2000-3-26 20:48:00
Good comments on the sun, Craig. You saved me some writing. And Xavier - great experience in handling the sun. Maybe you learned that in a past life.
One time a friend and I decided to fast for ten days and break it at the full moon. Right around the tenth day we discovered we miscalculated the full moon by two days and if we wanted to carry out our goal we had to fast for two extra days. I'll tell you those two extra days were the most difficult fasting days of my life. Because we were mentally prepared to end the fast after ten days those extra two were torture.
But what made it much worse was that on the eleventh day we visited my nephew Curtis; and his wife made the most beautiful cinnamon rolls I had ever seen in my life, the aroma filled the room with the most heavenly odor. I made her promise to make me those exact same rolls again when I was not fasting.
Well, I believe she made rolls again but I guarantee you they were not the same quality as the masterpiece she made that day. Even writing this I wish I could go back in time and taste them.
Not only does fasting help you physically, but it makes you more sensitive spiritually, and aids in the control necessary to pass the first initiations.
One time the apostles brought a sick person to Jesus and told him they could not heal him. Jesus then healed the man. The apostles then asked why they could not heal him. Jesus answered: "This kind cometh not out but by fasting and prayer." By adding fasting to any healing technique your spiritual power will be amplified.
"Have you ever noticed that many people who seem to be very health conscious and are always sacrificing to eat the right things seem to be in poor health, where as some of the healthiest people you know seem to have a devil-may-care attitude about it and seem to do nothing out of the ordinary for their health?
"What do you suppose is the explanation for this? The answer is actually an important key to health."
Several of you gave good answers to this. I do not have time to comment on them, but overall they are in alignment with the answer I will give. The key word here is "attention" and the key phrase is that "energy follows thought."
Health conscious people with health problems have those problems not because good health practices do not work, but because of a wrong direction of a flow of energy. It's a little like a scab. If you're always picking it, it takes longer to heal than if you just leave it alone and let nature do its job.
If you have a problem and take every herb and natural food in the world it will do you little good if you are continually putting your attention in the direction of the discomfort. Your attention, even if fear is not present, will create a magnetic effect that will draw energy to the place of distress and this will often result in feeding the disease and increasing its power. Then if the fear that Zina mentioned is also present, the problem will be even worse.
The body is set up to fight off all disease if we just give it what it needs and let it do its job. We aid the body in doing this by focusing our attention outside the body and concentrating on other things.
Have you noticed, for instance, that when you go to sleep you may have some physical problem, but then when you wake up after a good sleep the problem is much improved? One of the reasons for this is that sleep allows you to take your attention off the problem for a few hours which allows the body to do its job of rejuvenation.
If we learn to focus our attention away from the body during waking hours, we then give the body a similar healing power while awake as it has when asleep.
Does spiritual healing really work? Do we all have power to heal or is it a talent given to a few?
Speaking of sleep; they did a study to find out if the amount of time spent sleeping had any effect on life span. Guess who lived the longest. Those who slept a lot, a moderate amount or very little sleep?
Copyright 2000 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved