2000-6-24 12:00:00
Chapter Twenty One - The Gathering of Forces
All inspired writings have fulfillment on at least one of the three planes which are the mental, astral-emotional and physical. The reason so many predictions, even from a spiritual source, do not materialize, is that the divine purpose is fulfilled on higher levels and a physical materialization becomes unnecessary. Even so we shall be so bold as to go forward and examine possible physical fulfillment along with the higher.
One thing to look for in fulfillment of prophecy is the principle behind the prediction. The principle played out in the battle of Gog and Magog against Zion is that the forces of darkness and the thought forms of the past always attack and attempt to prevent a gathering of lights and the enlightened changes of an approaching future.
With that said, let us hone down the prophecies with as much detail as possible from the spiritual down to the physical level. Hopefully this light presented will dispel many of the fables that religionists seem to present from the scriptures.
All life, or motivating power, must have aspects that correspond to the Trinity in order to accomplish purpose. The first aspect corresponds to the Father, the second to the Son, and the third to the Holy Ghost, or activity aspect. This is sometimes referred to as a triangle, or triangle of force. Even entities who we call evil must follow this pattern to succeed. The human race itself is divided into the triangle of Ham-Japheth-Shem. "The stranger within" Israel also operates through a triangle of energies which are Gog-Magog-Rosh. Gog corresponds to Ham, the Holy Ghost aspect, Magog to Japheth, the Son aspect, and Rosh to Shem, the Father aspect. Though these three the aspects are manifested for negative purpose and Rosh corresponds to Lucifer, a fallen Israelite, the most powerful of the dark entities, he also corresponds to the fallen serpent, just as the Christ corresponds to the serpent lifted up on the ensign.
Gog is called here not only Rosh's prince, but also the prince of Meshech and Tubal. In other words, he could be called "The serpent's prince who is the master of contention and wealth". Gog, representing the activity aspect, is the one consistently addressed by Ezekiel, for he is the force that leads all deceived people into that lowest form of human activity- war.
Ezekiel continues: "And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen (war vehicles and occupants), all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords" (weapons): Ezekiel 38:4
Something about Israel (the Lights) will attract Gog and his armies as if he were a fish with hooks in his jaws.
Next we are told of other peoples that make up the armies of Gog: "Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: Gomer and his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee." Ezekiel 38:5-6
Again we find that these people can be traced back to Ham and Japheth. In the days of Ezekiel, Persia was occupied by and controlled by the Medes and their native land Media was a part of Persia. Media was anciently spelled Madai who was the third son of Japheth. (Genesis 10:2) Modern day Iran was ancient Persia.
"Ethiopia" comes from the Hebrew KUWSH that is translated also as "Cush". Cush was the first son of Ham. Ethiopia as a nation still exists and borders the Red Sea in Africa. Since the name "Cush" originally meant "burnt face" it could apply to all the dark skinned people of Africa Spiritually, it applies to all men who are darkened in their minds, whether they be black or white.
"Libya" is translated from PUWT, which is directly rendered "Phut." Phut was the third son of Ham. This still exists as a nation in Northern Africa next to Egypt. The original meaning is obscure, but it probably means "flight" or "to flee."
Jeremiah tells us that the children of Phut were mighty men in handling the shield.
In Ezekiel 27 "Tyre" corresponds to Gog and we are told that Persia and Phut are warriors in his army and protect Gog with shield and helmet and give him glory. (See Ezekiel 27:10-11)
The keyword for Phut is "shield". 'They protect Gog and keep him strong and increase his glory and are willing to exterminate anyone who opposes him. These people are of the mentality that fit nicely in the Gestapo style police organizations throughout the world that care nothing for human liberty.
Next we find mention of Gomer who is the firstborn of Japheth. (Genesis 10:2) Gomer in the Hebrew means "to come to an end" either in a sense of failure, on one hand, or completion, on the other.
Most probably Gomer was the Cimmerians of antiquity and lived next to the descendants of Magog on the Crimea peninsula and the area north of the Black Sea. Around the days of Ezekiel the Cimmerians themselves came to an end. (Perhaps a fulfillment of the name of Gomer). It is believed they merged with the Scythians from Magog and possibly the Samaritans. It is quite possible that they were scattered and dispersed just as the ancient Hebrews were.
Hosea gives much credibility to this idea for he was commanded by God to take a wife named Gomer. This wife was a symbol of Israel shortly before she was scattered and just before the people of Gomer disappeared. Gomer is represented as a prostitute who has departed from God.
The Gomer people of today are those who have departed, or apostatized from true religious principles and follow teachings that allow them to satisfy the natural man. They will sacrifice truth for money and happiness for pleasure. Gomer is the straw that breaks the camel's back. His energy can either make or break a project. Gomer gives Gog that little extra push he needs to entice him toward the land of Joseph.
Togarmah mentioned last in this verse was the son of Gomer. The origin and meaning of this name is unknown. The house of Togarmah was closely associated with the people of Gomer and probably lived in parts of Turkey and Russia near the Black sea. They were evidently north of Magog and Gomer for the scripture quoted says he is from the "north quarters".
Ezekiel earlier informs us that Togarmah will offer "horses, horsemen, and mules" to Gog (called Tyrus) to add to his strength. Ezekiel 27:14
Togarmah represents the great industrialists and those who work for them and depend upon them for their livelihood. These rejoice over receiving great armaments contracts and do not give a second thought to the idea that their wares are used to kill and maim. These men encourage armament production and are frightened by the prospect of peace. They fight against Israel because peace will cause them to loose their power and wealth (so they erroneously think) and they do not want to turn their swords into plowshares.
Ezekiel continues: "Be prepared; make ready, you and all the host which has gathered to join you, and hold yourselves in reserve for me. After many days you (Gog) will be summoned; in years to come you will enter a land restored from ruin, whose people are gathered from many nations upon the mountains of Israel that have been desolate so long. The Israelites, brought out from the nations, will all be living undisturbed; and you will come up, driving like a hurricane; you will cover the land like a cloud, you and all your squadrons, a great concourse of peoples." Ezekiel 38:7-9 New English [KJV]
Here we have the beginning of the fulfillment of the parable of the wheat and the tares. The tares (Gog) are bound in bundles to be burned and the wheat (Israel) is gathered into the barn to be preserved.
We also have here the first indications in this chapter that Israel is gathered in the land of America..
(1) Israel is called a people "gathered from many nations". This coincides not only with Zion, which shall be built, but also with the inhabitants of America itself, which is a people gathered out of many nations. This country was built by the gathering process.
(2) It is a nation "restored from ruin" or "brought back from the sword" as it is expressed in the King James. This could have two interpretations. When America was discovered it was a country of the ruins of great civilizations which had passed away. The peoples who gathered here restored great civilization to it. Another correspondence is the Revolutionary War which redeemed this country with the sword.
(3) We also have a mention of "the mountains of Israel". These have two correspondences: One is the cities of the United States, or possibly North America; and the other is the cities of Zion which are yet to be built. The fulfillment of this prophecy also has two correspondences. One will be fulfilled just before the Lesser Golden Age and another at a time previous to the Greater Golden Age.
(4) The people Gog comes against are people who are "undisturbed" or "dwell safely all of them" as the King James words it. America is the only significant country in the world that has a people who have dwelt "safely" without fear of foreign invasion. This scripture certainly cannot apply to modern Israel today, for they live in as precarious of circumstances as any people.
Ezekiel continues: "Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee. Thus saith the Lord God; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought: And thou shalt say, I will go up to the LAND OF UNWALLED VILLAGES; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, To take a spoil, and to take a prey- to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods (great wealth), and that dwell in the midst of the land." Ezekiel 38:9-12
We have additional evidence here that Gog is coming against the land of America. He reiterates the fact here that Israel is in a land with people gathered out of the nations and that they dwell safely, but adds the following points:
(5) Gog will invade the "land of unwalled villages ... having neither bars nor gates". America is the only land today that corresponds to this. Jerusalem of today is famous for the ancient wall which surrounds it and as previously mentioned, all of the old world nations have ancient walls and have many "bars and gates".
(6) We are told that Israel is composed of "desolate places that are now inhabited". This is again an amazing description of America, for before Columbus it was a desolate place, but it is now inhabited.
(7) We are also told that Israel will have much "cattle and goods" (wealth) that will attract the attention of the other nations. This does not correspond to modern Israel, for without foreign aid they would have not prospered. Instead, they receive most of their financial support from the United States. America fits much better the description of a land with enough wealth to attract Gog.
(8) We are told that the people who are gathered that Gog will come against will dwell "in the midst of the land". The word for "midst" is TABBUWR which is found only one other place in the Bible in Judges 9:37 There it is translated as "middle." Scholars agree that "middle", "navel" or "center" are possible renderings. The word "land" can also be translated as "earth" and can refer to the whole planet. In corresponding to the United States it could be rendered:" ...that dwell in highly populated areas of the land." "TABBUWR can signify an accumulation so this translation is a possibility. It could also be interpreted as Gog coming against a people gathered from the midst of the lands of the earth.
Finally Ezekiel concludes the lineup of peoples who come to take a spoil of Israel: "Sheba and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?" Ezekiel 38:13
Both Sheba and Dedan are also traced back to Genesis. They were brothers, the grandsons of Ham. Abraham also had two sons by the same names through Keturah, but those mentioned here are definitely the descendants of Ham for Ezekiel 27 identifies Sheba with Raamah, the son of Ham. The fact that they can be traced back to the genealogy of Ham and Japheth correlates with the other names and is the key to understanding the purpose of the chapter.
Sheba and Dedan in the days of Ezekiel resided in what is known today as Saudi Arabia. Dedan was in the Northwestern part and Sheba was in the south.
Earlier Ezekiel tells us that Sheba supplies Gog with "Spices, all precious stones and gold". Her people were merchants. [Ezekiel 27:22]
Another man named Sheba is mentioned in II Samuel 20. He started a rebellion against King David which was soon put down, and the man lost his head.
Dedan was a merchant who supplied "precious clothes for chariots". Ezekiel 27:20. The only other reference we have of Dedan is: "They of Dedan shall fall by the sword". Ezekiel 25:13 This prophecy referred to Ancient Dedan, but could also include a future cycle.
The people of Sheba of today are the bankers and traders of the world, including all those who deal with stocks and commodities and depend on them for their livelihood..
Modern Dedans are also traders, but they deal with energy such as coal and oil, and fear that certain new innovations in energy may destroy their livelihood.
The last people named is Tarshish. Tarshish was the son of Javan who was the son of Japheth.
Ancient Tarshish has been identified with Tartessus on the Southwestern coast of Spain. Jonah was apparently heading there when he was swallowed by the giant fish. The closest Greek equivalent is Tarsus, the city that the apostle Paul was from. This was a famous port in his day in an area bordering the Mediterranean sea in what is now southeastern Turkey.
The name in the Hebrew signifies "a region of stone" and is sometimes translated as Beryl or topaz. However, an old Semitic root found in Akkadian RASASU means "To melt" or "to be smelted". An ancient Arabic root RSS which means "to trickle" backs this meaning. The trickling of liquid is the basis of the refining process.
The more modern word "Tarsis" means "an oar".
All of these definitions fit in with what the scriptures tells us about Tarshish. They were most famous for their shipping industries and their mining. "The ships of Tarshish" was a phrase known throughout the old world. The ships carried gold, silver, ivory, iron, tin, lead, and certain animals and possibly clothes. They made visits to King Solomon every three years and brought him much of his wealth. They were especially famous for shipping precious metals which they evidently smelted themselves from mines in the Tarshish area..
The Tarshish people of today are those who are in the mining and salting industry as well as shipping and aircraft.
The aircraft of Tarshish was envisioned by Isaiah: "Who are those that fly as a cloud, and as doves to their windows? Surely the isles shall wait for me, and the ships (aircraft) of Tarshish... Isaiah 60:8-9
The merchants of Tarshish fear the fall of Babylon dreading that "no man buyeth their merchandise any more." Revelation 18:11 Ezekiel tells us that the Tarshish people added much to the glory and power of Gog and if Gog loses power perhaps Tarshish will also loose their wealth.
Sheba, Dedan, and Tarshish all inquire of Gog as to his purpose in going against the mountains of Israel. They all see a possible benefit in having either America or Zion under their control and sharing in increased wealth and power.
There is one more mention of other peoples involved here. In the King James they are called "the young lions" with Sheba, Dedan, and Tarshish, but in the Hebrew it refers to those other peoples who are under the influence of these three groups. The sons of Cush are definitely associated with Sheba and Dedan. These are Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, and Sabtecha. These shared various parts of Saudi Arabia with Sheba and Dedan.
The forth son of Japheth was Togarmah's father and his people would probably be with Togarmah. The people of Javan are thought to be the Romans or possibly the Greeks. Other descendants of Japheth are thought to have peopled various areas of Europe and possibly England.
All of the sons of Ham and Japheth are referred to directly or through their posterity except for two. These are the last born of each respectively, Tiras and Canaan. Tiras means "fearful" and the Tiras people of today are those who are to afraid to take sides and have no strong ideology of their own. They wait to see who wins the battle and then try and blend with them. Canaan means "to bend the knee or humiliate" and the modern Canaanite is too submissive to think of engaging in a battle so they can share the spoil. They submit themselves to whatever authority they find themselves under and are not aggressive. Thus the people of Tiras and Canaan do not join in the battle unless they are forced as individuals by one of their more dominate brethren
Finally, we conclude the lineup of the various peoples who come against the children of Seth or Israel to take a spoil. They are enemies with Israel because of their own fear, ignorance, and greed. All people of feeling fear that which they do not understand and mistake it as being an evil thing. They are ignorant of the workings of the mind nor do they care to understand, as they feel their foundation will fall. They are greedy of the success that the true Israelites have in advancing new principles that work better than the old ones and they want to subject Israel and take the spoil for themselves.
Ezekiel continues: "Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say unto Gog, Thus saith the Lord God; in that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely, thou shalt not know it (shall you not be roused)? And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company, and a mighty army." Ezekiel 38:14-15
It is that Gog will come from the "north parts". This phrase is from the same Hebrew words as "the sides of the North" in Isaiah 14:13 These words from Isaiah are a quotation from Lucifer previously cited: "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God (Israel): I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;.." I will be like the Most High." Isaiah 14:13-14
Lucifer promised that he would sit in the "sides of the North" and Ezekiel informs us that Gog's place is in the sides of the north, and that is where he will come from. Notice that Lucifer said that he would sit "also" in that area just as the most High does! Does the most High also dwell in the "sides of the north"?
According to David he does: "Great is the Lord, and great to be praise in the city of our God (Zion), in the mountain of his holiness. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, ON THE SIDES OF THE NORTH the city of the great King. God is known in her places for a refuge. For, lo, the kings were assembled, (Gog and his group), they passed by together. They saw it and so they marveled; they were troubled, and hastened away. Fear took hold upon them there, and pain, as of a woman in travail. Thou breakest the ships of Tarshish with an east wind. As we have heard, so have we seen in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city of our God: God will establish it forever." Psalms 48:1-8
God will dwell in Zion on the sides of the North and Gog also wants to set his throne up like the most High in the same sides of the north.
Since this is so perplexing we would do well here to examine the Hebrew: The word "north" here is correctly translated, but in ancient times the Hebrews looked upon the North as the area of darkness or hidden things. Thus the word for "north" is TSAPHON which is derived from TSAPHAN which means "secret, hidden, or covered". It has a quite similar meaning to the modern word "esoteric".
The words "Parts" and "sides" quoted previously are from the Hebrew YeREKAH and is more correctly rendered "the farthest extremity".
The extreme north is the north pole. Does this mean that Gog will come out of the North pole? (It is interesting to note that there are those who believe the earth is hollow and that there is an entrance to the center of the earth at the North Pole).
Perhaps instead, the prophets were trying to preserve a message for us in the root meanings. Using the core meanings "the sides of the North" or "North parts" could mean" "the deepest recesses of hidden knowledge," or "esoteric knowledge from afar."
Those who possess the deepest recesses of hidden knowledge are the Black Magicians such as Lucifer and Gog on one hand who seek to enslave man, and on the other we have the Christ and the BRANCH cooperating with him. Both of these sit on "the sides of the North," and posses higher knowledge or knowledge hidden from the common man.
We are told that Gog and his armies will come on "horses". Some Christian fundamentalists believe that the last great war will literally be fought on horses, but obviously any future war will be fought with modern equipment.. "Horse" comes from the Hebrew CUWC which is not always translated horse. Several times in the Bible it refers to a bird. It literally means "leaping or moving with swiftness" and since the horse was the swiftest thing around in those days the word was applied to it most of the time. On the other hand, the swiftest thing we have on hand today are the modern Ships of Tarshish or aircraft, and possibly soon we will have usable space vehicles. These modern ships of Tarshish will be stopped in their destructive work by an "east wind", or "the anticipated spirit of the New Age".
Finally, Ezekiel gives us a picture of this confrontation of Israel with Gog: "And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen (nations) may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, 0 Gog, before their eyes." Ezekiel 38:16
The fulfillment of this event before the Lesser Golden Age is described by John the Revelator in one verse: "And I saw the beast (Gog), and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gather together to make war against him that sat on the horse, (Christ) and against his army." Revelation 19:19
Then he mentions a repeat fulfillment before the Greater Golden Age: "And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city." Revelation 20:8-9
Jesus also talks about this event: "And this gospel of the kingdom (the gathering of Israel) shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end (consummation) come. When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation (literally: 'The abomination that maketh desolate" - Gog) stand(ing) in the holy place, (Whoso readeth, let him understand.) Then let them which be in Judaea (the true worshippers of God) flee to the mountains" (the cities of Zion). Matthew 24:14-16
We are told here and in Daniel that Gog (the abomination that maketh desolate) shall stand in the holy place, or literally in the sides of the north. "Sides of the North" can also be translated as "the coastlands of the north". When Gog enters America he will stand on the coastlands of North America. "And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him." Daniel 11:45
Before the lesser Golden Age America is a symbol of the holy place and before the Greater Golden Age it will be the cities of Zion. The message for our cycle therefore is: "When you see Gog and his armies standing on the coasts of America one must immediately flee to Zion for safety."
Let us remind the reader at this point that we have dealt so far with the possible physical externalization of these prophesies which do not have to take place in this cycle if the elect will only awake and push forward with Project Peace and Goodwill. If success is granted here then the prophecy will still be fulfilled on an emotional and mental level. Even if physical attack is prevented Gog will still come forward to destroy Zion through the manipulation of the thoughts and feelings of Babylon. Then, at a later millennia, will come the greatest threat of all from Gog on all planes -mental - emotional - and physical, but his defeat at that time will be sure and permanent as far as we are concerned.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved