2000-4-26 11:46:00
John, my brother, thank you for taking the initiative and reminding us of the treasures we have here among us. I know I need to acknowledge it more, so I am glad you filled the gap.
One important name was left out and that is yours. Many here appreciate your posts and your efforts to initiate new paths to make the appeal of the work available to a wider spectrum.
I am very short on time tonight, but plan on wrapping up the teachings on health in the next post or two and then moving back to the principles of discovery. Perhaps we should cover soul contact a bit more. In preparation for this let me ask a question:
What is the difference between impressions received from instinct, emotion and the soul?
I appreciate those of you who responded to the Call. You will be contacted soon.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved