The Universe of Form

The Universe of Form

Thank you Samu for your post about exceeding the speed of light. I have always thought this was possible and wrote a while back that Einstein’s theories would be revised after interstellar flight is achieved. Perhaps part of this knowledge will be discovered in the near future.

There was another interesting article in Thursday’s paper verifying another teaching I have given out. You may read it at:


The story is about a project of mapping the known universe. So far they have mapped 100,000 galaxies and expect to have 250,000 completes by the end of 2001. What they have discovered so far is interesting. They have found that galaxies link together in patterns of “long chains, majestic arcs and lacy patterns.” But even though they see then gravitating into patterns they have noticed that the organization is fairly loose to the extent that they make this statement:

“But the map also appears to show that the growth of these “super clusters” as limited, a concept astronomers describe as ‘the end of greatness.’“

What the astronomers describe here is another verification of one of the major teachings we have presented here.

Most metaphysical teachers in times past and present have taught that “as above so below” to mean that the universe is at least as complex as an atom and may itself be a great atom as a part of a greater world.

What I have taught is significantly different. I teach that the Law of Correspondences is indeed a true principle but that which is above does not exactly correspond to that which is below.

Now this much was taught by Djwhal Khul but here is the principle that is new.

That which is above will, at the end of its evolution, be more complex and majestic than that which is below, but that which is below is near the end of its evolution and has reached relative perfection whereas that which is above is in the process of evolution. The higher and larger things get in the universe the slower their time and the younger their cosmic age.

Let us assume that all forms evolve from step one to step 100.

Using this as a measure (and this is just a rough estimate) let us give the evolutionary age of various forms

The Quark – Age 100

The Proton – Age 99

The Atom – Age 98

The Water Molecule – Age 96

A Living Cell – Age 90

A Flower – Age 80

The Human Kingdom – Age 50

Planet Earth – Age 20

The Solar System – Age 10

The Milky Way Galaxy – Age 5

The Universe of Galaxies – Age 1 (relative to the rest)

According to this principle as the forms in the universe get larger and larger their evolutionary age gets younger and younger and thus their observable form gets less and less complex.


As each of the forms reaches the end of its evolution or approaches the age of 100 the majesty of their form becomes more complex and more excellent in grandeur.

For instance, the complexity and intelligence in organization of a cell is far ahead of the human kingdom because it has the evolutionary age of 90 compared to 50 for us, but when we achieve that same age of 90 our own complexity and intelligence in organization (through the Molecular Relationship) will far exceed that of the cell.

As we move up to a galaxy we find that there is organization but it is rather loosely knit together with stars in seemingly random placement until you look at the whole then you can see a spiral organization that has beauty, but not a lot of complexity yet. This is because the galaxy kingdoms are only about 5 years old, but when they reach 90+ they will reach a complexity that will far exceed anything humans can do.

Because the evolutionary age of the universe is only about one or so I predicted a loose organization of the galaxies that the astronomers are now just discovering and have called it “the end of greatness” in the universe.

If the universe were to not evolve this would be true, but with the knowledge that the universe is still young we can then see that this loose organization that they have discovered is not the end of greatness, but the beginning of greatness, the end of which will defy the imagination of any thinker or Master on the planet.

June 9, 2000

Copyright by J J Dewey

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