2000-7-3 12:00:00
It was far from my intention to chase you off the list, Zina. If you truly understand what I am trying to say to you will not see honey and vinegar, but merely a fellow traveler reaching out to help you.
Zina writes:
My growth, expansion, power of love, is not dependant on someone else.
The initiative to tread the path of love is yours alone, but our growth in love as well as light is dependent on others to a great degree.
Love is a magnetic force that is nullified in a singularity but is manifest in duality. There must be more than one for an attractive force to attract anything.
Love draws the many into the One, but when the One is manifest love has served its purpose until the many come forth again.
The Course in Miracles makes some interesting statements in this regard:
"As you come closer to a brother you approach me, and as you withdraw from him I become distant to you. Salvation is a collaborative venture."
Here we see that our salvation through love is "a collaborative venture," or dependant on the participation of others.
It continues:
"Help them by offering them your unified mind on their behalf, as I am offering you mine on behalf of yours. Alone we can do nothing, but together our minds fuse into something whose power is far beyond the power of its separate parts. By not being separate, the Mind of God is established in ours and as ours. This Mind is invincible because it is undivided."
This book, which you call your favorite, tells us that "alone we can do nothing, but together our minds fuse into something whose power is far beyond the power of its separate parts."
I think you are trying to do too much alone my dear sister and invite you to join with me and others in the bonds of love so true salvation can truly become manifest.
I believe the step you must take is to acknowledge to your fellow travelers that you are as responsible for the negativity created as they are. Remember your mirror analogy? It also applies to you. The negativity that springs up around you is a mirror of something within you that must be revealed, faced and set right.
I will never again be subjugated, convinced, controlled, nor blind to the mind control of mine or anyone else's emotional games and addiction to the emotions...
Good plan
"?for there is NO POWER in the emotions. It is such a false power. Our FEELINGS freed of the emotions are pure and true, the great indicator of joy... its percentage available in every thought, and our creative power here... That barometer is our greatest gift."
Feelings cannot be freed from the emotions because without emotion there is no feeling. Having met you in person and communicating with you over a long period of time I can sense much feeling and emotion within you, but it must be truly faced and harmlessly directed so union with others can manifest causing greater love to manifest for the power of love is revealed as the many come into the One.
Emotions are a part of our complete self and without completeness there is not fullness of love.
"I am one hundred percent responsible for me, in my relationship with myself, with my SELF, with another, with a group, with the whole world."
This is a good thing to realize, however, to realize that responsibility one must understand what one is doing to create certain effects. How are you responsible for the negativity that surfaces when you participate on the list and how can love on your part help to replace the negative with love and acceptance?
"What I found is by emotionally stroking those upset, they turned in response and gave back volumes of supposed 'love'. Yet the moment no strokes, wow, could that turn like a savage beast ready to devour one."
The word "strokes" implies an insincere effort to placate someone, but if a person sincerely seeks to see love manifest in others who are agitated, and then to take loving action of some type, you will rarely have someone turn on you - and if they do they will come back because they will remember your love when they have forgotten all else.
Replace strokes with sincere vision of the good in others and love will eventually manifest. This is what I am trying to do with you and between us love will manifest. If not at this time, then another time - you will not forget my efforts.
"However, I do take responsibility, for I have 'cut out many' currently, as I had no intention to get involved in the list, simply to respond to the beauty of the gathering, and return to other avenues of my life."
The negativity you manifest here has nothing to do with cutting anyone off. It has to do with your words and thoughts that you project which has been more than just commenting on the beauty of the gathering. Merely commenting on the beauty of something will not create negativity. You are avoiding self examination here. You must find the true causes that you project and the intent behind them.
"So I thank you for your insightful demonstrations JJ of vinegar and honey... both of which are completely wasted on me, but certainly fanned the fury of the list, and then seduced them."
The love that you talk so much about Zina is in those postings of vinegar and honey and love is never wasted. You know and teach that. Love brings the many into the one and I have made a great effort with you from the beginning to bring us together into the one Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dies not seduce, but teaches and confirms.
You say you take the gift of the mirror from me, but that gift is not given for the mirror of ourselves is always out there in the world of our creation. I seek to help you create a more loving world to reflect back to you. There are parts of the reflective points of love that you may be missing. There are points of love within my soul that you are not seeing and utilizing. Could it be that you have taught and spoke so much of love that it would be a blow to your ego to admit that there is a large part of love that you have missed seeing and feeling?
I say this not to criticize you or play games, but to plant a seed that will grow and light the way to full realization of love for unless this happens you are in danger of substituting the love you do understand with illusionary love you do not understand.
Whatever your decision I wish you good will knowing we shall meet again.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved