the child of things that she could have not known, about the family and circumstances of the past life before he will take it seriously or even write about it.

In 35% of cases he investigated, children who died an unnatural death developed phobias. For example, if they had drowned in a past life then they frequently developed a phobia about going out of their depth in water. If they had been shot, they were often afraid of guns and sometimes loud bangs in general. If they died in a road accident they would sometimes develop a phobia of traveling in cars, buses or trucks.

If the child’s previous life possessed a talent of some kind then the child shows a disposition to that talent as he or she matures.

The child will often express a wish for the type of food she had in a past life.

If the child was a different sex in the past life then the person will often be homosexual in the current life.

This is all the type of information that I and others who have done regression work have discovered, but unable to give scientific proof. The difference with Dr. Stevenson is that he delivers actual proof.

Now some will look at this type of evidence and declare that it is the work of the devil – that some tricky evil spirit is deceiving these children.

This is a poor excuse used since the beginning of time by those who have attempted to escape the power of logic and thought, and has been used against every holy man that God has sent including Jesus. Even with the great evidence of the miracles He demonstrated before unbelieving eyes He was himself accused of being possessed by evil and doing his miracles by the power of the evil one. Also Joseph Smith is often accused of writing the Book of Mormon by the power of the devil.

However, the scriptures give evidence that Dr. Stevenson’s children are not influenced by Satan for it is written:

But behold, I say unto you, that little children are redeemed from the foundation of the world through mine Only Begotten; Wherefore, they cannot sin, for power is not given to Satan to tempt little children, until they begin to become accountable before me. D&C 29:46-47

Also: “little children are whole, for they are not capable of committing sin.” Moroni 8:8

If indeed reincarnation is the “doctrine of the devil” and wrong – or a sinful belief, then according to scripture the evil one would have no power to tempt children under the age of eight (the age of accountability) to remember past lives of actual people.

Scripture also says: “Now this is not all; little children do have words given unto them many times which confound the wise and the learned.” Alma 32:23

This is indeed the case with Stevenson’s studies. The little children he works with have come up with powerful evidence that have confounded the wise and learned of the world.

If the reader is interested in reading numerous case studies Dr. Stevenson has done I would recommend the book: “Children who remember Previous Lives.”

It is available at HERE is the Link.

Perhaps even more startling than the evidences derived from recalling past lives is Dr. Stevenson’s more recent work on corresponding birthmarks from one life to the next. He discovered that if one has a wound, particularly one that caused death, such as a gunshot, that the person will often have a birthmark in the exact placed where the wound was in a past life. What is even more fascinating is that if the person received a bullet wound which penetrated the body and left an exit hole that the entity will have a birthmark at both the point of entrance and exit.

Even more interesting is that the exit wound is larger than the entrance, and when the corresponding birthmarks are examined he found that the birthmark at the location of the exit wound was also much bigger.

Dr. Stevenson examined 895 children, who remembered past lives, for birthmarks, corresponding to wounds and found related birthmarks on 309 of them or 35%.

The chances of this happening are very miniscule. The average adult has about 17 square feet of skin stretching over his body. That is 2448 square inches. Now the chances of finding a birthmark on the same square inch of the body in a current life as a wound in a past life is 2448:1. The chances of finding a birthmark on the same square inch of both an exit and entrance wound is much greater: 5,992,704 to one, yet Stevenson turned up this startling evidence time and time again.

The interesting thing about the birthmark study is that the “tricky devil:” theory is even more ridiculous. To believe the devil is bouncing around stamping birthmarks on children defies all logic.

One can read much more on this subject of birthmarks and examine the evidence himself from Dr. Stevenson’s book: “Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect.”

In addition to this he has a more exhaustive 2200 page study called “Reincarnation and Biology.”

Another interesting evidence of reincarnation comes through Near Death Experiences (NDE).

Amber Wells of the University of Connecticut wrote a research paper based on her study of the near death experience for her senior honors thesis under the direction of Dr. Kenneth Ring. She discovered that 70 percent of the people who experience NDE believe in reincarnation, and many of them so believe because of something gleaned from the experience. On the other hand, according to Gallup only 23 percent of Americans in general believe in the doctrine. These statistics bear out that there is something about the experience that convinced many who saw a glimpse of the great beyond that there is more than one life.

One event given by many is what is called the life review. Some report being given the ability to review their whole life in detail, but in addition to this many also reported the obtaining of a vision of numerous past lives.

Then others report seeing entities waiting to be reborn or being told that they will have future lives.

Here in the West we tend to look on a belief in reincarnation as a minority belief expressed by a few new agers, but many do not realize that more religious people of the world accept the doctrine than reject it.

Interestingly, many of the American Indians believed in reincarnation. The Dakota tribe taught that man lived at least four lives and in between those lives he lived with the Gods and received instruction in magic and healing. Many of the Indian medicine men claimed to remember past lives. The Indian hunters did not believed they actually killed an animal, but just deprived it of its body for a short time. Often among the Tibetans as well as Eskimos if there is an old man who knows he is going to die he will find a young couple that he likes and ask permission to be their future child. If they accept he will give that couple his personal things that he wants for his next life and then wander off to die. There are numerous occurrences where babies of such couples will claim such articles as their own, and for a short period of time have a recollection of the past life associated with them.

This searching for marks of identification is very common among cultures that believe in reincarnation, and especially among the Tlingit Indians and the Igbos of Nigeria. Various tribes of West Africa make marks on the body of the recently deceased in order to be able to identify the person when he or she is reborn.

All the evidence I discovered helped me to believe in reincarnation, but I did not know it for sure until the day I discovered that I had lived before. This changed my whole life and outlook and opened my eyes to a new world of seeing.

I was amazed and almost wished it wasn’t true because of the problems it could create for my church membership, but for once in my life I realized that an average member of the church like myself may become aware of the truth of many doctrines that neither the prophet or the general authorities know anything about.

If the reader even after seeing all the evidence of reincarnation is still not convinced he should seek an answer through the Spirit as commanded in the scriptures. Ask with a sincere heart and you will receive an answer through the Holy Spirit.

The promise in the Book of Mormon pertains to all true works. Read Alma 32 and D&C 9:7-9 and see if the doctrine of reincarnation does not generate the feelings and results described. You are commanded to “try the spirits whether they are of God.” I John 4:1. Remember you are not commanded to ignore the sprits or claim they are from the devil, or to try and destroy them, but “try them”. It is as Joseph Smith said: “When was the time that I was ever confounded?” This doctrine cannot be confounded or proved wrong because it is true and it is in the scriptures despite the efforts of the Great and Abominable Church to remove all reference to the doctrine. The truth cannot be removed and darkness only lasts during the night and then cometh the day and we see with a perfect light.



Well, Clay, you say that you do not know how you can be clearer, but you are not clear at all about how you disagree with us. You are clear about your belief in certain universally accepted ideas such as hard work and relying on experts when needed, but that is not a part of any disagreement.

Now most of the group agrees with me on the use of authorities, education etc so I’ll itemize a number of my beliefs on this subject and then to finally be clear to us perhaps you can tell us which ones that you actually disagree with and why.

  1. It takes lot of hard work to acquire a difficult skill and we give anyone his or her due praise for such an accomplishment.

Note: You seemed to think we did not realize this for some strange reason.

  1. It take a lot of work to get a college degree.
  2. Many things learned in college and other schools are very useful and enable the person to perform a good service to his fellow men and women.
  3. Some classes are of much more practical use than others.
  4. Some courses like engineering, math and physics do not allow much room for bias because the principles are universally accepted. Others can have a lot of bias and illusion creep in such as political science, history and philosophy.
  5. If someone has a skill or knowledge that I do not then I will figure he knows more in his area of learning than I do, since I have not studied it.

(A) For instance if I wanted to build a house and had never done any construction then I would trust the advice of an experienced builder.

(B) If I wanted to set up a lemonade stand in the middle of downtown Boise and wanted to know the legalities of it I would figure that an experienced lawyer such as yourself would know more about the law involved than I do.

(C) If I wanted to know more about entanglement in quantum physics I would seek out someone with knowledge of the subject rather than some guy in a Bible study group.

(D) If I wanted to know about the history of Catholic saints then I would want to learn from someone who has studied them in depth.

(E) If I needed surgery I would certainly seek out one who was trained and experienced in the matter rather than the local barber.

BUT… Here is what I would not rely on from the above:

(A) If the builder told me the style and color of the house I should have then I would trust what I value above his tastes for I am the greatest expert on my own tastes.

If the builder was going way over budget and says “trust me. I know what I am doing.” then I would look into the details myself and not just trust him.

(B) If you told me that you could arrange for me to have a lemonade stand on the freeway then I would figure your judgment is so bad I shouldn’t use you for any legal matter.

(C) If the scientist says that entanglement is a true principle yet there is no such thing a extra sensory perception I would figure that the guy is way below me in the ability to synthesis information to discover larger truth.

(D) If the Catholic guy started telling me that I needed to pluck my eyes out the way St Lucy was supposed to have done then I wouldn’t trust him in any matter that required interpretation or judgment, even though he may have lots of factual knowledge.

(E) If the doctor wanted to put me on any kind of drug I wouldn’t trust him even though it conformed to his training. I have proven to myself that most drugs do more harm than good and have had good results in not taking any except some natural ones such as in coffee and wine.

So do you disagree with any of he above points? If so, explain. All of us know that someone with a PhD knows some facts in their field that we may not, but this does not mean we should trust their judgment. Or maybe it does in your mind.

You are just not clear enough to be concisely argued with. Wed like an argument to lead to some resolution and understanding rather than to be an eternal circle.


May 5, 2015

Tricky Devil

As expected Ken used the “Tricky Evil Spirit” card to refute the physical evidence of reincarnation. This tricky evil spirit idea has wide use among many Christian fundamentalists and it is one reason they are a legitimate (in this area) laughing stock among scientists and people of reason. Some tricky devil planted dinosaur bones and fossils to make it look like life has been on earth millions of years and that some type of evolution occurred. Then that same devil arranges half life dating to deceive scientists into thinking the earth is billions of years old.

Every time some enlightened soul gets a revelation they do not like then the tricky devil did it. But if some answer to prayer agrees with their belief system it, of course, came from God.

If one of their own heals someone by faith then God did it, but if someone of a different belief system does the same then the healing was done by the tricky devil.

Now the problem with blaming the tricky devil in planting false memories of past lives is that most of those who do recall past lives without assistance are young children. Their memories are most vivid around the ages of three to four years of age. These young children were the main focus of Ian Stevenson’s research and in case after case he verified the past life memories of the kids to be accurate.

I don’t know about your beliefs but some religions believe that Satan cannot temp or influence innocent children until they become self aware. If you believe that God is fair then you would think that he would make such children off limits to demonic possession.

Whatever the case innocent young kids that Jesus said we must become like to enter the kingdom of heaven would logically be the safest ones from being deceived by those tricky devils.

It is inconceivable that the tricky devil could have anything to do with the birthmark evidence of past lives. Let me quote again from my last post:

Dr. Stevenson examined 895 children, who remembered past lives, for birthmarks, corresponding to wounds and found related birthmarks on 309 of them or 35%.

The chances of this happening are very miniscule. The average adult has about 17 square feet of skin stretching over his body. That is 2448 square inches. Now the chances of finding a birthmark on the same square inch of the body in a current life as a wound in a past life is 2448:1. The chances of finding a birthmark on the same square inch of both an exit and entrance wound is much greater: 5,992,704 to one, yet Stevenson turned up this startling evidence time and time again.

So, how did the tricky devil make all those birthmarks appear? Or do you think that everyone with a birthmark has a mark from the devil?

And how about people who learned about reincarnation from a near death experience? Was that the tricky devil at work again?

And speaking of tricky devils, how do you know that your beliefs were not planted in your mind by some tricky evil spirit? How do you know you are even here. Maybe you really live on the planet Xenon and worship a giant goldfish and some tricky devil is just planting this earth experience in your mind as you dream.

Well, maybe not but this just illustrates how ar removed from reality the tricky devil idea can be taken.

God gave us minds and common sense to use and if we do not use them we will kick ourselves in the end and feel pretty silly when the truth is seen.



I disagree with you on (c) and (e). The scientist is only interested in what they can prove. A good scientist would not say that there is no such thing as “extrasensory perception” but rather there is no hard proof to accept extra sensory perception exist.


I’m trying to pinpoint where we actually disagree and you don’t really disagree with me on (C). Instead you disagreed with the hypothetical scientist – which isn’t me. In your mind a good scientist may not disregard anything, but in reality quite a few do. So do you disagree with my reaction if a scientist did say there was no such thing as extra sensory perception? Here’s the quote:

(C) If the scientist says that entanglement is a true principle yet there is no such thing a extra sensory perception I would figure that the guy is way below me in the ability to synthesis information to discover larger truth.

Next you disagree with this:

(E) If the doctor wanted to put me on any kind of drug I wouldn’t trust him even though it conformed to his training. I have proven to myself that most drugs do more harm than good and have had good results in not taking any except some natural ones such as in coffee and wine.

To this you say:

I am definitely in favor of taking certain drugs. I have also proved beyond a reasonable doubt that drugs are incredibly efficacious for certain conditions and I think the anti-vaccination crowd is completely wrong headed and are dangerous.


Even on this you haven’t pinpointed a point of disagreement. My argument had nothing to do with the idea that all drugs are bad all the time (as sometimes they are helpful) but whether or not you will automatically accept every recommendation of your doctor or sometimes question and think and investigate the validly for yourself. So which is it? Do you always do everything every physician has tells you to do without question?

I’m trying to find actual points of disagreement here so we can do more than argue for arguments sake.


May 6, 2015

Pain in the Neck


I’m going to ask you just one question. If a child was beheaded, would their birthmark be a ring around their neck when they reincarnate?


According to Stevenson’s research bout 35% of wounds such as gunshots, or knives result in birthmarks in a future life. He doesn’t say anything about beheadings, but I know from personal experience that this can cause a residual effect.

I once regressed a lady who had been plagued with terrific neck pains throughout her life and was frustrated because the doctors could find nothing wrong and could not help her.

Under regression she recalled being a child in an orphanage in England a couple hundred years ago. Apparently it was common procedure in this orphanage that when they had more kids than they could handle to just kill the surplus ones. They took her down to a dungeon like area and cut her head off.

I realized that death traumas from past lives can cause problems in the current one and the solution is to have them face the trauma even though it is painful so I had her review the memory until she could do so without tension. Then when I brought her back to then present her neck had completely left.

I bumped into her a couple years later and asked her if her pain ever returned and she said that they completely disappeared ever since the regression.

As far as memories being passed down through lineage this doesn’t hold water because people often recall memories of living a life in a different race with no family connection.

It is possible to tune into a memory of another entity who is dead but when this happens the person knows that the entity was not him in a past life. When recalling a past life the person generally has inner confirmation it was him or her in that life.

Besides, you believe the soul sleeps at death so there would be nothing to tune into according to your belief system.

Do you believe the same as the Jehovah Witnesses that when you die you sleep with no consciousness and then God will resurrect us all and judge us and those not worthy will be burned up into oblivion?



well then should we also find examples of birthmark blisters all over the bodies of children who were burned to death? Or how about a child that was eaten by an animal or shark, will we not find birthmark tooth marks all over their bodies? Or how about all the children that died of the “black plague,” did they reincarnate as “black” people? Just how far will you take this reasoning?


We are not talking about theory here but actual events. It is actually true that 35% of those with past life memories of stabbings or shootings have birthmarks in the wounded areas and that the chances of an entrance and exit mark in the exact spots are about one in 6 million.

Other traumatic deaths do leave a mark of some kind but it is often not a physical mark as in the case the case of the lady I regressed with neck pain. If someone were burned to death they may have a problem with rashes or just a fear of fire.

But all people are different and some handle trauma a lot better than others and some get better restoration between lives. Some can take a lot of trauma and bounce back relatively unaffected. I’m kinda that way.

You never answered my question. Here it is again:

Do you believe the same as the Jehovah Witnesses that when you die you sleep with no consciousness and then God will resurrect us all and judge us and those not worthy will be burned up into oblivion?



“Wow you read a whole analysis on the measles vaccine!!!! And was that analysis published in a “peer reviewed” journal may I inquire?”


It sounds like you will not accept any fact that is not published in a peer reviewed paper. With that attitude then personal experiences or the experiences if others would be meaningless.

I just read about crime statistics in the Boise paper this morning. I guess I should not even consider them with my analytical mind because they have not been published in a peer-reviewed paper. You seem to be not only attached to outer authority, but the authority must be super cleaned and scrubbed authorities. It is kind of amazing that you accept Catholic ceremonies or spiritual experiences when they have not been approved in scientific peer reviewed papers.

By the way I the postman just delivered the book you recommended, Meditations on the Tarot and I’m going to start it today, but I do not see any peer reviewed endorsement of it from an authoritative sourced.

So are you going to read Treatise on White Magic?

May 7, 2015

Space News

As most of you know I am a big fan of the space program. Those who share such interest are certainly in for a treat.

First we have the Dawn space probe, which is the first probe to visit two objects orbiting the sun. Its first visit was to the large asteroid called Vesta. It arrived there in July of 2011 and orbited it over a year studying it.

Here is a composite video which gives a great overview of the object.


Thanks to the first major implementation of xenon ion thrusters the craft had a source of power that enabled it to leave the orbit of Vesta to take off to visit the largest asteroid, Ceres, which is large enough to be called a dwarf planet, the same category that Pluto has been designated.

It has begun its orbit around Ceres and is presently about 8400 miles above the surface. By mid June it will close in at around 2700 miles and draw closer until the end of the year when it will get as close as about 230 miles.

What makes a closer approach to Ceres especially interesting is a couple unusually bright spots that have been photographed there by the approaching craft. These are especially intriguing considering that Ceres gets a lot less sunlight than we do being much further from the sun. Scientists have really been scratching their heads over this and are excited about taking a closer look.

To look at the recent images just Google “Ceres Bright Spot”.

From now until the end of the year we’ll be getting clearer and clearer images and it will be fascinating to get a better view of this mystery.

Each time we visit a celestial body there is something discovered that looks like it could be made by intelligent beings, like the face on Mars, but nothing that proves it for sure. I always thought it would be fascinating if they came up with some picture that provided concrete evidence that could not be denied.

The other endeavor that has my great interest is the New Horizons space probe that is finally, after a nine year journey, reaching Pluto. It will arrive at its closest point for a brief flyby on July 14. I have had great interest in what a close up of Pluto would look like since I was six years old so I am happy I have lived long enough to actually see this happen.

After Pluto they hope to guide the craft to another object even further out.

The rest of the year should have some interesting celestial revelations for us.

In the Sixties the budget for the space program was about 3.5% of our federal spending. Today it has been reduced to a half of one percent and a lot of that is for global warming studies instead of exploration. Imagine where we would be if we had kept NASA well funded.

This is one of our uses of tax dollars that I support, not only because of my interest in the space program, but also because the advances in technology from it have provided a generous return on our investment.

Here are some of them:




Here’s what I gather from your comments Ken.

Even though I believe in Christ because I do not believe in your version I will sleep at death and then be resurrected only to be put to death for eternity.

But a Jehovah Witness seems to believe pretty close to your version so they will not sleep but remain in full consciousness with Christ and you for eternity.

If this assumption is wrong straighten me out.

If this is not correct then who else besides you and your bother will not sleep at death? Be specific and don’t just say those who believe as you or exactly as you interpret scripture.




May 8, 2015


As for Moses actually existing, I am agnostic on the issue, it is possible some figure like Moses was the leader of the Ya faction, but he is mostly a literary creation.


I had an experience confirming the reality of Moses similar to that of your wife with Jesus and here is some of what I received.

There was a real Moses who did receive commandments written on stone tablets. However, they were not written by the finger of Jehovah, but by his own hand while in a state of oneness with God on a mountain, so after a manner of speaking they were written by the finger of God. He was transfigured and his body glowed just as the Bible says. That doesn’t mean that everything written about him, or is in the Old Testament, is accurate however.


May 10, 2015

Spiritual Communion

In response to my post on the Principle of Hierarchy Blayne writes:

You often hear people say God is working in their lives or put it all in the hands of God etc. People with sincere beliefs along this line often do seem to have doors open for them toward the things they seem to pray for, or their life just seems to improve when they take this mindset.

I myself have experienced this to some degree. I have felt God so to speak has orchestrated things in my life especially looking back. Is there some principle behind this or is it just the fact they are focusing their energy in this direction?


What you are talking about here demonstrates the principle that energy follows thought. If you think positive you will attract desirable things into your life, but if one thinks negatively the opposite will happen.

Think back to someone you know who is positive about life. Maybe you do not see him for a year or so and then ask him how things are going.

The guy with a positive attitude will rarely give you a sob story but will immediately tell you about something that happened or that he is working on that is very fulfilling for him.

Now consider someone you know who is negative who you haven’t seen for a while. How will he respond?

He’ll normally tell you tales of bad luck, and spend more time than you want relating all the terrible things fate as bestowed on him since you last met.

What is the difference in the two? It is in the focus of their thought. You can rest assured the positive one had problems to deal with that he didn’t burden you with, but that was not his focus. His attention was on the good things of life so he naturally drew these things into his sphere of consciousness.

Because we have this godlike power within us to manifest our thoughts we generally do not need some great being on a throne to hear and answer our prayers. Just sending focused thought, positive or negative, into the ethers will bring a response so real that it will seem as if either God or the devil is on your shoulder making things happen.

Here is one of my favorite quotes:

Words are things, and a small drop of ink, Falling like dew, upon a thought, produces That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.

Lord Byron

Words and thoughts indeed are things waiting to manifest.


Having said that some folks myself included have at times just felt I’ll go where ever God or the spirit leads and have had good experiences doing this. Is this the higher self prompting or guiding? Or is the Guardian Angel the higher self etc.?


Most seekers feel some type of guidance taking place in their lives and when the inner voice is followed the person almost always benefits. When it is not there is usually regret.

The guidance we feel comes from a number of sources.

(1) You life plan built into your inner memory.

Before you were born you chose the situation you were to be born into and saw a probable projection of your life and the various decision points. As you focused on your future life and the important forks in the road you did your best to instill into your inner consciousness decisions you wanted yourself to make and paths you wanted to take. If you wanted to take a certain career choice, have a certain mate, go to a specific school you tried to imprint this into your mental body so the path would seen familiar to you when the event would come up in your life.

As you journey through life and find that certain decisions just feel right this is often because you are following a plan you designed when you were in a higher state of consciousness in the spirit world.

(2) Your guide or guardian angel

There is always one fellow traveler that is out of incarnation that has agreed to watch over your life. This person is often called your guardian angel, but is more appropriately called a guide. You are not his full time job but he does check in with you now and then, especially if you are entering a point of tension that creates a wave of spiritual energy he or she picks up. It is not the guide’s job to save you from yourself or your troubles, but to do what he can to make sure you stay on the chosen or best possible path. If you are off course he will try and send you a massage of some kind. He may do this by sending you an impression. If one is too dense to register this he may enter one of your dreams as a character in it and give you a message. Then too he may arrange for some signs to show up in your life.

If your life is going as scheduled you may go long periods with no communication from your guide, but he will be consistently aware of you and keeping an eye on your progression.

(3) Your Higher Self

The seeker does not have much communion with the Higher Self until he achieves a measure of soul contact. After this is achieved he becomes more sensitive to his whole self and obtains a strong sense of purpose about his life and what he can accomplish with it.

(4) A Master or an advanced spiritual life.

You only hear from an advanced entity when you are to be involved in a work that will affect a significant number of people outside of your personality interests. If such contact is made the seeker will feel a very intense vibration on a high spiritual level. He will know he is not imagining things.

