2000-5-23 10:51:00
If I remember right, we are still on the 15th principle of discovery which is "Discernment." We are covering this in a round about way and will eventually proceed to the next principle. As we are presented with unusual claims and teachings such as those made by Alan it becomes obvious that this is indeed an important subject to the aspiring disciple.
Many of the principles of discovery we have discussed are useful in examining any new teaching presented to us. Several principles are useful in discovering truth in new or reworked philosophies. In particular I would name the following:
(3) The teaching should be in harmony with common sense
(4) It should increase the power of Decision and free will.
(5) It should bring you to a new level of awareness and usefulness.
(9) The Process of Elimination. Eliminate those things that are definitely not true and contemplate on that which remains.
(11) Truth is in harmony with spiritual principles; therefore we discover that which is true through the application of those principles.
(12) The principle of planting and harvesting. (Planting a teaching in your heart and seeing if it grows)
(13) "The Law of Correspondences." The principle behind it is "as above so below," and visa versa.
(15) Discernment
Number 11 is particularly useful here. You will remember that I have stressed the difference many times between principles and data. Data can be easily made up by anyone with a good imagination or obtained by any trance channeler. Principles can only be discovered and taught through the soul; however, for principles are the language by which the soul communicates.
This principle alone would keep me from plunging with belief into Alan's teachings for he has only given us data, and data is easy to fabricate by anyone with an imagination. He, who believes because of data alone, merely because it sounds fanciful, will continue to tread the path of glamour and illusion.
Nevertheless, let us be open minded no matter how far removed a new member may be from some of the teachings we have presented here, and give Alan a chance to prove himself. Prove himself? That's blasphemous, some may say in the new age community - many of whom never look at evidence. The scriptures tell us to "prove all things." That is indeed good advice and one that is encouraged by the Masters of Wisdom.
I'll ask Alan a few questions here and maybe we can throw enough light on his views and sources to aid us in making an intelligent judgment.
(1) What is the name of the group of which you are a member and who is the main person that you rely on for revelation and teaching? How many current members are there? For instance, who revealed the data about the 24 cosmic angels, that Peter is Lucifer, that the Earth will rejoin the Cosmos in the fifth dimension, there is no free will, that Yahweh has been recalled back to the Cosmos along with the Archangels, that one entity can incarnate in 15 places at one time etc? Is this person perhaps Darne?
(2) Does your group receive data from the other worlds through trance channeling, sometimes called direct voice? If not, how is the information received?
(3) Do you teach of a way to discover whether or not your teachings are true?
(4) Have you, or any of your group, come up with a new principle that is not readily taught in metaphysical books? (If you do not know what I mean by "principle" you can search the archives for the word and that should bring clarity.)
(5) You say that you met Mary, the mother of Jesus. Is this a regular person living a current life who you believe to be Mary? If this is so, why do you believe this?
(6) For what purpose do you proclaim yourself as Andrew?
(7) You say that the disciples are now all cosmic angels and that you are a disciple (Andrew). This would make you a cosmic angel. As a cosmic angel how are you different from me, Glenys, Claire or anyone else partaking of regular mortality?
(8) If you do not believe in absolute truth then I take it that you are not absolutely sure of the teachings you present including the possibility you were the apostle Andrew? Is this assumption correct?
(9) Do you have a date for the second coming of Christ or do you think he is already here?
(10) Perhaps you would like to relate to us a couple predictions your group has made.
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