1998-12-6 16:42:00
Xavier writes:
"What naturally came to my mind is a picture of the Atom Bomb. I have received many calls from the inside, through reading, i.e. I have fallen many times on written words that spoke of the Atomic Power."
"Rudolf Steiner said it has to do with Christ's sacrifice. Hopi knowledge talks about a light brighter than a thousand suns. And a character from a book I liked was born on the day of Hiroshima bombing. Not much to this one, but it always triggered much insight in me."
"I definitely am led towards the feeling that there is much more meaning in the atomic power then it would seem. I don't have any clue if this is the answer JJ will give us, though. It's just the image that imposes itself to me, and I thought like sharing. Thanks for letting me participate in your adventure."
This is one of the most exact answers given yet and is more correct than you know. Congratulations! I did not expect anyone to get it for a while.
As confirmation let us look up the word "heaven" in the Biblical Greek. It comes from OURANOS the same word that Uranium comes from. Now let us literally retranslate this verse. "He does great signs in that he makes fire out of Uranium in the sight of mankind." This verse definitely conforms the identity of the second beast.
The next verse calls this a miracle. Can anyone tell me why the splitting of the atom is a symbol of the greatest miracle that Jesus ever performed?
Copyright 1998 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved