2000-4-21 11:29:00
Good run down of the Holy Ghost from the Mormon viewpoint, Brian.
Here are a few words I said earlier about the Holy Ghost: "Here on earth we have individualized consciousness and we seem to be separate souls, but in the world of pure soul there is only one oversoul for all humanity and you and I are parts of that whole.
"This oversoul is an extension of the oversoul for the whole planet and the soul of the planet is an extension of the oversoul of the whole solar system and so on up the line. The Holy Spirit is a great cosmic entity that works through the Oversoul. In addition to this there are representatives of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost within the Brotherhood. The Christ, of course, represents the Son for this planet, even though from another way of looking at it he is a Father (or sender) to us."
The Holy Ghost is also called the Holy Spirit and in some writings the Holy Breath. Communion with the Spirit is called different things in different circles. Some call it the "Still Small Voice" and others call it the God within. In my teachings I have most commonly called it Soul Contact, a phrase borrowed from Alice A. Bailey writings.
The first contact is almost imperceptible, and that is why it is called the "Still Small Voice." This is intuitive contact. Then after the person follows the communication received, the contact becomes more sure and stronger. Then comes the time the person receives the baptism of fire which is a sure witness of direction and the purpose of God. This is communion sent through the Monad.
The raising of the Kundalini has to do with raising the natural fires from the lowest to the highest centers and is a different matter. This clears the channels for higher communication. All seekers, regardless of their evolution, can receive communion to some degree with the Spirit. Thus, in the justice of God, truth is always available to all who earnestly seek.
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