2000-5-29 11:15:00
That was an interesting post by Darne. It sounds like we may have pushed some buttons. It's always a good test to ask someone who considers himself a super being to present us with a new principle or even an expansion of a revealed one. So far not a single person I have met who has claimed to be a great one has been able to reveal even one. There's always lots of imaginative data and often fanciful new words which any creative mind can produce, but never a principle.
Buddha taught the principle of the Middle Way. Christ taught and demonstrated the principle of Love and sacrifice as it had never been revealed before. Joseph Smith revived the principle of revelation which the masses thought no longer was in existence. Djwahl Khul through Alice A. Bailey taught many principles; prominent among them is his expansion of the Law of Correspondences.
Any claim I may have for your attention is not based on any proclamation that I am a great being past or present. If you or I speak the truth it matters not who or what we are, truth is true irrespective of status in the minds of men.
If the lowest of humanity teaches that 2+2=4 it is just as true as if the Christ Himself were to proclaim it. This is why we have stressed the principle of soul contact so much because if one has such contact then the 2+2=4 as a truth is what has meaning and strikes a chord, not the fact that it was uttered by a greater or a lesser teacher.
It doesn't matter to me if a man claims to be Peter, God, or a turkey who has become Joe Blow ? even if I believed his claim I would still look at his words and sense whether or not the Holy Spirit lives in those words. The actual words of Jesus, as recorded in the Bible, for instance, has withstood the test of time because they stir the soul and strike the chords of the Spirit within.
If you ever want to give me a meaningful compliment do not seek to equate me with a great one in the past, or even see me as any more than you are in the present. That which warms my heart is comments that my words have stirred your souls and have caused a chord of recognition to ring within yourself. Tell me that my words have set love aflame within your breast and your spirit has soared as the eagle. If you tell me this then we are equal for your words and love have done this for me.
Let me pick on one of our members who often underestimates himself ? our friend, Rob. He recently expressed doubts to me about his ability to reach soul contact, but I submit to you that he demonstrates more contact than any guru that you could name that is floating around the internet. Take a look at his post giving a different scenario that he thinks may occur if a militant vegetarian took over the country. The only mistake he made is that he thinks he is disagreeing with me. No Rob, I do not disagree with you at all. You used the Law of Correspondences and correlated the known with the unknown - a known war on drugs to an unknown war on meat.
You correlated your analogy with the system as it is today, but I used an example of a dictator with absolute power and in presenting two points of view I think we both worked together to present the reality that the principle of freedom is not widely understood in the world today - and even if it is understood by some, it is not trusted.
The fact that Rob was able to wisely use a principle (the Law of Correspondences) to illustrate another principle (freedom) shows indeed a degree of soul contact. He needs to trust that inner sense (that comes from the soul) and pay attention to it. Then it will not be long before the still small voice becomes an inner flame that cannot be ignored.
The greatest fire is created by the tiniest most imperceptible spark. Soul contact begins as such a "small voice" that you think it is your imagination. But each time you trust in it, the flame is fanned and grows until the light is bright, and the heat is sure, and your faith is replaced by knowledge.
I will speak more about the principle of freedom tomorrow, but until then I will leave you with more questions to consider. Answer yes or no and explain...
Is the principle of freedom in play if
(1) The majority benefits and has more freedom?
(2) The minorities benefit and have more freedom?
(3) If you or your family benefit and have more freedom?
(4) If every man woman and child gets a thousand dollar check in the mail from the government?
(5) If there were no government?
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved