2000-5-6 11:38:00
Here we are at the morning of May 6th. May 5th is now gone forever with no great disasters in sight. Neither have I seen anyone translated into a new dimension. We were hit with a computer virus which event was much more in alignment with true astrological prediction than the end of the world or an apocalypse.
Since the beginning of this list we have had several doomsday dates that we have cheerfully passed through. The thing that amazes me is that when these prophecies fail the followers are often undeterred. When Y2K for instance, failed to be a problem many still thought they were correct to predict doomsday because their warnings were responsible for averting the disaster. Now, I suppose that some will say that their good vibes they sent out negated the great earth changes. Still others will be looking for some disaster in the news. It is likely that there will be a storm or earthquake somewhere on the earth and believers are likely to point to this normal event as prophecy fulfilled - that is if anything happens the next week or so.
I remember in the beginning of the year when I expressed a non-concern for Y2K that Blayne was upset at me and predicted that there were subtle Y2K problems that would multiply, and by Spring chaos would be here. "I don't think so..." I told him. Well, spring has come and just about gone, and Y2K is the least of our problems.
Our friend Sterling has predicted doom at least three times that I know of, and each time nothing has happened. Nevertheless, he is still undaunted in his belief in finding the truth through numbers. In fact, if I remember correctly, his Alphabetics originally indicated to him that I was a good guy, but then when he disagreed with me this same system indicated I was the Antichrist.
So what are we to do with the next prophecy of doom? Who knows, it may be possible that a true prophecy may come along some time. Maybe someone will get it right by accident for even a stopped clock is right twice a day. The answer is the same that we have emphasized on this list many times. Look within and see what comes from your soul. If we depend on someone else's word we will be mislead time and time again.
I feel very peaceful within right now and have no sense of immediate doom and gloom. World problems will always come and go, but basically my inner sense tells me that this is a time of opportunity and expansion rather than a time to hide in caves. What do you feel from within? If you sense something let us know what you pick up.
The Art of Seeing continued...
So once you have seen the energy that circles around you what is next? In addition to our correspondence to an atom, we also correspond to an egg. Our physical body is like a yoke. The auras correspond to the white. But beneath the shell covering the egg is a thin film. Corresponding to that, we have an outer film encompassing our physical, astral and mental bodies. This outer film is extremely difficult to see in comparison to the etheric or the aura. It is something like a movie screen where not only are your thoughts projected in geometric language, but through which all knowledge is available. He who is able to see this film becomes a seer as was written of the ancient sages.
Whereas the seeing of the physical body, the etheric, and the aura can be seen with the physical eyes, the seeing of the outer film takes the aid of the soul; and when it is seen, it can be viewed with the eyes open or shut. When the Seer becomes one with the film, he becomes one with the outer vision; and becomes an all-seeing eye. He can then direct his seeing to any part of the universe within his ring-pass-not.
For most of us this is like talking blue sky, but it is indeed true that the time will come for each of us to experience the numerous levels of vision for the soul and spirit.
Suppose we reach this higher level of seeing - can we then ask if there is more to see? What could be more than everything? The answer is that there is more, much more. The soul is the doorway to the formless worlds and seeing in the formless worlds is an entirely different thing than seeing form.
The beginning of this formless seeing is the "still small voice" which in reality is not a voice, but an impression that is attempting to open the eyes of the soul. These eyes see with eyes of understanding and the language of communication is through the exchange of principles. The good news is that this seeing is open to us all if we are willing to drop our preconceived notions and trust the voice within more than the voice without.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved