
2000-4-11 11:18:00

I notice that most of the posts today are still on this persistent subject of the void of nothingness that some seem to have a missionary zeal to open our eyes about.

To be able to discuss, disagree and then reach a measure of understanding and move on is a positive thing. Such disagreements may have nothing to do with ego, but are sometimes necessary exchanges upon the path.

But to bring up this subject of oneness beyond duality again and again at the irritation of many, does seem to show a strong attachment to one's own ideas and even beginning students of metaphysics learn that non attachment is a necessary step in liberation. The ironical thing is that those who seem most attached to making this the main topic of discussion on this list are always attempting to teach us the virtues of non attachment.

The Master DK tells us that one of the last and most important things a disciple must learn before he becomes a usable tool in the hands of the Hierarchy is to master irritation. He explains that this is not irritation as most generally understand the term, but an irritation caused because other seekers do not accept their point of view.

Now several on this list have attempted to enlighten us again and again on their point of view and the rest of us do not see it exactly their way. So instead of allowing us to have a different view they bring this subject up again and again. What is the reason for this? Is it some lack of acceptance of a difference of opinion and does this difference of opinion present an irritating thorn in the side that must be pursued until the thorn is removed and we all finally see as they see?

So why does this oneness thing keep coming up?

I'll tell you why. It is simply because we cannot discuss any subject ... health, the beast, the meaning of life, soul contact, the principles of discovery, the qualities of a disciple and so on ... we cannot discuss any of them without talking in terms of duality.

Then if we mention dualistic words that are impossible to avoid something clicks in the minds of the "beyond duality" people. They seem to have this irritation fomenting within them and seem to be saying to themselves: "these poor unenlightened souls - they would not be using words like good and evil, light and dark and so on if they just could see oneness as I do. I must attempt one more time to enlighten them.

The problem we have here is that as long as this list survives dualistic words will be used over and over and thus as long as the "beyond duality" group feel this irritation and non acceptance of such words they will be impressed to correct the rest of us again and again.

The solution? Let go of this attachment to repeated correction on this subject for there will be no end to it until we allow others to speak in dualistic words and terms if that best serves their ability to communicate.

Even God in the Bible had to use the dualisms of Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End to describe Himself.

So let me herewith warn all list members. Dualistic words will be used in almost every post. They are necessary terms of communication in this reality. Just because we use them does not mean that we do not understand the midway point between the dualities. I believe most list members have some concept of it and have had enough enlightenment on it to allow them to survive for now.

This subject of duality and oneness has been talked about more on this list than any other subject even though it has never been an official topic of discussion.

The time will come when it will be an official subject and I hope then to cover it in detail and at that time comments on it will not be a distraction. Until that time comes let us let go of our attachments to this subject, make our final posts, and move on.