2000-4-25 11:30:00
Brian asks about the resurrection in relation to reincarnation. If Jesus or a Master overcomes death and supposedly has an immortal body how can he be born again in a new body? Is it possible that Jesus or the Christ could be reincarnated?
First, let me quote to you a scripture that refers to celestial beings who have overcome death. It states: "Wherefore, all things are theirs, whether life or death..." (D&C 76:59)
Thus if a person becomes a master, all things are his. He can choose life or death. If a master can choose death then his body is only as permanent as he desires it to be.
There are two main stages in the overcoming of physical death. The first is the obtaining of the power to rejuvenate the body for as long as service in the physical world is required. This was obtained by Moses, for instance. During the forty years in the wilderness living conditions were so harsh that all died but a handful. At the end of this period Moses was still vigorous because he obtained the power from God to rejuvenate his body. Finally, when his mission was accomplished he let his body go the way of all flesh.
The second major state is restoration and is referred to in the scriptures as the "better resurrection." Jesus was the only one in recorded history to demonstrate this. When the power of restoration is acquired the adept's body can be destroyed and he can restore it to pristine condition. He can also restore or resurrect any body from a past life, for the memory of all his past and the patterns thereof are recorded in his physical permanent atom.
If the high initiate decides he wants to incarnate as a regular human again he can do it several different ways, depending on his evolution. If he is in a current body and wants to preserve it he can place the body in state in a secure location and then leave it and enter the body of a new baby or participate in an overshadowing where another body is shared.
The second method is to fold up his physical body within the parent vibration of the spirit and then enter again into a new incarnation. In this case his new body will be his vehicle of manifestation for some time to come.
True immortality is in the spiritual body and not the physical, as the Mormons believe.
Paul made a reference to this:
I Cor 15:44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
I Cor 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
When one travels to kingdoms above the physical, he does not go there as a physical being. When Jesus walked through the walls to meet the apostles what body was he in as he passed through the wall? It was not the physical, for the physical body in its present condition cannot pass through a wall. When a Master passes through a wall or to other worlds he folds his physical up in the spiritual. One could say it is a little like deep sea diving. When you come up out of the water you no longer need the diving suit. You take it off and only use it again when you want to make another plunge.
Hope this gives you food for thought.
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