2000-7-23 01:32:00
Xavier covered Saul's comments quite well so let us move on.
Geoffrey writes:
We are comparing two different things here. You are comparing a single fixed object, the jar of beans, with my example of a variable object, the temperature.
If you ask us how many beans are in your jar, there is only one answer of 1482 which is the truth for all. No relativity here.
If you ask us all our temperature outside, we will all give different answers, but all will be true as our thermometers are accurate. Our truth will be relative as to how much heat we are getting from the sun.
We are not perceiving how hot the sun is but telling the truth of how much heat we are receiving.
Once we speak the same language concerning relativity here I am sure we will agree.
I used the example of the beans in the jar because it does correspond to your example of the temperature. Just like there are many different temperatures in many different places, there are many different jars of beans in many locales and each jar will have a different number of beans. Since truth is what IS at a certain point in time and space, then as we look at one point in time and space where there is located a single jar of beans we will find that there is only one number that represents the amount of beans in the jar.
When we do the same with temperature, we go to one location and discover the temperature is say 70 degrees (rounding off to the nearest degree). So at this point in time and space there is only one answer and no application of relativity can change that answer, just as no application of relativity can change the fact that Bill Clinton was elected president, even when he is no longer president.
Just as your temperature outdoors can change as circumstances change even so can the number of beans be added to or taken away from any of the jars.
From this aspect one could say that the changing of reality, or what is true is relative to the happenings of the day but the point of truth in time and space, is not relative to anything. When the present becomes the past no relativity can change the past, only our perceptions of the past can change.
We could say that the creation of what is true is relative but, when that creation becomes either present or past tense, then that which IS becomes absolute. I know a lot of seekers hate the word absolute, but this word does seem to be accurate when looking at what is, for it cannot be changed - only our perception or memory can be.
If the temperature in my back yard yesterday at 1 PM was 85 degrees then this fact will be forever absolutely true and is henceforth not relative to anything.
This is an important principle to clarify because many in the New Age community are deceived by the concept of relative truth. I have met some, for instance, who think that if one person believes that there is no reincarnation, but only one life for the soul, then that is true as their truth and if he believes in multiple lives then that is true as his own truth.
The obvious truth is that there is either reincarnation or there is not. Even though there are details we may not know, the principle is either true or it is not true and no relativity will change the matter.
The deception that comes with this type of belief in relative truth is that the incentive to find the real truth is removed. If a person is comfortable with his relative truth, and if he thinks one relative truth is just as good as another, then he will cease in making efforts to find the whole truth and will not consider that he may be wrong. When this happens his progression on the path will cease until he wakes up through some pain imparted from his soul as a wake up call.
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