2000-4-25 17:30:00
Paul writes:
"All souls are masters in their own right and are thus equal in relation to each other, and all souls are connected and one. Particular connections among souls are only possible on the basis of this universal connection of all souls in the oversoul.
"Any other connection is personality connection and not soul connection.
"Teacher-student relationship is non-existent among souls. It only exists among personalities. The one who is ideally more spiritually advanced in every way is regarded as teacher by those who believe themselves to be spiritually inferior to the teacher.
"A person learns from another because they feel they lack what the teacher can offer. They depend on the teacher for information and supposedly a good model of behavior as well. The connection between a student and a teacher is not a connection between two equals. Personality connection is based on the illusion, however real to the sense perception, that the student is separate from, and inferior to, the teacher, not knowing that they are soul and not personality and as soul they are masters and equal to the soul whose personality claims to be a teacher to their personality.
DK says that the Ancient of Days is the student disciple of the Solar Logos and the Christ is a student disciple of Him in return and that he (DK) is a student disciple of the Christ. Perhaps you should go straighten the masters out on this separative idea they have. In fact perhaps you should lecture to them about disbanding the "hierarchy" which is entirely giving-receiving and student-teacher in its organization.
"If one stressed, the fact that some personalities do have more knowledge and whatnot and can thus be referred to as teachers that is fine. But that is just a phenomenon in physical life appearing real to those who didn't see the one reality in substance.
"Beware of what kind of connection is required to be a true server (as soul and not as personality) of mankind."
It sounds to me like you are going out of your way with sophist non-sensible arguments to discourage people from establishing true soul connections.
Your argument seems to be that all souls are one and already connected (your predictable mantra). Therefore we should not even try to connect with each other in this reality. This is about as far into illusion as one can descend.
True soul connection is much, much more than memorizing the "all souls are one" statement. That is a physical brain activity. As one progresses in the soul, he will connect to others who are making the same progression. Those who are in the personality do not make that connection.
If you want to believe you are in some other reality and are at one with all and no further progress can be made for yourself that is fine, but please do not try and discourage others from moving ahead in the soul as they see it.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved