2000-7-24 02:38:00
Saul, you are certainly a challenge to make any progress with in communication, but it is an interesting exercise to try.
Saul writes
"Time and space did not come from the mind of God. God did not reveal these notions to us. We conceived them by means of our brain in the same way that numbers and words were conceived."
So if time, space, numbers, the earth and universe did not come from God, where did they come from?
I know. You say the mind of man.
So where did this mind come from?
If the mind was created by God then time space and numbers were also created by God.
But if our minds were not created by God, then where do you think they came from?
Saul writes:
"Space is an image as well as a concept in your concrete mind. You can imagine space and you can cut it up into pieces in your imagination. Your concrete mind can then count how pieces were cut up. When you created abstract numbers out of spatial pieces you have conceived numbers."
And this is true why...? Because you proclaim it so? Do you have any reason for making this proclamation? Does not 2+2=4 exist as a truth even when you are not there calculating it?
Soul truths are intuited individually as whole truths. As one evolves ever greater wholes are formed. The aim is to get at the one whole truth which includes all truths. Actually there is not but one ultimate truth. But that is the side of God. From our end we are moving upward constructing ever more universal whole truths.
You sound like Jack Palance in City Slickers. Tell us. What is the "one truth." If you can't tell us what it is then maybe we ought to just get back to regular truth and move ahead. Wouldn't you agree?
Since soul truths are whole truths, permanent and unchanged, these in general have the power to liberate us. Insofar as to what extent one is set free by these truths, it depends on how inclusive or universal the truths are that they have reached in the hierarchy of truth.
If you can't name the one truth can you tell us one soul truth that has set you free? And what has it set you free from?
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