2000-4-24 17:47:00
Thank you Sherry, John, Travis and others for your comments. Sherry, a relatively new member sees my intentions pretty clearly. This is the logical way to see them unless one is unreasonably suspicious.
Paul, it sounds from your last post that you have decided to become judgmental after all. Have you changed your mind about duality and decided to embrace it?
Craig writes:
"Now, there is the camp who insists that they feel the spirit of oneness with JJ, and therefore, his delivery is unimportant to them. I believe the list defines this as soul communication. I judge a man by all of his fruits. Yes, I consider JJ's methodology part of his fruits."
What makes you think the method of delivery is not important to those who see truth in my teachings??? Have you asked them or taken a survey? I think if you ask some of those who have a soul connection with me that you will discover you are jumping to an erroneous conclusion here and underestimating the intelligence of many list members.
Many find my presentation as a breath of fresh air after working through numerous works of fiction that are presented as truth. Anything that I present as a true occurrence I assure you is an event that really happened. Any teaching I present is presented as an item for consideration that you should not accept as true unless you give it every test possible, especially the test of your own soul.
My methodology may be good or bad, but method has nothing to do with fruit. Many disliked the methods of Jesus and crucified him for it, but his fruit was still good.
One can plant a tree and have strange and unusual methods in cultivating it, but in the end it is the taste and quality of the fruit that is the test of value. The fruit is the fruit; the method is the method. They are two separate items.
I would say that judging by the quality of people who are in harmony with me that the fruit is very good so far. Like attracts like. If this principle is indeed true then I am flattered.
"Is it his knowing, tainted by his perception, or is it absolute? Most of JJ's correspondence appears absolute to me. Rare is it to see JJ preface his position with, 'Well, this is merely my opinion...' JJ comes from absolute knowing; at least his comments are for the most part presented as authoritarian."
In many cases I see the teaching I give out as more than opinion, thus it would be a lie to state it as "my point of view". I present all teachings in as positive light as possible to jolt all seekers into using their discernment to discover the truth. The best way to get a response from your soul is not to run a weak opinion by it, but to run an easily understood positive or negative statement or thought past your inner higher intelligence. Thus, if I say something in error it is more likely to ring a bell within than some watered down statement that does not even wake the interest of the soul.
I have preceded my teachings many times with the statement that they may or may not be true and that they go out with no claim of authority and that each seeker must test them with his own soul. Perhaps you and other newer members should read the first three months of postings to the list where the teaching was totally dedicated to laying the foundation of not trusting me without confirmation.
"If JJ is right about everything, then we all can rejoice, for we have found the fountain of living waters!"
If I am right about everything and you believe it and follow the teachings without confirmation from within, you have found nothing. The fountain of living waters is the Spirit of God within you, and guiding seekers to this discovery is at the core of my teachings.
"I will absolutely support anybody who questions JJ's veracity. What has become of us when we stop questioning? Is JJ Dewey beyond reproach? Are any of us?"
I challenge you to find another teaching situation where there is more questioning (and answers given) than there is here. I probably spend about a third of my teaching time handling challenges. In fact I spend so much time, that many complain to me that we spend too much time with the type of questioning you mentioned.
Again, I think you are underestimating the intelligence of many list members who accept most of my teachings. Just because they do not challenge me on a regular basis does not mean that they are not independent thinkers. Often times a person does not agree entirely and just wants to mull it around in their mind a while rather than overtly question.
Take me, for instance. I have been on Sterling's list for about a year and a half and have not questioned him once, through his medium, even though I often do not agree with him. I see no reason to interfere with his teaching objective.
Even so, questions and challenges are welcome here. Actually, I enjoy them.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved