2000-5-3 11:24:00
Several of you gave good examples of what could be soul contact. The main thread in your answers would seem to be "a registration of truth that is beyond the mind and the senses." This is the right direction.
As I have said before the word "soul" is used very loosely by various groups. In the teachings of the Masters it is basically used two ways: The Higher Self sometimes called the Solar Angel, which is linked as an atom in the body of the oversoul of humanity; The point where spirit touches matter. This is the point that some have referred to as being beyond dualities. This, however, is not a dwelling place, but a doorway to the higher worlds.
The lower worlds are as follows: the physical and etheric, the astral or emotional, and the mental or mind. Beyond the physical are higher grades of matter that make up forms normally invisible to the physical. For instance there is a physical double to all things and this is called the etheric. The etheric is the easiest of the invisible worlds to see.
Interlock the fingers of your two hands and point the tips of your two thumbs toward each other. Separate the tips of your thumbs by about an eighth of an inch. Now find a wall that is white or light in color and hold your hands up to the wall so when you look at the space between your thumbs the wall is on the other side. Concentrate now and stare at the empty space between your thumbs for about a minute. Do not put your attention on your hands or thumbs, but only the empty space between your thumbs. After about a minute, while keeping your attention on the empty space, pull your thumbs slowly apart so now you have about a quarter of an inch of space. As you do this you should notice a thin film, about a millimeter from your skin, light blue in color.
What you are seeing here is your etheric double which is slightly larger than your physical. Learning to see this is the first step in seeing auras.
Here is a second exercise you can do. Have a friend stand next to a light colored background like a white or light colored wall or a refrigerator door. Tell him to stand perfectly still and to not move his head. Now stare at his forehead for about a minute. Pick one spot on his forehead and do not turn your attention from that spot. After 60-90 seconds have him move to the side, but continue to look at the spot as if the guy were still there.
What you see next will amaze you if you have not done this before. Your eyes will have taken a photograph of his etheric light and you will see the after image of his head glowing before you. When you see his lighted head note the shades of light and dark patches. The dark patches will indicate a blockage in the flow of energy. Most people have dark patches when they have a head cold, for instance. Practice this exercise and let the group know what you see.
The next world up to see is the astral, or emotional. We'll talk about the next step tomorrow.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved