2000-7-31 11:42:00
Chris writes:
And why is HPB the authority here .. what is JJD's experience of the no-thing .. in his words?
I can't go on endlessly here but will just cover a couple of your points.
I have no experience in the no-thing for no experience is possible there. Experience is only created by duality.
HPB had contact with the masters and that makes her somewhat of an authority, certainly not infallible though.
The existence of time itself is a separation into duality .. when time is removed from the equation, all can be seen in the perpetual cyclic rhythm.
A cycle is created by duality and cyclic rhythm implies the passing of time.
How is female nothing and male something ..?
The seen, the radiant, that which is in motion, the out breath corresponds to male. The invisible, the magnetic, the involution, the in breath corresponds to female. Wherever there is two there is one that corresponds to male and the other to female.
The unconscious becomes conscious .. and there is no longer duality when this becomes real in the body ...
Consciousness is only possible where there is the interplay of duality.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved