May 5th and Comments

2000-4-30 11:16:00

I was just watching the news and they announced the most recent theory about the shape of the universe due to recent Hubble studies. Scientists have concluded that the universe is somewhat flat and disc shaped.

On January 16th of this year we reported here on this list without the aid of the Hubble telescope the shape of the universe using the Law of Correspondences. Let me quote:

"None of the living bodies are circular. The human, for instance, is egg shaped. Keep in mind that you have to consider the shape of our aura and outer film to see our true shape. The earth is flattened at the poles. Then the solar system is more flattened still and a galaxy even more so. This would suggest that the universe is not circular, but disked shaped. But since the universe is young compared to a galaxy we would have to look at a young galaxy to get an idea as to the current shape of the universe. Thus it would look a little like a cloud coming into the shape of a disc."

Stay tuned. We will always try and stay ahead of the scientists and the news here.

We have also heard a lot of end of the world type of predictions from the planetary line up on May 5th. I took a look at the lineup on that date and see nothing to be alarmed about nor any evidence that we will be translated into a new dimension.

For one thing the line up is far from perfect. The alignment from earth perspective (geocentric) spans 27 degrees and from a view from the sun (heliocentric) spans 53 degrees. This would make the magnetic pull of the alignment of no great significance. I will admit that on the 9th we have a pretty tight alignment (from the geocentric view) of the Earth, the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. There are also four tight squares between Uranus (the ruler of new Age of Aquarius) and Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun. The most significant is the tight square with Saturn.

What I see from this configuration is a strong harmony through conflict situation in relation to coming changes of the new age. Those working on the side of light will become more united, empowered and committed than ever before, but those on the side of darkness and the status quo will heighten their resistance to the coming changes that herald the new age. This energy should stimulate the surfacing of conflicts on some level that will bring old and new age ideas into high visibility. If those working in the light play their part, the resistance will be futile and the new ideas will prevail.

Although there may be a few strange weather conditions in various parts of the globe I do not see any major disasters facing us in the next few weeks.

Interesting experiences there, Brian. You ask if these experiences you had and the feelings generated are because of soul contact. Rather than judging your experience let me speak of general principles. Soul energy has an influence on all of mankind and lower soul energy even builds and sustains the bodies we live in, but conscious contact with higher soul energies is another matter.

Before conscious soul contact is achieved a person may go through a number of supernatural experiences over a period of several lifetimes. Even without conscious soul contact, of which we have been speaking, a person may receive interesting knowledge filtered through dreams and visions of various thought forms. It is also true that one with soul contact may receive through dreams and higher visions. This creates a difficulty in figuring out who has the contact and who does not.

True soul contact begins with the still small voice and the connection grows from there. This contact is made and sustained in full waking consciousness, and the seeker develops his ability to perceive that which is true more and more accurately. In the end of the process, he becomes a seer as described in ancient scriptures. The seer reaches a point when he can see truth with a certainty of knowing.

All of us are linked together with certain individuals because of past relationships and similarity of vibration, so it is entirely understandable that Brian could feel very close to someone in dreams that he is not close to on the physical plane. The Higher Self remembers relationships that we have forgotten and may bring these together in the dream state.