The Religion of Truth

2000-7-11 12:00:00

Great experience Keith. It certainly sounds like you had a dose of soul contact. Your experience is one answer to Joe Hunt's questions about where we are going.

Would you mind sharing with us what preceded this experience. Was it the result of a long search or an intensive short inquiry?

I like your closing statement:
"If this is what's to come, count me in!"

This attitude indeed testifies to a contact beyond an over-active imagination. You'll be happy to know that there is more to come than you can imagine as long as you "hold you mind steady in the light."

Let me give you and others who receive a spiritual contact a word of warning. The power to hold this contract must be earned and not taken for granted. Approximately three days after a higher contact the seeker usually undergoes a mini dark night and the void can often be so great that he will be tempted to forget, discount or disbelieve his contact. The disciple must make a mental commitment to hold steady in the light and hold the memory of the Presence. This focus will take you through the dark night and eventually toward higher more permanent contact.

I thought I would comment on Joe Hunt's post since other new readers may have similar questions.

Some time ago, I asked you why aiding the suffering of others was correct, as it seems to interfere with their paying their karmic debts. While some answers were resourceful, none apprehended the question to the degree that my limited intellect could grasp.

If karma dictates that a person suffer through disease or other means there will be nothing the disciple can do to heal the person. This is why the first job of the spiritual healer is to discern whether or not a healing is permissible. If it is not permissible under current conditions, a path to healing can be revealed which will give the steps necessary for the afflicted one to obtain wholeness.

Suffering only comes to us when the Purpose of God is resisted. When the patient learns where the resistance is and corrects it then a healing becomes possible.

It seems to me, in my fledgling understanding of the spiritual, that it is intended by the Father Creator that we should be able to cancel karma, and in symbiotic fashion. This means that in aiding our brethren in their spiritual and physical suffering, we not only reduce their karmic debt, but ours as well. Thus, Charity is not only a cardinal virtue, but an efficacious shortcut in the soul's journey back to its Origin.

I've commented on this before.

There are times that a person may accumulate tremendous Karma, such as being responsible for many deaths. Instead of coming back and giving his life ten times for ten lives he may pay the whole thing off in one life through loving service where he saves the lives of ten people, either physically or spiritually.

If you take out a loan at a bank for $100,000 when your income is at $30,000 a year, it may be a significant struggle to pay it off. But if you work within the laws of prosperity, and triple your income, then you can triple the amount of payment that you make and pay off the loan much sooner than expected.

The effect of the $100,000 was not reduced but the capacity to pay the debt was increased.

When we thus increase our power to serve, we increase our power to pay off karma. Karma is not negated, for cause and effect is an eternal interplay, but the one who knows can pay off karma much more quickly than one with no understanding.

Joe comments that we spend little time talking about the teachings of Christ.

First let me say that the recorded words of Christ in the New Testament are just a few pages. They are very great words, but even so there is only so much one can say about them. We have commented on a large part of His recorded words and will continue to comment as they enhance the teachings presented. For instance we just finished commenting on "the truth shall make you free." I have no intention of making a general exegesis of the words of Jesus in the orthodox sense, as that has already been done a million times and there is plenty of reading material available in that direction.

My prime purpose is not to present again teachings of the past, but to present new teachings and new insights on old teachings when they enhance a new purpose.

To clarify what I am asking, perhaps I must illustrate: -In this forum and in J.J.'s notable work, focus is upon improving the self solely through gaining realizations of how to orient one's mind to things spiritual. Physical methods, more available to the 98% of humanity who have not the strength nor time available from their daily struggles for ascetic pursuits, are largely ignored. Thus, this forum seems to be for elites, (I know this is not intended), while the vast majority of suffering humanity has no access nor hope of much benefit from this forum.

Self-improvement may be an off-shoot of the teachings presented here, but such is far from the prime purpose. The main purpose is the Gathering of Lights and the creation of the Molecular Relationship. These two principles were taught by Jesus and I have a whole book posted on the Molecular Relationship and am currently posting one on the Gathering of Lights.

This forum is available to the whole internet, free of charge, and that number is getting quite large. Right now we are just reaching a handful, but that will change in the future.

Since even members of this forum have little solid agreement, since so much esoteria is involved, how can the rest of humanity benefit from it? How indeed....

One of the purposes of the Gathering is to increase the number of initiates. Through seed thoughts presented here, many good works will be eventually initiated which will benefit all who are willing to receive.

No one person, group or teaching will reach all of humanity, but the Spirit of God working through all those focused in the light do have this power.

"Go forth and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." If all we need to do is gain in personal knowledge, why did the Christ tell us to Baptize people?

I have talked about this at length in the past. You might want to read the archives which will answer many of your questions.

Baptism is a symbol that communicates the principle of rebirth to the inner self. Without this inner rebirth and the release of guilt the kingdom of God will not be realized.

Whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven; whatever you loose on Earth, shall be loosened in Heaven. Why would such spiritual power be given if certain, selected men were not to be earthly arbiters of morality and spiritual guidance? If we all could simply be taught the 'Keys', why would Christ bother to make leaders with such spiritual powers?

Tell me of a leader who has power to bind in heaven and I'll answer your question.

This is My Body, this is My Blood,....Do this in remembrance of Me. This is a physical act, not a spiritual-awareness. Why did the Christ bother to say this?

I have talked about this before also but I will add a couple lines.

The body of Christ, as mentioned in I Cor chapter 12, is much more than the man Jesus. It is a body composed of many members. Partaking of the symbolic bread is a symbol of joining the body of Christ. Drinking of the wine is a symbol of the one Spirit that gives life to all those linked in the body of Christ.

The symbol of the Sacrament (or Eucharist) focuses the inner mind on this principle and can cause a "communion" with the Spirit.

53 Let me solemnly assure you, if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have NO LIFE in you.

54 He who feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has life eternal and I will raise him up on the last day.

55 For my flesh is real food and my blood real drink.

56 The man who feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.

57 Just as the father, who has life, sent me, and I have life because of the Father, so the man who feeds on me will have life because of me." Both Christ and John taught that we have NO LIFE in us without what is called Holy Communion, which is a physical act coupled with supernatural belief. Who is a greater authority to say this?? What did Christ, through John, mean by "no life"? Consider that the answer is not complex,?no spiritual life.

My free book, The Molecular Relationship, elaborates on this principle and gives additional light that is not clearly presented in the Bible.

Dear Forum members, please consider that we are trying to play a piano with only one hand. Sole focus on the Keys means that we can make only the simplest music, not a heavenly concerto. In other words, consider that this forum, in focusing only on the spiritual self without integrating the shortcuts through karma that the Christ established for us, works of Charity, and the Sacraments, where sins (karma) can be forgiven (removed) through physical acts of at-onement such as Baptism and Confession.

Baptism and confession are designed to remove guilt, not karma. Of course when guilt is removed the person is free to take more productive moves to pay off karma.

Lastly, please consider that this forum should focus on an holistic approach, integrating the Keys with the physical shortcuts around karmic retribution: the physical sacraments firmly established by the Christ, and meant for the 98% of humanity who will never see the teachings in this forum, perhaps.

I have introduced a New Jerusalem Meditation that allows all who desire to meet in the heavenly city and partake of sacraments if they desire. We will continue with this when the time is right.

We can only cover one topic at a time in this forum. Overall we will be discussing areas of thought that have not been fully covered by other teachers in the past. Our only religion here is truth and that is what we will pursue no matter where it leads.