2000-4-9 07:55:00
"The causal body or soul body of Jesus shattered during the final polarization at Gethsemane. His most intense suffering was affected by his sacrificing his will in compliance with the Father's will. From that time on Jesus ended his life of duality: He died. This ending of duality was later symbolized by the reunification of body and spirit in resurrection."
Where do you get the idea that the shattering of the causal body ends duality? I would say it would be much more accurate to say that the fourth initiation ends a person's attachment to the pull of the lower worlds over the higher. He wields the forces of duality toward union with the will of God. Christ still spoke of heaven and earth (duality) after the resurrection.
"Neutralization of polarized psychic forces is the only way to non-attachment to, or freedom from, the three worlds ending in resurrection of the body. The more we comply with the Father's will the more we will neutralize and balance our emotional and mental forces. Balance is naught but cessation of all values or beginning of zero value once two different values on the scale become equalized and one."
So the Master would allow the neighbor's house to burn down because he has no values? Interesting. I agree with you here except for the value part.
Paul responds to my answer to Claire:
"It is a compliment for the mind of masters who have transcended their mind as slayer of the real. Have you transcended your mind the way they did?"
If I say I believe I have, that will not change you mind about me. I think you have already made a judgment about me here.
"I think it is safe to say that our mind operates against the soul as slayer of the real in most cases. It only cooperates with the soul when the personality is making soul contact. Even then the mind might still distort what it has received through soul contact."
I basically agree with this, but we must not negate the use of the mind or neglect its use in connection to the soul or it will keep the aspirant trapped in illusion.
"When a real question is asked an honest and to the point answer must be given."
I am glad you now feel this way. In the past it has been like pulling teeth to get an answer out of you.
"Any sincere person would feel obliged to do that. How can a teacher not to a student?"
A teacher will answer what he feels impressed to give to a student and the student likewise has that privilege with the teacher as well as teachers with teachers and students with students. Generally I have answered all questions dealing with principles, but not all concerning unnecessary data that will offer little assistance to anyone's progression.
By the way, you must feel the same way for you refused to answer my question about why you are on the list. But this does not bother me. You can tell or not tell us anything you want. This is a free internet.
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved