Silly Soul

2000-7-23 22:00:00

Saul, Why do you believe that numbers are "confined to the realm of the lower concrete rational or logical mind?" Is the soul and spirit limited?

JJ, numbers as we know them are born of space, a construct owing its existence to the brain. The lower concrete mind alone works directly with the brain. So numbers of the lineage of space are confined to the realm of the lower concrete mind.

But what makes you think that the soul cannot conceptualize numbers since time and space came from the mind of God which is even above soul?

What makes you think numbers are born of space? Numbers exist within my imagination where there is no time or space.

You say "These soul truths alone can set us free"

Notice you use the word truths plural. If the soul has more than one truth but cannot count them, then it must be confused. It would only think it has one truth when it has many.