(5) The baptism of fire.

This is powerful affirmation brought about by a point of tension in the seeker’s life. It is a powerful endowment of spiritual fire sent to confirm a spiritual direction that needs to be taken by the pilgrim.


I have often wondered about this. And even argued with folks that God is not micromanaging their lives when they insist everything that happens in their life is Gods will for them. I have argued that one must take initiative on his own etc…?


Yes, our lives are far from being micromanaged and we are expected to do all we can on our own so we can obtain maximum learning from life. Some of our greatest learning comes from mistakes and often all the gods and angels will just stand by and observe as we make them. Then there are times that a choice may take one on the road of retrogression. In this case effort will be made to signal to you to not take the path, but we always have freedom to ignore all spiritual communication and go our own bullheaded way.

The rule of thumb is that the more the seeker pays attention to and follows the spiritual communications the clearer and more helpful they will become.


May 11, 2015

Back to Synthesis

Way back in the mid Eighties I put a lot of thought into working synthetically with enlightened groups. I shared my thoughts with my Nephew Curtis and we brainstormed together and wrote the Twelve Principles of Synthesis. We did what we could at the time to interest enlightened people and groups to work together synthetically but did not receive much response.

Today with the internet and instant communications the situation and opportunity is much different and the possibility of making this happen is more of a possibility.

Now Stephen felt some inspiration in this direction and tried to link us up with Allan’s group which didn’t work out that well, though it was an interesting experience.

Thee were two problems with that endeavor. First, our approach and beliefs are widely different in important areas, and secondly we wound up too much is each other’s space.

What got me thinking in this direction again were some words I recently read again in Treatise on White Magic. Here they are:

On the physical plane, without any exoteric organisation, ceremonials, or outer form, there is integrating—silently, steadily and powerfully—a group of men and women who will supersede eventually the previous hierarchical effort. They will supersede all churches, all groups, and all organisations and will eventually constitute that oligarchy of elect souls who will govern and guide the world.

They are being gathered out of every nation, but are gathered and chosen, not by the watching Hierarchy or by any Master, but by the power of their response to the spiritual opportunity, tide and note. They are emerging out of every group and church and party, and will therefore be truly representative. This they do, not from the pull of their own ambition and prideful schemes, but through the very selflessness of their service. They are finding their way to the top in every department of human knowledge, not because of the clamour they make about their own ideas, discoveries and theories, but because they are so inclusive in their outlook and so wide in their interpretation of truth that they see the hand of God in all happenings, His imprint upon all forms and His note sounding forth through every channel of communication between the subjective reality and the objective outer form. They are of all races; they speak all languages; they embrace all religions, all sciences and all philosophies. Their characteristics are synthesis, inclusiveness, intellectuality and fine mental development. They own to no creed, save the creed of Brotherhood, based on the one Life. They recognise no authority, save that of their own souls, and no Master save the group they seek to serve, and humanity whom they deeply love. They have no barriers set up around themselves, but are governed by a wide tolerance, and a sane mentality and sense of proportion. They look with open eyes upon the world of men and recognise those whom they can lift and to whom they can stand as the Great Ones stand,—lifting, teaching and helping. `They recognize their peers and equals, and know each other when they meet and stand shoulder to shoulder with their fellow workers in the work of salvaging humanity. It does not matter if their terminologies differ, their interpretations of symbols and scriptures vary, or their words are few or many. They see their group members in all fields—political, scientific, religious, and economic—and give to them the sign of recognition and the hand of a brother. They recognise likewise Those who have passed ahead of them upon the ladder of evolution and hail Them Teacher, and seek to learn from Them that which They are so eager to impart.

This group is a product of the past and upon that past I will touch; I will also indicate the present situation and forecast somewhat the general lines along which their association and future work will run. That such a group is forming is true and holds a good augury for the coming decades. In quiet and subtle ways they are already making their presence felt but theirs is as yet primarily a subjective influence.

Treatise on White Magic, pages 399-401

It would be a good idea to read on here as he continues to discuss this group. He talks about the importance of spiritually minded people and groups being in contact with each other and sharing information. He seemed to think that by now some significant progress would have been made in this direction, but it appears very little has. There are a lot of groups seeking to spread enlightenment but I don’t see any of them significantly reaching out to other groups with some type of exchange. It is as if all the so-called Aquarian Age groups are still clinging to Piscean Age separateness.

If we take the step of reaching out to other groups with the attitude of synthesis and spreading the light then we definitely need some criteria to follow that will aid us in finding others in points of harmony. Obviously some groups would be a waste of time, such as fundamental religious organizations, though some individuals within them are good synthesizers. Take the Mormon church for instance. The LDS hierarchy are a million miles from working with Aquarian groups, but individuals on the outskirts with a following may be.

Here are The Twelve Principles of Synthesis intended to be a guideline for gathering groups.



  1. We believe in the equality of men and women, the equal rights of each race and in the sacredness of all life.
  2. We believe that we have the capacity to see Eye to Eye with each other through the application of the principles of non-deception, open communication and contact of higher intelligence that lies within.
  3. We accept the responsibility of maintaining our bodies, emotions and minds in a state of maximum health and vitality. We Seek not to hurt but to heal.
  4. We believe in the principle of Harmlessness, for when we harm another person, we only harm ourselves. We shall not inhibit, restrain, or oppress the free will or privilege of any individual to explore new concepts and philosophies.
  5. We believe in the principle of Free Agency, and that there is a power within that enables us to proceed with purpose and accomplish many great and important works pertaining to the coming Age of Enlightenment.
  6. We desire to initiate a New Age of Peace, prosperity and spiritual attainment through the intelligent application of the principles of Love, Knowledge and Wisdom.
  7. We acknowledge the Christ-God-Consciousness as the single creative source manifesting through the Universe, and that this Power lies within each one of us.
  8. We affirm that the power of Love is the greatest unifying principle and send only the pure Love of Christ/God to all.
  9. We believe in the principle of Service, for when we serve one another, we serve ourselves. We retain only that which we have given away.
  10. We disclaim all totalitarian and secular controls over our lives, and affirm the power of the people to enjoy a free, democratic society with maximum liberty for the individual.
  11. We promote World Peace through the complete elimination of nuclear and doomsday weapons, international aggression, and the eradication of world hunger and poverty.
  12. We seek not to be separative and isolated but to unite and join hands with all spiritually-minded groups and individuals who desire to bring Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all Humankind.


There are several things we can do to help in synthesizing the groups.

(1) First we must find them. There must be hundreds of possibilities.

(2) We can create an internet newsletter giving out information on the various groups concerning their teachings and event.

(3) We can encourage shared events.

Once we make some progress the possibilities are endless.

As I said the first step is in finding the various groups. Three that come to mind are the Lucis Trust, publishers of the Alice A. Bailey books, and the University of the Seven Rays. I think several here have taken classes from them. Then Duane Carpenter participates in an online discussion group that studies the Bailey books.

In addition to groups famous individuals with a following could be helpful such as Shirley McClain, Rain Wilson, Oprah and others.

So here is the next assignment to get this started. Anyone who has some time can surf the internet and search out spiritual non dogmatic groups and their contact information. You can either post the information here or send it to me in a private email.

Also, if you have ideas of how to best proceed with this endeavor give us your input.


May 12, 2015

The Birth of Souls

Clay writes:

I do believe in reincarnation as there does seem to be some pretty fascinating stories and from some personal experience that seems to verify its truth. There is however one major problem that keeps coming up for me and that is the issue of the rapid population growth that the world has experienced over the past hundred years. It is estimated that the world population reached one billion for the first time in 1804. It was another 123 years before it reached two billion in 1927, but it took only 33 years to reach three billion in 1960.[70]Thereafter, the global population reached four billion in 1974, five billion in 1987, six billion in 1999 and, according to the United States Census Bureau, seven billion in March 2012.[69] The United Nations, however, estimated that the world population reached seven billion in October 2011. Where in the world ( or worlds) are all these new people coming from? We can’t all have past lives, especially having multiple past lives (like Allan) For example, back in 1 AD, the time of Jesus, there was only a population of 231,000,000. So that would severely limit the number of people who could be alive today that lived back then. This seems to be a major flaw in the reincarnation argument, as for almost all of human history populations were relatively stable or experienced small growth year after year, but the rate of growth has been simply unprecedented in all of history. I have never seen this addressed by proponents of reincarnation and was interested in the forums thoughts on this.


Good to hear from you again. Glad we haven’t scared you off yet.

Good question and one that is raised by many critics of reincarnation.

DK tells us that there are 60 billion human monads designated for this planet. Then there were 30 billion additional ones that refused to participate in the human incarnation process.

Right now the population is about seven billion so that would mean that there are 53 billion monads that are still available as surplus.

The human monad goes through two births. The first is a birth as a soul which is then overshadowed by a solar angel that nurtures it until it reaches the end of its earth journey. Not all the monads are born as souls at one time but enter soul bodies as needed in the incarnation process.

As the population has increased more monads have entered into soul life and the periods between incarnation have also shortened. I know this from the numerous people I have taken back. Entities have definitely incarnated more often in recent times than in past eras.

Not only are 60 million human monads available, but if necessary a soul can project himself into two physical bodies at one time. This means technically that more than sixty million human lives could be in incarnation, though I expect a reduction and stabilizing of the number of souls here in the future.

Robert Monroe, who was famous for his out of body teachings, tells us that when out of the body he once met an advanced entity who told him that his soul had another entity in incarnation and asked if he would like to know who he was so he could look him up. He declined as he thought it would just be too weird to meet another one of him.

Michael Newton regressed about 3000 people into the between life state had numerous people recount that at times their souls had two projections into physical incarnation. This is the exception rather than the rule.

Self conscious humans have been in the earth for 18 million years and many civilizations have come and gone so there has been a lot of opportunity for those available to incarnate.

I doubt if we will ever see more than 30 billion people on this planet at one time as I think we need half of us back in the other realms to balance things off. If there is ever a need for additional souls they could be pulled from other planets. Right now a small handful are from outside of this solar system, but that could change. If we turned this earth into a peaceful paradise a lot of extra terrestrial souls would volunteer to come here.



If we turned this earth into a peaceful paradise a lot of extra terrestrial souls would volunteer to come here.


So if we do all the hard work a bunch of free loaders will come and reap the benefits of the paradise we created… 😉


That is kind of what happened with the USA. The founders went through blood sweat and tears to create a great country and then when they are born in this age they discover that it is taken over by freeloaders that have no idea of what real sacrifice is.

I would think that government in the higher sphere’s works much better and the only outsiders permitted in would be those who have something to offer rather than just something to take.

The 30 billion refused to incarnate because of the great difficulties they saw ahead in the great struggle. They wanted to wait until the pioneers turned the earth into a paradise and then incarnate after the hard work had been done. But the tables were turned on them and they are denied the privilege of incarnating for millions of years. Goes to show that one needs to beware of what he asks for.


May 13, 2015

More Synthesis

I did some surfing on the web and gathered contact information on a couple dozen groups that may be good to work with on the synthesis project. Then I stumbled across a way to gather many hundreds of possible groups and influential people. So far only one person has expressed interest in helping with the project.

I’ve been thinking of the best way to put this together and thought of doing something like a Huffington Post for New Agers instead of politics. If someone associates with us they could post their writings, videos or events on the web page. If it became popular we could sell ads. Perhaps lwk will have some thoughts on putting this together.

We tried something like a Drudge Report for New Agers and that didn’t take off, but it is likely to be more successful if we can draw others in to participate.

I’ve been thinking of the simplest criteria possible for maximum inclusiveness while still being a draw for lights. Here are a couple.

(1) I do not condemn anyone who does not subscribe to my belief system but am as inclusive as possible to all sincere seekers of the spiritual path. Another seeker may have a different approach than me but still may be making significant progress.

(2) I realize that some true seekers are conservative and some liberal, some believe in reincarnation and some do not and have a variety of beliefs about God and spiritual things that differ from my own. I can still love them and work with them on points of agreement.

(3) I realize that the most important qualities for fellow seekers are that they follow the highest they know, love their fellow men and women and are sincerely seeking to serve others so they can do their part in improving this planet for generations to come.

May 17, 2015

Interesting. I’ve never really thought too deeply about time.. So how do different speeds of time coexist? Is it just relative to whom is experiencing it in their element? Can we experience time slowed down or sped up in the human form?




It is not that different speeds of time co-exist, but it is the different registrations of time which do so. You and the fly co-exist, but register time differently. You register time differently in sleep or meditation because how your grasp of passing images and sensations has changed. You can slow down or speed up time in meditation if you go deep enough.



So how do different speeds of time coexist? Is it just relative to whom is experiencing it in their element? Can we experience time slowed down or sped up in the human form?


It is not so much that different speeds of time co-exist, but that different states of consciousness that register it at different rates exist.

Have you ever watched time-lapsed pictures of a flower unfolding? Here you see two or three days of time in maybe a minute. This gives you an entirely different perspective of time speeding up. Here is a great video using time lapsed photography that gives us an idea of what it would be like living in a state of consciousness with time having been greatly sped up.


Now imagine living in the same state of consciousness as our planet earth where one heart beat equals about 25,000 years. You would then see that the solar system is not just some static creation, but a living one with planets and moons interplaying with each other. A billion year time lapse of the solar system would be interesting to watch.

On the other hand, tiny lives move so fast that they would be a mere blur for us to watch. An example would be some marine life. In this video a photographer had to use high speed photography and then put together frames to slow down time about ten times so we in our time frame can see what is happening. Take a look:


Now if we could photograph an atom we would have to slow time down more than a billion times to see anything that is happening within it.

Scientists are perplexed at how so much happened in the first second of he Big Bang. What they do not realize is that the consciousness of God adjusted itself to time in the microcosmic world and it went through billions of years of time in that first second. That is how the complicated foundation of our universe happened so quickly from our perspective.

We can experience time in different modes in human form. As I said you are in a different time mode when you sleep or enter deep meditation. Time is also altered by your heartbeat. The faster your heart beats the slower time goes. If you want to test this just time yourself running (accelerating your heartbeat) for ten minutes. After you do this, rest on the couch for ten minutes. Then ask yourself, didn’t the ten minutes of running seem to last longer?


May 19, 2015

New Heaven and Earth

“If we overcome all things concerning the lower nature then we can qualify to live in this new heaven and new earth.”


Is this new Heaven and Earth established, when the Earth dies and reincarnates again?


That was not what I was talking about, but that is one of he interpretations of the scripture. One day, billions of years from now the earth will die and be reborn and there will be literally a new heaven and new earth.

As it is I was talking about a future time on this earth where the scripture allegorically comes true as follows:

After those who have not manifested the God within have been removed from the earth and no longer incarnate, a new heaven (consciousness) and new earth (government & organizational structures) manifests.


May 21, 2015

Questions of Light and Dark


I have a few more questions in regards to Hitler………

  1. a) you have said that the Dark Lord of Atlantis overshadowed Hitler in Atlantis.


I have said that Hitler was overshadowed by a dark lord and that Hitler was an enemy of light in Atlantis. I do not recall saying he was overshadowed in Atlantis though he could have been.

I believe the Dark Brotherhood have mostly evolved from this planet though they may have some contact with dark intelligence from other systems.


So where did the Dark Lord of Atlantis come from? Another planet, or was he the fallen Angel from Venus or was he from the previous Earth and Universe, or was he the head Jewish leader who was on Earth before the Ancient of Days, or was he the head Serpent of the Serpent race?


The main fallen Lucifer, or Son of the Morning, came here with the ancient of days and his kingdom basically consists of fallen earth entities. Anything beyond this I cannot give any details.

I believe that the overshadowing Lord of Hitler was the fallen Lucifer, or Angel of the Morning.



Why was he allowed to be on Earth and walk the Earth, in a physical body at the same time that the Brotherhood of Light Masters walked the Earth in physical bodies?


Any being who is designated for this earth can incarnate when he wants to provided a body is available to meet his vibration. If one takes the dark path then his vibration may become too low to incarnate unless the vibration of the planet is lowered.


3) Did the Brotherhood of Light “create” the Dark Lord of Atlantis, because they interfered too much with humanity, and then because they gave out too much soul “magic” knowledge, then this had the reverse effect, and created a monster, which turned against them, and that is why they lost the War in Atlantis, something like they helped too much by giving out higher principles too soon, which then developed black magic because it was infused with the Lunar Lords’ energy or vibrations?


We all create our own fate but the dark lords did use much of the knowledge given out for their own selfish ends.


When do we get to know the real truth? (about Atlantis and ancient history)


Each of us can only do so much depending on where we place our focus. In this life I place my focus on principles that can be implemented for the further evolution and security of the race. I haven’t placed a lot of attention on our ancient history, but may do this in a future life when the planet is more stable. There is lot of false information channeled about our history, but it is quite possible someone may come forward with one that is truly accurate. I would guess that DK will give additional details when he teaches again after 2025.

You ask who is the voice that spoke to Hitler and the voice of God when it speaks.

The fallen Lucifer most likely worked through Hitler and he thought this was God. A person’s own Higher Self usually represents the voice of God to him.


It seems that for centuries the Brotherhood of Light has been trying to “seal the door where evil dwells”, which was opened in ancient Atlantis, perhaps? And who let evil in?


It is the consciousness of humanity that allows the door of evil to be open. Even though we are not perfect the door is under control when the teachers of light dominate, but this situation has been rare. What will close the door is the rising of the consciousness of humanity as a whole. This is the present goal.


You know JJ, if you wrote the real story about Atlantis, this book would become a best seller.



It will be written some day and it will indeed be a best seller.



Reaping and Sowing


Concerning karma? Why does everyone have to stand before the “judgment seat” of Messiah IF they are to be judged by or through “karma” in making up for or being rewarded for everything they did while existing in the flesh?


If you think the judgment consists of, first dying, then going into oblivion until God reconstructs the righteous and the wicked to literally stand before him and then watch the wicked after being shamed and burned back into oblivion by fire then you are going to feel pretty silly after you die, discover you are not unconscious, and that those who do not believe as you will not be dissolved.

We are judged after death by our own Christ-linked souls which are linked to God. So it is true that we are judged by Christ and God, but not in the literal way imagined by Bible literalists.


So again, WHY is there a belief in “karma” when it clearly states that all will be raised to Stand BEFORE Elohim to be judged according to their works?


We die and then are judged according to our karma, which is merely the principle of reaping what we sow, and then, after a period in the spirit world, we are sent back into another body to fulfill that judgment.

Here are some comments on this subject:



Paul tells us plainly that all will not attain the resurrection of life. He said “the wages of sin is death”. When we sin we need correction so we are sent to the resurrection of KRISIS where we are again in mortal bodies subjected to death. Paul further said: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God (sin), him shall God DESTROY; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.” I Cor 3:16-17.

Those who continue to sin and suffer the resurrection of KRISIS are reborn and live a mortal existence where their temple of God (their body) dies or is destroyed. Interestingly “destroy” comes from the Greek PHTHIO which means “to waste, spoil, or decay”. That certainly describes the mortality we experience in the resurrection of KRISIS.

It is only fitting that Paul said that “the last enemy to be destroyed is death.” I Cor 15:26. This is because we are born again and again into the resurrection of KRISIS until we have corrected all of our mistakes. The very last correction we make is when we overcome death and “put on immortality”.

Jesus admonished us to follow in his footsteps: “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, EVEN AS I ALSO OVERCAME, and am sat down with the Father in his throne.” Rev. 3:21 If we are to overcome as did Jesus then we must obey the injunction: “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Matt 5:48 I do not know of even one person who has attained perfection and overcome all things as did Jesus. Consequently, the only way the scriptures can be fulfilled is for one to be physically born again until he can live a life without sin just as Jesus did. Those in the kingdom of man must literally be “born again” to enter the kingdom of God.

When that happens the promise will be fulfilled where Jesus said: “Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and HE SHALL GO NO MORE OUT.” Rev. 3:12 We will have to “go no more out” of one physical body into another- one when we have overcome all things.

Until that time Jesus tells us that “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, (of physical bodies), and find pasture.” John 10:9.

After we go in and out and find pasture the time will come when: “he that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I GIVE POWER OVER THE NATIONS: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: EVEN AS I RECEIVED OF MY FATHER.” Rev. 2:26-27

These scriptures we have quoted make it very clear that there are two resurrections. We enter the resurrection of KRISIS each time we fall short of the glory of Christ. When this happens God causes our bodies to be destroyed. He asks us to “overcome” “even as I overcame”. Obviously we cannot overcome AS he did unless we will eventually live a perfect life as he did on the Earth.

Jesus said that we will do “greater works” than he did. John 14:12. To this day I know of no one who has done greater works than Jesus, but when the time comes that some of us are living our last life to “attain” the resurrection of life, then will the world see these greater works. At that time we will come to the “knowledge of the Son of God, UNTO A PERFECT MAN, unto the-measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” Eph 4:13. When one becomes “a perfect man” he then receives “power over the nations” as promised.

Reincarnation is merely the result of the law of cause and effect as pointed out by Paul: ‘if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself. But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For every man shall bear his own burden. Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that SHALL HE ALSO REAP. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh REAP CORRUPTION (the resurrection of KRISIS or rebirth in mortality); but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap LIFE EVERLASTING” (or the resurrection of life).. Gal 6:3-6.

Again we have here a vivid description of the two resurrections. The word “corruption” here comes from the Greek PHTHORA which is derived from PHTHEIRO the word that is used when Paul said that God shall “destroy” the defiled temples. PHTHORA indicates a state of “decay”. Thus Paul is simply telling us over and over again that if our mind is centered on carnal things we will return not to some state of immortality, but will “reap corruption” or decay.

Paul even goes so far as to warn us to not be deceived for God is not mocked on this matter. He further says that “flesh and blood CANNOT inherit the kingdom of God; neither doeth corruption (obviously referred to here as flesh and blood) inherit incorruption.” I Cor 15:50.

Here the “corruption” that we reap is, identified as “flesh and blood”. This is only logical since all flesh and blood is proceeding toward death and decay. After all Paul said that the corruption would be reaped “of the flesh”.

Since flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God that simply means that if we fall short of it we will be “born again” in this state of “corruption” or flesh and blood. Flesh and blood is the resurrection of KRISIS and we must come back again and a gain and inherit this corruption until we have “corrected” all of our mistakes and attain the resurrection of life or “the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” Eph 4:13

Jesus was subtly referring to the resurrection of KRISIS when he said: “Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.” Matt 5:26

No orthodox Christian has ever answered this question: If we reap according to how we have sowed and if we “of the flesh reap corruption” and we die before we have reaped all that is due us, then how can we reap “of the flesh” with no flesh? How can we reap corruption if there is no corruption?

The only answer is reincarnation. We must return to mortality if we are to reap corruption in the flesh. Is there another way to fulfill the scripture without mocking God? Verily no.

The principle of reaping as we sow is repeated many times in the Bible. Jesus said: “ALL they that take the sword shall PERISH with the sword.” Matt 26:52. Now it is obvious that many people in history have slain with the sword, yet died a peaceful death. Why then did Jesus use the word “all”? Why did he say these words to Peter in an effort to get him to put away his sword and cease his attack on the angry mob? Obviously, if Peter went forth and killed with the sword then he would have to reap what he sowed and come back (even if it was a future life) and reap destruction by a sword or some similar destructive weapon.

This is confirmed in the thirteenth chapter of Revelations where we are told about the Anti-Christ who will slay all those who will not worship his image and will have power over the Saints. Here the saints are told why they must suffer: “He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword MUST be killed with the sword. HERE IS THE PATIENCE AND THE FAITH OF THE SAINTS.” Rev 13:10

In other words, the reason the patience and the faith of the saints is tested so is because of mistakes they made in past lives. In previous lives they killed with the sword as Peter wanted to do. They also lead others into captivity even as did Paul before his conversion. Thus when the saints are persecuted they are often reaping what they have sowed in previous lives. This answers the eternal question as to why some of the best people must suffer so. They are paying off debts from a past era when they were not so good. When one becomes a disciple of Christ he must pay the “utter most farthing”, for Jesus said: “Everyone shall be salted with fire.” Mark 9:49

This principle was further emphasized by the Lord’s own mouth to Noah: “And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man’s brother will I require the life of man. Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, BY MAN SHALL HIS BLOOD BE SHED: for in the image of God made he man.” Gen 9:5-6

Of course, there have been many who have shed blood who have not reaped what they have sowed. But remember “God will not be mocked” and let the person escape the punishment he has decreed. He will be reborn and “of the flesh” reap his just reward with interest.

The principle of rebirth also helps us to understand the dialog that God had with Cain: [God said to Cain:] “A fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth… [And Cain said:] I shall be a fugitive and vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that everyone that findeth me shall slay me.” Gen 4:12-14

Notice here that Cain expects to be slain more than once. Also study the Lord’s response: “And the Lord said unto him, therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him SEVENFOLD. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.” Gen 4:15

There are several things that do not make sense here without re incarnation. First, Cain was told he would be a fugitive and vagabond in the earth, but instead the scripture tells us that he settled in the land of Nod and built a city named Enoch. (See Gen 4:16-17) It sounds as if Cain was fairly settled in that life. One would have to stretch the imagination to call him a fugitive and vagabond in the earth so how could the decree of God be fulfilled? Reincarnation is a possible answer. It’s quite probable that Cain has been reborn a number of times and has been a vagabond in the earth more than once.

Cain also made the interesting statement: “Everyone, that findeth me shall slay me.” indicating he expected to be slain more than once. But the scriptures give no indication that Cain died other than a natural death in that life.

Finally we are told that whoever kills Cain will have vengeance taken on him “sevenfold”. The question arises: How do you take seven fold vengeance on murder? If a killer is put to death then the vengeance is merely onefold; yet, short of torture, that is the worst punishment that can be inflicted. Taking this into consideration how else can the Lord take vengeance “sevenfold” on murder unless the man gives his life seven times?

In other words, if a man kills Cain, or possibly one of his descendants, thinking he deserves it then he would have to forfeit his life in seven different lifetimes to pay for the deed. That seems like a stiff punishment, but we probably do not know the whole story here.

We are told that a terrible reaping will be given out to those who change the revelations of God: “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book (the book of Revelations), If any man shall add unto these things, God shall ADD unto him THE PLAGUES that are written in this book. Rev. 22:18

Now for an interesting question… Why did John warn those in the first century that if they added extra words to his book that they would suffer the plagues, which plagues would not come upon the earth for another two thousand years? How could a scribe living in the first century (who commits the sin of adding words to John’s book) suffer the plagues unless he were here reborn thousands of years later?

The plagues from the Book of Revelation include such things as men dying of waters that are polluted, men being killed by the symbolic beast, men being scorched by the heat of the sun. people receiving sores over their bodies and numerous others.

How could a person from the first century possibly receive these physical plagues unless he is here, born again in a physical body???

We also find that those who have shed the blood of saints and the prophets in past ages will come back and suffer the plagues: “And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and upon the fountains of waters; and they became blood. And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. FOR THEY HAVE SHED THE BLOOD OF SAINTS AND PROPHETS, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.” Rev. 16:4-6

It seems only fair that those who have shed the blood of the prophets through the ages will have to come back and reap the harvest of their deeds by drinking blood in a future lifetime.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Keys Writings 2015, Part 10

This entry is part 11 of 13 in the series 2015B

April 25, 2015

JJ in the Sky


I don’t hate it JJ, I just don’t ignore history and pretend that we are the greatest country to ever exist and our shit does not stink.


Well, you sure had me fooled because you sound like you loath this country and everything it stands for. You say that I should moved merely because I think the taxes are to high, but you have nothing good to say about this country so it leaves me wondering as to why you would stay and which nations you see as more desirable. You obviously would never move to Germany. To hell with the idea of what they are now, but their past with Hitler and Bismarck are much worse then ours and with your mindset they must ever be seen as evil. You wouldn’t dare want to look at the progress they have made.

You couldn’t move to Australia because they mistreated the aborigines similar to how we did with the Native Americans.

You couldn’t move to England because by comparison they were a greater evil than us that we had to fight against to free ourselves.

You say you do not ignore history. Well, you do not ignore any history of the United States that is written with a jaundice eye putting everything in the worst possible light. You are ignoring the good half of our history that has established a beacon of freedom that until now the oppressed people of the world are willing to risk their lives to come to.

So if we are so bad why do you not leave? I answered your question on this so how about answering in return?

Whereas you ignore the good in America I have examined the good and evil and seek to assist in more manifestation of that which is good rather than dwelling on past mistakes which are no longer applicable..

Sure we have made mistakes, slavery of blacks being a big one, but what good does it do to mope around hanging our heads in shame when we have moved beyond it? You seem to want us to spend out time wringing our hands weeping over our past sins that we have moved beyond. What does that accomplish?



Sarah also warned me that Mormons, ex or currently practicing where hyper conservative and very anti-government and very pro-business, so I guess I should not be surprised by any of this.


If you see this as a Mormon site then you are seeing incorrectly. Maybe a quarter of the members have some type of Mormon background, but many here do not such as Ruth, Dan, LWK, Alex and others. Most of the members with a Mormon background are like your wife and have moved on to higher things.


Man she is not wrong about anything. Look If I could give you all Wyoming or some state like that and all you libertarians could go there and create your Galt’s Gulch I would be all for it.


The only way to know if an alternative plan would work would be to test it. Unfortunately, with having all nations and territories tightly controlled the testing of new systems is next to impossible. That is what made America such a land of opportunity. It provided the means to test new forms of government,

That would be great if we had all of Wyoming to carry out experiments and then go with what works and drop what doesn’t. If led by those with an understanding of freedom and brotherhood it would be the envy of the world within two generations.


I would like nothing more to be rid of this nonsense about theft, slavery and how unfair life is from privileged middle and upper class white people I would be thrilled.


You used he most insulting wording possible. What we would like to do is prove that life in an environment of maximum personal and group freedom is much more successful than one in a tightly controlled environment with way too many laws, overspending, borrowing and regulations.


Ruth would be SOL


You seem to be obsessed with worrying about Ruth. Maybe you ought to help her out to assuage your conscience.


JJ the entire problem with your entire solution is the problem of human selfishness and free-riders. … Your entire system, just like Marx, totally ignores human nature and is therefore totally and completely unworkable. You totally do not or have not considered the problem of free riders, and they are what makes involuntary taxation absolutely necessary.


You need to quit arguing with some crazy JJ in the sky and talk to me. All my solutions deal with human selfishness and factor it into the equation.

Where have I not done this? As usual you will probably refer to some teaching that I do not promote rather than referencing something I actually say or teach.

When you first came on board here you seemed to be pretty fair in responding to what I actually was saying, but now you seem to only respond to some illusionary JJ conjured up in your imagination. What’s going on with you? How about taking a breath and coming back to reality. I don’t mind a good argument, but that JJ in the Sky is getting in the way here.


You simply can not have a modern civilization without taxation.


If you read my book, Fixing America you’ll not be able to find anywhere there where I advocate doing away with taxes.


I hate the gas tax, I hate all tax and would not pay a dime in taxes if I was not compelled to.


Well we differ there. I love the gas tax as long as it goes to our road and highway system. I would voluntarily pay that tax.


you are demonstrating this very tendency in humans by wanting to eliminate all involuntary taxation. JJ, your ideal community would not last a decade.


I would not eliminate all taxes. Again you’re arguing with your imaginary JJ.


So what type of taxation do you support JJ?


Ahh. Finally after many false assumptions you at least now are asking what my real views are.

I would support any tax system that is approved by the majority of those who actually pay the taxes. That doesn’t necessarily mean I would agree with it but I realize hat I will not always get my way.


So I do question the spiritual aptitude of people who seek extremes as opposed to balance.


You sound liked one with a lot more extreme positions than I have. I think it is extreme to see nothing of value in Rand’s teachings. I find something of value in most everything I read from both sides of the equation. I have even written a book on balancing the extremes – The Lost Key of the Buddha.


I never subscribe to either side, ideology is a shortcut to critical thinking. Always look for balance


This does not appear to be the case. You seem to side with an extreme black and white approach on the pacifist side. You also seem to side with the socialist big government view, but you haven’t given out many details. I haven’t seen any balance in factoring in the good that comes from free enterprise and capitalism.


Clay… You keep comparing my views to that of Ayn Rand when I rarely use her writings as a reference for anything. Our basic point of agreement is on the principle of freedom and if freedom of the human spirit is a problem to you then you indeed have a burden that may follow and plague you for lifetimes to come.

I just emailed you a copy of my book Fixing America so you can actually see what my views are and respond to what I think rather than what I do not think.

You seem to think that my views do not differ from Rand’s. Take a look at this parable I have written and ask yourself if it is something Ayn would have come up with.

Parable of Abundance



Positive and Negative Liberty

There is no such thing as positive and negative liberty. All you represent there is a creative play on words. The positive and negative poles are liberty and enslavement or restriction.

If I am free to move my arm to take a drink and no one will stop me you call that a negative liberty. That is not negative put positive.

If I acquire the means to buy food and go about doing it you call that a positive liberty, but it is no different. They are both liberties of the same kind – a liberty that exists because of no restriction.

Perhaps you want to go to further extreme and say a positive liberty is when you steal a dollar from Jim and give it to Kate. Now Kate has the freedom to spend the dollar. Well she already had freedom to spend whatever comes into her hands, she just never had the dollar and Jim lost any positive freedom so there was no gain in freedom any way you look at it.

Kate already has the freedom to spend whatever dollars comes into her hands. Giving her a dollar just adds a dollar to her account. It has nothing to do with free will. It only gives her this extra choice to make: “How does she spend the dollar?”

Now if you start telling her what she has to do with that dollar then you are dealing with real freedom.



You are awfully presumptuous to believe that you are on “the side of light” aren’t you. How do you know that you are not on the side of darkness wrongly believing it to be the side of light? That is why I don’t play sides,


Wow. You play sides as much as anyone I have met. We have never had such a side player come on this forum. Your side is the ultra left and the ultra left only. Then, as all do from the left, you will backstep now and then and claim to look at both sides and be in the middle.

For instance, you will completely condemn Ayn Rand but then backstep and claim that you embrace some of her teachings on free enterprise and capitalism.

So far, except when you respond to socialist accusations, you only lean to the extreme left, much farther than I go Right.


I don’t know what is best, so I seek to balance the two opposing sides.


If you do not know what is best then why do you keep telling us what is best for us? Does not compute. You obviously think you know what is best and not best about Rand’s teachings.


Both sides have excellent points


You keep saying this but then only preaching leftist doctrine and condemning anything from the Right or the middle (libertarianism).


and it has nothing to do with serving “darkness” or the “light”. This is the entire problem with all faith systems from the Abrahamic traditions, they separate humanity into a “god’s people” which always happens to be the side you are on, and “”the people of darkness” which always happens to be the side you disagree with.


That assessment is crazy talk and does not apply here. We are not some fundamentalist black and white group. You seem to be making a huge effort here to paint Keys members in the worst possible light – creating a great distortion in your mind.


If this forum really separates out people based upon serving light or darkness guess who you serve, it is most definitely not who you think it is.


Every decision advances one in one direction or the other. To say discernment makes no difference is plain silly. Even though we recognize this is the case and there is truth and error out there, most of us are pretty tolerant of other views and do not condemn anyone as evil just because they think differently than us.

I don’t think anyone here thinks of you as evil. Just somewhat mislead, but sincere in your beliefs. I knew you did not agree with me on numerous things when I invited you here. Would I do that if I thought you were some dark guy on the evil side?


I can not stand this type of we are righteous servants of God and our opponents are servants of darkness nonsense. Both sides have good points


Then why do you put yourself out as the one who is right and Rand is so wrong you would fight her with your life’s blood? You are doing the separating thing much more than I am. And what good points did Rand have then?


and just because you disagree with someones politics does not make them a servant of darkness, or the political aims they value, values of darkness.


You need to look in the mirror here because you are the one who is showing the greatest resistance to opposing views. I have never met a person who hates Rand so much and talks about her like she is some dark lord.

Clay: I thought this was a spiritual sight, not an apocalyptic end of times, Children of Light versus the Sons of Bilal nonsense.


It sounds like you would fit right in such a site as you have a condemning attitude much more than most here. In fact you were originally attracted to Allan’s site which does have apocalyptic views. We do not and think the world will end but will continue for millions of years.



Well JJ according to every political philosophy department in the world, you are wrong. If you want to be taken seriously as a philosopher and a thinker, you need to know these things. JJ, even libertarians acknowledge that there are two forms of liberty. I am done here JJ. Now you are just being obtuse because these ideas conflict with yours. There are two types of Liberty JJ.


With some creative thinking i could give you seven different types of liberty but such diversion would just obscure the truth. Instead of just unthinkingly going along with what some authority says we need to look at the underlying principles involved. True freedom merely involves making a choice and then moving forward to carry out that choice avoiding if possible unwanted limiting obstacles forced upon you by your fellow human beings. Thus a citizen in North Korea faces a true challenge to freedom for he indeed has great obstacles placed in his path by other designing humans.

Remove human tyranny from any group of good will inhabitants and you will soon have a productive society even if they start with nothing – none of your positive freedom would be needed.


You keep calling me an extremist but the only thing extreme you can come up with is a distortion of my views. I challenge you to find one quote from my actual words that is an example of political extremism.

I can find several from yours.

You are an extreme pacifist in that you would not take one life in a situation where you would with surety save 50. I’d say that less than 10% of the population would side with you on that one.

On the other hand, almost all my political writings, on a case by case basis, reflect majority opinion.

You complained that we as a spiritual group are talking politics, but you led us in this direction. I was posting on spiritual principles before this round and plan on returning soon.


April 27, 2015

Freedom and Judgment

The problem we have when dealing with accusations and confrontational dialog is that explanations given out are in bits and pieces and the reader often has difficulty in making heads or tails, not only about what is true, but about the real positions of the accused.

We have been portrayed here as black and white right wing extremists and such is not the case. Something to consider is that members here vary in their political thinking. Some are more to the right or to the left than others so in speaking of political views I speak for myself.

It is interesting to observe the distorted reaction of the left when I criticize big government, enforced socialism, high taxes, excess regulation or other problems with authoritarian government. A critic will often immediately assume I am against all government, all social programs, all taxes, all force, and all regulations. If one such as myself then speaks positively about any of these things they will often shout out “hypocrite!”

Why do they react this way?

The reason is because they are black and white in their thinking and see no middle way; and the funny thing is this is the way they see their brothers on the right. It is as if they are looking in a mirror and accusing themselves.

Many things to them has to be all good or all bad. Every ingredient in big government, despite its flaws is necessary and not to be eliminated. All taxes are to be kept in place. All social programs are desirable. All regulations are needed. If any changes are to be made it is to add more of these things, not take away.

Clay seemed to fall into this trap as when replying to me he seemed to make the erroneous assumption that I am against all force, all taxes, all socialism, all regulations etc.

This is far from the case but I have found that when you have a partial disagreement with most people (speaking in general here) that they immediately assume you are in total disagreement. They seem to want to classify others as either a total friend or foe and it’s difficult to see you as a foe if they see 80% agreement and 20% disagreement. The tendency then is to focus on the 20% disagreement as well as assuming disagreement status on the other 80%.

If two people can find points of agreement and work from there they can often wind up seeing eye to eye, but such is not desirable to one who wants to make his brother into a foe.

Even though I have written much about my views on government, freedom, taxes etc I will briefly state my approach again, an approach supported by many here who follow my teachings.

To understand my thinking on any subject that requires action it is essential to understand that I do not see the best course of action to be on the left, the right or exactly in the middle. Instead one must look at both sides and then make a judgment that will generally turn out to be in between the two extremes. Such a judgment will be different in each circumstance.

Most people do not want to weigh both sides and make a judgment because they are mentally lazy. Lazy people want things to be black and white so they can be all in or all out – no thinking required for individual circumstances.

Using this key of judgment then here is the short version of my views.


I am a big believer on the principle of maximum freedom, but not freedom in all circumstances. When an act takes away more freedom than it gives then it violates the principle. For instance, if the thief steals your money it does give him some extra freedom, but in the process these is more loss than gain. The victim has not only lost his money, but the thief has lost part of his soul.

There should be no restrictions on actions that will create more good than harm.

Laws and Regulations

I think there are way too many of these and the problem is when any of them do not work the solution is always seen to create more laws and regulations instead of reducing them.

Even so, I do believe that a certain number is necessary. I believe that sensible and sound law will lay the foundation for the Age of Peace which has yet to come.

Jessie Ventura presented a good idea in handling the massive laws and regulations on the books. He thought that once every three or four legislative sessions lawmakers should focus on laws and regulations that need to be eliminated rather than added.


Right now the average taxpayer pays more than 50% of his income in taxes when all of them are considered. I think that is way too much and most people agree with this when they become aware of all the taxes they do pay.

Our representatives seem to think it is their job to tax us and spend the money. We need to change their job description so they understand that it is their main job to actually represent us. I support taxes for essential services agreed to by the will of the people.

The problem today is that even though our government is called a representative one that taxpayers are not being represented. This needs to change and how to accomplish this is in my book Fixing America.


Force is often seen as an ugly word, but it is sometimes needed. If there is a law then force is needed to back it up or it is useless. Because the use of force needs to be kept to a minimum then it follows that laws requiring force need to be the essential ones. Some laws are agreed upon by most such as those against murder, rape and theft. Other laws are quite controversial and can cause many problems for harmless citizens.


Because I am a big advocate of freedom and free enterprise some will automatically assume I am against all things labeled socialism. This is not true. I have presented a number of social ideas I advocate in my writings.

I do not believe I have ever said that I am against socialism. Any time that I have ever spoken against it I have qualified my statement by stating that I am against socialism by force, or enforced socialism.

All social programs, loved or hated by the people, always emerge out of good intentions. What many do not realize is that an ideal which may be very good turns into a great evil when implemented by force.

All tyrants in history thought that they knew what was good for the people and used force to make people do what they thought was the righteous thing.

Big Government

I am not against government, but I am against big and wasteful government. Our bloated government has borrowed us into very dangerous territory that we will have great difficulty emerging from.

Overall, I support those things that give our civilization structure and security, but am critical of the lack of judgment of our approach. What is needed more than any other thing right now is for government to cease violating the will of the people and to accurately represent them. To this end I have made a number of proposals for reform that will work without any altering of the Constitution.



If this is the true story of humanity, then why doesn’t JJ teach us this, instead of what he has been teaching us?

So who is right? JJ or this guy who writes about God being a genetic engineer?

Why wouldn’t JJ just write it out plainly for all of us, like this guy does, if this is what is true?

Because if JJ doesn’t teach us the truth, then what are we learning?

And if your guy is telling the truth, then that makes JJ out to be a liar, and if JJ is a liar then how would any of us trust him ever to teach us the truth?

Therefore, I will stick to JJ’s teachings and the DK teachings, because they sound much more logical and true to me.


Let me make it clear that there are many truths that I have not taught, especially in relation to our history. I have placed my attention in this life in the discerning of true principles and how to apply them much more than attempting to read the Akashic records of the planet and its history. Therefore there are many things in history that I do not know. If someone teaches something that I have not yet taught this does not mean that they are incorrect. And even if they disagree with me does not mean they are wrong because I am not infallible. Each if us must always check with our souls.

There are a number of things that the Raeleans that Alex subscribes to with which I disagree but each of us needs to examine all teachings presented by me or anyone else in the light of their own souls and common sense.



Poor JJ., ……….imagine how God must feel by now? But JJ said he isn’t God, a Guru, or doesn’t even claim to be a Deacon. Claiming to be a Teacher allows one to teach all teachings of others with out ever needing to defend any original invented concepts,


To describe me as “poor” does me a disservice. “Blessed” would be a more appropriate word.

I am happy and able to defend anything I teach and have done it and can do it through the use of historical truth, scientific truth, logic, reason and the Law of Correspondences. The final verification is through soul contact.


Extremism and Reality


I am not the extremist in my thinking. My beliefs fall pretty much dead center politically. An extremist viewpoint on my part would be an adoption of Marxism/Leninism. That is the extremist position for those on the left of center.


I haven’t labeled you an extremist on all things. That would be impossible as I do not know the full extent of your belief system. I wouldn’t have noted any of your extremism at all except you drew first blood in the accusation so I figured you need to take the beam out of your eye so you can more clearly see the mote in mine.

Unlike your approach I supplied specifics of your extreme views on pacifism and negative emphasis on our mistakes many decades ago. On the conservative side you have revealed an extreme position on abortion equating anything after conception as murder.

In examining extremism one has to go issue by issue, for many like yourself may have a combination of extreme positions on both the political left and the right and a test may a reveal an average that doesn’t present a clear picture.


Far Left extremist position – Total socialist control, no free market at all, total state control of all means of production.

That is the extremist position.


It is so far extreme that not one of our elected officials claims to support it. By your definition here then no elected official in the U.S. history has ever been an extremist on the left. I would guess you do not feel this way about the right.


The Far Right Free Market position is no centralized control, no involuntary taxation, no government regulation or oversight, total Laissez-farire capitalism. JJ, you hold an extremist libertarian position and you only support voluntary taxation, and believe that any taxation that you do not personally approve to be tyranny and slavery. That is an extremist position.


Yeah, that would be extreme if that were my views. I’ve corrected you several times on these things and it didn’t seem to sink in so I wrote a post yesterday clarifying them and you still distort my thinking to fit your mindset. Why are you doing this?

Blayne also called you on this. If you want to discuss or criticize my views then please use my views, not your JJ In The Sky myth.

If you continue to mischaracterize my views that I have clarified I will have to conclude you are just being mean spirited and attempting to deceive.


You try to tone it down by stressing that people will be so enlightened in your ideal society all these good social programs will still remain, but you have zero, zero proof that this would be the case.


I do not recall saying anything about current social programs remaining but there is a lot of proof that if a thing is good and efficient that it will endure whereas that which is not good and efficient will be replaced.


So my position for taxation and oversight by the government is not extreme in anyway shape or form.


I never said it was. You are fairly in line with the typical Democrat on this.


People on the right have so dominated the discourse that any disagreement over the proper role of government, and any support of mandatory taxation, gets labeled as extreme.


Can you give me an example of this by any elected official? I cannot think of any.


It is not, I adopt a fairly balanced approach between the balance of positive and negative liberty. Your total rejection of the value of positive liberty also demonstrates your extreme belief structure.


I haven’t rejected the value of what you call positive liberty. I have merely said that what you call positive liberty is just as play on words. I could also creatively claim there is a positive and negative abortion, but you would disagree with that use of words.


Even Libertarian political theorist recognize the distinction, they just place more value on Negative liberty.


And the vast majority of people would prefer to have one bad guy taken out to save 50, but that majority view has no effect on you.

I understand what you mean by positive liberty, but just think it is a creative division that is not necessary and obscures what true liberty is.


Without the material support to exercise your freedom (such as moving away and starting your own society) you are not able to fully realize your freedom. That is exactly the point of Positive Liberty. Yes I may be totally free from government interferece in my life if I move to the wilderness, but what good is that freedom if I am starving to death and freezing due to a lack of material support. That is positive liberty JJ.


If I have liberty and am freezing to death in the wilderness then I just move back to civilization. Problem solved.

It sounds like if I had the positive liberty you speak of then the government would buy me my own island. If they are that stupid then I’ll go ahead and take it.


So again, I am by no means an extremist, I support capitalism when it comes to producing consumer goods, I am for socialism when it comes to providing for the public welfare.


You are distorting again. I did not call you an extremist here as about half the country thinks this way. I’d say that you have to be in the 10-20% range of thinking to be in the extreme.

The fact that I disagree with you does not mean I am calling you an extremist in the view under discussion.


I do not place as high a value on Negative Liberty as JJ and other forum members do,


Unfortunately your positive liberty you desire requires citizens to lose the liberty of deciding what to do with their own money and fork it over to authorities for redistribution or go to jail. Like I said, the majority do not mind paying a fair tax, but most taxpayers have to pay for social programs beyond that which they are willing to support.

Here is just one example of many that the majority would oppose as taxpayer theft.

Illegal Immigration – The $113 Billion Dollar Drain on the American Taxpayer




I don’t like the results so of course the test is biased. Please JJ, I posted three different test and one by the Pew research center. That is the problem with people like yourself, when you don’t like the results, you denigrate academics, you denigrate the testing and you denigrate the results.


What? Are you a mind reader now? Where do you get the idea I do not like the results? By orthodox thinking of what is right and left I am right of center and libertarian as the test indicates. I like that just fine. The result that I may take issue with is that it lumped me in with liberal pacifists.

I take issue with their selection of questions and the wording to get the results they want. The questions could have been worded better and so a persons true views could have been more accurately reflected. Then they could have provided an analysis of the person’s political thinking rather than just a number.

For instance, on the liberal side you are an extreme pacifist (which you now admit) and on the conservative side you are extreme on abortion views. The two extremes pretty much cancel each other out and put you in the middle. In reality the two views do not place you in the middle.

I only threw the extreme view back at you because you were in the attack mode accusing us of being extremists and I wanted you to realize that this unnecessary attack can go both ways. You finally admit you have extreme views so you should now realize you were the pot calling the kettle black.


You libertarian score definitely falls into the extremist range, so seems that I was right.


Where do you get that idea? I scored 4.98 out of 10 on the libertarian side. That places me as a moderate libertarian, not an extremist one. I would have thought I would have scored higher though for if there is one thing I may be extreme on is in defense of human liberty. I have a lot of company though because most everyone desires maximum liberty, but just have different ideas how to achieve it.


I told you repeatedly that my beliefs were not extreme. Yours are.


You’ve already admitted you are an extreme pacifist. Tell me. Which actual view do I have that is extremist? To answer this do not quote your JJ In The Sky, but find some actual words that I have written that espouse a political view that would be accepted by less that 20% of the population. If you cannot do this then you should immediately cease with your accusations.

After all, who is called “the accuser if the brethren?” We wouldn’t be having these unproductive endless rounds of debates if you hadn’t changed from a contributing participant in the forum to an accuser.


Also JJ, you are not Jesus,


I never said I was. Please respond to what I say, not to what I do not say.


I despise Rand, but I recognize her for the genius she is, she is much more intelligent than I am,


If she is really more intelligent than you then it is likely that she is more correct in her views than you.

If you really disagree with her or anyone else you are really telling the world that you are more intelligent than your opponent in that area of thought.

I hope you are about done attempting to prove that the group is a bunch of right wing mindless extremists so we can move on with exploring some new ground in spiritual principles. I hope you do not see your focus here as a monitor of right and wrongs that need to be set straight. No teacher can be productive with someone like that in the class.

I think you have a lot of good qualities that can be helpful here if you focus on moving forward rather than looking for areas to bring up accusations that require hours and hours of time wasting defense. And keep in mind that most of the wasted time on my end has been attempting to clarify my views that you have distorted. Defending my actual views can be productive, but being called upon to defend views I do not have is a waste of time.


Answer to Clay


For example, I took your test and it is highly biased against Atheist and Agnostics, who in all things irregardless of religious belief, tend to be very open minded, but according to your test, they would score terrible because they do not believe in God.


The test was design to find those on the spiritual path who are synthetic. There are many good people who are atheists and agnostic, but they are not interested in the spiritual path as they do not even believe in the unseen spirit. The test wasn’t some unconscious biased against them, but just purposefully ignored them as a category. Why look for those on the spiritual path who do not want to be looked for?


Please tell me who are your spiritual role models and do they endorse the use of deadly force, mine do not, so I think I should try to emulate my spiritual superiors.


Of Jesus it is written:

“and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.” Rev 19:11

The last I heard war involves the use of deadly force. There is a time and place for all things.

My spiritual role models are Jesus, Moses, Djwhal Khul, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Nicola Tesla, Isaac Newton, Pythagoras, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Joseph Smith and a few others.


Post you graph, I want to see it, my understanding is that you are 5 points below the mean which should place you down at the bottom of the chart for libertarian beliefs. Which test did you use and post your graph.


Don’t see a way to post a graphic here and the link to my score is long gone. On the libertarian side you can score from 0-10 and I was rated 4.98. You don’t need a graphic to see where 4.98 is in between 0-10. According to the test I would be a middle of the road libertarian.


Well you seem to support all of Blayne’s very extremist positions – his wanting to do away with all licensing, opposition to federal income tax, and overall support of laissez-faire capitalism.


“Seem” is the key word here. Blayne and I disagree on a number of political ideas and we have had some heated discussions that has lasted hundreds of posts. Fortunately, we have emerged as friends with respect for each other. I would hope we will also.

There is diverse thinking here so you need to judge each person by what he says, not by what someone else says.

So far you have done more arguing with what I do not believe rather than what I do believe. Use my words, not someone else’s when responding to my thoughts.


However, based upon what I have read, you fall far down the libertarian position, I could be wrong.


I am a strong libertarian, but also disagree with some thinking that is popular among those who call themselves libertarians.

JJ Quote

I never said I was (Jesus). Please respond to what I say, not to what I do not say.


You implied you were.


Yeah, sure and I have a bridge to sell you cheap. And If I said Obama and I both eat carrots you would probably think I was claiming to be like him. Terrible logic you are using there.


I also think Lenin and Mao were much more intelligent than me, Same with Rothbard and Von Mises, incredibly intelligent people disagree with each other all the time.


You underestimate your intelligence. I think you are smarter than Mao. You could accomplish what the other guys did if you were inclined in the same directions.


Keynes is more intelligent than you and you disagree with Keynes. Paul Krugman is much more intelligent than you, but you disagree with him. I disagree with Friedman and support Krugman’s viewpoint.


Keynes was intelligent in many ways and would probably be seen as a conservative in today’s world. It is an insult to be compared to Krugman who never saw a truth he could not distort an is not close to Keynes in intelligence. If you judge intelligence by the ability to perceive truth from error then most 5 year olds could best him.

You probably know I am a handwriting analyst. If you want to send me some of your handwriting I’ll take a look and see just how much intelligence is there. I’d also be happy to take a look at Sarah’s.


You want to limit it to spiritual discussions, that is fine with me as well.


That’s what we were doing before you diverted us. Hopefully I do not have to respond to many more political clarifications so we can get back to discussing spiritual principles which is the subject of my next book.


you only seem to want to correct and argue with my political viewpoints…


My main direction has been to clarify my views that you have distorted. If you argue with what I actually think we may be able to get somewhere.


Why does it bother you that I possibly find your libertarianism extreme? I am perfectly comfortable admitting my pacifism is extreme. My brother who is an extreme leftist knows that his views are extreme.


That would be fine if you used my actual beliefs, but when you make things up (such as I do not believe in taxes) then you are just calling something I do not believe extreme.

I challenge you again. Give an actual quote from my actual words that present an extreme political view that would be accepted by fewer than 20% of the people.


April 30, 2015

Principle 60

The Principle of Hierarchy

Today, as never before, there is the idea advanced that the ideal is that there should be no leaders or followers, no teachers and students and no hierarchy at all. Everything should just work because people cooperate.

Reality seems to contradict this idea for every organization does have its hierarchy of management of some sort.

Let is take a closer look at this principle and consider these questions.

(1) Can a successful organization exist without hierarchy?

(2) What is the negative and positive use of hierarchy.

(3) Why do you suppose that some are so opposed to the idea of leaders, teachers, managers, etc.

(4) Does the implementation of hierarchy hinder the opportunity for cooperation or enhanced it?

(5) What is the best way for a hierarchy to be created and maintained? What is the worst?


JJ what exactly is the difference between “channeled” and telepathic communication. Because most the current crop of channeled material, the channel is completely conscious during the communication and claims direct communication, not where like Cayce and others went into trances. The Michael Teachings and the Cassiopeans both operate no differently than Bailey, they just call themselves Channeled material, but it is no different than the Course or Bailey at least from what you are telling me. Cassiopaea Lame Ass Neale Donald Walsh claims he talks and receives messages directly from God itself.


Both the Michael Teachings and Cassiopaea teachings were initiated with a Ouija board and carried on with direct voice through the trance state. That is not mental telepathy. Neale Donald Walsh received his material through automatic writing. That is not mental telepathy.

Mental telepathy does not receive material through a Ouija board, the trance state or direct voice. The person receiving through telepathy does not need another individual to write down the words but will usually write them down themselves as the words or thoughts come into the mind just as I may write down your thoughts should I pick them up. There is no possession by another entity.

DK could not possess Alice A. Bailey because he was in his own physical body at the time.

In the beginning Bailey received the teachings by telepathy but as time progressed she became more sensitive to DK’s mind and received through what is called, “The Science of Impression.”

I personally do not discount anything because of who receives it, how it was received or what the person’s reputation is. I judge each work by its content. If I didn’t have this attitude I would probably still be confined to Mormon Doctrine as my sole guide.



There seems to be a new “telepathic” communication from aliens, angels, ancient gods, Jesus, what have you, ever other week, so I am not going to put too much of my faith in any particular source like this.


I try and check out all materials that claim to be enlightened and am not aware of this being true at all. Can you name something that has come out in the past year, for instance? The only writings of note that were given telepathically in recent times were A Course in Miracles and the Bailey writings. Trance channelers are coming out with something every other week, as you say, but not those who work with telepathy.

Now I am not saying that one should trust a teaching because it is delivered by telepathy or even by some being who is said to appear in person, but the masters rarely use trance channelers, but do use telepathy and to find someone who is in contact with them we should look for the use of higher forms of contact.

I have read quite a few trance channeled materials and if read through the light of the soul some good things can be found, but as far as use of time is concerned one page of DK through Bailey is equal to sifting through a channeled book.



There seems to be a new “telepathic” communication from aliens, angels, ancient gods, Jesus, what have you, ever other week, so I am not going to put too much of my faith in any particular source like this.


I try and check out all materials that claim to be enlightened and am not aware of this being true at all. Can you name something that has come out in the past year, for instance? The only writings of note that were given telepathically in recent times were A Course in Miracles and the Bailey writings. Trance channelers are coming out with something every other week, as you say, but not those who work with telepathy.

Now I am not saying that one should trust a teaching because it is delivered by telepathy or even by some being who is said to appear in person, but the masters rarely use trance channelers, but do use telepathy and to find someone who is in contact with them we should look for the use of higher forms of contact.

I have read quite a few trance channeled materials and if read through the light of the soul some good things can be found, but as far as use of time is concerned one page of DK through Bailey is equal to sifting through a channeled book.



There seems to be a new “telepathic” communication from aliens, angels, ancient gods, Jesus, what have you, ever other week, so I am not going to put too much of my faith in any particular source like this.


I try and check out all materials that claim to be enlightened and am not aware of this being true at all. Can you name something that has come out in the past year, for instance? The only writings of note that were given telepathically in recent times were A Course in Miracles and the Bailey writings. Trance channelers are coming out with something every other week, as you say, but not those who work with telepathy.

Now I am not saying that one should trust a teaching because it is delivered by telepathy or even by some being who is said to appear in person, but the masters rarely use trance channelers, but do use telepathy and to find someone who is in contact with them we should look for the use of higher forms of contact.

I have read quite a few trance channeled materials and if read through the light of the soul some good things can be found, but as far as use of time is concerned one page of DK through Bailey is equal to sifting through a channeled book.


May 1, 2015

Soul Oneness


Does any Keyster subscribe to Allan’s hypothesis that males must become females by being married before they are able to become pure enough to contact their higher soul selves?


Allan is right to the extent that it is quite advantageous to have a mate that you can be one with. Of course there are two types of oneness. The first is that you just find yourself agreeing on important items or tuning into the same thoughtform and the second is that you have both achieved some degree of soul contact and share spiritual energy together.

Does this mean that you will be spiritually flatlined (to use Allan’s terminology) if you are not one with your mate?

Heavens no. My first marriage was a terrific struggle and my wife fought against every new spiritual discovery I made. Was my progression flatlined?

No. In many ways it was accelerated. Leaning to focus on inner peace where the outside world was in fiery conflict was a big help in advancing me forward. We often advance more in the midst of conflict than peace.

When I was young I often prayed for wisdom and spiritual progression, but in my older years, where I finally have a little outward peace and a great relationship with my current wife, I am much more careful what I pray for.

Becoming one with your soul does not depend in you finding a soul mate and becoming one with him or her. However, the next step after obtaining soul contact and spiritual oneness within yourself is to find oneness with others who have soul contact. This is very difficult but the reward is great. It is very advantageous if one can do this with a spouse, but if the spouse is not ready then you can focus on others, male or female, who are in tune with you.

Many seekers are lucky if they can find one other person in the world with who they can share deep soul energy and oneness. My goal is to find twelve males and twelve females who can do this and create a human molecule as described in my book The Molecular Relationship. A soul oneness achieved by 24 individuals will be a marvelous thing to participate in.

Forums such as this demonstrate how difficult it is to achieve oneness through the spirit. When two disagree they are reluctant to seek the same source of truth together, but concentrate on standing their ground based on their separate belief systems.



What annoys me is when semi-talented people want to use the examples of Tesla, Einstein, and people like Matt, to compensate for their own lack of education.


And who is doing that? No one here. You seem to have the habit of manufacturing division so you can have a good argument. For instance, you recently said that I was equating myself with Jesus which was completely untrue. Saying that you are following the example of another person does not equate you as being on the same level as that person.


That is like a decent basketball player saying he does not need to play college ball and he should go straight to the professional league because that is what LeBron James did. … I am just so fed up with this devaluation of formalized education where every man and woman thinks they are more knowledgeable than trained professionals who have spent countless hours in study and training to acquire this knowledge. But someone spends a few hours reading books or researching over the internet and suddenly they are on equal footing with a PHD who spent thousands of hours studying.


The use of the mind and intuition to obtain skill in the perception of truth is a much different thing than obtaining a skill at sports. A person with common sense and read one book and know more true principles on a subject than one with little horse sense can obtain with a lifetime of study. Sure the guy may have more data in his brain, but data in the brain does not make one see the truth.

You, for instance see that there is a Higher Intelligence in this universe but most scientists who have spent a lifetime studying evolution, cosmology and other sciences have concluded that all creation materialized with no higher intelligence involved.

Because you disagree with these educated scientists does this mean you think orthodox education is useless?

Of course not.

Psychologists have a higher than average suicide rate, educated ministers corrupt the truth, many lawyers abuse the law, politicians do not represent us, many doctors do not know how to stay healthy, financial experts are outdone by a monkey in stock picks, etc. To trust a professional just because he is brain educated is insane. One has to verify everything that comes across his path or his life will be a miserable one. Mine certainly would have been if I did not question authority.


May 2, 2015

Using Information


I guess it comes from personal experience where I am inundated with client’s who think they are experts and qualified to tell me how to do my job. Time after time I have a client show up at my office with volumes of papers they have printed off the internet of totally irrelevant and inaccurate information which they believe is highly relevant. I can not tell you the number of times I get clients in prison telling me how to conduct their case based upon what their cell mate told them about the law. They draft these ridiculous motions that they want you to submit to the court that are completely inadmissible, and when you try to explain things to them, politely as possible, they get furious with you and accuse you of working with the prosecution and trying to rail road them. I like client’s to participate in their cases and I am more than happy to take the time and explain everything that we are doing and try to explain why we are doing it and if they have any good ideas that I might have missed I am always willing to take their feelings and desires into account in how we proceed. But you can not imagine the degree of outright hostility we run into with clients who know little or nothing about how the court systems, laws of evidence, jury selection, and other aspects of law function, getting furious and filing complaints simply because we won’t do everything they ask or conduct a defense the way they want. It is beyond frustrating and the internet has made this almost an epidemic. If I ran my practice the way my clients desired me to run it I would probably be disbarred in a coupe of months and lose every single case I take. So I apologize, this is a personal issue to me.


I agree with you 100% from the angle of vision with which you are speaking. For instance, I recall as a real estate agent entertaining clients who had read a get rich quick book on buying real estate and had very unrealistic ideas about how easy it would be to buy with nothing down and flip properties or make them pay for themselves. I have people contacting me about publishing their book thinking they have best seller material with very unreasonable expectations for what they have to work with.

Then again there are those ordinary folk who have read up on real estate or publishing that are impressive in their knowledge and judgment.

On the other hand, you may not be seeing the other side from the angle that I do and when you do we may not be that far apart.

First, let me clarify this point. I am in no way diminishing the value of a trained professional. The services of a trained dentist or doctor when you really need them can be a godsend. There us no way I would attempt to fill a cavity in my kids mouth unless I had sufficient training and equipment.

The fact is that most people can be taught many skills that I have not trained in or may have memorized materials that I have not memorized. That does not make them smarter. All it means is that they have training that I do not have. It doesn’t mean that their judgment in the use of that knowledge or training should not be tested or their judgment checked.

I would assume that every attorney in the country knows more details about the law than I do. They would have to, to have passed the Bar Exam. Does that mean I would just trust any attorney with my life if it was on the balance and he told me to not worry?


I have worked with attorneys that I felt I could turn things over to and they could be trusted to be competent. I have met others who I wouldn’t trust with my gerbil.

Orthodox learning can be very helpful, but it doesn’t mean their judgment is good. lwk spoke well when he said:

The fact is there are a lot of folks with degrees out the yin yang who may have accumulated a lot of facts about a specific and narrow field of study and have little or no real ability to make wise judgments in general. Even people who have studied logic and philosophy for years and who can stun students with their brilliance in the classroom will still make the stupidest imaginable judgments in real life.

A case in point is the occurrence with our friend Tyler. The doctor thinks he has a thyroid problem so he automatically prescribes Synthroid, the worst possible and most destructive and expensive alternative. About ten minutes of research on the matter by someone with some judgment will reveal much better alternatives than the doctor’s 12 years of education came up with. Most regular medical doctors are biased against natural alternatives and generally push the expensive synthetic direction.

Scientists are also biased. For instance, even though it took scientists working all over the world more than 10 years and about $1 billion to, not create, but to just sequence the human genome most will think that no higher intelligence was involved in its creation.

There are two extremes that can be taken when dealing with a recognized expert that may or may not have good judgment.

One is to argue with him when you do not know what you are talking about. This often happens, but rarely does so here on the Keys. The other is to argue with him when you do know what you are talking about.

To intelligently disagree with a highly educated person does not require that you have all the knowledge that he has. It only requires that you have a knowledge of what is actually involved in the argument. When you both have the same facts available for the argument then the one that will come out on top with be the one with the best judgment and reason.

I have never found someone so educated that I could not examine his beliefs and intelligently and legitimately decide whether I agree or disagree.


I only had to “memorize a bunch of facts” in biology class.


Wow. Where did you go to school, in Neverland? Out of all the hundreds of classes I have taken I cannot think of one where that did not require me to study and retain some type of facts in my memory.

Are you saying that I could take the Bar Exam and pass without having read any books and retained any information? Does not compute. Some courses are more data driven than others, but all require some retention of information that is conveyed.



but when it comes to specific subjects, I do value an expert’s opinions more than a lay persons, in general. Again I am only talking about general rules, and theses are just general principles to me. I have also met “martial art instructors who could not fight their way out of a paper bag, that is why it is valuable to find a “qualified expert.”


Nothing to disagree with there. Like I say, when we see each others points of view I would think we would agree. Since you are trained in law I would trust what you say is legal more than my guess at it, but if you told me not to file taxes because the system is not Constitutional I would ignore you as it wouldn’t be worth the risk.



You start out with a wrong concept about Judgment and dying. Judgment can only begin once death has occurred, and THEN, to be exposed to the Light, so that proper Judgment can be rendered. True Believers were the FIRST to enter into Judgment, as Peter states: 1Pet 4:17 For the time [is come] that judgment must begin at the house of Elohim: and if [it] first [begin] at us, what shall the end [be] of them that obey not the Gospel of Elohim?


Most feel this scripture was fulfilled when the temple was destroyed and the Jews scattered which happened in this world not the next. You talk as if there is just one judgment but there are many judgments of various types. Moses had men in his circle that were called judges and judged the people. The scriptures say that God gave out his judgments on Sodom and Gomorrah, the people at the time of Noah and Jeremiah.

As I said in my treatise one has to look at any scripture in its context to see what the author was trying to say and nothing of what you say discounts anything I have written.


Now JJ, as you explain, what is the outcome of all who have never been given the opportunity to be exposed to the Light, and come under Judgment? Do they need to be reincarnated over and over again? NO, absolutely not. Their Judgment will begin (after their death), WHEN they are RAISED up AFTER the 1000 year reign of Yeshua and His Body (Rev 20:5)


Rev 20:5 says nothing about judgment. We need to go by what the scripture or the spirit says, not by what it does not say.


ALL of those who were never exposed to the Light of Truth (in THEIR one and ONLY incarnation) will be given opportunity on the Eighth Great Day (The Last Day, the last 1000 years) to enter INTO Judgment as they are THEN exposed to the True Light and Glory of Elohim WHEN they are RESURRECTED, not reincarnated.


If you are going to argue with me from the scriptures then use them instead of your opinion. The scriptures do not support you here.



Didn’t Yeshua speak of multiple “ages” in referencing the sin against the Holy Spirit…neither in this age nor in any age to come?


He spoke of two ages there but there are millions of them in eternity.


You also appear to have another mistake with your explanation of the Greek word “ALLA.” Do you have a Greek manuscript that uses the Greek word-G235 (ALLA) in Hebrews 9? I would be interested to see it.


Looks like you are correct here. The correct word is DE, but it has a similar meaning so nothing has changed.


And finally, your explanation of the Greek word KRISIS, and making it to mean that you need multiple lifetimes to correct your errors, or to correct the state of death, is quite remarkable. When Yeshua spoke of KRISIS, and what would happen to the Prince of the world, are you suggesting that Satan is given many lifetimes to correct his errors (Jn 16:11 Of judgment (KRISIS), because the prince of this world is judged.?) Or when Yeshua is speaking about KRISIS here (Mt 12:36-37 “But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment (KRISIS). 37 “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”) Is He suggesting multiple lifetimes for your words to “Justify” or “Condemn” you? Which lifetime’s WORDS will condemn or justify, the 1st or the 50th lifetime? JJ, your understanding of KRISIS and reincarnation does not compute with Yeshua’s Word, and the Day of KRISIS.


I don’t get your point. Here is what I said about the Greek word KISIS

The modern English word “crisis” (which is derived from the Greek KRISIS) is a more accurate rendering than the Bible translations. The actual Greek word implies a decision that brings correction. If it is used in connection with the word “judgment” the idea of a corrective judgment should be implied.

My use of the word was right on the mark. Why would you think otherwise?

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